Wildlife filmmaking resources
Library resources for wildlife filmmaking at City Campus.
Library resources for wildlife filmmaking
Use Library Search to find:
- All physical material held at the three UWE libraries (including books, magazines and DVDs)
- A vast amount of online content (including e-books and journal articles).
Databases provide reliable information from collections of journal articles, images, audio and film, data and more.
Databases for wildlife filmmaking
Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding - Database of funding opportunities, guidance and tools to help you prepare a winning grant application.
BioMed Central* - Peer-reviewed biology and medicine journals.
JSTOR* - Scholarly archive of 1000+ full-text journals, including key film journals.
Nexis - Full text of UK national and regional newspapers, trade press plus many international newspapers and magazines.
Sage Research Methods* - Guidance on data collection and analysis, consent and ethics, as well as planning and structuring a research project.
Science Direct* - Journal articles, eg Animal Behaviour.
Scopus* - Peer-reviewed content covering research in science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities fields.
Special collections
- Image resources - Curated list of image databases and links, including advice on copyright issues.
- Film, TV and radio resources - Access to a variety of resources including Box of Broadcasts, Kanopy and other audio and moving image collections. There are links to sound effects and archives. Bower Ashton also has an extensive DVD collection.
- News and news archives - From historic to the present day.
Study skills
Study skills workshops
From making notes to structuring your writing, we offer a number of study skills events to students which take place across all UWE Bristol campuses.
Keep up to date
Subject Support
Your Subject Librarian is Morwenna Peters. Contact the Library.
Careers Toolkit
Access hundreds of tools and resources to help you plan for your future and prepare for employment.
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