Showing 4225-4236 of 4293 results for 'CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO'.

Building Cost Information Service (BCIS) Online Rates Database - Browse databases A-Z

Online price book data from Building Cost Information Service (BCIS) for estimating the costs of construction projects.

RENAISSANCE project - Transport planning and placemaking

Summary for the 'RENAISSANCE: Testing Innovative Strategies for Clean Urban Transport' research project from the Centre for Transport and Society at UWE Bristol.

New technologies and travel - Technological change

Details on the 'New technologies and travel' research project from the Centre for Transport and Society at UWE Bristol.


Cyber Security postgraduate webinar

Join our live webinar and meet programme leaders from our MSc Cyber Security.

EU Parliament: ethical concerns and moral issues in artificial intelligence - Projects

EU Parliament: Ethical concerns and moral issues in artificial intelligence

Research themes within the Centre for Transport and Society (CTS) - Centre for Transport and Society

Four strategic theme areas for research by the Centre for Transport and Society (CTS) at UWE Bristol.

International research projects - Research projects

Air quality and carbon management are global concerns and many of our research projects consider these international issues.

Food for Life - Projects

Food for Life programme - a trans-national advocacy coalition on food, public health and sustainability in school and youth settings.

Bristol Historical Resource - Browse databases A-Z

This is the online version of the Bristol Historical Resources CD-ROM, Created in 2000 by the UWE Regional History Centre.

British Union of Fascists: newspapers and secret files - Browse databases A-Z

Contains the three principal organs of the British Union of Fascists: Action (1936-1940), Blackshirt (1933-1939) and Fascist week (1933-1934).

Hansard - Browse databases A-Z

Edited verbatim report of proceedings in the Commons Chamber, Westminster Hall, and Standing Committees.

Design and Applied Arts Index (DAAI) - Browse databases A-Z

Bibliographic database to journal articles published in over 450 international craft and design journals since 1973 and includes data on over 50,000 designers, craftspeople, studios, workshops, and companies.

Showing 4225-4236 of 4293 results.