Showing 3877-3888 of 4317 results for 'CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO'.
Exploring poverty-transport linkages - Travel behaviour and the mobility experience
Read the project summary for the 'Exploring poverty-transport linkages' research project from the Centre for Transport and Society at UWE Bristol.
Lisa John - Members
Science Communication Unit staff profiles - Lisa John.
ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers) Virtual Library - Browse databases A-Z
The Institution of Civil Engineers Virtual Library gives access to one of the largest repositories of full-text civil engineering papers in the world.
Business and Organisational Psychology postgraduate webinar
Join our live webinar and meet programme leaders from our our MSc Business and Organisational Psychology.
Application areas within Robotics Engineering And Computing for Healthcare (REACH) - REACH
An overview of the application areas within the Robotics Engineering And Computing for Healthcare (REACH) group.
Students' Union at UWE - Campus and facilities
The two interlinked buildings facing the Heart Zone offer vibrant spaces to enhance the work of student reps, with volunteering activities, societies, sports and networks for students, all located in a multi-purpose engagement and social area.
Environmental Technologies iNet - European Union projects
Find out more about the Environmental Technologies iNet programme and how they assist Environmental Goods and Services businesses in the South West of England to innovate their products and services faster, improve their competitiveness and market awareness and develop new routes to market.
Vaccine movements on social media - Projects
Pro- and anti-vaccine advocacy on X (formerly Twitter): An analysis of networks and discourses.
Bristol Ageing Better (BAB) - Projects
Details about the Bristol Ageing Better (BAB) project.
Underfloor Insulation - Projects
This project aimed to advance robotics developed and operated by Q-Bot.
CCO: Philosophy, Religion and Cultural Studies - Browse databases A-Z
Cambridge Companions Online (CCO) is the electronic version of the Cambridge Companions book series, and provides introductions to major writers, artists, philosophers, topics, and periods in the subject areas of literature, philosophy, classics, religion, and cultural studies.
Westlaw International - Browse databases A-Z
Subscription covers legal materials from non-UK English speaking jurisdictions such as the United States and and international treaties.