Skills development for postgraduate researchers

A range of workshops to develop postgraduate researchers (PGRs) with vital transferable skills.

Researcher Skills Development Programme

The UWE Bristol Doctoral Academy offers a range of workshops and other resources to help you complete your doctorate on time, feel part of UWE Bristol’s researcher community and consider your postdoctoral options.

Our busy programme of workshops runs throughout the academic year (October-May). While in-person attendance is encouraged, many of our workshops can also be attended online.

Current workshop programme

See all forthcoming skills development workshops

Some of our workshops are also open to research staff. Sessions shared in this way will be indicated in the programme details, along with details of any booking priority.

Resource Library

Log into Blackboard (student login required) and select ‘Researcher skills development programme’ to access workshop recordings and other PGR skills development resources as and when you need them.

PGR supervisor training

All PGR Directors of Studies and supervisors must undertake training. 

  • Introduction to Doctoral Supervision: Pedagogy and Practice:  aimed at new Directors of Studies and supervisors, this one-day course charts key aspects of the doctoral journey from admission to completion. 
  • PGR Supervision Masterclass:  aimed at more experienced Directors of Studies and supervisors, this workshop will update you on the latest PGR developments here at UWE Bristol and beyond.

There'll also be the opportunity to share your PGR supervision experiences and meet fellow supervisors from across the University.

To book onto the above training, log in to the Researcher Skills category in MyLearning (staff login required)

Researcher Development Framework

All our workshops and resources are mapped to the nationally recognised Researcher Development Framework (RDF):

Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) diagram.

This describes the knowledge, behaviour and attributes of successful researchers. For further information, and to access other useful PGR resources, visit the Vitae website


Tel: +44 (0)117 32 83974

Doctoral Academy
UWE Bristol
Room 3E37
Frenchay Campus
Coldharbour Lane
BS16 1QY.

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