Centre for Transport and Society (CTS)
CTS’s overarching aim is to undertake research which furthers understanding on the interactions between mobility, accessibility, lifestyles and society and influences policy challenges linked to the transport sector. A key objective for this aim is to contribute towards a just transition to a stable climate.
Our work is relevant to all modes of transport including walking, and takes an integrated approach in covering both personal mobility and freight mobility.

Research themes
Presents the foci of CTS' research with links to past and current projects.
All the members of CTS including contact information and profiles.
Masters programme run by CTS and transport related courses.
Watch films about our research into transport, made by members of the centre.
Postgraduate research study and working at CTS.
Detail of our current and past research events.
Current headlines from Centre members.
Research publications from CTS members.
If you require further information or have any queries please contact us.
Centre for Transport and Society blog
Pressure to expand aviation continues, even though ‘jet zero’ aviation remains largely theoretical. Hybrid aircraft offer net zero potential, but will consumers trade slower speeds for a clearer conscience?
Greener Skies Ahead? What Role Can Hybrid Aircraft Play in ‘Future Flight’?
A festive look at side roads and how priority could be enhanced for people crossing on foot or cycle. An alternative to the King’s Speech or something to read while the sprouts are cooking?
Should you look before you cross this Christmas?
The third edition of the Pedestrian Pound was launched at the House of Commons. It has been expanded with evidence not only on the economic benefits of more walkable streets but the health, community and environmental benefits.
Latest edition of the Pedestrian Pound launched at the House of Commons
On the 18th of July we have hosted our 2024 CTS Symposium, to celebrate our Research Centre’s research interests and achievements.
Transforming Transport: key insights from the 2024 CTS Symposium
Our annual symposium will be on Thursday 18 July 2024 on Frenchay Campus and will feature an exciting and thought-provoking array of talks and keynotes as well as a panel and workshops. The event is free and you can even get special train fares (see below).
Invitation to our CTS symposium
CTS evaluated one of the world’s first autonomous buses running in service. The technology was capable and accepted by users, but uncertainties remain about how it can be rolled out.
The MultiCAV Autonomous Bus Services: What Did We Find Out?
By Glenn Lyons, Mott MacDonald Professor of Future Mobility Three years ago UWE’s Centre for Transport and Society was at the very beginning of leading a 16-partner pan-European consortium in a three-year project to explore and develop the concept of Triple Access Planning. Now the project has come to a close and our Handbook for Practitioners is … Continue reading "Is Triple Access Planning now on its way?"
Is Triple Access Planning now on its way?
CTS welcomes Justin Spinney as Professor of Transport and Mobility Studies. Contributing expertise in the fields of cycling, mobility justice, political-economy, and virtual mobilities, Justin aims to complement and extend the scope of research and teaching in CTS and the College of Arts, Technology and Environment.
Putting the mobility into transport
As a second-year PhD student researching nature and cycling here in the West of England, I was delighted to attend a Cycling Autumn School in the Netherlands this November, organised by the Netherlands Research School on Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics (TRAIL). The event saw 24 cycling PhD students from around the world gather at The … Continue reading "Representing Centre for Transport and Society at a global gathering of cycling PhD students"
Representing Centre for Transport and Society at a global gathering of cycling PhD students
New study warns that young people cannot access work, education and social opportunities due to transport barriers. It finds 16-24-year-olds make 21% fewer trips compared to other working age adults.
Why we shouldn’t ignore the transport needs of young people
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