Evaluation of Personalised Travel Planning

Project details

Full project title: Peer review of Personalised Travel Planning in Brighton

Sponsors: Peter Brett Associates LLP (on behalf of Brighton and Hove City Council)

Project Manager: Dr Kiron Chatterjee

Other team member: Dr Erel Avineri

Start date: April 2009

Finish date: March 2010

Project summary

A six year programme of Personalised Travel Planning (PTP) is being conducted in Brighton. The main objective of the PTP programme is to achieve long-term, measurable, modal shift amongst residents by providing a range of incentives and information, so that individuals can make their own decisions about the transport solutions that they wish to pursue.

Preliminary results

Early results after three years show that the initiative is already affecting modal shift to more sustainable modes of transport in the city. In 2009/10 the programme aims to target 10,000 to 15,000 households, focusing predominantly on areas to the west of the city.

Next phase of Personalised Travel Planning

PTP techniques and methodologies are constantly being improved and enhanced, reflecting the growing interest in this type of 'soft measure'. Knowledge and best practice from other industries are also being brought into PTP projects, particularly with a greater emphasis on embedding the change long term in communities through identifying community champions and utilising established social networks. As such, the next phase of PTP will consist of a segmented approach, whereby some of the PTP initiative continues to utilise the traditional approach, but some of the future work investigates a more innovative approach using community based and on-line techniques. European Union CIVITAS funding has been made available for this more innovative approach.

Peer review

The Centre for Transport and Society has been commissioned to provide an independent 'peer review' of the innovative approach. This will involve assessment of the conceptual basis for the approach, the process by which it is implemented and the outcomes achieved.