Transport Visions Network Conference

Project details

Full project title: Transport Visions Network Conference

Sponsors: Department for Transport and the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund

Centre for Transport and Society (CTS) staff: Professor Glenn Lyons and Dr Kiron Chatterjee

Conference date: 25 September 2003

Project summary

The Transport Visions Network was a three-year project run by the Transportation Research Group at the University of Southampton. It involved young professionals (aged 35 and under) with an interest in transport from academia, consultancy and government. The Network operated through managed discussion on-line and at workshops. At the end of the project the Network had some 250 members.

The Network's purpose was to explore the future of transport in the 21st century by sequentially addressing eight themes. Corresponding to these themes, the output of the project is a published series of 8 reports..

To mark the end of the project a one-day conference was organised at the Department for Transport to bring together professionals of all ages to hear about and discuss the findings of the Network.

Prof Glenn Lyons and Dr Kiron Chatterjee of Centre for Transport and Society (CTS), mostly during their time previously as staff at TRG, were part of the team that conceived, managed and reported on the project. Accordingly the conference was jointly arranged by CTS (then the Unit for Transport and Society) and TRG.