Research in the School of Education and Childhood
There is strength and diversity in the programme of research in Education and Childhood at UWE Bristol. A broad range of substantive areas of enquiry is sponsored by a wide range of funding bodies. The School hosts a research group, the Education and Childhood Research Group (ECRG).
Our vision
Our aim is to address educational issues from early childhood throughout the life course.
The core goal is to promote social justice and create sustainable futures through the research, teaching and knowledge exchange activities of our staff, associates and postgraduate researchers.
Research groups
Education and Childhood Research Group
Research activity with the ECRG encompasses four established and emerging research strand themes.
Breaking research boundaries
We’re tackling the big issues of today and tomorrow head on. This is big, brave thinking for a better future. It’s research done well. Research with the power to transform lives, transform the future.
Breaking research boundariesResearch theme and research projects
Research theme and strands
Learn more about our central research theme, social justice, and its related strands. You can also view examples of current projects relating to each area.
Past projects
View an archive of past research projects within the School of Education and Childhood, organised by theme/strand.
Postgraduate research study options
Our Doctoral Academy offers you the opportunity to contribute to our dynamic and leading edge research.
Postgraduate research studyYou may also be interested in

Research centres and groups
Browse UWE Bristol's portfolio of research areas, expertise, staff and publications.

Research ethics
UWE Bristol is committed to promoting high ethical standards in the conduct of research undertaken by its staff and students.

Research Excellence Framework (REF)
UWE Bristol's approach to REF 2021 and information on REF 2014 results.