Research in the School of Arts

Research in the School of Arts maintains our established reputation, nationally and internationally, across a range of disciplines. Academics work closely with community groups, local and national government, and industry, so that their research can make a real difference.

Research centre

Bristol Centre for Linguistics

The Bristol Centre for Linguistics (BCL) brings together researchers who are committed to understanding how language is organised socially, culturally and mentally.

Centre for Print Research

Aiming to innovate, contemplate and understand all aspects of fine print, from developing new inks and 3D printable ceramic materials to disruptive printing technologies and collaborating with international artists.

Digital Cultures Research Centre

An open and collaborative network of critical thinkers and doers. We interrogate, articulate and create practical approaches to responsible technological futures.

Regional History Centre

We promote research about the history of Britain's South Western counties and in the understanding of regionalism as a dynamic force in the shaping of the domestic and international past.

Research groups

Bristol Photography Research Group

A multidisciplinary network that is dedicated to exploring a broad understanding of photographic practices and the complex role photography plays in contemporary society.

Document and Location Research Group

We investigate how our understanding of place is directly formed through how locations are recorded and subsequently narrated by different disciplines, and how the identity of place is created through its representation.

Global and Transnational History Group

Consisting of historians conducting research across a broad geographic span, largely in the modern period.

Screen Research

Representing the full range of moving image research, including media industries, screen cultures, media politics and activism, genre, stardom and performance, and screen media practice research.

Visual Culture Research Group

A group of cross-disciplinary art and design practitioners, historians and theorists interested in visuality and visual culture, with the intention to generate new knowledge and innovative methodologies.

Research network

Critical Race and Culture Research Network

Bringing together scholars, students, alumni and independent researchers who are engaged in exploring questions relation to race and culture within their discipline areas. We welcome both academic and non-academic UWE Bristol staff to join.

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