Research projects in the Centre for Advanced Built Environment Research (CABER)
The Centre for Advanced Built Environment Research (CABER) have projects in facilities management, conservation, sustainable buildings and related studies. See how our current and past projects make a difference.
Current projects
Achieving urban flood resilience
Enabling the planning, design and operation of closely coupled urban water systems to achieve change in urban flood risk and water management.
Valuing biodiversity in urban areas and new developments (BIURBS)
A project co-led by a multi-disciplinary team of leading researchers and innovative architecture and green infrastructure practitioners.
Developing TNE Partnership with Kazakh National Research Technical University
A British Council Kazakhstan funded project to develop transnational education partnership with Kazakh National Research Technical University (Satbayev University).
Immersive BIM-based approach for FFE design for buildings
The application of immersive technologies within the furniture, fixture and equipment sector.
Improving soft skills, learning outcomes and employability of women students, graduates, and early career professionals in STEM
A British Council Mexico funded research project to develop a partnership with UPRA in the areas of soft skills, learning outcomes and employability of women students, graduates and early career professionals in the STEM disciplines.
Link – Land – International Network for Knowledge
Establishing an international hub for research and knowledge exchange.
Marine conservation
Using established commercial development practice on land to resolve the issues facing the ocean.
Placing a valuation on the UK's fishery
Scotland’s multi-million-pound fisheries have been “given away” to a few big operators.
Reducing floodwater ingress rates in buildings
Experimental insights that compare floodwater ingress rates through masonry walls of domestic buildings, before and after fluid treatments.
Residential building energy demand reduction in India (RESIDE)
Improving living conditions for Indian citizens by developing a residential building code for high quality, low-energy housing.
Virtual reality immersive safety training environment for robotised and automated construction sites.
TIES Living Lab: Artificial Intelligence Project Data Mining
Developing an AI-driven system that facilitates cost (and quantities where available) data mining for benchmarking and analysis.
TIES Living Lab: Offsite Modern Methods of Construction Advanced Logistics
A project that helps in the adoption of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) and offers advanced benchmarking intelligence for the delivery of manufactured assets.
Other current projects
Delivering municipal services through effective procurement of local infrastructure - Urbanisation Research Nigeria
The purpose of this research project is to investigate the capacity building needs of government agencies to achieve value for money, transparency and sustainability in the procurement of local infrastructure for the delivery of essential municipal services in Nigeria.
Improving design for safety - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
A web-based design for safety capability maturity indicator (DFS-CMI) tool for the construction sector.
Past projects
- Arbor-Reality
- Best practice in partnering: development of guidance on professional practice in partnering for registered social landlords (RSLs)
- Built Environment Appropriate Technology for Learning (BEATL)
- CEME Consortium Project
- Chopping Shopping: Research on the past and future of retail real estate investment
- Concept to completion: Design tools for sustainable buildings
- Construction Excellence South West and Future Foundations
- Critical Urban Buildings Emergency Response (CUBER)
- Construction towards the millennium
- Designing healthy and inclusive public outdoor spaces for young people
- Do your bit for Net Zero Target
- Evaluation of Bristol Play Pathfinder Programme
- Facilities Innovation in the Workplace
- Heating controls: International evidence base and policy experiences
- Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM)
- HORTONET - A network of European historic gardens
- Modules for international countryside conservation, protection and management, by distance learning (MICPAM)
- RAPID 2000
- Student Accommodation Survey
- The emerging structure of the UK Facilities Management Sector
- The virtual construction site: A decision support system for construction planning
- Valhalla
- VirtuAL
- Wells 2000 record
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Postgraduate research in the Centre for Advanced Built Environment Research (CABER)
Postgraduate research in the Centre for Advanced Built Environment Research (CABER).
Publications from the Centre for Advanced Built Environment Research (CABER)
Publications from members of the Centre for Advanced Built Environment Research (CABER).