Health and social care experts

Find UWE Bristol health and social care experts in culture.

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Appearance research  Professor Phillippa Diedrichs
  Professor Diana Harcourt
  Dr Amy Slater
Body image Professor Phillippa Diedrichs
Body image and body image in sport Dr Kat Schneider
Breastfeeding Dr Sally Dowling
Child health and well-being Dr Toity Deave
Cosmetic surgery Professor Nichola Rumsey
Eating disorders Dr Kat Schneider
Environmental Health Ms Sharon Humphries
Health visiting Dr Toity Deave
Healthcare ethics Dr Julie Woodley
Heath care for people with disfigurement Professor Nichola Rumsey
Impact of the media on body image and appearance concerns Professor Phillippa Diedrichs
Laughter and Humour Use in health, education and life style Alice Hortop
Laughter Therapy Alice Hortop
Medical anthropology Dr Michal Nahman
Men's health issues Dr Caroline Flurey
Promoting health for people of all body sizes and appearances Professor Phillippa Diedrichs
Psychological aspects/implications of breast cancer diagnosis Professor Diana Harcourt
Rheumatoid arthritis in men Dr Caroline Flurey
Sexual health Dr Jane Meyrick
Sexual violence/abuse and violence against women and girls Dr Jane Meyrick 
The stigmatisation of overweight and obesity Professor Phillippa Diedrichs
Global Assisted Reproductive Technologies - IVF, egg donation, surrogacy Dr Michal Nahman

Equal Opportunities

Equal opportunities for women and ethnic minorities Ms Ann De Graft-Johnson

Gender Issues

Gender issues in the built environment Ann De Graft-Johnson
Languages and gender Dr Kate Beeching
Masculinity and health Dr Caroline Flurey

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