Staff guidance
Access to MYUWE
Staff cannot access new MYUWE but can still go to the old version using the staff link.
Staff MYUWE accessStaff timetable
Missing or incorrect timetable
If you're in the SyllabusPlus database but you don't see a timetable in MYUWE, or the timetable is incorrect, contact Central Timetabling.
Timetable layout
There are two possible layouts for your timetable, either 'Grid', which is the default, or 'List'. Both layouts will show the day, the start and end time, the activity, the module, the type of activity and the room details. The 'List' view will also display the names of staff attached to the activity. To see your timetable, set the 'Week(s)', 'Day(s)' and 'Start/End Time' options and then select the 'Change View' button.
All students who have a personal tutor will have Academic Personal Tutor (APT) activities scheduled in their timetable. Without a scheduled activity in the timetable, personal tutors will not see the Tutees tab.
If you are a personal tutor but cannot see the Tutees tab or if you believe the list of students is not accurate please contact the Central Timetabling team to amend the timetable data.
The groups of students who we expect to have the tab are:
- Year 0, year 1, year 2 and year 3 students based at:
- Frenchay
- Glenside
All other students should seek advice from the Information Points.
For more information, see the Student personal tutor guidance.
Staff frequently asked questions
Who do I contact if there are missing or incorrect students in a group?
If students are incorrect or missing from a SyllabusPlus activity group, contact Central Examinations, Timetabling and Technical Services by telephone on +44 (0)117 32 82246 or email
If students are incorrect or missing from an ISIS-driven group (for example, Primary Award or Module Run), contact your Student and Programme Support team.
Why can't I log into MYUWE?
Staff cannot access the new MYUWE platform. To visit old MYUWE, use the old MYUWE link.
Why do some students not have a photograph?
Where no current photograph is held for a student, a placeholder image will be displayed.
Why can't I see the Photosets tab?
The ability to view student photosets in MYUWE is available only to members of staff who have been granted access, either by being attached to a teaching activity in SyllabusPlus or by being attached as a viewer in ISIS.
Why can't I see all my student groups in the 'Your Groups' list?
If you are attached to a teaching activity in SyllabusPlus you should have access to view the photoset for that activity, as long as the activity is associated with a Module Run in ISIS. Contact Central Examinations, Timetabling and Technical Services via with any queries on SyllabusPlus activities.
If you have been attached to a specific group in ISIS as a Viewer, you will have access to view the photoset for that group. For queries, contact the relevant Student and Programme Support team.
Student and Programme Support teams
College of Arts, Technology and Environment
School of Architecture and Environment
School of Arts
School of Computing and Creative Technologies
School of Engineering
College of Business and Law
College of Health Science and Society
School of Applied Sciences
School of Education and Childhood
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
School of Social Sciences
Graduate School
Research degree students