Welcome Hub

To help you get settled we provide support across all three campuses to make sure you have a good start to your university journey.

Support for registration is accessible on all campuses and online during the months of January and February. Our team is ready to assist you with the registration process, ensuring a smooth start to your academic journey.

You don’t need an appointment to collect your ID card or speak to an adviser about registration issues. However, the 'right to study' checks are by appointment only.

In the Welcome hub you will be able to:

  • resolve registration issues
  • chat to student ambassadors and learn about student life
  • international students will also be able to attend in-person 'right to study' check appointments at Frenchay Campus Welcome hub.

Welcome Hub dates

Campus Location Date Time


The Welcome Hub,
The Space (2D11)

Thursday 16 January to Wednesday 12 February




Monday 20 January to Wednesday 5 February


Bower Ashton

Information Point (0B16)

Thursday 16 January to Wednesday 12 February


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