International Summer Fund
UWE Bristol will provide funds to support EU, international and offshore undergraduate and postgraduate students during the 2024 summer vacation.
When is the International Summer Fund available?
The International Summer Fund is now closed to applications.
If you are experiencing exceptional financial hardship, that will prevent you from attending or continuing your course, please complete a Student Money Service advice form (login required).
Eligible students
Eligible student include returning overseas, EU and offshore students who are unable to work because they are:
- looking after dependants (adult or child)
- ill or disabled
- re-sitting examinations/coursework
- completing a dissertation
- on an NHS placement outside the standard course programme
- final-year students who are re-sitting examinations/coursework.
Ineligible students
You cannot apply for the fund if you fall into any of the below categories:
- Home (UK) students – please refer to the Summer Fund
- students who have completed their course (even if you are starting a new one in September)
- part-time students, unless you must attend UWE Bristol over the summer or have childcare costs incurred to maintain the place
- students unable to secure work over the vacation, unless you satisfy one of the other eligibility criteria
- students who fail to meet the Minimum Required Provision (MRP) for fees and living expenses during the 23/24 year.
You will be required to meet the MRP, (once tuition fees have been accounted for) before an assessment can be made for financial support over the summer vacation. This must be at least 80% of your composite living costs (CLC) + utilities + monthly rent over the year.
For example a student with rent liability of £500 per month will have a minimum required provision for the year of:
- CLC: £95 x 52 = £4,940
- utility bills (if gas and/or electric liability): £23 x 52 = £1,196
- rent: £500 x 12 = £6,000
Total MRP is £12,136 – 20% = £9,709.
If you need any further guidance, please contact the Student Money Service at or call on +44 (0)117 32 85678.
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Budgeting and money management tips
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UWE Bristol Student Money Service
Our Student Money Advisers can provide advice for any of your funding queries.
Summer Fund
UWE Bristol will provide funds to support home (UK) undergraduate or postgraduate students during the 2024 summer vacation.