Study skills

How to plan and structure your writing

Key Information:

Date and time
Wed 01 May 2024
13:00 - 14:00
Online: Microsoft Teams
UWE Bristol Library Contact the Library
Booking required
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This workshop looks at what written assignments are asking you to do, and how to go about planning and structuring your response.

This workshop will take place on Microsoft Teams - guidance on using Microsoft Teams is available. The workshop will have interactive elements and we recommend that if possible you use a laptop or PC. You may wish to use an additional mobile device or another tab in your browser for the interactive elements. You can access session materials beforehand from the Study Skills site.

There is also a How to plan and structure your writing online workbook with similar activities and content to the live workshop.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this session, you will feel more confident about:

  1. Analysing your assignment title.
  2. Organising your thoughts.
  3. Structuring paragraphs.

How to attend

If you are interested in attending this on-campus event, please register via InfoHub.

The room will be open from 10 minutes befre the session start time.

The session materials are on the Study Skills site. Please click on the workshop title in the list.

  • Cost: Free
  • Attendance: Booking required


Most of our online events take place on Microsoft Teams. Follow this handy guide on accessibility tools within Microsoft Teams.

For further details on accessibility at UWE Bristol Library, check out our Library accessibility guide or contact us for specific queries.

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