Simon Belsham - 30 November 2016

Simon Belsham, CEO at, delivered a Bristol Distinguished Address Series lecture entitled "What does it take for a creative small business to thrive?".

What does it take for a creative small business to thrive?

Simon Belsham at UWE Bristol

Simon‘s highly engaging and inspirational speech explored current retail trends, the opportunities that arise due to shifts in consumer demand and how small creative businesses can set up and scale.

He gave nine lessons of advice to budding entrepreneurs on what it takes to make a small creative business thrive. Simon explained that success doesn't come in straight lines – instead, businesses should expect ups and downs along the way. He stated that it was important to learn from every situation.

Simon advised businesses not to lose sight of what their customers are looking for. He finished by describing how has helped to grow and foster thousands of businesses and, as the future of retail, is changing the need for businesses to be at the forefront of changes within the retail market.


Listen to Simon Belsham's talk.

Listen to the talk in full on Soundcloud

You can also download the set of slides used in the presentation:

Exclusive pre-address interview

Watch Simon's pre-address interview below.

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