Information on fees, funding and how to apply for health and applied sciences professional development courses.


Our modules have been banded into the following price brackets. Although these are standard fees for the College of Health, Science and Society Professional Development modules, they may vary and we would recommend that you check with the CPD team by email (

Health professional development fees (PDF)

Self-funding students

Self-funding students need to pay in full either at or before enrolment or by direct debit over three months.

Health Professional Development timetable

View the Health Professional Development timetable for 2024/25 (PDF)

Course dates are located on each individual module course entry. These can be found when you click the Apply Now button on the course entry.

Please note you will only be able to view your timetable on your Professional Development Dashboard, and not on MYUWE or Blackboard.


Employer/sponsor funded students

Sponsored/part-sponsored students need proof of sponsorship at the time of enrolment. This could be by:

  • a letter on your sponsor's headed paper signed by an authorised person from the organisation
  • completion of an Authority to Invoice Fees form (PDF) signed by an authorised person from the organisation.

Health and applied sciences funding

You may find the opportunities below useful to assist you in securing some funding towards your work-based learning. Often these sources will fund part or full-service improvement work.

Remember that a sound business case to your employer can often attract funding. Your Programme Leader or work-based learning supervisor can support you to develop a proposal.

Funding sources

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