Clearing accommodation options

How to find accommodation when you've applied through Clearing.

Applying for accommodation

Choosing where to live at university is a big decision – especially if it's your first time away from home. We're here to support you through the process.

University managed accommodation – limited availability in Clearing

You can still apply for UWE Bristol managed accommodation if you join us through Clearing, but please be aware that availability is limited and cannot be guaranteed.

We recommend you:

  • Start looking for private accommodation immediately, just in case. 
  • Don’t rely on UWE Bristol managed accommodation availability.
Phoenix Court student accommodation in Bristol city centre

Finding private accommodation

Lots of our students choose to live in private rented accommodation, and this is a great alternative to university managed accommodation. It gives you more options and is popular with students who want to live off campus.

Private accommodation search tips

Find providers we work with

The UWE Bristol accommodation team can give you general advice, such as information about different areas of Bristol, but can't advise on individual rentals.

For private accommodation queries, contact the private operator directly.

Accessing independent advice on renting privately

Find out more from the Students’ Union Advice Centre.

Applying for UWE Bristol managed accommodation

If you decide you want to apply for UWE Bristol managed accommodation, you can apply for it on our Accommodation Portal. You can create an account after we have formally confirmed your offer though UCAS.

Create your Accommodation Portal account by:

  • Using your UWE Welcome ID – we email this to you within 24 hours of adding us as your Clearing choice on UCAS after receiving your Clearing offer.
  • Following the instructions in the separate email we send you.

Log on to your account to:

  • Apply for accommodation.
  • Track your application once you’ve submitted it.

Accommodation Services will contact you with information about any possible availability. If a suitable room does become available, we will email you with the offer and further instructions.

To find out more about costs, amenities, locations and providers, explore UWE Bristol's accommodation options.

Getting help

If you have problems logging in to UWE Welcome or for advice on filling in the forms or your options, email our accommodation team at or call +44 (0)117 32 83601.

Please be aware that Accommodation Services will be extremely busy during this time. They will respond to every enquiry – it may just take a bit longer than expected. Thank you in advance for your patience.

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