Business and Law clinic services
The Business and Law Clinic offers a variety of legal advice services to the community. Find out about our services and who we can assist.
Start-up businesses, new entrepreneurs and the creative sector
Business Advice Clinic
What we do
The Business Advice Clinic offers free advice to start-up businesses based in and around Bristol, including clients from the UWE Bristol Enterprise Zone. We also run clinics through the Watershed in Bristol for start-up businesses in the creative industries.
Students offer advice on choosing a business structure, intellectual property issues, contractual terms and conditions, and employment matters. Students are supervised by legally qualified lecturers, with support from professional mentors.
How we work
We review enquiries initially to decide if the matter is one our students can assist with. If so, we will arrange a 45 minute appointment for the client to meet with a small student volunteer team and a supervising clinic tutor. At the appointment, the team will gather information and discuss with the client the issues on which the team will advise. The team will then carry out research and prepare a written letter of advice for the client following the appointment.
In 2021/22 we are offering online appointments on Wednesday afternoons during UWE Bristol term times.
Contact us
If you are a business start-up or enterprise in the Bristol/Bath/North Somerset/South Gloucestershire area and want to see if we can assist you, please complete our enquiry form. You can also contact us at
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Bristol Musicians Advice Service (BMAS)
What we do
Since 2009, Bristol Musicians Advice Service has been providing advice to aspiring local musicians and others in the entertainment, creative, artistic and media world. Students have advised on music industry contracts, filmmaking contracts, issues around sculpture and art, as well on other areas relevant to the creative industries. We have also advised local media on issues surrounding defamation.
The service advises not only local artists, but also advises on matters around the world.
Where we work
BMAS offers drop-in clinics at BIMM, Spike Island Associates and at UWE Bristol’s Bower Ashton Campus. The service also accepts enquiries from around the UK and, if appropriate, worldwide.
Contact us
If you are a musician, work in the media and creative industries and want to see if we can assist you, please contact Marcus Keppel-Palmer at We are particularly interested in assisting you if you are starting out.
Services for those involved in court proceedings
LIP Service (for Litigants in Person)
What we do
We educate people who have to attend court and represent themselves on what they need to expect, and how better to present their case in court.
We work closely with the Bristol Civil and Family Justice Centre and other universities to provide awareness sessions guiding people through what to expect when presenting their case as a Litigant in Person.
The project was nominated for and won Team of the Year 2017 award at the Bristol Law Society Awards.
Where we work
We hold regular sessions are held at the Bristol Civil and Family Justice Centre.
For more information contact us at
Services for local community and social justice
Employment Law and Consumer/Contract Law Clinic
What we do
Students offer advice to clients who are seeking help in relation to:
Employment Law
We offer initial advice on issues, including employment status, employment contracts, dismissal situations and statutory rights.
We are not currently able to offer representation services for employment tribunal claims or advice on discrimination issues.
We are not able to advise in relation to employment issues arising between staff/students and the University of the West of England.
Consumer/Contract Law
We offer initial advice on consumer/contract issues and guidance on preparing for Small Claims proceedings in relation to these issues in the County Court.
We are not currently able to offer representation for court proceedings although we may be able to attend your hearing with you to provide support and take notes if your case is heard in Bristol or Bath.
How we work
We offer face-to-face or online appointments during UWE Bristol term times. We review enquiries initially to decide if the matter is one our students can assist with. If so, we will arrange a 45 minute appointment for the client to meet with a small student volunteer team and a supervising clinic tutor. At the appointment the team will gather information and discuss with the client the issues on which the team will advise. The team will then carry out research and prepare a written letter of advice for the client following the appointment.
Contact us
If you wish to find out more about whether we can assist you please complete our enquiry form.
You can also contact us emailing
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Family Law Clinic
What we do
Students offer advice to clients who are seeking help over matters relating to family law issues including relationship breakdown, children, finance and property matters. We cannot represent you in court, but we can offer you guidance about the law in these areas.
Please note that we are unable to advise UWE Bristol staff or students on family law issues through our clinics.
How we work
We offer face-to-face or online appointments during UWE Bristol term times. We review enquiries initially to decide if the matter is one our students can assist with. If so, we will arrange a 45 minute appointment for the client to meet with a small student volunteer team and a supervising clinic tutor. At the appointment, the team will gather information and discuss with the client the issues on which the team will advise. The team will then carry out research and prepare a written letter of advice for the client following the appointment.
Contact us
To find out if we can assist you please complete our enquiry form.
You can also contact as at
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Welfare Benefits Advice
What we do
Students advise and represent welfare benefit claimants on their appeals to the First Tier Tribunal. This work is undertaken with our partners, the Bristol Law Centre (LASP Project) and the North Bristol Advice Centre (SHARP Project), to help people appealing against adverse PIP and ESA assessments. Students can assist with advocacy before the appeal tribunals.
Where we work
We are based at the offices of Bristol Law Centre and at our clinic based at UWE Bristol.
To find out more contact us by emailing
Personal injury
What we do
We work in partnership with law firm Hodge Jones & Allen to provide initial advice on potential personal injury claims arising from accidents.
How we work
If we think that your enquiry is one we can assist with we will set up an initial appointment with you where our students will gather information about your accident, the injuries you have suffered and the impact your accident has had on other aspects of your life. We share this information with a partner at firm, Hodge Jones & Allen and set up an online appointment with you at which the partner will provide initial advice on your claim. The students will attend the appointment to take notes.
Contact us
To find out if we can assist you please complete our enquiry form.
You can also contact us by emailing
Privacy information
UWE Business and Law Clinic Privacy Notice (PDF)
There will also be opportunities to get involved in a range of pro bono services offered to our clients.
Services around Widening Participation
What we do
Students mentor A and AS-Level students at our linked schools and colleges to give them the skills and confidence to study law at university, and the career paths that can follow. Students provide sessions on topics such as social media and the law.
Where we work
We invite partner schools and colleges to visit our UWE Bristol Frenchay Campus for sessions. Occasionally, students can present interactive sessions at schools/colleges.
Contact us
If you are a school or college who would want your students to benefit from our programme, please contact Rachel Wood at Please note that the programme normally requires three visits across a school year.
Street Law
What we do
Our students work with local schools to raise awareness about law. We run mock trials and other awareness-raising activities. Normally, schools visit UWE Bristol for half a day and engage in interactive activities, including visiting our court rooms.
We also promote public education about legal issues, for example running a session for the public on the law relating to organ donation the Bristol Festival of Ideas in 2020.
Where we work
We usually ask schools to visit UWE Bristol’s Frenchay Campus.
Contact us
If you are a school who wishes to find out more about our Street Law service, please contact Rachel Wood at
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Pro bono work - Business and Law Clinic
Our business and law students have the opportunity to develop legal and professional skills and awareness by taking part in pro bono projects.