Sustainability contacts

UWE Bristol and The Students' Union at UWE have many staff who can provide information about our whole institution approach to sustainability. The people listed below are the key contacts who should be able to answer any questions you might have.

If you cannot find the person you need please email us at


Sustainability leads

Professor Elena Marco

Pro Vice-Chancellor and Head of College: CATE (College of Arts Technology and Environment) UWE Board of Governors and Chair of the Sustainability Executive Committee
Tel: +44 (0)117 32 81503

Contact Elena for Institutional Strategy and Policy, Governance workings of the sustainability Executive Committee and embedding of sustainability across the university's teaching, research, campus operations and development and civic engagement work.

Paul Roberts

Head of Environment and Sustainability
Tel: +44 (0)117 32 83591

Contact Paul about our overall sustainability strategy, our 2030 goals and our good practice in embedding sustainability in all areas of operation on campus; also for the work of the sustainability team on campus, and for support with student projects.

The Students' Union at UWE

Kolawole Samuel Olure


Contact Sam for The Students' Union at UWE's strategic approach to sustainability and how it is put into practice. Sam welcomes your feedback and ideas on how to take things forward on campus.

Umar Abbasi

Vice President Societies and Communication

Contact Umar for The Students' Union at UWE's strategic approach to sustainability and how it is put into practice. He welcomes your feedback and ideas on how to take things forward on campus.

Rachel Colley

Director of Engagement
Tel: +44 (0)117 32 82010

Contact Rachel for engagement with Students’ Union Presidents and input into the Sustainability Executive Committee, and The Students’ Union at UWE strategic plan/oversight of sustainability accreditations (NUS Green Impact and Responsible Futures accreditations).

Rosa Mumford-Turner

Community Manager
Tel: +44 (0)117 32 82893

Contact Rosa for information on student engagement at Frenchay Glenside and City Campuses, oversight of the Green Team and its sustainability work and liberation campaigns.c

Ashlynn Htun

Student Sustainability Officer

Contact Ashlynn to find out what's happening on campus, to share your ideas on sustainability, suggest social activities, hear about the Green Team and how to get invovled.

Laura Thomas

Sustainability Engagement Officer
Tel: +44 (0)117 32 81 547

Contact Laura for information and advice on the Student Union at UWE’s sustainability projects, events and campaigns and on how to get involved with the Green Team.

The Green Team


Get involved in sustainability projects, events and campaigns such as community gardening, swap shops, sustainable food events and more. Follow the Green Team on Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) or join the Facebook group.

Education for Sustainable Development 

Dr Georgina Gough

Professor in Education for Sustainable Development
Programme Leader: MSc Sustainable Development in Practice
Tel: +44 (0)117 32 87139

Contact Georgina for support with embedding sustainability in teaching and learning and the Knowledge Exchange for Sustainability Education group (KESE), information on PRME (Principles of Responsible Management in Education), our Responsible Futures Accreditation, the EAUC (the Alliance for Sustainability Leadership), and our award-winning mapping of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals within the curriculum at the University.

Sandrine Simon

Senior Lecturer in Education for Sustainable Development
Tel: 075067 22959

Contact Sandrine for support with embedding sustainability in teaching and learning and research on alternative education for sustainability, the UWE wide network Knowledge Exchange for Sustainability Education group (KESE), our Responsible Futures Accreditation, CPD initiatives related to sustainability and the free Climate Education online course.

Dr Sarah Hills

Senior Lecturer: Geography and Environmental Management
Tel: +44 (0)117 32 86449

Contact Sarah for information about the integration of sustainability into teaching and learning at UWE Bristol.

Darren Reynolds

Professor of Health and Environment with portfolio to support sustainability research
Tel: +44 (0)117 32 82563

Contact Darren to find out more about our research community and its engagement in sustainability work and for support in getting involved.

Philippa Shelton

Assistant Director Research Culture and the Environment RBI (Research Business and Innovation)
Tel: +44 (0)117 32 83306

Contact Philippa for support in bidding for and securing European Commission research funding across all faculties at UWE, in particular for potentially innovative multidisciplinary activity as well as for funding for disciplines in their own right.

Lindsay Walker

Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Manager

Contact Lindsey to find out about our Changing Climate Network which aims to draw together UWE Bristol staff with shared concern on the causes and consequences of climate change, to encourage cross-disciplinary collaborations and to support funding bids for related research.

Ben Williams

Senior Research Fellow: Air Quality Management Resource Centre with portfolio to support sustainability research
Tel: +44 (0)117 32 82276

Contact Ben to find out more about what our research community is doing in  relation to sustainability work and for support in getting involved.

Carbon Energy and Water

Abbie Basketter

Carbon Action Manager
Tel: +44 (0)117 32 85125

Contact Abbie for information and advice on reducing carbon emissions at UWE Bristol, including specific College and Professional Services data and targets, climate action cafes and other engagement events. Also, for information on the free student Climate Education course and staff Climate action programme.

Melissa Clarke

Energy Projects Officer (part-time 0.7)
Tel: +44 (0)117 32 86515

Contact Melissa for our energy data and details of student engagement activities in our accommodation.

Thomas Finn

Carbon and Supply Chain Coordinator (Scope 3)
Tel: +44 (0)117 32 87132

Contact Tom about measurement of our supply chain and associated Scope 3 emissions, and our journey to net zero by 2030.

Kirsti Norris

Energy Manager
Tel: +44 (0)117 32 87320

Contact Kirsti about our energy and water strategies and services, Carbon Management Plan and associated carbon reduction measures, implementation of the energy management standard, ISO 50001 and also for our Carbon Action Culture change programme.

Circular Economy and Responsible Consumption

Joanna Dainton

Head of Circular Economy and Responsible Consumption
Tel: 07920 246546

Contact Jo for information on our waste prevention, reuse and recycling activities as well as wider issues relating to the circular economy. 

Adam Green

Sustainable Projects Officer

Contact Adam about our student engagement programme, waste, reuse and recycling policies and practices, the furniture reuse project and other sustainable waste projects. 

Environmental management system – ISO14001

Jeff Davey

Environmental Management Lead
Tel: +44 (0)117 32 86183

Contact Jeff for information on ISO14001, The Times Higher Awards, Nature Positive University, a range of sustainable projects, such as our plastics reduction campaign, plus how to get involved in our sustainable labs programme LEAF. Jeff is also our volunteer bee keeper on campus and is happy to be contacted about this.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity

Jamie Darwen

EDI Projects Lead
Tel: +44 (0)117 32 86342

Contact Jamie for Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity related to Sustainability and for the Community Fund, which awards grants of up to £3,000 for Community Partnership projects focussing on sustainability, Health and Wellbeing, Education and stronger communities.

Grounds and Biodiversity

Grounds Manager: position vacant

Contact the Grounds Manager about biodiversity and sustainable gardening practices in the management of our grounds, plus the UWE Beeline, the Community Garden and student growing project. Also for opportunities for student projects - eg species surveying, film and journalism assignments and more.


Kristian Fernandez-Mitchell

Business Improvement Manager, House Services
Tel: +44 (0)117 32 84556

Contact Kristian about sustainability in our supply chains and the delivery of our hospitality services and in particular, 'Going for gold' Bristol Sustainable Food city accreditation and Fairtrade.

IT Services

Marcus Falla

Service Operations Manager (Infrastructure)
Tel: +44 (0)117 32 87432

Contact Marcus for information on sustainability in the procurement and implementation of our IT Services.


Helen Baker

Head of Procurement

Contact Helen for information on all our sustainable procurement practices, the Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium and Partners in Procurement.


Thomas Bass

Compliance and Engagement Coordinator
Travel and Access

Tel: +44 (0) 117 328 1050

Contact Tom for anything to do with cycling: free loan bikes, UWE Bike user group (BUG, cycling repairs and training, bike buddying, Travel Roadshows, Welcome Fairs, and improving/maintaining sustainable travel infrastructure and the public realm.

Contact us

If you have any queries, feedback or suggestions:

Sustainability team
North Avon House
UWE Bristol
Frenchay Campus
Coldharbour Lane
Bristol BS16 1QY


Find us on Instagram and visit The Students' Union Green Team.