School of Computing and Creative Technologies industry partners
We work with some of the top employers in the industry to keep our courses relevant and bring real world insights into your teaching.
Cyber Security partners
UWE Bristol is recognised as an Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Education (Gold Level). We work closely with the National Cyber Security Centre who accredits our MSc Cyber Security and Integrated Degree Apprenticeship in Cyber Security. We are one of the first universities in the country to have a degree apprenticeship course recognised by the UK’s cyber security experts.
Cyber Security students greatly benefit from professional links through our partnerships with government and industry bodies such as BAE systems, MOD, Amazon Web Services and National Crime Agency.
To promote Cyber Security activities and events, we are academic sponsors of CyNam (Cyber Cheltenham), work closely with CyberFirst initiative and are a CyberFirst University. We also lead the Unlockcyber outreach initiative for schools in collaboration with industry partners.
Our subject expertise is recognised as Academic Partner of Crest and the Chartered Institute of Information Security (CIISEC), our professional body.

Audio and Music Technology partners
Past students have undertaken placements in acoustics, recording, engineering and post-production for the BBC, Dolby Labs and Acoustic Design Sound, By Design, MACH Acoustics, Pinewood Studios and Bang Post Production. Some have worked with national orchestras such as the London Symphony Orchestra.
Our students have composed music for BBC wildlife programmes, created podcasts for the Natural History Museum, and produced audio for festivals, radio, and local industry partners.
Several leading tech firms such as Focusrite, Allen&Heath and GForce Software actively recruit graduates and interns from our music technology courses.
Games Technology and Digital Media partners
Our TIGA-accredited Games Technology programme has a strong focus on live projects and client-based work, delivered through our graduate design studios. As a Sony Partner, our students have access to industry development kits during their studies. Students on our award-winning programme can further their graduate ambitions by undertaking internships and paid professional experience in industry settings. We support them in commercial developments and games research.
Digital Media students advance their knowledge and skills in user experience and interaction design through live client briefs early on. They professionally engage with local organisations via the Design Enterprise Studio, our annual consultancy scheme. Both programmes also offer continuous professional development opportunities for industry professionals.

Mathematics and statistics partners
Our collaboration with industrial partners, community organisations and government agencies connects students with industry via networking events, guest lectures, real-world projects, placement opportunities and the CAKE student consultancy scheme.
Via The Advanced Maths Support Programme our mathematics students help deliver The Fun Maths Roadshow which promotes mathematics to secondary school students. We also run The Bristol Mathematics Masterclasses in association with the Royal Institution.
Previous statistical consultancy projects include collaborations with the Bristol Health Partnership for better health outcomes in the region and Renishaw Neuro Solutions Ltd to improve the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. We also work with The Newton Gateway to support knowledge exchange between the mathematical sciences and industry, government and business.
Jointly with the Bristol Business School, we are connected to FinTech West giving students access to financial technology events and internships in Bristol and the Southwest region.
Accreditation and professional recognition
Many of our Computing and Creative Technologies courses are accredited by relevant professional bodies. Specific accreditations include:
British Computer Society – The Chartered Institute for IT
The British Computer Society (BCS) was established in 1957 under royal charter and is the professional body and learned society for those within the IT professions. The BCS is a member of the Engineering Council UK (ECUK) and is responsible for the professional regulation of ICT and computer science. It has some 70,000 members across the world.
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) is the professional institution for librarians, information specialists and knowledge managers. It facilitates the achievement of the highest standards for the professions it supports.
Successful completion of a CILIP accredited course means that you have the industry recognised qualification needed to practice as a professional librarian or information manager.
Our MSc Information Management has been fully accredited by CILIP. Accreditation is internationally recognised and, by completing this programme and gaining relevant professional experience, you could be well on your way to becoming a chartered professional in your field. Please note that the Postgraduate Diploma is also accredited.
Joint Audio Media Education Services
Joint Audio Media Education Services (JAMES) is the educational arm of the Association of Professional Recording Services (APRS), the Music Producers Guild (MPG) and the UK Screen Association. It aims to further links between the industry and education ensuring that the value of current professional experience is carried forward into future generations.
The APRS and MPG are the principle music industry associations representing recording and audio post-production studios, engineers, producers and manufacturers.
In a recent reaccreditation visit, representatives from JAMES had the following to say: "The philosophy behind the team is very innovative and greatly benefits the students and the course. This innovative approach will ensure that UWE Bristol is at the forefront of this industry orientated education in the UK and internationally."
The assessors were also impressed with the quality of teaching and support staff.
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
BSc(Hons) Mathematics is accredited by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA). The course will meet the educational requirements of the Chartered Mathematician designation, awarded by the IMA, when it is followed by subsequent training and experience in employment to obtain equivalent competences to those specified by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) for taught masters degrees.
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