Enhancement Framework

The Enhancement Framework for Academic Programmes and Practice has been created to enhance the University's programmes of study, teaching and learning activities, and to reflect and embed the Strategy 2030.


It guides the University’s programmes and practice to be:

  • Strategically resonant – reflecting the institution’s strategic priorities but within the context of local areas; in discipline-specific/practice-orientated and contextually meaningful ways.
  • Enhancement led – ensuring that a forward-facing enhancement approach lies at the heart of all curriculum and pedagogic development, and review work.
  • Shared endeavours – Meaningful partnerships to co-create programmes of study and associated learning, teaching and assessment approaches that engage:
    • students
    • staff
    • employers
    • academic partners
    • professional, statutory and regulatory bodies (PSRBs).


The Enhancement Framework covers the design, development, approval and review of programmes and teaching, learning and assessment practices. The integration of quality enhancement processes with curricular and pedagogic development activities enables the creation of outstanding programmes and outstanding academic practice.

The processes are designed to encourage and support programme teams to think holistically and creatively about the educational experiences they offer. As essential parts of the University’s approach to quality enhancement, they also ensure that academic standards are set and maintained, and programmes provide learning opportunities for students to achieve and reach their intended learning outcomes.


The Enhancement Framework (staff login required) comprises three interconnected phases:

  • Phase one – the design of academic programmes and practice, leading to programme validation.
  • Phase two – The Continuous Improvement (CI) of academic programmes and practice through in-year and annual review processes for maintenance, enhancement and the approval of any changes to the curriculum.
  • Phase three – The periodic review of academic programmes and practice, leading to revalidation for a defined period.

Within these interconnected phases, the Enhancement Framework processes take account of:


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