Legal status
Our legal status as a university
The University of the West of England, Bristol is a higher education corporation, like many other universities, by virtue of the Education Reform Act 1988 which enabled the Privy Council to create an Instrument of Government (PDF) establishing the University in February 1993.
The Governance is determined by the Articles of Government (PDF), which sets out the respective roles of the Board of Governors, the Principal (Vice-Chancellor) and Academic Board.
Our formal name is University of the West of England Higher Education Corporation.
Charitable status
As a Higher Education Corporation, the University is classed as an exempt charity under Schedule 3 to the Charities Act 2011. This means that for its charitable activities the University benefits from the status of a charity but it is not registered with the Charity Commission.
The Office for Students (OfS) is the Principal Regulator of universities holding exempt charity status, and as such is responsible for ensuring that UWE Bristol fulfills its obligations under charity law.
The University’s Board of Governors are the Trustees of the University. Members of the Board and their other charitable interests can be found in the Governor profiles.
Financial statements
The University’s Financial Statements include further information on the activities of the University, the Board of Governors and a statement on the public benefit of the University.
Address for correspondence
Clerk to the Board of Governors
University of the West of England, Bristol
Frenchay Campus
Coldharbour lane
BS16 1QY
You can also email queries to Chris Gledhill at, Deputy Clerk to the Board of Governors.
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