Online timesheets
Online timesheets
All Nursing and Midwifery students submit timesheets online and their supervisor or assessor will be able to approve their hours in practice on their online timesheets.
Students access online timesheets in the student practice portal ARC Pow. Supervisors or assessors will be able to access online timesheets through a link sent to them via email.
Help and support
View guides to help you with online timesheets:
- Supervisor or Assessor guide - with sound (PowerPoint)
- Supervisor or Assessor guide (PDF)
- Student guide (PDF)
- Supervisor or Assessor FAQs (PDF)
- Students FAQs (PDF)
- Printing timesheets as expense claim evidence (DOC)
Technical support
If you are having technical issues, please
contact support on
It is useful if you can send a screenshot of any error message
alongside details of how and when the error occurred.
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