Showing 4261-4272 of 4294 results for 'CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO'.

American Football - Sports and activities

American Football is an energetic team sport that’s growing in popularity in the UK. The UWE Bullets American Football team welcomes all levels of experience.

Iron: Materials and Conservation film - Films

How to buy the Iron – Materials and Conservation film produced by UWE Bristol's Educational Resources for the Built Environment (ERBE).

Orbis - Browse databases A-Z

Comparable data on over 400 million companies and entities across the globe.

British Humanities Index - Browse databases A-Z

An international abstracting and indexing tool for research in the humanities and arts.

Halsburys Statutes (known as UK Parliament Acts on Lexis +UK) - Browse databases A-Z

UK Parliament Acts contain the full, amended text of all public general Acts that are currently in force.

Guardian and Observer (ProQuest Historical Newspapers) - Browse databases A-Z

Online access to The Guardian (1821-2003) and The Observer (1791-2003) newspapers.

Outreach - REACH

Outreach links to associations, research/study aids and journals utliised or fed by REACH.

HUDOC - Browse databases A-Z

The HUDOC database provides access to the case-law of the Court, the European Commission of Human Rights and the Committee of Ministers.

Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive - Browse databases A-Z

A complete online facsimile edition of every issue of one of the most comprehensive literary publications of the 20th century.


PGCE with QTS: Secondary postgraduate webinar

Join our live webinar and meet programme leaders from our our PGCE Secondary with QTS courses.

Global Crime, Justice and Security Research Group (GCJS) - Research centres and groups

Global Crime, Justice and Security research group is a forum for research activity in the field of financial crime, criminal justice and procedure, serious organised crime and cyber security.

Lexis+ UK - Browse databases A-Z

Covers UK legal materials including cases, legislation, journal articles and practitioner texts.

Showing 4261-4272 of 4294 results.