Title of Example

  Improvement of improper area delimitations by co-operative Groups



Bristol is a unitary authority with historic boundaries that do not include the whole of the urban area. Bristol is also the largest city in the south west of England and is a transport and distribution hub to a huge area of over 300 kilometres across. It would be impossible to deal with local issues without local co-operation and on a regional level wider co-operation is necessary to ensure cohesion and uniformity.

I am therefore going to consider local co-operation in the form of a group called CUBA, and a much wider group covering most of this area called Bristol, Gloucestershire and Somerset, Environmental protection committee. Neither of these groups are statutory bodies but both are co-operative forums which allow work to progress across boundaries. Area delimitations in the UK are based on historic estates and geographical features and bear no resemblance to either watersheds nor airsheds.

Regional Development Agencies have been set up in the UK mirroring the likely future shape of Regional Government. These statutory agencies are guided by boards consisting of local politicians but have no impact on regional pollution generation or control.

In order to properly model and monitor the city as a whole and nearby commuter towns and villages we have set up a small group of air quality experts advised by the Air Quality Management Group at UWE. Experts from each unitary authority meet every six weeks to review progress and coordinate actions. This group hass ‘subcontracted’ most of the monitoring, modelling and emission database construction to Bristol City Council on a contract basis. The group has also commissioned several cross border reports from UWE covering cross border pollution and cross border actions that would be needed to control these issues. Although we have not arrived at new more sensible area delimitations we have worked around them by developing a common model, databases and monitoring to the same standards and calibration gases. Joint bids for national resources to aid in these cross border operations have been secured for pollution forecasting modelling and to help resource local site operations and calibrations. On the wider scale we co-operate on a regional basis with the Bristol, Gloucestershire and Somerset, Environmental protection committee or BGS for short . This group of pollution control experts from all authorities in the region organises monitoring campaigns such as indoor NOx in air quality management areas, heavy metals in air including Cadmium and catalytic metals, and lead in roadside dust. The group also produces many guidance documents across the region to ensure uniformity of approach by each council and a common agreed response to developers and polluting companies. The Government based Pollution Agency is also represented on this committee and acts as a liaison between the Pollution Agency and the local government enforcers. The BGS also commissions regional wide training in those specialist areas often ignored by commercial training companies. On a regional basis it can mobilise from 50 to 100 experts to undertake training that we collectively decide is beneficial. The two key words here are ‘negotiation’ and ‘co-operation’ to ensure adequate protection is afforded to both urban areas and to the rural and countryside authorities.

Where area delimitation doesn’t make sense, co-operate with your neighbours in developing skills and carrying out area wide assessments that do make sense. Regional groupings give you a wider voice and collective muscle to secure agreements, carry out meaningful monitoring campaigns, set standards and to organise training way beyond that within the scope of a single authority.

Sharing and co-operating with other authorities can improve economies of scale and help share the burden of finding the way through new legislation and ways of working. They do not lead to loss of power but help reinforce the rules over the whole region selected. They enable sharing of experience and hence raising of skill capacity across the region.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Study of Transboundary Sources in the Former-Avon Area




Avon was formed from the City and County of Bristol and parts of Gloucestershire and Somerset by the Local Government Act 1972, and came into being on April 1, 1974. It had six districts: Bristol, Bath, Northavon, Kingswood, Woodspring and Wansdyke. The County of Avon no longer exists; it was dissolved into four unitary authorities as a result of the Local Government Act 1992 and the Avon (Structural Change) Order 1995 on April 1, 1996. These four authorities are The City and County of Bristol, South Gloucestershire (formerly Kingswood, and Northavon), North Somerset (formerly Woodspring) and Bath and North East Somerset (formerly Bath and Wansdyke).

Whilst the majority of the Bristol City Council area is urban or suburban, two the other three authorities (South Glos. And BANES) both contain parts of the Greater Bristol Urban Area and North Somerset comes right up to the periphery of the urban area. As the four authorities are all unitary authorities they maintain responsibilities for both air quality and transport planning. There is a Joint Structure Plan which drawn up by the Joint Strategic Planning and Transportation Unit (JSPTU), a joint committee composed of officers from all four councils. However this group has no direct responsibility for air quality.

Environmental Health Professionals with responsibility for air quality from the four authorities regularly meet and co-ordinate air quality work between them. Among the work they have carried out (frequently with the assistance of the Air Quality Management Resource Centre at UWE, Bristol) are co-ordinated Local Air Quality Strategies for each authority, an Area-based Air Quality Strategy covering the former-Avon area set within the wider context of the whole South-west region and a local air quality forecasting service (http://www.cerc.co.uk/avon/). Some recent work carried out for the former-Avon authorities by AQMRC, Bristol has looked in particular at cross-boundary sources of pollution in the area – particularly examining the effects of commuter traffic in relation to different developments within the authorities. Joint Strategic Planning and Transportation Unit (JSPTU) prepares the Joint Replacement Structure Plan on


Many of the schemes considered within this project are to have a positive impact on air quality across the former-Avon area. This is due to many of the projects and proposals being part of wider objectives to reduce traffic congestion provide more choice to the traveler and improve travel and transport facilities across the area more generally.

As with all urban areas and their surrounding areas, increases in traffic volumes and resulting congestion poses one of the greatest threats to the urban environment and human health. The former-Avon area is by no means an exception to this, with AQMAs declared in the urban areas of Bristol and Bath’s city centres. AQMAs have also previously been declared along the motorway corridors in the region and along some more rural, though congested, roads in the area.

Whilst not setting out to consider all the proposed schemes and developments that may impact on air quality on both a regional and local scheme, some of those considered would have huge trans-boundary significance if implemented. The Light Rapid Transit between Bristol and South Gloucestershire, though currently on hold, would lead to major changes in traffic patterns across the north fringe area of Bristol and within the city centre if implemented effectively. Similarly, initiatives to improve traffic flow and reduce (particularly seasonal) congestion on the region’s motorway network will afford trans-boundary improvements to air quality across the region.

In the short-term, efforts to increase, encourage and co-ordinate the development of Travel Plans by larger employers across the former-Avon area and could prove significant in reducing the overall impact of traffic in terms of emissions, as an example. Perhaps more important is the need for large-scale development underway at, for example, the Filton North Field development in South Gloucestershire or the Westernside Development in Bath, to embrace the need to consider air quality implications, as part of the commitment to sustainable development, at the earliest opportunity, particularly with regard to employment, consumption and travel demand requirements Across the wider area. This has been the case with respect to these developments, although any development of this scale is likely to impact on the surrounding road network and adds to congestion at specific locations in the network.

No individual scheme is anticipated to bring widespread positive benefits to the air quality experienced over the region. However, the implementation of the Light Rapid Transit (LRT) offers the greatest opportunity to reduce significantly the growth in vehicular traffic volume into the centre of Bristol. The effectiveness of this scheme would be further enhanced through the provision of a Park and Ride scheme located in the northern fringe, and the de-trunking of the M32 with associated initiatives. In light of the LRT no longer being proposed, air quality improvements in the north-south corridors between South Gloucestershire and Bristol City Council are unlikely to be achieved. At a regional level, the proposed expansion of the regional airport, located within North Somerset poses the greatest regional threat to efforts to reduce overall transport emissions, with a potential for undesirable impacts across all four former-Avon local authorities.

Whilst the threat of new development and expansion across the region poses a potential threat to local and regional air quality, the very need to solve the transport-related problems provides a real opportunity for innovation and community involvement. New technologies, in the form of telematics, smartcards, alternative fuel systems and transit systems, as examples, offer future solutions to alternatives to conventional cars and a potential reduction in vehicle kilometres traveled. Reduced vehicle emissions through a reduction in traffic volume will result in a decrease in levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particulates and carbon dioxide (CO2) collectively.

This project has highlighted the importance and the increasing need for more collaboration between the local authorities of the former-Avon area. For some of the proposals outlined in this project, further data will be required in order to assess the degree to which air quality is likely to be affected across local authority boundaries and across the region as a whole. On a positive note, it is clear from the Local Transport Plans and Action Planning work being implemented or developed across the former-Avon area that there is a dearth of activity underway to reduce the congestion being experienced across the network. This will help address the local air quality hot spots experienced across the region and the spatial movement of traffic emissions across the local authorities within the former-Avon area.


Whilst regional groupings of LA officers working on air pollution are becoming reasonably common across Europe due to a common need to share experiences with people in similar circumstances, these often take the form of helping each authority develop its own policies. However, where transport and land-use developments are a major issue on the fringes of a local authority area it is vital that measures to resolve issues are not drawn up in isolation by a single authority as this may simply leave the other areas dealing with a problem that has been relocated into their area.

Further Reading

Potential links to:

Air Quality Strategies



Area-based AQ Strategy for the former-Avon Area

Avon Forecast Website


Transboundary Report

Not yet published

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  West Midlands (UK) Regional co-operation



The West Midlands Region

The West Midlands region is located roughly centrally within England and contains the cities of Birmingham, Coventry and Wolverhampton. The region is divided into 7 municipal areas of administration; Birmingham, Coventry, Wolverhampton, Walsall, Dudley, Solihull and Sandwell. The population of the region is approximately 2.5 million, with 1 million of these living in Birmingham.

The West Midlands consists of one continuous conurbation across most of the region. This means that traffic and transportation issues are most effectively managed for the region as a whole. The Local Transport Plan sets out the transportation strategy for this region and is produced jointly by all 7 authorities.

Air pollution travels across the municipal boundaries of this region and the solution of problems in one municipal area are likely to require the co-operation of adjacent municipalities. For this reason the West Midlands Pollution Group (WMPG) was formed in 1998.

How Co-operation is achieved

Each municipal authority carries out its own air pollution monitoring and reports to the UK national government on air quality standards in its area. However, the results of this monitoring are shared between authorities on a regular basis.

In 1998 a Technical Group was formed through the WMPG to enable the air quality professionals from all of the municipalities to meet regularly. This is an extremely valuable process as most of the authorities employ only one or two specialist air pollution professionals. The WMPG enables these small groups to come together to share best practice and discuss technical issues.

Air quality modelling is a highly specialist area of work that requires expensive computing facilities and software. For this reason air quality modelling is carried out on behalf of all 7 municipal authorities by the WMPG. In practice each authority makes an annual contribution, dependent upon its population, to a fund held by Birmingham City Council. Birmingham City Council then employs a full time member of staff and provides the necessary computing facilities and software to support air pollution modelling for all of the municipalities. This arrangement ensures that there is enough air pollution modelling work to fully occupy a full-time specialist, and minimises software and computing costs. This approach also maintains consistency across the region and ensures that trans-boundary issues are identified. The contracts for this joint working are agreed every three years for the three years ahead.

Modelling is carried out using Air-Viro software. Municipalities request the model runs that they require, and supply any necessary data. The action planning process to deal with specific pollution problems is then carried out by each individual authority.

In addition to the Technical Group a Planning Group was established in 2003. This group was formed because a number of the municipalities had declared air quality management areas and were in the process of producing action plans. The planning group allows the sharing of experiences of action planning and the co-ordination of action at a regional level. This group has been working together to develop targets for air quality and mechanisms to improve air quality that will be included in Local Transport Plan for the region.

The co-operation between the municipalities in the West Midlands Region has been extremely successful. It has allowed all of the municipalities to maximise upon their collective expertise and to minimise their costs in respect of air quality modelling. It has also been very important for air quality specialists to work together at a regional level because transportation is the largest source of air pollution, and transportation planning occurs at a regional level. The group has recently signed agreements to continue in this joint working for a further three years.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Cooperation with other authorities



Environmental quality standards were introduced when The Environmental Code (Miljöbalken) came in force in 1999. For ambient air there are standards for levels of nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, lead, particles and benzene. The standard for nitrogen dioxide and particles are difficult to achieve in certain street areas in Göteborg. For this reason the government has enjoined Västra Götaland County Administration Board, together with key players in the county, to produce proposals for dealing with the problem.

The standard for nitrogen dioxide is based on an EC Directive. Sweden has on its own initiative set requirements on the highest permissible 24-hour mean value, as well as a requirement that the standards must be met by 2006 instead of 2010 as stimulated by the Directive.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Regional/Transboundary PM10 Assessment for Local Authorities in Norfolk




Under the initial air quality objectives laid out under the UK National Air Quality Strategy in 1997, the target objective for PM10 was 50mg/m3 as the 99th percentile of daily maximum running 24-hour means. This allowed for 4 days every year when the 50mg/m3 concentration could be exceeded (in contrast to the 35 days allowed in the EU limit Value and the, later, loosened UK objective). This put many of the local authorities in East Anglia in danger of breaching the objective, whether they covered urban areas or rural, due to the high contribution of secondary particles in this part of the country associated with its proximity to the European mainland.

Norwich City Council was already funding a PhD studentship to help them take a wider perspective on their work under the UK Local Air Quality Management regime. Part of the work carried out was to help assess the contribution of urban sources of pollution within the boundaries of Norwich in contrast to regional sources, from the rest of Norfolk, the UK and mainland Europe. As all the Las in Norfolk appeared unlikely to achieve the PM10 objective, including the predominantly rural authorities that had little air quality management capacity, the regional grouping of Air Quality Officers raised sufficient funds to undertake a detailed study of particles in the region.


The problems caused by transboundary pollution are almost always an issue to more than one local authority by their very nature. It is often more of a problem for heavily populated urban areas which also have a significant quantity of domestically generated pollution in addition to the ‘imported’ element.

In order to properly assess the magnitude of regional scale pollution it is necessary to carry out a detailed study consisting of a mixture of monitoring, modelling and potentially chemical analysis (at least when dealing with particles).

Ideally automatic/continuous monitoring stations need to be identified or set-up both within an urban area and the surrounding rural locations. In conjunction with meteorological data (primarily wind direction) this can be used to identify the differences in concentration between the city centre and upwind and downwind locations. This in itself should identify the difference contributions from the transboundary and domestic contributions. With particles, monitoring data for sulphate and nitrate concentrations can also be very helpful in identifying the secondary particle component which is almost always transboundary due to the length of time that it takes these particles to form.

Modelling can be used in a variety of ways to help identify transboundary components:

Local modelling at a city scale can identify local contributions to total pollution concentrations. However, especially with particles, it is very hard to set-up models to be sure that the model is correctly predicting the local contribution as some idea of what this is is needed in order to tune the model. One potential strategy is to set the model up and verify and adjust it on a non-transboundary pollutant such as nitrogen dioxide, and then simply change the emission inputs to model primary particles. There is a reasonable amount of evidence to show that this is not ideal as the magnitude of the errors in multiple pollutant models frequently vary from pollutant to pollutant.

Regional modelling can be carried out in two different ways. The simplest is to carry out trajectory modeling where the path of air parcels arriving at the city is traced backwards in order to identify the geographical source of the pollutants that they bring with them. When this is correlated with monitoring data it can produce a crude but still useful indication of the variations in pollution levels depending on the source airsheds, and therefore an indication of the magnitude of increase in concentrations when the incoming air comes from polluted areas.

More complex regional-scale modeling can be carried out using Eulerian or Lagrangian models (the latter was used in the Norfolk study). These allow the input of very large emissions inventories – even at a European scale. Then using detailed meteorological information they basically combine a trajectory model with the emissions inputs to calculate how much pollution is being picked up by air parcels as they travel across the region. Some of these models contain chemistry modules which allow them to calculate the formation of secondary pollutants such as ozone, and sulphate and nitrate particles. These models are generally very complex and specialized and may be beyond the general reach of most local authorities, however, as shown by the Norfolk example, this type of work has a large degree of research interest and links can often be made with academic institutions to help examine the problems.

Finally, chemical analysis of particles will help to some extent in separating locally sourced pollution from transboundary. The basic split being that the transboundary component is predominantly secondary particles. However, there is some evidence that there may be a significant element of primary (combustion-related) particles within the transboundary component. In addition to this, ‘coarse’ or natural particles such as wind blown dust can travel significant distances. Saharan dust events have been known to cause pollution episodes in the United Kingdom, and dust from storms in China have recently been found to be crossing the pacific and being measured in the United States.


In dealing with transboundary pollution the initial step has to be to identify the magnitude of the problem so that costs of any research can be weighed against the potential benefits. This is best done by examining monitoring data from as many different types of site within a region as possible, and where pollution patterns at sites follow each other closely, using meteorological information to try and identify whether these are regional pollution episodes or whether it is just regionally similar whether affecting local pollution emissions.

Further Reading

Chatterton, T., 2001, "Regional and Urban Scale Modelling of Particulate Matter: Can PM10 be Managed at a Local Level?", Ph.D. Thesis, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia http://www.uwe.ac.uk/aqm/research/tc/

Chatterton, T., 2000, "The Relative Contribution of Local and Distant Sources of Particulates to Eastern England", Report on regional-scale modelling of PM10 commissioned by a consortium of district councils in Norfolk.

Trying to locate a copy of document to put on website

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Air Quality Zoning in the Veneto Region




In compliance with the Directive 96/62/CE, during the year 2003 Veneto Region Administration has classified its territory on the basis of its air quality.

Three classes of quality (or zones) have been identified:

- A type: endangered zones where there is the need to implement Action Plans to improve air quality;

- B type: zones where there is the need to implement Air Quality Restoration Plans;

- C type: zones where there is the need to implement Air Quality Maintenance Plans.

Besides providing this first zoning of air quality in the regional territory, the Regional Air Quality Plan presents some suggestions on the possible ways to abate and control atmospheric pollution in the different zones, but also to manage this problem when different decisional levels are involved.

Cities that are bordering or are interconnected by common production and transport systems, need to manage air quality problems (especially those deriving from road traffic), according to a “trans-boundary pollution” logic, to adopt efficient and harmonized abatement criteria in every urban area.

Firstly, an answer to this needs to come from the Agreement between the Councillors of the seven Veneto provincial capital cities, the so-called Padua Charter (see Example Traffic restrictions in Veneto Region Urban Areas), that is a common measures system for vehicle circulation limitations which allow coordinating the containment actions operating on a wider and more homogeneous area in case of PM10 limit value exceedence.

Atmospheric pollution management at local and regional levels

The Regional Air Quality Plan, whose final approval is currently underway, settles the implementation and application competencies on air quality Action Plans and Programmes, to control such exceedances. Competencies are defined on three decisional levels.

At the first level the Surveillance Committee (CIS), consisting of the Veneto Region and the seven Veneto Provinces, gives guide lines on measures to be implemented according to different criteria (Action Plans, Restoration Plans and Maintenance Plans) and to check their correct execution. CIS is directed by the Regional Council President and consists of seven Presidents of the Provincial Councils. The Environmental Regional Direction (Unity Protection of the Atmosphere), the Regional Health Prevention Direction and ARPAV have only a consultative role.

At second level two types of measures are located, implemented under the approval and surveillance of each Provincial Authority:

- the measures to be activated by all the Municipalities included into zones or agglomerations classified like A or B that need Air Quality Restoration Plans;

- the measures to be activated by all the Municipalities included into zones or agglomerations classified like A or B or C that need Air Quality Maintenance Plans.

Both classes of measures are in charge of every Municipality, according to different criteria due to the pollutants classification.

According to art. 39 of DM 60/2002, the Mayors of Municipalities included into agglomerates and zones where there is the exceedence or the risk of exceeding limit values or alarm thresholds, on the plan base or programs, must adopt restriction measures for traffic circulation.

At the third level there are seven Technical Boards (TTZ), consisting of the seven Veneto provincial capital cities and all the smaller municipalities falling in the zones or agglomerations classified as A and B. Each TTZ has to delineate and implement in its territory the Action Plans needed to lessen limit values and alarm thresholds exceedances.

Every TTZ is coordinated by the capital city Major and collect all the municipalities included in A or B zones; the Regional Agency for the protection of the environment (ARPAV) and the Health Local Service (AULSS) have only consultative roles.

According to the National Decree 60/2002, ARPAV must inform each TTZ in case of exceeding of alarm thresholds and limit values.

The communication includes also information on the weather forecast, useful to evaluate the atmospheric tendency to reduce or to worsen air pollution.

Following ARPAV communication, each TTZ provides:

- to invite the population adopting correct behaviours;

- to implement the measures defined in the Action Plans,

- to inform immediately all the interested municipalities on the measures and restrictions that have been adopted.

Interested Municipality must respect all the measures settled by the Technical Boards, as requested by to Action Plans or related measures.


This text has been kindly made available from the Veneto Region Authority (Regional Air Quality Plan).

Last Updated


25th January 2005





Title of Example

  Air Quality Index Board at Leipzig



The City of Leipzig has only limited resources for air quality issues. Yet, as the state authority (Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie) is responsible for the measurements, the data derived from the measurement facilities at Leipzig is available online (daily updates) and is analysed yearly (report available to the public).

In co-operation with the local energy provider Stadtwerke Leipzig, the municipality created an electronic board in April 1998 to display the measurement results of two stations at Leipzig (updates daily at 10, 13, 16 and 19 o’clock). The board is located in Leipzig’s busiest shopping street (pedestrian area, Petersstraße).

The board is located on one side of a double-sided advertisement display administered by JC Decaux. The investment costs for the electronic equipment and the graphic design were 40.000 DEM (about 20.500 EUR) and were shared between the Stadtwerke Leipzig (local energy provider) and the City of Leipzig. The board itself is provided free of charge by JC Decaux as it uses the reverse side for advertisements. Stadtwerke Leipzig uses a running text line at the bottom of the board to provide customer information.

The information given includes half-hour average values of NO2, SO2, benzene, ozone and PM taken from two measurement stations belonging to the state authority and that are located in Leipzig. Both measurements are taken at a height of 3,5 m. One station is located at a very busy intersection close to the Main Station while the second one is located in a residential area to the west of the city.

The data is presented both in numbers and on a scale. The scale includes limit values that are highlighted in green (low exposure), yellow (medium exposure) and red (high exposure). The City of Leipzig plans to adjust those values in the near future with the EU limit values.

The state authority that is responsible for the measurements makes the data available by internet. A small computer operated with MS Windows 98 that is located invisibly under the board connects with the website through its modem to retrieve the data from the website. A specially programmed chip (“eprom”) is used to make the data displayable with liquid crystals.

Security glass protects the board from the outside. So far, no vandalism has occurred.

The board makes it possible to inform the local public in real time about air quality and thus helps to promote transparency and access to environmental information as part of the public relations carried out by the City of Leipzig’s Environmental Protection Office. Observation of the board suggests an ongoing interest by the public.

In addition, AQ information is also available by internet and videotext.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Informing the public in Göteborg



More interest has been shown regarding air quality and health in Göteborg as a result of the increasing information people have been given regarding air quality. There is now a demand from the general public for real time air quality information. Especially for asthmatic and older people, it is important to provide daily air quality information and forecasts. Such information is supplied in terms of a local air quality index for the city centre in Göteborg.

Information is supplied on the Internet http://www.miljo.goteborg.se/luftnet/index-eng.htm. The data is updated every hour throughout the year and a forecast is given by the arrows behind the status value (figure). All data is from Göteborgs urban background monitoring station. For the people that don’t have access to the Internet a message to an answer machine is read. The message is updated three times a day, morning, noon and afternoon at weekdays and twice on the weekends. The public can also get the information on their cell phone through the wap services (figure), http://www.miljo.goteborg.se/luftnet/wap. This data is also updated every hour. The local traffic radio uses the website every day and report in the morning and afternoon about the pollution levels in central Göteborg. One person is on-call duty and answers the questions from the public.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Consultation and Participation in Bristol



UK air quality management legislation requires local authorities to ‘consult’ at every stage of the process. Our experience in Bristol is that ‘consultation’ is probably sufficient whilst dealing with the technical processes of Review and Assessment but that genuine public participation through focus groups and questionnaire surveys are essential in establishing acceptable actions for inclusion in the action plan.

Following our adoption of sustainable development in the early 1990’s we have adopted the practise of producing draft documents which are then widely circulated to an ‘expert’ database of interested persons and other outlets for comments prior to our final ‘glossy’ document production. Every published document also contains feedback information so we can learn to do better in future. Every consultation exercise genuinely allows the respondent to affect the final outcome, ie influence the final shape of policy or action.

After some 10 years of experience the City of Bristol is able to judge whether consultation or participation is the most appropriate course of action, but occasionally we still get it wrong! Generally the more technical the document and the more closely it is controlled by government guidelines, the more appropriate it is for consultation methods. Conversely the more ‘blue sky’ and for issues directly affecting residents then participation methods are adopted at an early stage. Unfortunately participative methods are time consuming and resource intensive and do not always ‘fit’ into statutory timescales. Some legislation also prescribes the consultation to be followed.

We use a citizen jury of 2000 citizens for both techniques, tested from time to time by a 5% household survey. We use our interested party database again for both techniques and again this is tested by a 5% household survey. We also draw on the interested party list for producing focus groups to discuss issues in much more detail.

Consultation/Participation panels are also set up for major development. Here we can discuss amelioration and mitigation after Planning Permission is granted. We try to focus on those areas where resident’s views can make a genuine positive difference to outcomes.

So the answer to ‘Consultation and Participation –where and How?‘ is: wherever possible and when resources allow.

It is possible to make major developers responsible for funding this through the planning agreement or section 106 agreement.

There are sometimes statutory limitations of time but statutory consultees are often listed making our jobs easier.

Setting up citizens panels, focus groups and organising random surveys are well worthwhile even where this work is subcontracted to consultants or in house marketing specialists.

Locally based facilitators are often cheaper and more committed to the local community when organising focus groups to consider complex local issues.

Consultation and Participation add another layer of complexity and expense to air quality issues but invaluable for identifying what is and is not acceptable to the public, and enable red herrings to be chopped off at an early stage!

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Consultation and participation in Seville



Public participation is a process that enables individuals and organisations to be continuously or repeatedly involved in the development of decisions that affect them. Participation means that people take part in issues regarding economic and social progress, etc. It must be considered as an essential element of the City’s action plan. At the same time it should be considered as a means to promote social cohesion and integration, as well as to promote a change towards the sustainability.

From the City of Seville’s point of view, participation of citizens in the decision-making process is essential and is key to legitimize, advocate and ensure the implementation of policy and public actions. Environmental matters should be integrated throughout the whole action plan and decisions in this particular field should be approved by the community because these decisions often have a direct impact on the day-to-day life of citizens.

The Public Administration has taken concrete steps in order to increase citizens’ participation in the decision making process, for example, through the creation of associations, or by means of municipal councils.

In Seville there are several tools that are being used in order to facilitate the participation of the citizens in the decision making process:

  • The adoption of a ‘Rule’ to promote the participation of the citizens in the decision-making process.
  • The creation of the Local Sectorial Council for the Environment and Sustainability (CSLMAS) on 22nd January, 2001, to act as a “consultative and consensus-driven body whose aim is to channel and promote the participation of the general public, public associations and other interested bodies in the conception, planning and management of all those matters which, being related to the Municipality, pertain to the defence of Nature, the protection of the environment, the improvement of the quality of life and the increase in habitability and sustainability of the municipality of Seville”. For the moment, this body for public participation consists of 74 members, amongst whom are representatives of Neighbourhood Associations, Professional Bodies, Ecological Associations, the Public Administration, Consumers' and Users' Associations, Political Parties, Trade Unions, Universities, Housewives' Associations, etc. Each of these bodies contributes by providing its own vision on a particular issue. The debates generated in the CSLMAS make it possible to tackle issues from multiple points of view and the adoption of consensual decisions makes it possible to seek alternative solutions in a more effective way.
  • The creation of Working Groups as an innovated initiative within the European context. These working groups as well as the Environmental Council give the opportunity to a wide range of stakeholders to give their opinion on environmental issues in a permanent way and from the first phase of the environmental diagnosis.
  • The creation of a website (www.agenda21local.com), which provides citizens with all relevant information and documentation about the local agenda 21 process, and where stakeholders can include their own suggestions.
  • Finally, Seville is also organising informational sessions in the different districts of the City. These are made possible thanks to an agreement reached between the Seville City Council and the Neighbourhood Associations.

The chosen tools to promote the participation of the citizens, should take into account all relevant local agents in order to achieve the aims of the local agenda 21. However, actions have to be taken in order for these participation mechanisms not to become a protest platform. Finally, citizens and other stakeholders should not feel obliged to use or participate in these workshops or fora.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Public involvement in Seville



The participation of citizens has been active since the moment the city council of Seville decided to sign the Aalborg letter in 1996. (One of its main rules was that the local authorities in each city encouraged its citizens to take part in the decision making process)

At a local level, in Seville, this participation has been led to several synergies that are providing a solution to several problems simultaneously. At the same time, citizens are informing the local Administration of the needs and interests of the population. Furthermore, it has provided a greater sense of local identity amongst the population and has also created more trust of and better relations with the municipality.

This collaboration has been possible on the one hand due to the will of the Local Administration to provide citizens with the ability to take part in the decision making process in relation to environmental concerns. For that reason the Environmental and Local Council for Sustainability was created. On the other hand, there are several mediums through which information is provided to citizens,that contributes to making the information more reliable. Finally ,it is important to point out the creation of different organs, activities and informational mediums intended to simplify the participation of the citizens such as the Environmental and Local Council, but also, the AL21 website, questionnaires that support the AL21 process, informational sessions held in the city district, the Working Group, and more.

Since the beginning, there has been in the city of Seville the awareness of how to carry out the implementation of the AL21 process. For that challenge it is important to involve all the local agents of the city because the City Council has defended the participation of the different collectives in the Participation Forum. Its aim is to make people take an active role in defining and diagnosing the city environment, formulating an action plan and participating in the decision making process.



Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  ZOOM-Kids on the move to Kyoto



ZOOM-Kids on the move to Kyoto: Campaign launched by Climate Alliance in June 2003. This campaign is for children all over Europe and aims to raise awareness of the effects their transport choices for journeys to and from school have on the environment. All participating children are encouraged to walk or cycle to school during the project. It is about giving children a voice by identifying areas of concern in their surroundings, by working out new solutions and by handling them over to local decision-makers. The overall aim is to achieve concrete improvements in local transport, organization and planning. For further information, please contact Ulrike Janssen, u.janssen@klimabuendnis.org

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  EcoTeams programme



EcoTeams program: This project is an activity of the Global Action Plan (GAP). It enables a large number of ordinary people to have a significant contribution to the solution of environmental problems by consciously modifying their way of life. The Ecoteams ae small groups of neighbours or friends that will meet once a month to exchange experience, ideas and achievements on environmental issues. They concentrate on each of the following five themes: waste, household energy, personal travel, water and buying habits. Households and teams report their results to local, national and international collection points which create a friendly competition that urge people to do always better. Further information, contact ecoteam@empnet.com.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Managing Air Quality on Limited Resources in Leipzig



As a result of a shortage of resources, the City of Leipzig has been unable since 1998 to carry out proper air quality management. While the state authority (Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie) is responsible for measurements at three sites within the city, the Environmental Protection Office is unable to develop measures on the base of its results. Many actions developed in the frame of the Climate Protection Program are at the moment frozen as adequate financing is not available.

However, the impact of some pollutants (current situation) were investigated in a study in 2001 (compatibleness of major roads; part of environmental monitoring). Site-specific emission prognosis are sometimes carried out by external consultants to accompany city and traffic planning activities (by City Planning Office or Traffic Planning Office).

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Managing air quality on limited resources in Utrecht



In 1987 the first Decree on Air Quality was put into operation in The Netherlands. All cities with more than 40,000 inhabitants had to report about air quality every year. There was no money to do this In Utrecht. Only old traffic data, no street data and a model with growing pains were available.

The environmental policy in Utrecht was about preventing problems which they thought was a better and cheaper solution rather than solving them afterwards. Advising in other city sector plans with the help of a model can do this. This doesn't take much time and mostly traffic data are needed for other purposes (noise, traffic measures). Utrecht made the model more suitable for advising in plans.

After every project the street data set, the experience and the arguments for better traffic data were investigated. When advising projects for the prevention of problems it is also possible to solve problems in the existing situation related to the project. Of course it will take a long time before all the problems are solved this way.

In 13 years all problems, except one, were solved. Regarding the new legislation (report over 2002) there are two real problems (one small situation was overlooked before), some cases with small exceedances and many streets just below the LV+MOT (limit values and margins of tolerance).

Because the city is growing and traffic on the motorways increases, it will be very difficult to prevent problems in 2010. The awareness that only substantial measures on city level will help, is growing by the information in projects.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Raising the profile of air quality issues in Utrecht to attract resources



There are no consequences for not observing the rules in the air quality legislation. The air quality officer has to inform other people (colleagues and aldermen) about the relation with health problems and the risks of not observing the rules. These risks are: no approval by other authorities, no subsidies from other authorities, juridical procedures by citizens and a bad image.

Because the responsibility for PM10 and the priority related to exposure are not mentioned in the Dutch law articles and are not clearly explained in the explanatory memorandum, some juridical procedures ended in blocking plans. Of course that is not a good example. It causes a lot of uncertainty and it is an obstacle for focusing on the real problems in the larger cities. On the other hand in smaller cities with no exceedances of the standards, air quality is coming on the agenda this way.

In Utrecht it is accepted to start from environmental limiting conditions in planning. Sometimes it is necessary to point out the risks of neglecting the rules.

The goal of environmental officers is not blocking plans, but to prevent mistakes.

Environmental officers notice problems in an early stage and are helping other city sectors in solving them.

Large infrastructure and building projects are related to big budgets. So there is also money for measures to prevent and to solve air quality problems.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Ways of increasing resources for AQ in Utrecht by working jointly with other city sectors



Colleagues in other city sectors and project leaders want to make plans without forgetting important issues. When the plan is finished they don’t want their plan to be destroyed by somebody (a colleague, alderman, councillor or citizen) saying it is impossible or important parts are missing.

In Utrecht in the past a few plans were blocked by other authorities after warning the responsible people by municipal environmental officers. Nothing works better than burning your fingers.

In case nobody notices the gap in the plan and it is realised then it will be very expensive to repair the situation in the future. So forgetting an important issue has always unwanted effects.

In all notes environmental officers write that air pollution calculations are needed in plans for streets with more traffic than 4500 motor vehicles per 24 hours. Sixteen years ago Utrecht determined this number. This number could have been changed every year, but it is more effective to use one recognisable number. A lot of officers have seen this number several times. To new colleagues and other parties they will confirm that this is usual.

In the starting note or the approach plan the relation with air quality has to be clear. In consultation with the air quality officer the capacity (and budget) for advising about air quality should be determined. It is important to have some idea if a broad or a more detailed advice is needed.

Because of their knowledge of the city the advice by environmental officers are related to other developments, they are cheaper than advising companies and their service is better.

You can make an official rule for this procedure, specific for air pollution, for the environment or in general (integral advising). Still it must be more than a rule: the advice must give a surplus value to the plan.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Managing Air Quality on limited Resources In Bristol




Bristol is fairly well funded in managing our core network of continuous and sampling sites. Over the years this has been just enough to operate the sites without allowing for replacement equipment or regular and routine maintenance. The budget runs only therefore to about 70% of the full operating costs. We therefore have to raise income to cover these additional costs and to raise money for investment in new equipment.

This short paper describes briefly several of the funding streams we use to boost our budget. Not all methods will be appropriate to all cities and I am sure other cities will also have additional methods available to them.


Government Grants The UK has adopted supplementary credit approvals and now sce’s as the means by which local government pays for local air quality management(LAQM). We place a bid every year for new equipment, which after a couple of years specific use in LAQM is then available to replace ageing monitors in the core network. Grants have also been awarded to resource pollution forecasting and cross border strategy and action plan development.

Government Contracts In the UK most local site operation of government sites is by competetive tender. We have the advantage of operating our own sites and being right here in the locality for bidding for local contracts. We set an hourly charge based on total income divided by total available hours which makes a significant contribution over the salary cost but is cheaper than private consultancies. We therefore win and operate the government sites for Bristol.

Local Government Contracts We operate many more sites than neighbouring authorities and offer them the service of Local site operators operating to AURN status(Government Site) and using the same gases to traceable standards over the whole network. By having dedicated personnel we are able to provide this service at just over cost with our overheads covered.

Private Contracts The same service but on government contract terms is also offered to private concerns that are required to monitor or model in terms of their planning consents. There may be a slight conflict of interest here but we have not so far encountered any real problems whether this is within or outside our boundaries.

Sec 106 Agreements Where planning is not appropriate or as a contingency to pay for mitigation measures we enter into agreements on major plans to cover monitoring and mitigation measures over 5 to 10 years. Large sums £500,000 are usually involved with mitigation being triggered by monitoring paid for by the developer.

European Projects Although in general only items triggered by the project can be charged there is usually a management fee or overhead that helps contribute to general running costs. This element usually is settled at the outset of the project and may be in the range of 5 to 15%. Some external training projects pay almost the full cost of providing trainers including their hourly rate.

Commercial Sponsorship In a few limited cases we have sought commercial sponsorship for particular items of equipment like our first mobile laboratory etc.


Look for all possible funding sources. Sources can be difficult to acquire but once acquired may last for a number of years without too much additional effort.

It can take several years for new sources to come on stream so you must look and plan ahead. Occasionally funding is only paid out at the end of a project and not when expenditure is actually being made.

Think originality, never mind it hasn’t been done before!


Look for and use whatever funding sources come your way provided they aid the work you do rather than hinder it.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Air Quality Management and Available Economic Resources




In planning its activites the Municipality, through its competent offices, draws up and implements a series of documents, among them:

- Programmatic and Provisional Relation (RPP), three-year programmation of objectives/potential resources coherence check;

- Financial and Economic Programmation Document (DPEF), to support the RPP;

- Annual and three-year public works plan lists;

- Special Law for Venice-linked interventions planning;

- Investment and compatible resources plan;

- Objective Detailed Plan (PDO), strategic goals planning report;

- Management Executive Plan (PEG), annual competence management planning document;

- Links between PDO and PEG.

Among these the Management Executive Plan (PEG) has a particular importance, having to be seen in the system constituted chiefly by preventive budget and therefore linked to pluriennial budget and planning previsional report: in this system it represents the plan of operations, that is the budget as a whole embracing the entire Board activity.

Actually, the Management Executive Plan represents the natural completion of local authorities planning report system because it allows to support strategic planning instruments (planning and prevision report and pluriennial budget) a “budgeting” valid tool where, for each responsibility centre, aims, resources and management responsibility are explained.

This allows to preventively determine the action lines to follow in order to achieve the goals, to decide the rquired time to achieve them, to define the necessary resources, to value wether or not goals are realised and planning action has to be reviewed.

PEG sections regarding air quality management

The air quality is one of the annual prevision budget sections and quantifies the monitoring ordinary costs amount, transferred by means of annual agreement by ARPAV, Regional Agency for Environmental Protection and Prevention and, if considered necessary from a political point of view, of additional resources (i.e. specific studies on air quality by means of bulk deposition collectors networks; modelling simulations on road traffic; additional measurements campaigns, additional PAH and Heavy Metals analyses, etc.

Beside this additional funds are allocated for events like Ecological Sundays, sustainable mobility and since November 2003 to traffic limitation during winter time (s.c. Padua Charter, see Example Traffic restrictions in Veneto Region Urban Areas).

The amount of these funding does not allow big infrastructural implementation (that is rarely due to the Municipal Authority) but it guarantees a sufficient cover to the air quality ordinary management: the territory monitoring by means of the stationary and mobile stations network, public awareness campaigns addressed to specific cathegories of users and specific studies on urban atmospheric subject implementation (either in terms of monitoring, emissions estimations or modelling tools evaluations).

Other financial sources

Since the early 90s, Environment Ministry has promoted economic support for urban environment improvement by means of three-year financial plan for the environment protection that allowed Venice to provide the town with the first continuous benzene monitoring network as well as, with successive funding, to replace a part of the public bus park with methane vehicles and also to implement the Car Sharing, Mobility Management and ICBI initiative (low impact fuels).

After the Triennial Plans of Ministry, the Veneto Region now finances interventions for the reduction of traffic pollution levels in the Veneto urban area (DGR 4143/2003). The assigned funds for Venice have been defined on an inhabitants number base and following the air quality critic zones identification according to D. LGS. 351/99 (96/62/CE Directive implementation), within the actions that Regions must implement for reclamation of air quality.

Last Updated


25th January 2005





Title of Example

  Funding for Air Quality in the UK Using Supplementary Credit Approval and Planning Legislation



Municipal authorities in the UK have invested a considerable amount of money in air quality monitoring networks in recent years. They have achieved this by using two main sources of money as well as their own budgets;

Supplementary Credit Approval

In the UK municipal authorities have restrictions upon their ability to borrow money. This is due to legislation to prevent high levels of debt amongst municipal authorities.

However, Central Government does allow municipal authorities to borrow money to fund certain specified activities. In recent years one of these activities has been air quality monitoring. This permitted borrowing from Central Government is through a scheme called Supplementary Credit Approval (SCA).

The mechanism of SCA is complex, and rather unusual. Under the scheme municipal authorities make bids to Central Government to fund capital projects, for example the installation of a new air quality monitoring station. Central Government then makes a ‘loan’ to the municipal authority, typically over 25 years, and provides the municipal authority with additional money in its annual budget in order to repay the loan. For this reason SCA money is more like a grant than a loan, as it has no cost to municipal authorities.

SCA money has allowed municipal authorities to increase their monitoring networks each year, resulting in the comprehensive network seen across the UK. The importance of this mechanism is that it provides the municipal authority with money that must be spent on the specific area of air quality, and Central Government requires proof that the money was spend in the way described in the bid for funding. This overcomes the problem of air quality budgets competing directly with other social priorities dealt with by municipal authorities.

Planning Legislation

In the UK it is necessary to seek Planning permission from the municipal authority for new developments. Planning legislation allows the municipal authority to apply planning conditions that the developer must comply with. Under this legislation (section 106 of The Town and Country Planning Act 1990) the municipal authority can require the developer to enter into a planning agreement. These agreements can be to make a financial contribution to improve the community infrastructure to meet the needs of residents in new developments, or to reduce the impact of the new development upon existing community facilities. Financial contributions towards community infrastructure are used, for example, to build or improve community halls and play areas, for the maintenance of open space, and for the enhancement of transport infrastructure.

One typical example of this would be for a fast food restaurant to be asked to contribute to improvements to a local road that would have increased traffic travelling on it once the fast food restaurant opened.

However, in recent years municipal authorities have been entering into section 106 agreements for a wider range of projects, including funding air quality projects. Developers building schemes such as supermarkets that result in large increases in traffic flows have entered into agreements to fund long-term air quality monitoring nearby.

The process of using these agreements to fund air quality is still controversial in the UK, with just a few municipal authorities taking this approach. However, these local authorities have found that in cases of large development projects developers are quite willing to enter into these agreements, and the funding obtained can be sufficient to set up and run a single monitoring station for several years. Money paid by the developer is held in an account that allows the equipment to be purchased, and provides an annual budget to fund the station for the specified number of years.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Congestion charging in London and directing money to transport




The London congestion charging scheme was opened in February 2003 and is the largest scheme of its kind in the world. It covers an area of 22Km2 and in its first year of operation it has resulted in a reduction in traffic of approximately 20%.

Approximately 100 000 vehicles pay to enter the congestion charging area per day, resulting in an income of £130m per year. This income is all used to improve public transport in the city.

Public reaction to the introduction of this scheme has been surprisingly positive.

How London’s congestion charging scheme works

The perimeter of the congestion charging area is marked with traffic signs that tell drivers that they need to pay before entering the area. The area is only operated from Monday to Friday from 07.00 hours to 18.30 hours.

Drivers wishing to take a vehicle into the congestion charging area must pay a daily fee. This fee can be paid at shops, petrol filling stations, car parks, by post, by telephone, by SMS text message or over the internet. Drivers can pay for just one day, or for any number of days, weeks or months. When payment is made a computer system records the vehicle registration number, and the dates for which payment has been received. Payment can be made at any time up to midnight on the day that the vehicle enters the area.

The charge is £5 per day. People who live inside the area pay only £0.5 per day, and do not have to pay anything for days during which they do not move their car.

Enforcement is needed to make sure that drivers have paid to enter the area. Cameras are used for this. These cameras read the registration numbers of vehicles entering the area and check against computer records that the vehicle has paid the daily fee. If the fee has not been paid then a penalty fine of £80 is automatically sent to the registered owner of the vehicle via the national agency that registers vehicle ownership (the DVLA). This fine is reduced to £40 if it is paid within 2 weeks, but increased to £120 if it is not paid within 4 weeks.

In addition to cameras enforcement teams operate inside the area. These teams identify and wheel-clamp vehicles with more than three unpaid fines. If necessary, vehicles are towed away until fines have been paid.

Effects upon Pollution

The congestion charging scheme in London is predicted to have little impact upon air quality. The Greater London Authority estimates that there will be a reduction in pollutant levels of approximately 1-2%. This small level of reduction is due to the following factors;

  • The charging scheme mainly reduces the number of cars, which produce less pollution than heavier vehicles.
  • The scheme only operates for one third of the hours per year.
  • The relationship between NOx and NO2 means that reducing NOx does not lead to an equal reduction in NO2.
  • PM10 levels are greatly affected by migration of PM10 from outside the area.

It has been difficult to evaluate the changes in pollutant levels from the first year of operation of the scheme. This is because the variability in climate between different years results in bigger changes in pollutant levels that those predicted from the congestion charging scheme.

It is unlikely to be possible to quantify the effect of the congestion charging scheme upon pollutant levels in future years. This is because the effects of the scheme are likely to be small in comparison with other factors occurring at the same time, for example improvements in vehicle engines.

However, the congestion charging scheme is used as a mechanism to improve air quality in other ways. For example, the very cleanest alternatively fuelled vehicles are exempt from the scheme. The congestion charging scheme forms only part of the Mayor’s Air Quality Strategy (for London).

Future Developments in London’s Congestion Charging

The Greater London Authority is currently carrying out a feasibility study into building upon the congestion charging scheme with the introduction of a Low Emission Zone. This zone could be used to require vehicles to meet Euro II, III, and IV standards by 2005, 2007 and 2010. It could also be used to require vehicles to have particulate traps fitted.

The scheme could be targeted only at buses, heavy goods vehicles and taxis, or could include cars. However, initial findings have been that even this scheme would not allow the NO2 and PM10 standards to be met.

In addition there are proposals to increase the area covered by the scheme.





Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Role of air quality adviser



Air quality advisers do not have instruments to solve air quality problems. They are dependent on the activities of others such as traffic advisers. So there have to be integral agreements (rules and assignments by the administration and management) and mutual understanding. Beside the attitude and way of working of the advisers is quite different from a person responsible for monitoring.

From 1987 environmental advisers in Utrecht have tried to prevent air quality problems and to use other sector plans to solve them. There is a lot of experience now and all advisers are trained in advising. Below you find the most important recommendations for air quality advisers.

1. Know your own role/ place in the power game.

What is your role on different levels (city, region, nation and international) and in different periods (now, in the governmental period, long term)?

Don't try to do the impossible at once and find companions.

2. Implement a filter function for better understanding of the problems.

Give clear messages and aim at a workable policy.

Listen to the problems of others (obstacles for plans) and start discussions. Find strong arguments for meeting the rules.

3. Help principals to solve their problems on air pollution.

It takes time and efforts to convince people there is a problem and it is their problem. As an adviser you can help them to solve the problem and to discover the profits.

4. Put the responsibility where it belongs.

You are not alone: inform and engage other people. At the end the politicians are responsible for decision making, you only can advise them. So always inform your superiors and the politicians and explain risks.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Development of AQ Related Planning Guidance in the UK




Planning guidance related to air quality issues has been a contentious issue in the UK since the introduction of the Local Air Quality Management process in the mid-1990s. The UK government issued Planning Policy Guidance Note 23 (PPG23) in February 1997. However despite this occurring in the same year as the LAQM process was set out in the UK National Air Quality Strategy, the Guidance didn’t make any reference to the LAQM work of LAs in the UK (although it did deal with the Local Authority Air Pollution Control (LAAPC powers/responsibilities). This has led to planning decisions pertaining to developments with an air quality impact, especially those in or near an Air Quality Management Area, being carried out in an ad-hoc manner across the country – often depending on either the political profile of air quality or the dedication of air quality officers within the respective LA.

For a number of years there was considerable pressure on the government to update the guidance to incorporate advice on both strategic and development control planning in relation to AQMAs and other relevant issues. In 2002 the government finally issued a consultation draft of a new PPG23. Despite many concerns that this still did not provide enough advice, in an effort to reduce bureaucratic ‘red-tape’, the government has scrapped the policy of issuing this document as an extensive guidance note and is now planning to release it as a “Planning Policy Statement”.

In the light of both the historic and likely future dearth of useful governmental guidance on how air quality issues should be incorporated into planning decisions, there is a continuing trend of non-statutory guidance being drawn up by individual local authorities, regional groups of authorities and other relevant bodies (such as the Air Quality Management Resource Centre at UWE, Bristol, and the National Society for Clean Air). Historically, there is a strong tendency for planners and transport planners in UK local authorities to refuse to deal with air quality issues as these have always been dealt with by Environmental Health departments (or their equivalent). This can be seen to stem from similar sectoral splits all the way up the governmental hierarchy which see Environment, Transport and Land-use Planning all being dealt with by separate departments.


There are a number of levels at which non-statutory planning guidance is being or has been drawn up in the UK.

  • UK government guidance providing assistance with integration of planning system and LAQM regime. This is a very limited section of the general Policy Guidance for Local Air Quality Management. It has no statutory status and, because it is part of the guidance documents produced by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) it does not necessarily hold much weight with land-use planners who currently answer only to the Office of the Deputy Prime-Minister (ODPM).

  • Regional level assistance – guidance on strategic planning and LAQM; provided to support local authorities across the South West of UK in integrating air quality considerations into local planning frameworks. There are a number of regional groups of local authorities who have drawn up Planning Protocols to ensure that air quality is treated equitably within planning decisions across their areas. These include: Bristol, Somerset and Gloucestershire Pollution Group; and The Association of London Government. Some individual authorities have also established protocols to help inform their planning teams about air quality, including the London Borough of Hillingdon and Sheffield City Council. All four of these documents are available from the UWE website below.

  • Development of guidance on Development Control and Air Quality. This is being drawn up by a wide-ranging committee co-ordinated by the AQMRC, UWE and the National Society for Clean Air (NSCA). This is being developed for planners, air quality professionals, developers and consultants alike. The guidance is expected to be finalised soon – draft copies are expected to be available in June 2004 with final copies in October 2004. These should be available from the UWE website below. The aim of the guidance is to guide judgements within local authorities in a more consistent way. The guidance is expected to deal with: planning application procedures; air quality assessments; evaluation of ‘significance’ in terms of impacts; ‘particular concerns’ such as cumulative impacts, low polluting developments etc.; and mitigation measures


It is strongly recommended that, in the absence of satisfactory guidelines for dealing with air quality issues within planning decisions, that air quality officers within an authority work with their colleagues from the planning department to establish, at the very least, a basic framework and protocol from which to work from.

Further Reading

PPG23 (1997) http://www.odpm.gov.uk/stellent/groups/odpm_planning/documents/page/odpm_plan_606911.pdf

PPG23 (2003) Draft Consultation version


Local Air Quality Management Policy Guidance, LAQM.PG(03)


Examples of Supplementary Planning Guidance and Planning Protocols and other information related to Air Quality and Planning


Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Microclimate and large developments and car parks underneath high-rise building



The urban development of the European cities has changed in the last decade. Investors now want to build prestigious high-rise building complexes. The horizontal and vertical reach is much greater than the older buildings. At the same time, these buildings cause traffic air pollutant. Cars also need space for parking. Because of lack of space garages are built underground

The described development causes a change in the urban climate and the wind comfort is affected. So can throw turbulence relevant derogation’s appear, which can restrict the use of the buildings and the road spaces in the extremely cases.

The high-rise building changes the wind field in the city area and the urban canopy layer growth. This has a worse effect on the atmospheric transport in the city, as it can accumulate the urban/traffic pollutant. This effect is intensified by the traffic.

Underground garages are an additional problem, especially the ventilation of the garages. If the ventilation is in the near of the ground, we have a relevant air pollution. Sometimes we have exceeded the limit values.

For building complexes with a horizontal range from more than 50 meters or a height from more than 60 meters a wind comfort study should be made. This studies whether the turbulence in the nearness is dangerous or not, and whether the people can use the street and places. On the other hand in the ideal case the effect of the building of the urban climate will be investigated.

The air pollution of additional traffic, including the underground garages, must also be investigated. This investigation is necessary for underground garages with more than 100 places, if the ventilation near the ground. Ventilation over the housetop implies no problems.

For the investigation numerical and physical models can be used.

The numbers in this paper are only experience values. In other local or regional areas or special cases (sensitivity of area, back ground values etc.) this values can be higher or lower.

Examples and further reading

Oke, T. R. (2001): Boundary layer climates. - 2. ed., repr.

VDI 2053 Bl. 1 (1995): Air Treatment Systems for Garages and Tunnels Garages, VDI Düsseldorf

Zenger A. (2000): Modell zur Prognose der Emission und mittleren Luftqualität in Tiefgaragen sowie Verifizierung anhand von Messungen

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Integrating Land Use Mobility and Air Quality in Bristol




To succeed with true integration you require genuine trust established between both the transportation engineers and the air quality specialists. Both parties need to understand the contribution made to air pollution by traffic, and how congestion, weather and the road layout and topography affect emissions and dispersion. When trust has been established, air quality and more importantly an air quality strategy will be incorporated into the transport plan and the plan will seek to minimise air pollution. It is important to set out clear goals with prioritisation in the strategy against which progress can be met. If zones of high pollution are identified then an action plan will be necessary to bring about improvements in air quality for safeguarding public health within the zone. Traffic can separate and isolate communities by providing an unsurpassable barrier, similarly individual households can be isolated if they do not have the means of mobility shared by the rest of society. It is a sad fact that many of the inner city dwellers most affected by congestion, traffic fumes and isolation do not themselves possess cars but do suffer their adverse effects.


Transportation and air pollution are intrinsically linked in most societies. The freedom both to travel and to ship goods over vast distances has never been cheaper and appears to be an ever growing fact of modern society. The means of mobility has not been planned but has evolved with a need to provide philosophy that has continued to support this growth. It is only now that roads in our cities are at capacity with little or no room for additional growth that we have grasped the nettle and recognised the limited resource and sought to manage both congestion and the air pollution it causes. Constructing infrastructure either for public or for private transport systems is neither cheap nor quick and changes are usually planned over many years to avoid both disruption and to make schemes affordable. The most important first step is for air quality specialists to open discussion with those responsible for transport planning to include the importance of air pollution in long term planning and in assessing impacts of smaller schemes over the short time. AQ specialists need to assess the polluting effects of changes using a mixture of monitoring and modelling and to promote those schemes with a net positive effect. The importance of getting schemes to incorporate diffusion tube monitoring before and after implementation cannot be stressed too highly. Feeding back this information to the transport planners is even more important because it includes them in the process and gives them a tool by which improvements can be monitored. Predict and Provide is no longer seen as a viable policy, especially where high land values and already overdeveloped towns and cities occupy the land. Proper facility management is seen as part of the answer. Management techniques, i.e. congestion charging is used to ration space during periods of peak demand. Those that pay get faster (earlier) travel. Those unwilling to pay travel outside of peak demand helping spread road use over a wider period. Proponents of flexible working practises often quote the ability to broaden the travel period enables those taking part to spend much less time travelling. Information must be public and in the public realm and be actively promoted particularly to stakeholders in each scheme.


Transport Plans must include air quality assessments and strategies, especially where vehicle emissions form the key pollutants affecting health and the environment. Air quality assessments must quantify the sources of key pollutants and identify the contribution from vehicle emissions. The key role of stationary traffic in contributing to urban peak pollution needs to be recognised in controlling congestion and reducing pollution. The professionals involved in these roles must work together in a spirit of trust and share information particularly where modelling is required to predict future changes. All parties must recognise the inadequacies of predictive models both in the traffic and pollution prediction fields.

Professionals in the different disciplines must build up trust to ensure a common understanding of the problem before it is possible to identify and rank possible solutions.

Further Reading

Bristol Transport Plan

Bristol Air Quality Strategy

Bristol Air Quality Action Plan

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Venice Municipality Strategic Plan




The Venice Municipality Strategic Plan has been presented by the local administration in March 2003.

The Plan general goal is to build, in the next future, a city characterized by its inhabitants high quality life, in his relational, working and cultural aspects and by its environmental and physical structures high quality.

It differs from urban planning because it is oriented to integral socio-economic actions, rather than territory planning and it differs from the classic medium and long term planning because it is not limited to expectations adaptation to normal trends but it is directed to new opportunities and new aims.

Venice Municipality Strategic Plan characteristics

The Plan is the product of the work carried out by a municipal working group, that has worked comparing besides with other municipal structures and with Strategic Plan promoters (the venetian universities, Industrial Associations, Commerce Chamber, Trade Unions), with a big number of public and private subjects.

Venice Municipality Strategic Plan consists of:

- Medium/long period plan, for a city of 300.000 residents (about 430.000 “daily” inhabitants), whose reference context is a metropolitan system of about 640.000 inhabitants (25 Municipalities). The present resident population is of 270.758 inhabitants (2002 Registry Office). It is clear that the aim of reaching 300.000 residents can be obtained only with the implementation of effective policies that would be able to consider as fixed points the present house/work balance, the necessity of social, economic and cultural increase of the system and the necessity of occupational increase and that could suggest actions for new residential patterns in order to slow down the migratory trend and to attract new population, and intervention for the consolidation of the present student population;

- plan promoted by municipal administration but related to a metropolitan context. It has, consequentely, a significant relevance in the plan choices the territorial ambit definition where transformation and development phenomena take place;

- complex and articulated strategy of local system development to read not only like summation and classification of already decided and/or in course of realization projects;

- instrument that suggest the guide lines that should be suitable for the city’s subject development demand;

- action tool aiming to redefine the relationship with the city:

- with the occupation/housing system to guarantee a everyday life high quality and to facilitate social, economic and infrastructural management that conditions local system development, and with a wide metropolitan area (so-called PATREVE – the Padua-Treviso-Venice urban area), to enhance a system characterisation of such dimension as to be able to compete with other urban systems of Northern Italy and Northern Europe;

- with Veneto, to rebuild a virtuous relations system that maximize mutual advantages: for the Region, to be able to have an emblematic capital of high international impact; for the town, to value its resources within a wide and complex territory and to develop already present human and economic resources;

- with the rest of the world, to allow to local actors to economically and culturally talk and interact at an international level;

- document where the contents are the product of a continuous dialogue with public and private subject in order to define local system;

- document that considered possible politics and relative interventions considering the short/average/long period realisation and in reason of daily population different components on which the effects are perceived;

- document that assume like fundamental reference sustainable, plurality and participation principles as than defined within the European Community (Agenda 21, European Chart of Human Rights, Governance White Book,...)

It has finally to be remembered that Venice Municipality Strategic Plan assumes as reference the Venetian area infrastructural system as it is developing in reason of actions that different government levels (Europe, State, Region, Province) and different network manager (Railway station, Motorway, Anas, ...) are planning or carrying out (Mestre ring road, Romea commercial road, subsidiary actions to one or the other, the so-called High speed railroad, Regional Underground System – SFMR...) considering, as much as possible, the scheduled finishing times.

At the same time, the Plan considers scenarios envisaged by the Venice Municipality Territory Development and Mobility Central Office for the drafting of a Urban Mobility Plan (s.c. PUM).

In this context for the possible impact that could follow, it has emerged the need that Venice Municipality Strategic Plan considers with attention the processes put into action (underway or at an early stage politicies and actions) by the Administration, within its competence, or by other subjects in the Venetian area, that deal with important matters leading to longer period development strategies. Among them, for importance and impact, important are for example not only those regarding mobility and accessibility system actions (Mestre ring road), the historical centre protection actions against high tides and for the lagoon morphology reclamation (Mose) and the decisions taken for the environmental and industrial reclamation of Porto Marghera but also those underway aimed to increase the value of Mestre aske a urban unitary system within a metropolitan dimension and actions for residence and urban welfare politicies.

Vision outlined by the Strategic Plan and its specific components

Like plans of other Italian and Foreign cities, the Venice Municipality Plan is organized in structural conditions and strategic lines and provides for the specific aims achieving by means of the strategic development and the implementation of intervention policies that consider a multiplicity of single actions.

The Structural conditions are the elements through which city and territory can be read and interpreted. In the plan context they consider: services, urban welfare and environment and territory management in its physical and institutional aspects. They represent at the same time essential development factors, necessary to suggest strategies and politicies aimed to the existent structural system improvement (new services, evolution of territorial structures, etc.) and reference politicies conditions to which relate admissibility and sustainability evaluations of intervention suggestions drafted in plan guide lines. It means that the plan choices can be put into action only if their realisation does not imply negative impacts in terms of sustainability.

The Strategic Lines are the strong points of Venetian system, that are linked to competitive and development factors of the Venetian area, recognised like elements able to address strategies, politicies and actions to which, in a medium and long period, the city will have to aim to carry out the vision suggested by the Venice Metropolitan City – quality, work, culture Strategic Plan.

With these, the plan has selected and arranged the main factors of economic productive and social world of the Venetian territory suggesting a strategic reading that helps the urban system to evolve towards more acquainted and safer forms of self-regeneration and development.

The Strategies organize and thematize the aims each time enunciated. Each strategy is structured in politicies and actions.

The Politicies, as a whole of actions, plans, programs through which every strategy derives its structure, express with a certain degree of precision, programmatic objectives that the Strategic Plan has selected for the implementation of the vision and its lines.

The Actions are single actions, plans and programs promoted by municipal administration and/or bodies, institutions, public or private associations, etc. through which politicies and selected strategies are put into action. The Plan collects and organizes then either underway or planned ex-novo actions.

The Venice Municipality Strategic Plan building process

To close a stage that has privileged the thematic ambits of relevant interest analytic investigation and the dialogue with privileged interlocutors, Venice Strategic Plan drafting will be discussed by municipal administration so that it could be modified and integrated with the contents necessary for its following approval.

The Plan version is subscribed by the Plan process Promoters that have supported, with continuity, the drafting; it follows the results of an intense phase of coherence and effectiveness verification of the suggested scenario developed by the Plan Office in accordance with an effective comparison with privileged interlocutors and researchers of Venice 2000 Foundation, whose contents have been presented at a public meeting held in Venice in March 2003.

In next stage the Municipal Council licensed plan version will be presented to the political interlocutors of the City Council and to the technicians either inside or outside the municipal administrative structure. Inside, to the managers, to allow them to evaluate the suggested actions feasibility and the possible answers to give to the impact on work routine that could derive from its implementation; outside the administration, to the subjects that constitute and paricipate to the local system, in order to share decisions on the suggested scenario and to accept possible modifications or integrations relative to politicies and actions to be carried out.

Successively, the Plan Office will harmonize the development plan contents in accordance with the new indications and will draft a final version on the ground of these demands to organize the subscritpion of a new agreement for the city development, both generally (to share and be committed into the suggested general strategy) and more specifically (to share and be committed into specific objectives implementation).

Networking process

The Plan Office has identified the whole of the local subjects, both public and private, interested in the Venetian area strategic planning process and it has collected informations regarding action power, planning, interests mobilization and representativity, funds raising and results achieving.

At a following stage it has selected, among them, the Plan Process Promoters: a small number of privileged interlocutorsin a content number of privileged interlocutors bearers of general interests and specific and peculiar objectives, considering them as constant reference points in the trategic Plan building process development.

With all these subjects, the Plan Office has promoted and carried out, in a continuous and interesting way, comparison moments and collaboration relationships, enhancing thus the creation of some elements of a process stretched to agreement acquisition to share the Plan objectives.

The choice to progressively attain to the partnership processes building and governance that are a necessary condition for the achievement of strategic planning experience is consequent to the awareness of a number of different factors but in particular it is consequent to the will to have, during the entire document drafting, a strong and qualified contradictory, with organized actors, able to have a city development planning vision, interested from the beginning to strategic planning processes and provided with their own long period strategies and politicies regarding the Plan possible choices.

To these interlocutors, a lot of them already involved in important territory actions and provided with experience in cooperation and concerted actions with the public sector, it has been requested firstly to share the strategic approach to development topics promoted by the Administration and then to share the ambitious and imaginative idea of Venice possible future in relation to its reference local system like something able to generate resources and development.

A first involvement in the Plan process of other actors of the “city system” has instead been realized by means of direct contacts and through their cathegories organizations involvement, and in active participation, by means of specific deepening seminars on possible Plan sectors actions.

See full text document (in Italian language): Piano Strategico di Venezia

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example




In the Hague, we have a big programme called BANS which is made up of great number of climate change actions

the following actions do have both air as climate change impacts

they are planned but not jet implemented

- EPC norm 20% sharper for new buildings city administration

- Cool driving

- inventory bottlenecks traffic in relation to environment

- use of alternative fuels when tendering busroutes

- building denser building (more buildings per square meter) next to public transport axes

- a great number of energy saving meaures (less fossil fuel ussage in energy plants)

Contact person: Alfons Finkers in the Hague (A.Finkers@DSB.DENHAAG.NL)

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Air Quality and Land Use Planning in Birmingham



The Birmingham Plan

What is the Birmingham Plan?

Birmingham City Council must, by law, prepare and keep up-to-date a "Unitary Development Plan" (UDP). Birmingham’s first UDP was published in 1993, after extensive public participation and a major public enquiry. It is known as the Birmingham Plan. This is a land use plan covering the whole city. It contains policies and proposals that guide development and the use of land up to the year 2001.

This Plan is now under review and draft Alterations to the Plan have now been published to set policies and strategies for development up to the year 2011.

What does The Birmingham Plan contain?

A book which includes:

  • Topic chapters (such as Housing and Shopping), which set out the objectives and direction of planning policies across the city.
  • Area statements, which set out policies and proposals for different parts of the city, including the City Centre.
  • A list of more detailed planning policies, which the Planning Committee must also take into account when they make decisions on planning applications. These are known as "Supplementary Planning Guidance".
  • A map which provides a guide to the Plan's proposals and policies.


Birmingham is home to almost a million people of diverse cultures, ethnic origins, skills and incomes. The Birmingham Plan aims to:

  • Create a City which provides better facilities and opportunities for all residents;
  • Provide an attractive environment which will improve the quality of life for the City's residents, as well as stimulating investment

City-wide policies

As discussed earlier the Birmingham Plan contains planning policies on a wide range of issues, the one that is relevant to Air Quality is:

The Environment Section

The draft UDP now includes a section on air quality and states:

“3.77. The City Council is committed to improving air quality within Birmingham and will require development which minimises or reduces air pollution. This will be addressed in various ways: -

  • An increase in tree cover throughout the City
  • Modes of transport which reduce the impact of travel on air pollution
  • The use of alternative clean fuels

3.78. When assess planning applications, the implications of new development for air quality will be taken into account.

3.79. The City Council is aiming to minimise energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions within Birmingham and encourages the use of renewable energy resources. The City Council recognises that one of the best ways to reduce energy use and therefore carbon emissions is by designing buildings to be energy efficient. The City Council will therefore will require development which minimises or reduces energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, thereby help to reduce the Cities impacts on the global warning, resource depletion and pollution.

3.79A. The City Council is committed towards carbon dioxide reduction and renewable energy targets, in line with the government’s current target for renewable energy generation, i.e. that 10% of UK electricity requirements should be met from renewable energy sources by 2010. The City Councils current target is to acquire 15% of its own energy use from renewable energy sources and to reduce CO2 emissions by 30% from 1990 levels by 2010.

3.79B. The City Council is aware of the potential for renewable energy sources within Birmingham, in particular, solar energy (photovoltaic and solar heat). The City Council will also support combined heat and power installations where appropriate, as they are a sustainable form of the energy by using the heating and electricity generation potential of energy usage. As far as possible, the layout of new developments should take account of the potential for the future of Combined Heat and Power schemes. The City Council will give favourable considerations to proposals for the application of combined heat and power in developments with significant energy demand, e.g. major mixed use developments, subject to full consideration of any adverse effects on local amenity that might arise as a result of the development

3.79D. In addition, the achievement of minimising energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions will be addressed in a number of ways, including: -

  • Locating the most intensive forms of development within the City Centre or other centres and along public transport corridors.
  • Mixed use developments
  • Modes of transport which reduce the impact of travel on energy resources
  • The layout and design which reduces the need for travel “

(Source - The Birmingham Plan, Birmingham Unitary Development Plan, Alterations and Environmental Appraisal Deposit 2001 and Second Deposit Changes 2002, Birmingham City Council 2001/2002)


The revision of the Birmingham Plan to include Air Quality ensures that all Local Government Officers, Applicants and Agents consider Air Quality issues with all planning applications and developments. Once the final Birmingham Plan has been issued, this will provide a legal backup for any local Air Quality improvement measures attached to planning approval conditions.

Last Updated


27th September 2004





Title of Example

  Upgrading of new post-war areas in the Netherlands



A new plan has been made for the sustainable regeneration of a certain area in the Randstad. The water management systems and transport infrastructure were redesigned according to sustainability principles. This leads, among others, to the introduction of more surface water in places where former roadways then have to be closed (which fits in a traffic calming design scheme). The rainwater is proposed to drain away naturally; this leaves an overcapacity of the sewage system. New buildings have been proposed, bringing multifunctional activities in the former monofunctional housing area. New infrastructures for these buildings can be cheap: public transport, due to densification; efficient energy systems through cogeneration plants and use of existing sewer capacities because of the newly created “overcapacity”. The municipality must invest in this. The environmental and social benefits will come later: safer public spaces, less traffic incidents, less air pollution, better water quality, lower costs for maintenance of ecological greenery, and so on. But investments are large, and others (for instance housing corporations) will profit because of lower costs, for instance for water and energy. Conventional cost-benefit calculations do not deal with such intersectoral approaches, and with different time horizons in public investment and maintenance schemes. There is no system in place to cope with this. The designed sustainability scheme is now endangered. Urban environmental plans (energy management plans, waste management plans, air protection plans, water plans, etc), land use plans and socio-economic plans in some countries reflect the above-mentioned fragmented organisation of activities at regional/national level. Therefore local ability to produce strategic, integrated, negotiated, action-oriented plans and programmes is weak.

When it comes to the regeneration of post-war urban areas, the responsible housing organisations will in many cases immediately jump to CONCLUSIONS such as tearing buildings down and building new, more expensive, houses. They expect that this will lead to more income spent in these areas and thus to reduction of neglect, unsafety and pollution. A more balanced strategy, based on an appropriate analysis of the strengths and opportunities of these areas, will take more time. Profits will not be gained immediately, but over a longer time. Such strategies have been developed in Europe, but the transfer of relevant know-how is extremely limited. Often the responsible organisations are not well equipped, not informed enough and have too little professionally educated experts for the task.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  European Common Indicators



European Common Indicators (ECI)

Added value:

-awareness raising


-trend analysis


Time and resources, methodological problems, lack of data, broadness of indicators


-co-ordination & aggregation with other EU Initiatives (e.g. Urban Audit)

-promotional campaign


-involvement of national institutions

-ECI common data standards (in line with recommendations from INSPIRE)

-regular publishing of data

Extract from the European Common Indicators Final Report

To view the final report please see:


The ECI initiative: 1999 preparatory process

The ECI initiative was started off in May 1999 with the setting up of a Working Group

on Sustainable Indicators (for initiative of and under the supervision of the Expert

Group on the Urban Environment and led by the French Environmental Ministry) with

the task to develop common (harmonised) indicators for local sustainability, in close

collaboration with a wider Group of Local Authorities. Since the beginning, the aim of the initiative has been to develop and test indicators reflecting local actions towards sustainability in as much an integrated way as possible.

The outcome of the initial phase was a proposal, suggesting a set of indicators on a limited number of themes, in order to allow the strengthening of some core methodologies through effective implementation. The set is however intended to remain flexible and open to include other relevant topics.

Further, ECI is characterised by a good level of complementarity with respect to

existing local, national and sectoral indicators’ sets, since it was not defined to displace or compete with any local/national priority therein reflected. In fact, the ECIs aim at representing local action towards sustainability in as much an integrated way as possible.

Indicators have been developed according to a bottom up approach since the very

beginning of the project, involving local authorities as main actors in the process and

improving synergies with existing indicators sets. This shows, on the one hand, to what extent its ethos is actually based upon understanding the real needs of municipalities,and on the other, the possibilities of achievement of policy objectives from actions that bridge more than one level of governance. If, on the one hand, the ECIs scope is to fulfil the requirements of indicators envisaged in the current EU policy perspective - in as much as they intend to promote an integrated and harmonised approach across community policies - on the other, they aim to ensure local appropriateness, valuing local and lay knowledge and the principle of subsidiarity. Both aspects can be traced back to the six Sustainability Principles permeating the indicators (see below). To qualify into the set, an indicator had to address at least three of them (= integration requirement). Over 1,000 indicators were analysed both against this requirement and against a list of general criteria. The most important, well-established indicators systems have served as a source of inspiration, as building blocks for the creation of a new system.

The outcome of the numerous and extensive consultation rounds with towns and cities,was the agreement on a list of 10 common issues/indicators Sustainable Indicators and submitted to various rounds of discussion

Sustainability Concerns forming the basis for the indicators’ selection (extract

from “Checklist”):

1. equality and social inclusion (access for all to adequate and affordable basic

services, e.g. education, employment, energy, health, housing, training,transport);

2. local governance/empowerment/democracy (participation of all sectors of the localcommunity in local planning and decision making processes);

3. local/global relationship (meeting local needs locally, from production to consumption and disposal, meeting needs that cannot be met locally in a more sustainable way);

4. local economy (matching local skills and needs with employment availability and other facilities, in a way that poses minimum threat to natural resources and the environment);

5. environmental protection (adopting an eco-systems approach, minimising use of natural resources and land, generation of waste and emission of pollutants,

enhancing bio-diversity);

6. cultural heritage/quality of the built environment (protection, preservation and

rehabilitation of historic, cultural and architectural values, including buildings,

monuments, events, enhancing and safeguarding attractiveness and functionality of spaces and buildings).

The ECI initiative: 2000 launching process

Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström launched the initiative at the 3°

European Conference on Sustainable Cities (9-12 February 2000, Hanover, Germany),inviting local and regional authorities from across Europe to participate. Participation is based on signing the voluntary adoption agreement.

The following activities have been carried out since the launch (up to January 2001):

· a survey was carried out by Eurocities in the summer of year 2000, to get a first idea of if and how participating local authorities were implementing the European Common Indicators;

· a first technical workshop for the mutual exchange of experiences took place in October 2000 in Seville (promoted by the Municipality, IPTS, Eurocities), to discuss in particular the initiative needs, in terms of methods for data collection and calculation;

· following the Seville workshop, 10 indicator-based working groups (IBGs) were set up, one group per indicator, with the responsibility of defining the methodologies.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Territorial Impact Assessment and Cumulative Impact Assessment




Appraisal tool for assessing potential impact of strategies, plans, policies and projects against spatial development planning and management objectives using sustainability criteria.

Effect of using the TIA:

Introducing rigour and systematisation into planning and management

· Introduces systematic appraisal of potential impacts into the scenario planning phase

· Integrates economic, social and environmental issues

· Balanced analysis of both positive and negative effects of Plans/Policies


· Clear and unequivocal statement of spatial policy objectives underlying strategies, plans and policies

· Systematic appraisal of planned outcomes i.e. within strategies and plans and their constituent policies, against holistic sustainability indicators and targets

· Spatial (or territorial) impacts as the fundamental focus

· Thresholds of spatial development need agreement before TIA can be used effectively

· Forecasting and data techniques need reconciliation if cross-sectoral analyses are to be compatible and meaningful

Added value:

· Specifically orientated to spatial analysis - a missing appraisal tool

· Pre-plan evaluation of potential impacts and outcomes - a systematic scenario tool at the strategy evaluation and choice stage

· Cross-sectoral and integrating in its construction

· Allows the positive impacts (i.e. the declared objectives of management) to be articulated and demonstrated, as well as highlighting the negative effects or at least the cross-sectoral tensions (the latter being the usual outcome of such assessment techniques)

· Minimising, or making transparent the potential spatial conflicts or tensions between sectoral approaches and strategies e.g. the tension between an economic development strategy and an environmental strategy

· Reconciling these tensions at the earliest management stages

· Providing a rigorously assessed sustainability basis to strategies and plans, where EU or national resourcing is requested to sustain the delivery process - a test of growing significance in the distribution of structural funds - (i.e. enforcing the sustainability approach where it has most impact - monies!)

Cumulative impact Assessment

- scale and timeframe are important

- methods: Checklists, indicator-based trend analysis, overlay analysis, carrying capacity analysis

- CIA could be part of the SEA process


Barriers: lack of knowledge, tools, resources


- CIA should be part of the national guidance on EIA/SEA

- The Commission should fund guidance and good practice studies

- EIA and SEA directives could be amended to take into account CIA

- More emphasis on scoping phase of impact assessments—spatial boundaries of impacts do not follow the administrative borders of planning jurisdiction

- Regional information systems are needed

- Follow-up studies on real impacts in order to improve prediction and assessment techniques.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Dispersal modelling in physical planning



The infrastructure planning sees the need for a new bridge crossing Göta älv river in Göteborg. The existing two bridges and the tunnel under Göta älv can’t handle more increase of the traffic, traffic jam occurs every morning and evening. One of the most exposed spots for air pollution is at the existing tunnel, Tingstadstunneln between Ringömotet and Gullbergsmotet. Something has to be done to reduce the air pollution in that area. The Environment Administration got the task to do the dispersal calculations and forecasting for year 2010 of NO2 values for the different examples that were planned to be built. It is four places there it is possible to build a bridge, Lärje, Backadal, Nylöse and Marieholm. At one of the places it is also possible to build a tunnel under the river, Marieholm (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Map of the area for the planned bridges

The bases for the calculations are inputs from the road traffic. Traffic models and forecasting were made for each bridge and the surrounding roads including Tingstadstunneln. The forecast for Marieholm were the same for the bridge and tunnel. The traffic model showed that most reduction of the traffic at Tingstadstunneln gains if a bridge/tunnel is built at Marieholm. The further north the bridge is built the fewer cars will use the bridge.

The calculations were made by the software EnviMan Planner. Planner provides simulation of the air quality with dispersion models. The calculation shows that most benefit for the air quality is if the new connection is built at Marieholm. A tunnel is better than a bridge even if the tunnel makes higher concentrations close by the mouths. It does not make any difference if it is a tunnel or bridge for the connecting roads. If a new bridge is built at Nylöse, Backadal or Lärje the air quality in that area still would be below the directives for NO2. None of the four examples make any significant difference for the NO2 values at Tingstadstunneln. But a small improvement could discern in the air quality for all four examples (Figure 2-5).

The new crossing over Göta älv which was desired to be built was the one which had most improvement for the air quality, but I doubt it had anything with the Environment Administration and the dispersal models to do. It was the tunnel at Marieholm.

Figure 2 Figure 3

Dispersion calculation today Dispersion calculation bridge Lärje

Figure 4 Figure 5

Dispersion calculationbridge Marieholm NO2 Dispersion calculation tunnel Marieholm NO2

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Tripartite Contracts



Since 1993 Seville has been taking part in the Tripartite Agreements. All the signed Social Harmony Agreements have had a positive effect during the 90s on the economic and social development of Andalusia by promoting several actions to improve competition in the Andalusian economy. Moreover, these agreements have helped the Regional Government of Andalucia to become a reference, from an economic and social perspective, not only in Spain, but also in the European Union context. Furthermore, the European Commission has considered these experiences a complete success, due to Andalusia’s ability to face up to a new economic scene.

The last Social Harmony Agreement was signed in Seville on 23th of May, 2001 by the regional government of Andalucia and with the Business Confederation of Seville and the Trade Union (CCOO). This Social Harmony Agreement, consists of five key elements: active policies intended for employment, improvement of competition and internationalization of Andalusian Companies, establishment of a knowledge society , economic planning, and improvement of labour relations. Moreover, this agreement includes new points, not dealt with in the previous pacts, such as the establishment of a knowledge society, in which the environment has been taken into account with the idea of its sustainability being an instrument for future progress.

These Social Harmony Agreements contain a wide range of compromises which all signatories must respect. As such, all parties to these agreements have promoted their dissemination through communication campaigns or the creation of a website or some other medium or activity. It should not be forgotten that these pacts are also supposed to be a permanent social dialogue that require a range of measures and actions to guarantee the efficiency of the achieved agreements. For that reason, there is the need for the creation of institutional working groups and forums, to go ahead with these pacts.

For more information please visit the home page of the regional government of Andalusia: www.juntadedalucia.es

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Environmental improvement resulting from oxycombustion technology





One of the main environmental impacts due to this type of manufacturing activity are the emissions of pollutants in the atmosphere.

The production cycle of artistic glass is based on different operational phases; with regard to the environmental impact one of the most important steps is the blending of the vitreous solutions and by the following processing of formed glass.

Fusion of glass is responsible for about the 60% of energy consumption and 90% of solid and gaseous emissions deriving from the whole production cycle.

The aim of the project is the replacement of traditional techniques of glass fusion with techniques that lead to a lesser environmental impact and a lesser consumption of energy.

The furnaces for glass fusion are presently stoked by methane and the combustion is air/methane driven. Since a long time, experimental tests have been underway in order to evaluate the possibility of introducing different fusion techniques that could have relevant benefits also vis-à-vis energy consumption. Among them, the “oxycombustion” technique is one of the most promising.

Oxycombustion use in the glass industries located in Sacca Serenella (Murano Island, Venice) is foreseen as part of an experimental test that aims to reduce the environmental impact of the artistic glass production sector with regard to both, atmospheric emissions (i.e. carbon dioxide) and energy consumption.

The initiative has the support of the City of Venice, Artambiente (Craftsmen Association), SAPIO Spa (Private Company that produces oxygen), Confartigianato di Venezia and is to be enacted by glass craftsmen and the Glass Experimental Station (Laboratory for emissions analyses).

Environmental problems deriving from artistic glass production

Emissions in the atmosphere are caused by the raw materials themselves, the temperatures reached during the fusion phase and the combustion system.

Specifically they are made up of:

- by-products of methane combustion during the production cycle (carbon dioxide, and NOX due to air oxidisation);

- by-products of the decomposition of the raw materials used to form the vitreous mixture (NOX due to nitrates decomposition, CO2 to carbonates);

- by-products of evaporation phenomena and possible re-condensation of volatile substances present into the vitreous mixture (PM, Heavy metals, chlorides and gaseous fluorides).

Oxycombustion replaces traditional methane/air combustion with a methane/oxygen driven combustion. In this way, the calorific value of the fuel increases because the presence of nitrogen, that at high rates in regular air combustion(about 80%), is almost completely removed. The result is a flame with higher temperatures so that a better diffusion of heat to the furnace and to the glass is obtained.

There are five glass industries involved in this experimental oxycombustion test.. They have a similar production cycle and a typology of product.

SAPIO Spa is charged with the detailed designs of all structural intervention necessary to run the experimental test both inside and outside the glassworks. Artambiente has to identify the glassworks that will be involved. The City of Venice Administration finances and establishes structural installations necessary for the experimental test as part of its urbanization intervention in Sacca Serenella. Upon the completion of the structural installations, the testing will last at least two years.

It is also expected to make use of the oxygen production potential in Porto Marghera industrial area and to link Murano through an underwater pipeline. Time needed for the pipeline completion is 12-18 months (upon receipt of the requisite authorisation release). To facilitate local distribution an arrival terminal for the pipeline will be built, from where a local distribution network will originate.

Potential energy consumption reduction

A relevant reduction of combustion consumption is due to experimental tests run on furnaces for artistic glass. Their combustion scheme has been modified from the methane/air to methane/oxygen mixture system.

The following table sums up specific consumptions checked during many tests:

Air / methane

Oxygen / methane

Final consumption (MJ/kg glass)



Primary consumption2 (MJ/kg glass)



1 The value is given as the sum of energy spent for combustion and oxygen production equal to 2,3MJ/Kg of glass (2,1 mc O2/kg glass; 0,3 kWh/mc O2)

2 A conventional factor of 2200 Kcal/KWh has been used.

At the moment in the Murano Island district a methane consumption of 4,4 million cubic metre has been recorded.

In terms of primary energy, consumption corresponding to the considerable introduction of the oxycombustion technique is reported into the following scheme:

Air / methane

Oxygen / methane

Primary Consumption (TJ)



Primary Consumption (tep)



Saving (%)


Fuels consumption (basically natural gas) for house heating is about 148.000 tep.

Potential reduction of atmospheric emissions

The following scheme sums up the change of CO2 global emissions corresponding to alternative configurations, both for unit of glass worked and as resulting from a considerable introduction of the oxycombustion technique.

Global CO2 eq. emissions

Air / methane

Oxygen / methane

Specific (kg/kg glass)



Total (kilotons)



Total reduction of equivalent CO2 results in about 45.000 tons.

Other benefits

The main benefits derived from oxycombustion, besides the lower energy consumption and the reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases can be summed up in the following points:

1. reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions (lack of nitrogen to oxidize);

2. reduction of solid and gaseous emissions during production cycle (less frequent phenomena of evaporation/re-condensation)

3. reduction of smoke volume to be shifted by fan;

4. reduction of noise emissions (no air compressor is needed).

Inclusive costs

Costs corresponding to production of the distribution system is estimated to be about €10 million. This is broken down as follows:

- €4 million to build the oxygen pipe;

- €4 million to build the network of local distribution;

- €2 million to adapt the fusion furnaces.

Current and new technology working costs are also estimated as follows:

- €8,2 million to buy methane in the current methane/air blend;

- €6,8 million to buy methane and oxygen in the new methane/oxygen blend.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Ministerial economic support on LPG and methane fuels use in autotraction





The National Decree of 22nd December, 2000, “Support to Municipalities on methane and LPG fuels use in autotraction”, gives economic support to cities that convert their conventional public bus fleets (or those assigned to local public services) into methane gas-fuelled ones - even if registered later than 1992 - and for developing a network of methane gas service stations for public transport fleets.

In May 2001 an Agreement Protocol between the Environmental Ministry, Municipalities and Trade Associations was signed. The Municipality of Parma was nominated as the lead city in the implementation of a national project committed to the coordination and integration of the local management of low environmental impact fuels. This initiative was called the ICBI (Low Environmental Impact Fuels Initiative).

More than 100 Italian municipalities expressed an interest to the Environmental Ministry about taking part in the ICBI. Of these, 166 have already completed the agreement approval process. the Municipality of Venice is one of them.

The aims of the agreement are as follows:

- structural and permanent reduction of the impact of traffic in urban and metropolitan areas;

- promotion of fuels with low environmental impact, especially LPG and methane, through vehicle-conversion programmes;

- development of alternative-fuels service networks;

- implementation of policies and initiatives in favour of low environmental impact fuels and development of agreements at the national level with Ministries and LPG/methane Trade Associations.

After its assent to the ICBI agreement, the city of Venice asked for financial support for the implementation of a service station fuelled by methane in its territory. The project aims to improve air quality in Venetian territory, where atmospheric pollution has reached acute levels these the last years.

Methane service station in the city of Venice-Mestre

The financial support asked by the city of Venice corresponds to the cost of implementing a methane compression/distribution plant in order to supply 60 ACTV buses (ACTV - Venice Public Transport Company) in municipal territory.

The present bus fleet consists of 606 buses of varying age and characteristics. In 3 years 60 buses will be methane-fuelled, reaching a rate of renovation that is about (60/606) x 100 = 10 %. This programme will help to substitute buses with an average age of more than 15 years or buses with obsolete engines or a high number of kilometres. All these characteristics can cause high levels of polluting emissions.

It is expected that the methane-fed fleet will gradually grow over the three years as older buses are replaced. The rate at which Methane buses will enter into service will be 34 the first year, 16 the second, and 10 the third.

Overall investment for planning, technological components and links to the general methane gas network is estimated at €940.000. Other supporting works and the marketing plan are estimated in €45.000. Extra costs deriving from the purchase of 60 methane-fuelled buses is €2.100.000.

Reference data needed for planning activities has been taken from ACTV data and evaluations on methane consumption:

Average number of kilometres x bus (km/day)


Maximum number of kilometres x bus (km/ day)


Average number of kilometres x GPL-fuelled bus (km/litre)


Average number of kilometres x methane-fuelled bus (km/Sm3)


Bus average gas consumption (Sm3/day)


Average number of kilometres x bus (km/year)


Bus average gas consumption (Sm3/year)


Scheduled time for refuelling

22.00 – 06.00

Alternative time for refuelling

14.00 – 16.00

Time needed to refuel 60 buses (hours)


Consumption is influenced by the category of bus, by its speed and its loading factor. Those values have been estimated on the basis of diesel oil consumption and by studying the situation of other Italian cities. In Italian cities average gas consumption of urban buses 10/12 m long, is 1,4/1,5 km/m3 (minimum 1,2 km/m3 , maximum 1,7 km/m3). Knowing that traffic is slow especially in central zones and rush hours the reference value recommended for Venice- Mestre is 1,4 km/m3.

To estimate gas supplying capacity, the annual average number of kilometres x bus has been calculated. As a result the annual average consumption has been determined to be 53.571 Sm3 for each bus. Environmental advantages, considering the number of kilometres run by buses, are absolutely positive. In the hypothesis of replacing 60 buses, it would be possible to reduce pollutant emissions by:

- 124.000 kg of CO

- 8.600 kg of HC

- 172.000 kg of NOX

- 8.000 kg of PM10

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Management tools for the vertical integration of air quality policies in Venice




The adoption since the early 90s of some innovative rules relating to the local authorities code (National Law n. 142/90), the administrative proceeding, the right to have access to administrative documents (National Law n. 241/90) and the institution of Environmental Agencies (for the Veneto, Regional Law n.32/96) have helped to establish some management tools that enhance integration and coordination in action (not only in environmental matters) between different institutional levels and entities.

Services Conference

The Services Conference, introduced by National Law n. 241/90 and modified by National Law n. 340/00, is a procedural instrument useful for coordinating and contextually evaluating all public interests involved in specific proceedings, by means of the contemporaneous treatment of the same topic by a plurality of public subjects.

It represents then an administrative instrument used to simplify and concentrate the workings of different bodies so that these can operate contextually in a single institutional location and thus avoid pronouncing themselves separately.

The Services Conference is called by the pertinent authorities in order to complete the proceedings that should normally be concluded with an authorisation or an act for environmental approval.

The law has identified two different typologies of services conferences:the preliminary conference (or preparatory conference) and the decision-taking conference. The preliminary conference is called by the Administration with the aim of examining public interests in a particular procedure and directly acquiring knowledge elements. It doesn’t immediately establish constitutive bodies nor does it try to modify or annul pre-existent juridical elements. It merely represents a coordinating measure, useful to successive phases of the proceedings.

While the decision-taking conference is called in order to formulate agreements and concerted actions and obtain permissions or approvals from other public administrations.

Besides the first two typologies there is the consultation conference that refers to the possibility that a Services Conference, relating to a private instance about who will support relative burdens, is called to pronounce itself, in thirty days, on preliminary projects of particular complexity, in order to preventively check that the conditions to obtain the necessary agreements and acts are met. With the Conference on preliminary projects the various public administrations can play the role of potential “institutional advisor” for private firms.

Associative and cooperative forms and Agreement Acts

Law n.241/90 forsees the possibility for Municipalities and Provinces to carry out coordinated and specific functions and services and adopt Conventions (cooperation between Bodies) or institute Associations (association between Bodies). While the Agreement Acts are introduced for works, interventions or plans which require definition and implementation so that they can be fully enacted in an integrated and coordinated manner with and between all relevant municipalities, provinces, regions, state-wide administrations and other public subjects.

Provincial coordination Committee

As for specific environmental issues (see Regional Law 32/96, creating the Environmental Regional Agency), every province institutes a provincial coordination committee in order to ensure the coordination of the ARPAV provincial department actions with those of the municipalities and other competent provincial offices, as well as those of the Prevention Department of the local Health Authorities. The whole is then also coordinated in parallel to the effective development of planned activities in the various pertinent conventions, agreements and acts.

The Committee plays an advisory role and in particular:

- it makes suggestions to the ARPAV General Director so as to help define the annual actions;

- it checks planned activity results and trends and makes evaluations and suggestions to the General Director of ARPAV.

It is composed of:

- the provincial president or, if absent, the provincial chief advisor on environmental affairs who, entrusted by the president, presides over the committee;

- the Province Environment Office Chief Advisor;

- the Municipality Environment Office Chief Advisor (one of the provincial Municipalities), entrusted by ANCI (the National Association of Italian Municipalities);

- the ARPAV Provincial Department General manager or his delegate;

- one member of the Health Prevention Departments entrusted by the provincial Health Authorities General Managers.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Direction and Support by National Governments with AQ Management in Düsseldorf



The World Health Organisation introduced at the second European Minister Conference for Environment and Health in Helsinki in 1994 a framework program for environmental and health protection. At the same time, in Germany, the Federal Environmental Ministry and the Federal Health Ministry developed an Action-Program for Environment and Health (APUG).

Now the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) has been the first state in Germany to publish a regional Action-Program for Environment and Health (APUG NRW).

Part of the Action-Program is the project Preventive health protection by the reduction of traffic noise and trace gases. The project will start in several cities in North Rhine-Westphalia such as in the city of Düsseldorf.

The project is a subdivided into the following parts:

  • Calculation of the effects of the limitation of motor vehicles and greater local traffic management on the overall levels of traffic noise and trace traffic gases.
  • Risk calculation on the impact of trace traffic gases and traffic noise exposure on the health of people.

The overall target of the project is the promotion of preventive health measures by reducing exposure to harmful air pollution.

The first results of the project were received at the end of 2003/beginning 2004.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Direction and Support by National Governments with AQ Management in Birmingham




National Governments have a key role to play in providing direction and assistance to cities in improving air quality. The UK Government has been examined in this case and provides an excellent model to demonstrate how effective direction and support from national government can can assist at a local level.

The UK Government has provided very clear direction in respect of air quality management. This has made the government’s intentions and requirements very clear to industry, local authorities, the public and other stakeholders. This direction has been provided through a national policy framework, legislation and guidance;




The UK Government has produced a broad policy framework to address air quality issues in the form of ‘The Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland’. This strategy was first produced in 1997 and links air quality issues to other strategic issues such as sustainability, transport and health, and places air quality high on the political agenda.


The UK Government has produced a robust framework of legislation to direct the National Air Quality Strategy.

The process began in the 1950’s with clean air legislation to address the problems of industrial smogs. More recently The Environmental Protection Act 1990 introduced a regulatory framework for industrial processes. This has lead to significant reductions in air pollution from these sources.

The Environment Act 1995 introduced the principles of the National Air Quality Strategy. This act contains the requirements for Local Authorities to carry out assessments of air quality, and to declare air quality management areas where national air quality standards are not achieved.

In addition The Air Quality (England) Regulations 2000 and The Air Quality (Amendment) Regulations 2002 were introduced which specified air quality standards for eight pollutants, and the timetable for achieving them.


The UK Government also provides a wide variety of guidance to support air quality management activity. This includes detailed guidance covering technical issues relating to the review and assessment of air quality, monitoring and modelling. In addition policy guidance is provided to assist in the declaration of air quality management areas and development of action plans. The relevant Central Government Department ‘The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)’ has published much of this information. This information is also provided via an internet website at www.airquality.co.uk and is also supported via telephone help-lines.

In addition the UK Government provides funding to a charitable organization, ‘The National Society for Clean Air (NSCA)’. This organization obtains the remainder of its funding from Local Government sources. This organization is also extremely active in the production of guidance.


As well as providing very clear direction, the UK Government has provided very significant support for air quality management since the commitment was made to a National Air Quality Strategy in the Environment Act 1995. This support has taken many forms;


A considerable amount of financial support has been provided for air quality management by the UK Government. This has included:

  • Direct funding of expert organisations such as the NSCA
  • Direct funding of extensive research programmes
  • Additional funds included in the Central Government ‘Support Grant’ paid to local authorities by National Government.
  • ‘Supplementary Credit Approval’ for air quality work. Local authorities in the UK have their ability to borrow money restricted by Central Government. This Supplementary Credit Approval allows local authorities to borrow money to fund air quality projects.
  • Funding has been provided to assist local authorities in carrying out roadside vehicle emission testing within Air Quality Management Areas.


In order for local air quality management to be successful it has been essential for local authorities to rapidly gain experience in the field of air quality. DEFRA has provided significant amounts of training to local authority staff in all aspects of air quality management.


The UK Government has funded national networks of air pollution monitoring. The UK Government provides a wide variety of information from these networks on the Internet, including air quality data going back many years. This is a valuable national resource that can be used by local authorities, other regulatory bodies, industry, other interested groups and the public. In many cases these monitoring stations are managed locally by the relevant local authority, but funded by Central Government. The networks provided at national level include:


As at December 1999, the automatic urban network consisted of 84 sites across the country. The locations include urban background locations

where the population is exposed for significant periods of time, ‘hotspots’ at urban roadsides and also around industrial sources. Each site monitors some or all of the following pollutants:

• carbon monoxide;

• ozone;

• sulphur dioxide;

• nitrogen dioxide; and

• particles (as PM10).


The automatic rural network consists of 19 sites, monitoring mainly ozone but also sulphur dioxide and particles (as PM10) at rural sites across the country.


The hydrocarbon network consists of 13 sites, in urban, suburban and rural locations. It monitors 25 volatile organic compounds including benzene, 1,3-butadiene and ozone precursors.


There are seven national sampler based, non-automatic, networks that measure a wide range of pollutants. These are:

• nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube network

• smoke network

• sulphur dioxide network

• multi-element and lead network

• toxic organic micropollutants (TOMPS)


• acid deposition network

• rural sulphur dioxide network

DEFRA operates two of these networks in cooperation with local authorities. It also carries out research based monitoring campaigns. For example, measuring PM2.5 and particle numbers at rural and urban locations across the UK.


The UK Government has invested considerable resource in the development of the national atmospheric emissions inventory (NAEI). This provides a standard reference for all emissions to air in the UK. It includes estimates for a wide range of pollutants, including:

• greenhouse gases;

• pollution leading to regional acid deposition and photochemical pollution;

• persistent organic pollutants; and

• other toxic pollutants, such as benzene and

heavy metals.

It is broken down to various industry and other sectors, and shows emission trends from 1970 to 1997. Some of the pollutants are mapped on to a 1km x 1km square grid. The NAEI provides valuable data that is used in local air quality management.


The UK Government has co-funded an EC sponsored emission inventory for London. DEFRA has also carried out urban emission inventories for the following areas:

• West Midlands

• Liverpool/Manchester conurbation

• Southampton/Portsmouth conurbation


• Bristol/Avonmouth

• Neath/Port Talbot/Swansea conurbation

• West Yorkshire



These urban emission inventories are more detailed than the National Emisions Inventory. They are based on a 1 km x 1 km square grid and take account of point, background and mobile sources. Information for the inventories comes from a wide variety of sources. These include:

• Domestic and industrial fuel suppliers

• Traffic and transport models

• Local authorities

• The national Environment Agency

• Questionnaires from various industrial sectors

• Assessment of rail, air and water transport

• Other inventories.


The UK Government has also supported the process of air quality management by implementing a range of policies at national level that are designed to improve air quality.


The UK Government has introduced a range of financial measures designed to improve air quality. These include;

  • Fuel duty ‘escalator’. The taxation applied to fuel is automatically increased annually in the national budget
  • Revenue from increases in fuel duty is used to improve public transport and modernise the road network
  • Differences in levels of fuel duty are used to encourage cleaner fuel use
  • A Reduction in the annual vehicle tax of 1500 Euros is available for buses and lorries meeting tightest particle emission standards
  • The amount of income tax paid by employees as a result of having a car provided by their employer is linked to the level of pollution produced by the car chosen
  • Tax reductions are available to help employers to set up transport schemes for employees


Homes in the UK consume 25% of national electricity production. As a consequence national government has set minimum performance standards for home electrical appliances. In addition products are required to carry labels detailing their energy use.


As part of its National Air Quality Strategy The UK Government has committed to improving the environmental performance of all government departments. This includes;

  • Reducing vehicle use
  • Using lower emission vehicles
  • Reducing energy use by buildings


The government has funded a public awareness campaign using television advertising, media promotions and regional exhibitions with the theme ‘Cleaner air: are you doing your bit?’. The aims of this campaign are to;

  • Encourage people to avoid making short car journeys
  • Encourage cycling and walking
  • Encourage motorists to drive sensibly
  • Encourage motorists to maintain vehicles properly
  • Promote car sharing

This major campaign clearly assists local authorities in gaining public support for their air quality management initiatives.


‘The Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland’. DEFRA 2000.


The Environmental Protection Act 1990. www.legislation.hmso.gov.uk/acts/acts1990/Ukpga_19900043_en_1.htm

The Environment Act 19955/Ukpga_19950025_en_1.htm



The Air Quality (England) Regulations 2000



The Air Quality (Amendment) Regulations 2002


Air Quality Action Plans: Interim Guidance for Local Authorities, NSCA. www.nsca.org.uk

Air Quality: Planning for Action, NSCA. www.nsca.org.uk

Air Quality Management Areas: Turning Reviews Into Action, NSCA. www.nsca.org.uk


The UK model demonstrates the wide variety of mechanisms that national government can employ to assist in air quality management at a local level. This co-ordinated approach has resulted in air quality management being at quite an advanced stage in the UK. However, much of the material produced in the UK is readily transferable to other countries and may be of use.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Direction and Support by National Governments with AQ Management in Venice




Forms of support, interaction and cooperation between the State and Municipality in the environmental domain have an ordinary nature, for example by means of the periodic State, Municipality and Local Governments Conference and extraordinary nature, as in case of the Environment Three Year Plan Funds, outline agreements and sustainable mobility actions and funds.

As for environmental matters, the national authority acts principally through the Environment and Territory Protection Ministry (MATT), which has the following functions:

- territory planning guidelines identification with reference to natural and environmental values;

- soil and water protection;

- environmental protection;

- waste management;

- environmental pollution and risks;

- promotion of sustainable development politics;

- water resources.

The Ministry has national level functions and tasks particularly in the following functional areas:

a) promotion of national and international sustainable development policies; surveillance, monitoring and control functions; limit values, standard values, quality and safety objectives identification; technical rules for the management of the above functions;

B) environmental impact evaluation, atmospheric acoustic and electromagnetic pollution and industrial risks prevention and protection; waste management; reclamation initiatives; protection and reclamation in high environmental risk areas; risk factors reduction;

c) environmental values referenced territory planning; protected natural areas identification, management and exploitation; biodiversity, fauna and flora protection; soil defence; environmental policing; environmental forestry policing; national parks and state natural reserve surveillance; protected exotic species import and commerce control; controls over fauna and flora species protected by international conventions and agreements;

d) water resources management and protection; water pollution prevention and protection; coastal pollution and sea protection.

State, Municipalities and Local Government Conference

The State maintains a relationship of cooperation with Regions and Local Governments based on dialogue and political negotiation through the creation of State Regions, State, Municipality and Local Government permanent Conferences and a Unified Conference. Regions, municipalities and provinces are the elements of the territorial division of the Italian Republic. They have a legal status and a certain degree of self-government. In particular, the Regions have a high degree of self-government in determining political guidelines and have the authority to legislate. Provinces and Municipalities have self-government administrative powers according to the principles of subsidiarity.

The State Regions Conference acts within the national territory in order to enhance cooperation between the State and Regions and between the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces, being a “privileged place” of politic negotiation between the central administrations and the system of regional government.

The State, Municipality and Local Governments Conference was created in order to answer the need for giving a stronger impulse to harmonizing the activity in the State and Local Governments relationships through a better knowledge of local requirements.

The State Regions Conference and State, Municipality and Local Governments Conference meet together to examine areas of common interest. This meeting is called the Unified Conference and it is intended to be an advisory, negotiating, data and information exchange forum whenever Regions, Provinces, Municipalities and Mountain Communities have occasion to express themselves on the same subjects.

The State, Municipality and Local Government Conference was established by the President’s Cabinet, with coordinating tasks between the State and Local Governments in relationship and study, information and comparison tasks concerning problems connected to general policy guidelines which might affect Municipalities, Regions, Provinces and Mountain Communities functions and with those delegated to the same departments by State laws.

The Conference is in particular a place for discussion and analysis:

- about problems related to local departments rules and functions, understanding aspects concerning financial and budget policies and relative human and material resources, laws and Government general acts;

- about public services management.


The Conference has moreover the task to enhance:

- local public services which improve levels of efficiency and information;

- outline contracts and agreements (art. 12 Law 23.12.1992, n. 498).

1994-96 Environment Protection Plan

With CIPE Decree 12.21.1993, the 1994-96 Environment Protection Plan has been developed for the following purposes:

- claim of particularly neglected and polluted areas;

- serious environmental risk removal with particular attention to industrial risks;

- natural heritage protection and exploitation, with reference to the protection of natural areas;

- environmental related public services implementation and development (depuration, recycling, urban wastes management, etc.).

The initiatives financed are placed in an analytic grid of Scheduled Areas (i.e. water basins, protected natural areas, etc.) and Action Sectors (i.e. wastes management, water resources, etc.).

The initiatives financed on sustainable mobility are placed in the Scheduled Area “Urban Area”, “Acoustic and Atmospheric Reclamation” Sector, for an amount of € 129,114,224.77.

The funds have been divided as follows:

- € 25,822,844.95 for air quality claim plans drafting

- € 103,291,379.82 for low impact means of transportation, traffic reduction and control tools acquisition, acoustic reclamation plans implementation.

Outline Agreement between the Environmental and Territory protection Ministry and ANCI for organic collaboration on environmental policies

The Environment and Territory Protection Ministry and the Italian Municipalities through their national association (ANCI) signed on 07.24.2003 an outline Agreement for more organic collaboration on environmental policies.

There are ten themes for permanent collaboration, on all forms of pollution:

- Air pollution: activity and data monitoring. Regions, Provinces and Municipalities outline laws implementation.

- Acoustic, electromagnetic and light pollution: territory data situation and law implementation (also at regional level).

- “Territory resource” protection.

- Sustainable development.

- Waste integrated cycle, energy recycling and source production reduction.

- Renewable energy sources.

- Environmental damage reclamation modalities.

- Suitable funds accessible for municipalities; forms of subsidiary collaboration in planning.

- Protected areas and parks.

The Ministry and the Municipalities collaborate furthermore in the drafting of legislation, access to private capital in environmental projects enhancing and to monitor environmental expense met by Municipalities and met and financed by regions, Ministries and Provinces in order to value their efficiency.

The Agreement, which has a financial endowment of € 100,000, also foresees the institution of an Observatory on environmental legislation which is to verify legislation and the implementation of institutional competence on the territory.

Policies in favour of sustainable mobility implemented by the Environment and Territory Protection Ministry (MATT) for urban emissions reduction

The Environment and Territory Protection Ministry has in recent years promoted projects and plans aimed at implementing structural actions for environmental impact and the permanent reduction of urban traffic energy consumption .

From 1999 to 2003 about € 220,000,000 has been transferred to local governments and regions on the sustainable mobility subject for actions regarding in particular:

- environmental low impact fuels by means of methane gas and GPL conversion of petrol cars promotion (ICBI environmental low impact fuels initiative,

- € 25,000,000);

- low consumption and emissions motorcycles incentives (ANCMA Agreement, € 25,000,000);

- methane vehicles promotion and distribution network development incentives (MATT-FIAT-Petrol Union Agreement, € 15,000,000);

- mobility request management (Mobility Management, € 15,500,000);

- the spreading of means of transportation alternative to private vehicles (Car-sharing, about € 9,000,000);

- urban area sustainable mobility projects, collective taxi services, electronic systems for traffic limitation, environmental low impact car fleets acquisition, air quality monitoring stations implementation, creation of a mobility management structure (2000 Ecological Sundays-Structural Interventions, Environment Protection Excerpt Program and Sustainable Mobility Radical Programs, € 118,000,000);

- Lombardy Region urban atmospheric pollution reduction plans (Program Agreement with Lombardy Region).

With these measures 254 urban areas sustainable mobility projects have been financed in favour of 85 local governments.

Main financial initiatives (MATT funds) are:

- Environmental protection Excerpt Program;

- Structural Intervention-2000 Ecological Sundays;

- MATT-FIAT-Petrol Union Agreement;

- ICBI environmental low impact fuels action;

- Environment Ministry, Treasure Ministry and Lombardy Region Program Agreement;

- MATT-ANCMA Program Agreement (Motorcycles and Outfits National Association);

- Sustainable mobility Radical programs;

- Mobility Management.

Environment Protection Excerpt Program

In the Environment Protection Excerpt Program, the Environment and Territory Protection Ministry has allocated about € 52,000,000 to 32 Local Governments for actions implementation on: collective taxi services, traffic limitation electronic systems, electric and gas vehicles fleets, air quality monitoring stations implementation, mobility management structure implementation.

Structural actions-2000 Ecological Sundays

With the Ecological Sundays 01.25.00 Ministerial Decree, MATT has allocated about € 30,000,000 to Municipalities and associations between Municipalities for actions implementation on:

- environmental low impact public transport implementation and integration, with particular reference to the use of : hybrid electric traction vehicles, electric motor-bicycles, GPL and methane vehicles, bi-fuel vehicles;

- urban traffic limitation electronic control systems implementation;

- environmental low impact fuels promotion;

- atmospheric pollution monitoring systems modifications implementation.

MATT allocated financial resources have been destined to 118 projects presented by 59 local governments.

MATT-FIAT-Petrol Union Agreement

In 2001 December the Environment Ministry, FIAT and Petrol Union have started a national program to enhance vehicle traction methane use in urban areas and in Municipalities at a risk of atmospheric pollution.

Within such Agreement, FIAT and Petrol Union are committed to improve vehicle traction methane distribution network, to introduce a new series of methane or methane/petrol bio-fuel vehicles and to implement scientific and development projects on methane national technology.

The Environment Ministry has allocated for the Agreement implementation resources equal to € 15,500,000 for natural gas vehicles purchase incentives and new urban methane distribution plants implementation.

Private and public companies managing public transportation or public utility services vehicles fleets, taxi services, goods urban distribution and rental vehicles services, have the use of these funds. Funds for private companies and entrepreneurs are moreover envisaged for metropolitan areas distribution plants implementation.

The envisaged activities management and coordination are entrusted to a Municipalities Convention whose leading exponent is the Turin Municipality.

In April 2004 about 65 municipalities were already part of the Convention, 34 projects have been admitted to methane distribution plants implementation funds and about € 2,000,000 have been delivered as vehicles purchase incentives.

ICBI Environmental Low Impact Carburants Action

In order to promote vehicles traction methane and GPL use, in May 2001 an Agreement Protocol between MATT, municipalities at a risk of atmospheric pollution and methane/GPL sector associations (plants builders and installers) has been signed.

In order to implement the Protocol aims, MATT has altogether allocated about € 25,000,000 and on 09.24.2001 a Municipalities Convention has been created whose leading exponent is the Parma Municipality, where the ICBI Office (Low Impact Carburant Action) has been established.

160 Municipalities at a risk of atmospheric pollution have adhered to the Convention. The financial resources allocated by MATT have been addressed to :

· incentives to privates residing in the territory of the municipalities adhering to Convention, for the GPL or methane gas transformation of petrol vehicles registered between 1988 and 1995;

· incentives to cities for distribution network implementation by means of public fleets supplying stations implementation.

Funds allocated by MATT for methane gas or GPL transformation of petrol car have been completely delivered and have allowed the installation of about 46.000 methane gas or GPL plants.

Moreover, the implementation of 17 public fleets supplying plants been possible thanks to these funds in the following Municipalities: Alessandria, Asti, Bologna, Bolzano, Catania, Ferrara, Florence, Ivrea, Naples, Novara, Padua, Palermo, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Siena, Turin, Vercelli.

Environment Ministry, Treasure Ministry and Lombardy Region Outline Agreement Program

On 02.02.2002 the Environment Ministry, Treasure Ministry and Lombardy Region Outline Agreement Program, on environment and energy matters, has been signed.

The Agreement foresees a number of actions and programs implementation for the Lombard territory reclamation and protection; among them innovative fuels experimental use, public and private transportation ecological vehicles use, hydrogen public means of transportation promotion and use and the creation of the necessary logistic infrastructures.

For the above mentioned aims the MATT, within the Agreement, has allocated about € 11,800,000.

Within this Agreement, by means of a part of allocated ministerial funds, the Lombardy Region has prepared an announcement of a competitive examination for contributes to companies on people, goods and sustainable mobility action implementation in order to improve the transportation system organization and management. The Lombardy Region has allocated for this project € 1,100,000.

MATT-ANCMA (Motor-bicycle National Association) Program Agreement

The Program Agreement MATT-ANCMA, signed on 02.12.2002, has been subscribed for the implementation of the three-year program on production and diffusion on the market of low emission motor-bicycles, in order to give impulse to urban areas CO2 emission reduction.

This Agreement has foreseen an overall allocation of € 100,000,000 subdivided in the following way:

  • € 25,000,000 as sunk capital, financially supported by MATT, for incentives for low emission and reduced consumption motor bicycle industrial production;
  • € 75,000,000 supported by ANCMA-related companies, for innovative technology research and development.

MATT has defined incentives payment modalities (envisaged by the Program Agreement) in the following way:

  • € 100 unitary incentives payment for motor-bicycles having polluting emission value limits inferior or equal to those envisaged by 97/24/CE (EURO 1 and EURO2)
  • € 250 unitary incentives payment for motor-bicycles with the above-mentioned characteristics, that in addition have attained a 2,3 litres per 100 km consumption.

All these incentives, if referred to Euro 1 vehicles, can be used for purchases within 06.30.2002.

All the Ministry allocated resources have been completely exhausted in May 2003 and have allowed the production of 141.751 low impact motor-bicycles (EURO 1 and EURO 2).

Radical programs for sustainable mobility

In 2002, within the “Sustainable Mobility Radical Programs” Decree, 25 municipalities have been admitted to financing, with IAR Direction General Manager Directorial Decree n. 1275 of 11.14.2002, for urban atmospheric pollution reduction structural actions implementation.

With this decree MATT has promoted actions aimed to urban traffic environmental impact permanent reduction through sustainable mobility models implementation: 77 projects have been admitted to co-financing, allocating in all € 35,000,000.

Action lines of this program are:

· collective taxis or innovative collective transports systems implementation;

· urban centres traffic control by means of “road and area pricing” automotive systems;

· electric or gas vehicles for public transport or public utility services systems;

· bicycles and two/three/four wheel electric vehicles fleets implementation, owned by Municipalities, Bodies and public services and utility public services public or private managers, and also to be rented in urban areas;

· atmospheric pollutants monitoring systems implementation;

· demonstrative projects implementation as:

o prototypes of electric traction vehicles with autonomous function and hydrogen electric traction vehicles used as urban areas public utility services and goods transportation;

o devices for the reduction of atmosphere emissions caused by public services, public utility services and goods transportation circulating fleet;

o correlations models between polluting atmospheric data and those coming from vehicular traffic surveying.

Car Sharing National Program

Car Sharing is a innovative mobility service that allows to its members/users to use on request a vehicles common fleet parked in different places near residence areas or important public transportation network knots.

Car sharing formula, having a tariff structure based on reduced operating costs and relatively higher variable costs linked to vehicles use, is particularly profitable for occasional drivers. The main advantage is to be able to use, in case of need, an individual vehicle with adequate characteristics and dimensions without supporting the high operating costs linked to car ownership that on short distances have a relevant incidence on the overall cost.

MATT has, altogether, allocated € 9,300,000 for Car Sharing National Program and, for its implementation, a Local Bodies Convention has been instituted, whose leading exponent is the Municipality of Modena (17 bodies take part, including Municipalities and Provinces).

In April 2004, the service was already working in Turin, Bologna, Venice, Rimini and Modena with an overall car fleet of 71 cars and 1500 members.

Mobility Management

The “Urban Areas and Sustainable Mobility” Inter-ministerial Decree of 03.27.1998 established an implementation strategy with the aim of urban pollution and traffic congestion reduction, by means of:

  • set up (by Municipalities) of a support and coordination structure between companies mobility manager that is in contact with municipal administrations and transport companies (area mobility manager).
  • set up (inside companies and public bodies with single local unities of more that 300 employees and inside companies with more than 800 employees working in different places), of a company mobility manager and the adoption of an employees’ in-house-work shift plan.

The Environment Ministry has allocated € 25,300,000 to the mobility area and their activity support: the aims of this measure have been to favour urban mobility rationalization, alternative and environmental low impact transportation and support company mobility managers, in order to involve a great part of the employees in politics on the reduction of the number of travelling vehicles.

These funds have been used by local administrations, partly to create coordinated urban mobility structures, partly to finance companies directly, TPL action incentives (public transport monthly cards discounts), inter-companies and the implementation of companies transportation services, environmental low impact company means of transportation acquisition, car pooling and tele-working services projects.


This text has been derived from the websites: www.governo.it/affariregionali/ and www.minambiente.it/

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Action plan to reduce the concentration of nitrogen dioxide in the county of Stockholm



Environmental quality standards were introduced when The Environmental Code (Miljöbalken) came into force in 1999. For ambient air there are standards for levels of nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, lead and particles. The standard for nitrogen dioxide is difficult to achieve in Stockholm County and the present levels will be illegal in 2006. For this reason the government has enjoined Stockholm County Administrative Board, together with key players in the county, to produce proposals for dealing with the problem

The Environmental Code states that a programme of measures will be established concerning whether an environmental quality standard will be complied with or whether the requirement for this should follow on from an EC Directive. This programme will be drawn up by the government or by one or several authorities or municipalities/statutory joint-authorities appointed by the government. A programme of measures may cover all kinds of activities that affect the levels of pollution covered by the standard, and may also include activity which is not subject to permits under law.

Task of the County Administrative Board

The government has given the County Administrative Board the task of producing proposals for a programme of measures that will meet the standard for nitrogen dioxide throughout the entire county. The commission also includes the Board which formulates the proposals in consultation with the county municipalities, the County Council and Stockholm Transport Commission. The County Administrative Board shall also consult with the central and regional authorities concerned, including the Swedish National Road Administration, the Swedish National Rail Administration, the Swedish National Heritage Board, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning. The County Administrative Board will decide on the detailed handling of the commission. An account of the commission will be submitted to the government by June 1st, 2003 at the latest. The Environmental Code (Section 5, paragraph 6) states what a programme of measures will include. In the commission given by the government, there is also the task of calculating what the proposed measures will cost, who should be responsible for ensuring the measures are implemented, and who is to pay for them. To the extent that they are applicable, the provisions in the ordinance (1998:1820) on a special environmental impact assessment of the effect of the regulations on the conditions of small businesses will be followed.

For More information on the action plan to reduce the concentration of nitrogen dioxide in the county of Stockholm go to:


Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Direction and Support by National Governments with AQ Management in Utrecht



The national government recognised the PM problem cannot be solved by cities, because in the Netherlands it is a large scale problem with high background concentrations. Therefore the national government will formulate an action plan for PM10. However, because neither the responsibility for PM10 nor the priority related to exposure are mentioned in the relevant Dutch law articles and are not clearly explained in the explanatory memorandum, some juridical procedures ended up blocking plans. The national government is working on a solution to this problem.

Every year the national government provides cities with an updated calculation model (CAR) with emissions, meteorological conditions and background concentrations for the previous year and 2010. That seems quite comfortable, but in practice the room for local traffic within these limits is getting tighter with ever-pessimistic national scenarios.

The cities can get financial support to formulate an action plan and to take measures. Money for taking measures is added to an integral budget for urban renewal. But there was also a reduction on that budget.

Cities and citizens can get information on air quality from a national helpdesk (Infomil), a website with measurements (RIVM) and television (teletext). The helpdesk also provides cities and provinces with stencils for reporting and it supports a discussion website for cities and provinces.

There is a national platform for implementation of the air quality legislation. In this platform cities can exchange experiences and can put in requests.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Governmental interactions in Leipzig



Due to the federal nature of Germany, there are almost no interactions between the federal government and the municipal level with regard to air quality management. In fact, the national government is only responsible for the transformation of the respective European directives into German law. The responsibility for the implementation has been delegated to the state level, the länder.

The Saxon Ministry for Environment (SMUL) is responsible for the political frame of air quality management within the Free State of Saxony. Its Saxon State Agency for Environment and Geology (LfUG) is interpreting air quality data measured by the contracted company (Umweltbetriebsgesellschaft; UBG) and reports results to the public on state level. The LfUG furthermore is responsible for plans and programmes of air quality management, including local Air Quality Management Plans in line with the EU directives.

The municipality (City of Leipzig, Environmental Protection Office) uses the data measured within the city with regard to local land use and transport plans. The municipality furthermore contributes to the Air Quality Management Plan development and helps to identify possible measures for implementation.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  National Reference Laboratory in Sweden



The County Administrative Board is a government body responsible for overseeing that the national goals, laid down by the Swedish parliament and government are realized. They have got the task from the government to create a Reference laboratory for monitoring ambient air. This is due to the EG directives 96/62/EG. The task to maintain the Reference laboratory has gone to The Institute of Applied Environmental Research (ITM). ITMis a multidisciplinary research institute studying anthropogenic environmental pollutants; their release into the environment, transport and fate, as well as uptake and effects on living organisms. ITM also provides external expert support to Swedish environmental authorities.

The Reference laboratory has created a web site there they give advice to the municipalities how to control and fulfil the obligations the law. At this web site, under construction, and constant development through questions and answers from the municipalities, municipalities can get a first help how to draw up a proposal to a action program and what to do if exceed occurs. All kind of help is possible to get and simple diagram for evaluate the strategy for measurements and measure.

The main reason to establish a Reference laboratory for ambient air is due to the EU directives 96/62/EU.

Unfortunately all information on the web site is in Swedish, anyhow it is possible to e-mail the Reference laboratory and get information.

For more information: www.itm.su.se/reflab

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Differences by activity



See Differences by activity%20Diff%20(by%20activity).xls" target="_blank">Differences by activity Diff (by activity).xls

Last Updated


10th November 2004





Title of Example

  Differences by Level



See Differences by Level%20Diff%20(by%20level).xls" target="_blank">Differences by Level Diff (by level).xls

Last Updated


10th November 2004





Title of Example

  How to interpret the term “Hot spot” seen in relation to residential areas and population exposure ?




In the UK the first stage of the Review and Assessment of air quality, which all Local Authorities were required to undertake, emphasized the need to focus on public exposure and where the concentrations of pollutants were likely to be highest (sometimes called “hot spots”). It is likely to be more cost effective to start by looking at worst-case locations and then work outward if exceedences are found, rather than take an unfocussed look at a large geographical area. If there is no exceedence at the most polluted location, there should be no exceedences elsewhere. This approach should also help ensure that potential areas of exceedence are not missed.

Before any complex modelling took place in Bristol there were several years of monitoring data which could be used in assessing the areas of highest concentrations.

8-port smoke and sulphur dioxide monitors are old technology but are still used in the UK. The amount of smoke by measuring the darkness of particles on a filter does not have a direct relationship to PM10. However, it can be useful for indicating local hot spots.

Passive diffusion tubes are used extensively in Bristol for a number of purposes. Long term surveys have given good long term averages and trends across the city both at background and roadside locations. Because they are cheap and easy to use they have also been used in shorter-term surveys. Where there is a small complex area such as a major road junction, many tubes can be located and can give good results. Many dispersion models will not be able to replicate the detail that this monitoring gives.

Passive diffusion tubes are also available to measure BTX (benzene, toluene and xylene) and also 1,3 Butadiene. Bristol has used BTX tubes in a survey which covered the whole of the city which showed that we were not experiencing a problem with these pollutants.

In addition to permanent continuous analysers in Bristol there is also a mobile monitoring station in a trailer. This is used for short-term surveys up to a year in areas where the models predict hot spots. The trailer contains analysers which monitor NOx, CO and PM10 as well as wind speed , wind direction, temperature and sun light.


Mapping of concentration data or statistics, often using Geographical Information Systems (GIS), is invaluable in assessing spatial patterns of pollution and exposure, identifying ‘hot spots’ and assisting in monitoring network design. This technique is particularly appropriate for area surveys with diffusion tube samples.

By combining air quality model output with GIS it is possible to make some assessment of exposure. The GIS procedures used to assess exposure are relatively simple, once the data has been sourced. It is important to understand the limitations of the data and how best the data can be used to gain an accurate picture of the number of people exposed to pollution. In the UK the recent national census will prove to be a useful source of data for this purpose.

This map shows the two datasets needed for an assessment of exposure in Bristol. The population data (points) is called Addresspoint and is derived from the Post Office records on addresses. It includes residential, commercial and industrial properties, so some “cleaning” of the data is needed before it can be used directly. A simple GIS query can calculate the number of addresses within the Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) polygons.

When considering exposure other factors should be taken into account such as where people spend most of their time, how people travel, where they live and work and the climate.

There is still considerable uncertainty about exposure and further work is being conducted through the DAPPLE project.

See www.daple.org.uk


Many assumptions have to be made about exposure such as where most people spend the majority of their time. There is also more information required about the relationship of inside and outside air quality. In the domestic environment there may be significant sources of nitrogen dioxide if natural gas ins used for cooking and heating. In the UK the majority of the population spend 80% of the time indoors.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Definition of Residential Areas in the Netherlands



According to the EU Directives the limit values should be complied with everywhere except at work-places. From the system of articles and the regulations in the annexes it can be concluded that the priority is the protection of the health of people. After all there are separate limit values for the protection of population health and also limit values for the protection of ecosystems. This interpretation is also mentioned in the evaluation report on the first daughter directive (proposal to the EC in June 2004).

So places where the health of people is mostly affected has the highest priority. This concerns situations with:

- the probability that people will be there during a longer period of time
(corresponding to the averaging times of the Limit values),

- the presence of people sensitive to air pollution,

- the probability that people will be in physical activity more than usual.

Based on this the following types of buildings/areas are considered as being sensitive for air pollution in the Netherlands, and thus should be protected according to the requirements of the AQ Directives:

- houses or buildings used for residences;

- buildings for kinder-gardens, health care and education;

- sports grounds.

On locations with poorer air quality, less sensitive purposes are allowed, such as offices. But public authorities should make efforts to meet the limit values everywhere in the end. This target will have to be attained mainly by European and national policies for emission reduction.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Implementation of EU Directives on air quality in Bristol.



1. Introduction.

In the UK the implementation of the EU Framework Directive and the subsequent Daughter Directives is a matter for Central Government and the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland alone. If there were formal regional assemblies in England it is possible that these would have some measure of responsibility for the achievement of the Limit Values in the European legislation but under the present system Local Authorities (such as City Councils, District Councils and Metropolitan Councils) have no such responsibilities.

This creates potential problems with the achievement of the Limit Values because, although measures implemented at national level are expected to achieve compliance in most locations, there will almost certainly be residual areas (hot-spots) where the Limit Values will not be achieved. Because many (but by no means all) of these areas are small it is almost impossible for a central government to implement measures to remedy this problem. To remedy this problem the UK Government has implemented legislation to require Local Authorities to implement a programme of Local Air Quality Management aimed at tackling these hot-spots.

2. Legislation.

The primary relevant UK legislation is Part IV of the Environment Act, 1995. This requires all Local Authorities in the UK to carry out a staged process of Review and Assessment (R & A) of air quality in their areas. As originally introduced this is illustrated in Figure 1 and involved a 3 stage process. This allowed Local Authorities to proceed directly from Stage 1 to Stage 3 if they felt this was justified. If it was predicted that one (or more) of the objectives set out in Regulations made under the Environment Act would be exceeded, then one or more Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) should be declared and a Local Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) developed. Objectives for the purposes of Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) were set for 1,3 butadiene, benzene, carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen dioxide, particles as PM10 and sulphur dioxide. A further objective for ozone was included as a national target as local measures cannot influence ozone concentrations in that locality.

The Act also required the Secretary of State to develop an Air Quality Strategy for the UK with objectives to be achieved in the future. The Act also gave the Secretary of State powers to produce guidance to assist Local Authorities in the LAQM process. The original objectives for the purposes of LAQM were contained in the Air Quality Regulations, 1997. These were subsequently amended by the Air Quality (England) Regulations, 2000 which relaxed the objectives for particles, measured as PM10, but tightened other objectives, mainly by advancing the date for achievement. Further, detailed, amendments were made in the Air Quality (England) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002 to reflect Limit Values contained in the Air Quality Daughter Directives.

The objectives for LAQM in the UK are closely based upon the EU Limit Values but, in general, are to be achieved earlier than the Limit Values. One consequence of this is that in relation to emissions from industry it is possible to set more stringent requirements than BAT (best available technology) or BATNEEC (best available techniques not entailing excessive cost) in order to meet the EU Limit Values but not in order to achieve the UK objectives.

3. Implementation in Bristol.

The Stage 1 (or screening) R & A showed that there were many roads with sufficiently heavy traffic to indicate a probability of the annual average objective for nitrogen dioxide (40 µg m-3) being exceeded. There were also concerns that the original objectives for PM10 would not be achieved and emissions from industry presented a possibility that objectives for lead and sulphur dioxide might also be exceeded.

The original legislation provided for a Local Authority to progress straight from Stage 1 R & A to the very detailed Stage 3 R &A if it felt that the intermediate Stage 2 R & A was not necessary and this was the path followed by Bristol. The outcome of this was that there were predicted exceedences of the annual average objective for nitrogen dioxide in the central areas of the city, on major roads leading to the central area and round a motorway to the north of the city. There were also potential exceedences on the PM10 objectives.

As a result of this 2 AQMAs were declared in May 2001 and the process of re-examining and refining the Stage 3 R & A to confirm the need for the AQMA. In parallel to this the process of developing the AQAP was initiated. These processes involved close co-operation between the air quality team, who carried out the R & A work and the Transport Planners who developed the AQAP.

The Stage 4 R & A confirmed the need for the main (central) AQMA, with a number of minor changes to the boundary, but concluded that the motorway AQMA was not justified. This conclusion was the result of refinements in the modelling software which previously had over-predicted concentrations of nitrogen dioxide near motorways. Concerns still remained about PM10 but it was predicted that the revised objectives would probably be met. As a result of this an order was made amending the boundaries of the AQMAs to reflect the new information. A political decision was taken to retain the motorway AQMA pending further monitoring.

It should be noted that this just reflects the situation in Bristol. In other areas AQMAs have been declared on the basis of single streets, a number of individual streets or, in some cases the whole Local Authority area. The majority of AQMAs in the UK have been declared on the basis of the annual average nitrogen dioxide objective, with road traffic as the main source but some have been declared on the basis of PM10 from industry, PM10 from domestic combustion, sulphur dioxide from industry, sulphur dioxide from domestic combustion and in one case sulphur dioxide from shipping.

4. Subsequent developments.

Since the original Strategy and the associated guidance were produced both have been reviewed and updated. In the case of the Strategy additional pollutants (PAHs) have been added and new objectives proposed. In the case of the guidance the original 3 stage R & A process has been replaced by a rolling programme of Updating and Screening Assessments, Detailed Assessments (if necessary) and Progress Reports. A programme for these has been set out to 2010.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Information for the Public in Bristol



Bristol has been monitoring air quality for many years and one of the more difficult aspects is to provide information to the public in a clear and non-technical way, but without being misleading. This has been important in the past because, before assessing air quality became a statutory requirement in the UK, Bristol was one of the few cities in the country which monitored on a regular basis. The media, especially the local papers, assumed that Bristol had an air quality problem greater than any other British city simply because there was local information available. Since the rest of the UK has had to go through the Review and Assessment processes for air quality, it can clearly be demonstrated that the air quality problem is typical for a city of its size.

Before the statutory process Bristol produced annual air quality reports. These had limited circulation and became quite technical documents designed for the more academic reader. The R & A process has resulted in more technical document written for the UK Government which has, to some extent, replaced the annual air quality reports.

A simpler description of local air quality appears in the regular Indicators of Quality of Life report which describes a variety of indicators including environmental ones such as air quality. This document has a wide circulation both to academics, researchers and members of the public. A pdf version of this document can be found at www.bristol-city.gov.uk/qualityoflife.


The availability of the internet has allowed much more information to become available to more people in the city and beyond. Bristol City Council air quality pages can be seen at www.bristol-city.gov.uk/airquality and included information on what pollutants are monitored, how and where they are monitored. There is also information on the Air Quality Management process and Although it is hoped that real time air quality information will be available on the web site from the continuous analyser network across the city, restriction from the IT department has not made this possible. For this reason graphs are produced each month for the different monitoring sites and these are posted.

Most of Bristol rarely exceeds the hourly limit of 150ppb(286 µg/m3) for nitrogen dioxide and so, using the UK Government’s banding scheme, the air quality is usually in the “LOW” category. However, monitoring and modelling has shown that the annual average of 21ppb (40µg/m3) is exceeded in a large part of the city centre and major roads. For this reason the monthly graphs for NO2 do not have the bandings of Low, Moderate, High and Very High on them, but instead have a line showing the average for that month plus a line for the annual limit. If the monthly average line is above the annual limit line and unhappy face is displayed. If the monthly average line is below the annual average line then a happy face is displayed.

In addition to the sites monitoring NO2, there are also graphs for PM10, temperature and a wind rose showing wind speed and direction for the month.

All of these graphs are automatically generated from and Excel spreadsheet when the latest data are imported from the data collection system.


As part of the Review and Assessment process it was necessary to consult the public on the proposal for declaring an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA). At the beginning of the process a leaflet was produced which was delivered to every address in the city. It explained what the City Council was doing in the R & A process and the possible need for and AQMA. When extensive monitoring and modelling had been completed a proposed AQMA was drawn on a map. This was put in a second leaflet and distributed to every address that was within the proposed area.

Variable Message Signs


In 1996 Bristol City Council was involved in a European Project called ELGAR - Environment Led Guidance And Restraint

The overall objective of the ELGAR project was to test a variety of transport strategies to encourage motorists to switch to using public transport, leading to lower, more acceptable levels of environmental pollution.

The project focused on the A4 Bath Road corridor where a variety of transport measures were introduced in three phases:

  1. Conscience measure - Variable message signs (VMS) advising drivers when air quality in Bristol is poor. Sited to encourage drivers to use a bus based Park and Ride site.
  2. Attraction measures - Systems to improve the attractiveness of public transport including bus priority at key junctions, real time information at bus stops and car journey times on VMS.
  3. Restraint measure - A trial of an environmentally sensitive Road User Charging scheme.

The ELGAR project was funded by the European Commission as a part of the CONCERT project. It involved 8 European partners.

The results of the project showed that providing air quality information and public transport promotion can play a role in encouraging modal shift during times of poor air quality. However, the main problem encountered was that the hourly concentrations of the monitored pollutants do not normally exceed the threshold which puts it into the moderate or high bandings so during the life of the project the short-term air quality was rarely bad enough for the signs to be activated and for there to be a change in driver behaviour. There was also a problem with timing. When data were polled from the continuous analysers, the hourly average was calculated at the end of each hour. There would then be a delay before the information was sent to the control system for the Variable Message Signs. If there was going to be an air quality problem in the city centre caused by morning rush hour traffic then the rush hour would be nearly over before the correct information was at the VMS control centre.

Other parts of the project were more conclusive. These included introducing bus priority improved bus journey times in the morning peak period. The ability to compare bus and car journey times was felt by participants to be the best awareness raising measure.

The Road User Charging trial showed that a reduction in daily car trips can be realised by charging for road use when good quality public transport alternatives are available.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  PM10 Real-time data information for the Veneto reregion urban areas




Following the Agreement Protocol signature between the Councillors of the seven Veneto provincial capital cities (Belluno, Padua, Rovigo, Treviso, Venice, Verona, Vicenza) to control PM10 daily exceedances, (the so-called “Padua Charter”, see Example Traffic restrictions in Veneto Region Urban Areas), the Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment (ARPAV) has implemented a specific information system on PM10, structured in a series of services, usable through its web site: http://www.arpa.veneto.it/. This service answers almost completely what has been prescribed by the EU Directives in terms of public information on air quality.

PM10 information services

In the Veneto region territory, PM10 levels are constantly measured by ARPAV monitoring stations.

Their concentrations are surveyed through automatic and manual devices on a daily basis (according to the National Decree n. 60/2002 and in conformity to EC Daughter Directives). Most of PM10 monitoring devices are manual instruments; in those cases PM10 measurements are based on the gravimetric reference method. This method foresees a weighing operation of filters where the PM10 size fraction has previously accumulated. The PM10 concentration value is derived by change in mass of the exposed filter. Filters need to be maintained at controlled temperature and humidity conditions before sampling (20 ± 1°C and 50 ± 3% for 48 hours) and again immediately before the weighing operations: these operations imply that data are obtained with a delay of some days. As alternative to this manual method, automatic methods with equivalence certificate can be used.

During 2004, automatic samplers/analysers for PM10 have entered into functioning in the seven provincial capital cities of the Veneto region. They have been bought by ARPAV, thanks to EC financial support (the DOCUP Programme ”Monitoring, Information and Environmental education”). They are based on the beta attenuation method (OPSIS and Environnement instruments).

In the map below, see PM10 manual monitors (in green colour) and automatic monitors (in red colour). The activation state of automatic monitors and positioning of manual monitor is under updating; in the map the situation is referred to the beginning of the year 2004 (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 – Manual (green) and Automatic (red) PM10 monitors in the Veneto Region urban areas (update January 2004).

Real time data refer to automatic stations, for which the last data reported (24 h average) has not validated yet.

In case of Venezia – Mestre urban area, data are available not only from a daily automatic analyser, but also every 2 hours (see Figures 2 and 3).

Provincial graphs (Figure 2) show, in detail, what is the trend in the last 10 days.

Figure 2 – Venice PM10 real-time 24h data

Figure 3 – Venice PM10 real-time 2h data

The legenda (see Figure 4) include three quality assessment classes:

- Good: PM10 < 50 µg/m3

- Poor : 50 < PM10 < 100 µg/m3

- Bad: PM10 > 100 µg/m3

Figure 4 – PM10 real time data legenda

Validated data referred to automatic and manual devices can be seen in the scheme: “Air Quality- Recapitulation of PM10 exceedances” (see Figure 6), where the warning on increasing number of daily limit value exceedances is given (reference: 35 exceedances of 24h limit value 50 µg/m3).

Figure 5Venice validated air quality data

Figure 6 – Summary on PM10 24h limit value exceedances in the 7 capital cities of the Veneto region

The regional graph (see Figure 7) shows the last updating of PM10 levels in the seven capital cities.

Lacking data refer to cities where automatic stations are under testing and activation; it is possible to visualize the last validated value in “Air Quality – Validated Data”.

In cities where two PM10 monitoring stations are active, both values are reported (A and B).

Figure 7 – Regional PM10 graph

(BL = Belluno, PD = Padua, RO = Rovigo, TV = Treviso, VE = Venice, VR = Verona, VI = Vicenza)

Information provided by ARPAV, through its web site, concern also other relevant air pollutants: NO2, SO2, CO, O3, benzene, benzo(a)pyrene.

For some of them (NO2, CO, O3 and PM10, as mentioned before) a real-time information is given: see the link http://www.arpa.veneto.it/, “Aria”, “Qualità dell’aria” and “Inquinanti in Diretta”).

For all of them a summary on the information requested by EU Directives (exceedence of Limit Values) is also made available to the public (see “Aria” then “Qualità dell’aria”, then “Dati validati”).


This text has been kindly made available from ARPAV web site http://www.arpa.veneto.it/.

Last Updated


25th January 2005





Title of Example

  Example of monitoring networks in Bristol



Bristol has been monitoring air quality since the 1960’s. Originally the emphasis was on monitoring the emissions from the industrial area at Avonmouth at the coast. In the last decade, there has been a change to concentrating more on the urban environment where the main source of pollution is from motorised transport. This change has led to differing types of technology and monitoring sites.


Frisbee dust collector

The simplest type of sampler used is a dust deposit sampler constructed from inverted aluminium Frisbees. The aerodynamic shape is important, as any particulate matter deposited in the Frisbee is not blown out again by the wind. Water or rain washes the dust into a tube in the centre and into a bottle. The sample is then analysed in the laboratory for heavy metals.

8 – port smoke and sulphur dioxide

This comparatively old technology is still used in some sites but is less important than continuous analysers. The apparatus consists of 8 filters and 8 Dreschel bottles containing a solution of hydrogen peroxide. A timer transfers the sampled air through each filter and then each bottle for every day of the week.

The darkness of the filter is an indicator of the amount of black smoke in the atmosphere and the solution is titrated to determine the soluble acidity in the air which can be used to calculate the concentration of sulphur dioxide.

Nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube

This is an acrylic tube approximately 7 cm long with a cap at one end that contains a small metal mesh impregnated with triethanolomine. This chemical is very good at absorbing nitrogen dioxide from the air. The tube is exposed for a two-week period and then analysed in the laboratory.

The advantage of this technique is that it is cheap enough to have many tubes across the city building up long-term trends and spatial variations.

Airborne heavy metal sampler (M-Type)

A pump draws air though a membrane filter which collects particulate matter. The filter is exposed for two weeks and then is analysed for heavy metals by atomic absorption spectroscopy.

Continuous analysers

These analysers run continuously at a number of sites monitoring oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3) and particulate matter (PM10). Real time information is stored on a data logger. Most of the sites have a modem which enable the data to be downloaded to a central computer. These analysers are regularly calibrated using gas of a known concentration.


Bristol has four stationary sites with meteorological equipment. All measure wind speed and wind direction and two also measure temperature.

Survey types

Frisbee deposited dust monitoring

There is a network of twelve Frisbee collectors around the industrial area of Avonmouth extending south through Avonmouth dock and across the river Avon to Royal Portbury dock. These sites have been permanent for over thirteen years.

Diffusion tubes

There are over 200 NO2 diffusion tubes around the city in different types of location both roadside and background. Two surveys have been running for over ten years using diffusion tubes. 21 sites around the city are located at roadside locations, usually attached to street lighting columns. The other long running survey has 35 sites in background locations, one in each ward or political area of the city.

Although NO2 diffusion tubes are not as accurate as real time analysers the long-term survey has provided a good indication of the long-term trends of NO2 over the last 13 years.

Diffusion tubes are also used for short-term surveys ranging between a few weeks to a year. Because they are not expensive several can be distributed in a small area or along an individual road. It is then possible to pick up the variations in average concentrations on either side of a busy road where, for example, the nitrogen dioxide monitored is found to be higher on the side of a road where traffic is going slowly up a hill compared with the other side where traffic is going down the hill with fewer emissions. Survey like these have been done to evaluate the effect of the change in a road design.

Experiments have also been conducted to determine the variations in a canyon street where diffusion tubes were located at different heights up the side of a building.

When planning applications are made by developers, they are often required to do some air quality monitoring if there is no information about the location available. Diffusion tubes are usually used in this case for a short-term survey as these can be compared with the other permanent sites.

Continuous analysers

Currently Bristol has 8 sites with continuous analysers within the city boundary and 4 sites in neighbouring authorities for work, which has been commissioned by industrial companies.

Over the years a number of different sites have been used for locating continuous analysers. If a suitable building was available then it was often quite easy to have the analyser in the building with a sample inlet tube passed out of a window or a hole in the wall. Electricity was easy to supply and a fixed telephone line for the modem could be easily installed.

Over the past decade there has been a requirement to locate analysers at roadside locations or “hot-spots” where there is no suitable building. Bristol has used roadside cabinets made from glass reinforced plastic which can hold two or three analysers. The cabinet has it’s own air conditioning unit as the heat from the pumps within the small box needs to be reduced. Getting permission to install a cabinet by the roadside and then get an electricity supply and a telephone line installed can take a long time. It has not been unusual for it to take over a year to get a site like this operating.

More recently the introduction of GSM modems, which work over a mobile phone network, has made it easier to locate roadside cabinets.

As part of the review and assessment process for air quality which Local Authorities in the UK are required to do, sites have been found which reflect the urban background to assess exposure. These are generally located away from the road side and closer to a building front as this is more representative of where people live and work.

Bristol has had a national monitoring site controlled by the Government in Bristol for 10 years. This site is located in an urban background location in the city centre. Bristol City Council officers are the local site operators for the calibration of the analysers. There is a City Council owned roadside site, which is affiliated to the national network. The data from both of these sites are collected by Cassella-Stanger on behalf of the Government and the results can be seen on the national archive at www.airquality.co.uk.

Some continues monitoring sites are located for different reasons. Bristol has an ozone analyser located in a park land area to the north of the city as this is more representative of the surrounding countryside where ozone concentrations are likely to be higher. This is because when oxides of nitrogen and other pollutants are moving away from the urban environment the photochemistry will produce more ozone than in the city centre.

Some analysers have been located down wind of some major industrial sources. If the pollution to be monitored is coming from a point source it is unlikely that a plumb will be detected all of the time. The best that can be done is to find a site which is downwind of the prevailing wind most of the time.

Further information


Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  An Urban Monitoring Network in Birmingham, UK



The Current Network

Mobile Station

Birmingham centre

Birmingham East

Hodge Hill

Roadside 1 (Soho Road A41)

Roadside 2 (Stratford Rd A34)

Birmingham West


1987 - present

1992 - present

1993 - present

1994 - present

1996 - present

1996 - present

1997 - 2000



City Centre

Urban Background

Urban Background with heavy industry and motorway



Urban Background with heavy industry











(Infra red)









(UV fluorescence)














PM10 (Gravimetric)







(UV absorption)






(absorption tube + gas chromatography)


Operation of the Network

Each monitoring station is equipped with a telephone connection (either landline or mobile). This enables data to be collected from the station remotely. This allows any unexpected data to be investigated quickly. The instruments at each station are calibrated once every 2 weeks in line with UK national practice.

Development of The Network

The current network was started in 1987 with a single mobile station. This was used to investigate specific problems, mostly associated with industry. In 1992, 1993 and 1994 permanent sites were added. These were placed in locations that had formerly been used for measuring SO2, black smoke, lead and CO via traditional methods for many years previously. The sites chosen were designed to give; a typical city centre level; a typical urban background; and an urban background close to heavy industry and a motorway.

Later sites focussed more upon road traffic, which has become the most significant source of pollution in the city. These were placed next to two major roads with the highest traffic flows and which also suffered from severe congestion.

All stations are placed in areas where people are living.

The aim has been to maintain continuous data from key representative sites over long periods. This means that newer developments to the network can be compared to long-term data from these sites.

Pollutants that are known to be close to limits are monitored at the greatest number of sites, for example NO2. Pollutants that are unlikely to exceed limits, such as benzene, are monitored at only on ‘worst case’ site. The monitoring network includes elements of research, such as the co-location of gravimetric and TEOM analysers for PM10 at one site, and the co-location of PM10 and PM2.5 at 2 sites. The reason for this is that particle limits are likely to be a major issue for the city in coming years. It is therefore useful to build up long-term data in advance to assist in understanding this issue.

NO2 Diffusion Tubes

In addition to the monitoring stations the network includes the use of NO2 diffusion tubes. These are used to monitor NO2 levels at 76 sites in 18 areas of the city. These are placed at busy roadside sites, with some tubes being co-located with monitoring stations to allow data to be verified. The NO2 diffusion tube sites are all operated for at least 1 year in order to obtain reliable data. The programme of sites is varied periodically to allow all busy roads to be checked. In this way the NO2 tube surveys act as a screening tool and widen the reach of the permanent monitoring stations.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  The Veneto Region air quality monitoring network optimisation project




The Veneto Region air quality monitoring network optimization project has been planned by the Veneto Region Environmental Protection Agency (ARPAV) and is financed by the Regional Authority. It involves the main urban areas of the regional territory equipped with a urban air quality monitoring network, including the City of Venice-Mestre.

This project is aimed at responding to new demands on urban and extra-urban monitoring stations optimization, through a macro-scale and micro-scale location revision, spatial covering and reconsideration of the list of monitored pollutants, as provided for by the EU Directives on air quality and the Exchange of Information Directive. Another methodological reference are the European Environmental Agency’s “Criteria for EUROAIRNET” guidelines (February 1999), where the implementation principles for the Air Quality Surveying European Network (EURO-AIR-NET) are enunciated.

The Veneto Region Project on air quality monitoring network optimization should furthermore allow for an amendment of the management costs, with a consequent improvement in the service quality.

The followed methodology for preliminary knowledge research for the project drafting has been characterized as follows:

- existing network situation check;

- regional territory characterization as for pressure and vulnerability;

- new network configuration proposal: determination of the deliverable services, their costs and some representativity indicators for the new network.

Regional air quality network: present situation

The present regional air quality monitoring network situation is based on the principles of the National Decree 20.05.1991 (“Air quality data collection criteria”), which has given the guidelines for the definition of an urban air quality monitoring network, by means of primary and secondary pollutants identification and classification of the number and type of stations where these measurements have to be carried out.

The stations classification, as for spatial location was the following:

- background or reference station (A type), where all primary and secondary pollutants and basic meteorological parameters are measured, as well as PM10, benzene and benzo(a)pyrene to be evaluated by means of manual analytical methodologies. Such stations have to be preferably located in areas not directly affected by urban emission sources (parks, pedestrian areas, etc.);

- high density residential areas located station (B type), where some primary and secondary pollutants are measured, with particular reference to NO2, HC, SO2, PM with Pb content and mass characterization;

- high traffic areas located station (C type), with reference to car vehicle pollutants (CO, VOC), on high exposure risk areas like high traffic and low ventilated roads. In this case, the concentration values are characterized by a representativity limited to the immediate surroundings close to the sampling point;

- suburban areas located station (D type) for the photochemical pollutant measurements (NO2, O3, PAN), especially during summer periods.

Meteorological data have to be collected too.

The number of stations of the various types indicated depends on residential density, residential settlement structures, different emission sources presence, meteorological conditions, geographic extension and inhabitants number. As a general criterion, three classes of urban centres linked to the inhabitants number, corresponding to the minimum number of monitoring stations were identified:

N. inhabitants

Type and number of AQM Stations










>500.000 and <1.500.000










In 1999 a regional air quality monitoring network study was carried out. Metadata have been collected (station type, geographic coordinates, zone type, etc.) and all regional stations micro-location verified. Main problems regarding the management of regional air quality network are:

- difficulty in sampling methods harmonization;

- excessive presence of urban centres measuring sites;

- costs to manage an huge number of stations;

- stations’ micro-location problems (limited representativity and non conformity with EU Directives);

- overall lack of coverage of the regional territory;

- sampling redundancy of some pollutants (SO2, TSP) and lack of some others (PM10, benzene, O3).

The Veneto Region air quality network is presently formed by 60 stations, 31 traffic stations and 29 background stations. Figure 1 illustrates the stations location in the region: some areas are completely “uncovered” (alpine belt, pre-alpine belt, Garda Lake and Eastern Veneto areas), while others, like Mestre, Padua, Verona and Vicenza urban areas show an excessive number of sampling sites.

The Veneto Region

Figure 1 - Veneto Region: existing Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network (RAQMN). In the circles areas not covered by monitoring stations.




Figure 2 - City of Venice: existing air quality monitoring stations (2004)

Venice urban area monitoring network

The monitoring network of the provincial Venetian territory presents a relevant number of stations, the majority of which are located in the City of Venice-Mestre territory (<500.000 inhabitants). During 1999 the City of Venice urban network and the Province of Venice provincial network were transferred under the Venice Provincial Department of the Veneto Region Environmental Protection and Prevention Agency (ARPAV) management. The present monitoring network structure follows the indications of DM 20.05.1991 (”Air quality data collection criteria”). In its configuration the ARPAV managed network is composed of 15 stable stations and 2 mobile laboratories (see Figure 2). The stations are classified according to the territorial range: urban stations and suburban belt stations.

Ten ARPAV stable stations used for atmospheric pollution sampling are located in Venice – Mestre – Marghera urban area; the rest of them are located in Mira, Mirano, Spinea, Chioggia, Martellago e San Donà di Piave municipalities.

The City of Venice atmospheric pollution control network stations managed by ARPAV are classified as follows:

- 2 A type stations: the Parco Bissuola station is located in a Mestre green area; the Via Bottenigo station is located in an area of Marghera not directly affected by significant emission sources and is equipped for industrial pollution sampling;

- 3 B type stations: for densely populated areas (Venice: Sacca Fisola; Mestre: viale San Marco; via A. Da Mestre);

- 3 C type stations: stations for car traffic pollution located along high traffic roads (Mestre: Corso del Popolo, via Circonvallazione; Marghera: via Fratelli Bandiera);

- 1 D type station, for photochemical and secondary pollutants sampling (Maerne di Martellago).

There is, moreover:

- 1 industrial pollution station (Malcontenta, defined as I type).

The stable network is integrated by 2 mobile laboratories, used for point sampling research decided by ARPAV, or required by Local Authorities, Associations, etc., for the local situation pollution control that do not need a fixed station installation.

All data go to the ARPAV Monitoring Network Office, equipped with an electronic management and elaboration database, formed by peripheral units managed by a central unit, with a special software able to simplify validation and check operations of data coming from air quality monitoring stations and mobile laboratories.

The evaluation of the network updating according to the requirements of the regional optimization project is presently under way.

Regional territory characterization in terms of pressures and vulnerability

To carry out the formulation of a monitoring network optimal hypothesis we have been through a serious regional territory study. In particular the territory has been characterized from the pressures and vulnerability point of view (see Figure 3).

The main receptors of bad air quality are:

- population (see Figure 4);

- protected areas, the ecosystems and agriculture (see Figure 5);

- artistic heritage.

Figure 3 - Veneto Region: main air pollution sources (industrial districts and network of roads)

Figure 4 - Veneto Region: population density (inh/km2)

Figure 5 - Veneto Region: protected natural areas and cultivar. Existing ozone monitoring sites

Figure 6 - Veneto Region: proposal for the new Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network (RAQMN) configuration

The Veneto Region is characterized by diffuse urbanization, distributed over the central part of the territory. The population living in the large urban centres with more than 200,000 inhabitants is a little more than 15%, while about 40% of the total population lives in centres with less than 10,000 inhabitants. It is really important, according to European legislation and European Environment Agency, that all monitoring stations are located so as to be representative of the entire population distribution.

In the present network configuration, on the contrary, the urban centres are over-monitored to the detriment of the population residing in other areas. The other important thing is the choice of measurement sites for protected areas and agriculture. Figure 5 shows the regional typical agriculture (vineyards, wheat and corn cultivation) together with the main protected areas description (regional and national parks, special protection areas).

To determine also these receptors’ exposure, it is necessary to have a number of background stations, besides those already existing, that are not located on representative spots. The most sensitive areas are actually devoid of monitoring stations, in spite of the elevated number of measurement sites. For example the Belluno area, rich in parks and particularly interesting mountainous areas (alpine lakes, moss and lichen vegetation) has only three stations, all located along significantly trafficked roads and therefore not right to determine secondary pollutants like ozone. Similarly the Polesine area and the Veneto Lagoon, two important ecosystems, are under-monitored.

Some kinds of cultivations (vineyards, wheat) and vegetation are ozone-sensitive a secondary and omnipresent pollutant, which is particular because it remains in the atmosphere and is propagated by winds and weather conditions also to areas very far from the polluting source. Following these considerations and the collected information, there are actually regional territory areas (pre-alps belt, Polesine, central area close to the Euganei and Berici Hills), where ozone accumulation is very likely.

These areas should be monitored with particular attention to ozone. The other receptor, continuously exposed to deterioration caused by atmospheric corrosive elements, is the architectural and artistic heritage (monuments, palaces, villas, churches, etc.).

Regional network new configuration proposal

The study has led to the drafting of a proposal on the Veneto Region air quality control network configuration, aimed to reach the described objectives (ecosystem, population and artistic heritage protection).

It has been based on the previous identification of vulnerable and background sites. Other informative elements have been derived from the Regional Air Quality Plan and from the structural funds of the EC Regulation n. 1260/1999.

Such configuration should be formed by 40 stations, where 7 are “Hot spot” stations, located on the main metropolitan areas and medium/small size representative centres, 30 are “Background” stations (18 classified as “Urban” and “Suburban” and 12 classified as “Rural near-city background"), and 3 are “Industrial” stations (classified as suburban areas). To these 40 stations, 10 mobile laboratories should anyway be added. These to be dedicated to systematic and regular monitoring all over the territory which is not covered by stable stations: the existing stations that will be kept are red , the new ones are blue, the stations belonging to the former EMEP-RIDEP network planned to be kept in the new configuration are light-blue (see Figure 6).

The suggested configuration, is the necessary and suitable stations’ network able to describe the local and regional atmospheric pollution dynamics, as provided for by National and European legislation. It should be subjected to Provincial and Municipal Authorities evaluation.

Apart from the rise in management and maintenance costs, there is nothing preventing the improvement of the number of measurement points if the Local Authorities should propose and support it.


Most of the text has been kindly made available from ARPAV - Regional Air Observatory (authors: Erika Baraldo, Alessandro Benassi, Francesca Liguori, Ketty Lorenzet, Giovanna Marson, Paulo Tieppo).

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Biological monitoring of air quality: Example used in the surroundings of the Porto Marghera industrial area (Venice, I)




The implementation of an experimental network of biosensors to monitor air quality in Porto Marghera has been established by two permit decrees (dated 19.1.1999 and 7.9.1999), issued by the Italian Industry Ministry, respectively for the thermoelectric plants located in this industrial area and managed by two energy production companies (Enel Production and Edison thermoelectric).

What is bio-monitoring

Biological monitoring, or bio-monitoring, uses the response(s) of sensitive species called indicators to assess changes in the environment. Natural phenomena, human activity or a combination of the two can cause these changes. Bio-monitoring is a valuable assessment tool that is receiving increased use in air quality monitoring programs.

It uses some vegetal species like air quality sensors (biosensors).

These species can be classified in function of their presence in the area to be monitored:

- passive biosensors: sensitive species present spontaneously in the interested territory;

- active biosensors: sensitive species introduced intentionally in the interested territory;

- bio-indicators: sensitive species that present specific symptoms (for example spots on leaves) or that modifies their biological community characteristics (biodiversity) depending on some air pollutant concentrations;

- bio-accumulators: sensitive species that accumulate substances transported by air (for example trace elements) within their tissues and on external surfaces.

Monitoring and results characteristics in the Venetian area

Monitoring has started in the 2000; for the year 2004 a little change in the points location within the network is foreseen.

Three types of passive biosensors have been used:

- lichens (used as bio-indicators),

- lichens (used as bio-accumulators),

- tree leaves (used as bio-accumulators),

together with two types of active biosensors:

- grass in pots (used as bio-accumulators),

- moss-bags (used as bio-accumulators).

These biosensors have been sampled and analysed to determine a number of chemical substances. Data have been used to calculate an air quality index linked to the complex of anthropogenic and natural sources of atmospheric emissions present in this territory. The network is made up of different sampling points, distributed on a regular basis, on a 400 km2 surface area, as underlined in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Bio-monitoring network in Mestre - Marghera

Passive Biosensors

Number of monitoring stations

lichens as bio-indicators


lichens as bio-accumulators


tree leaves (limes) as bio-accumulators


Active Biosensors

grass in pots (Lolium sp.)




Table 1 - Number of monitoring stations (biosensors).

South of Mestre lichens biodiversity shows a decrease during the years, probably due to the presence of a higher concentration of nitrogen and sulphur oxides than the other interested areas. In any case, compared to 2000, south of Marghera there is an improved air quality situation.

As regards data on bioaccumulation in lime leaves, stations directly influenced by industrial and road traffic air pollution (light-duty and heavy-duty traffic) show Cr, Mn and V concentrations quite higher.

The investigation of active bio-accumulators (Lolium Sp. and moss bags) exposure cycles during the 3 year-experiment, has shown that the most interesting monitoring stations are located:

- inside and in the surroundings of Porto Marghera industrial area;

- in the sites more affected by road traffic emissions.

This situation confirms, in general, what has already been noticed through lichens. Furthermore, also these biosensors show Cr and Mn concentrations rather higher than the ones located in the industrial area.

As to biosensors, the group of stations sited in the South area do not present regular “attention situations” in time and it shows, in most cases, that trace elements concentration values are not particularly relevant.

High concentrations episodes seem referable to local emission sources, both for the distribution and the distance from industrial area.


The more populated areas (Porto Marghera industrial complex, the harbour and the main traffic arteries) differ much more, in terms of air quality, from the rest of the territory.

Bio-monitoring studies have been carried out in many cities in Europe and in Italy.

In the 90s, the Veneto Region has carried out on its territory a wide research on air quality, using on lichens as bio-indicators and bio-accumulators.

Anyway, data referred to 2002 underline an improvement compared to the past. That is why it is important to go on with these studies and to improve the information linking the bio-monitoring network with the atmospheric deposition one (the so-called “depobulk” system). These networks combine (but do not replace) the conventional air quality monitoring network established by the EC and national legislation.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  The Influence of Sampling Height to concentration of air pollutants



The Framework Directive 1999/30/EC (Annex VI, Art. II) prescribes a sampling height from 1.5 m to 4 m: “in general, the inlet sampling point should be between 1,5 m (the breathing zone) and 4 m above the ground. Higher positions (up to 8 m) may be necessary in some circumstances.”

The measuring height is mostly 3.5 m in the measuring network of Saxony, because of risk of lost of data due to false measuring caused by Vandalism. This height is also used with common measuring containers.

During a one year measuring campaign in a street canyon of Leipzig the variability of air pollutant concentrations were monitored in a height of 1.5 m and 3.5 m. There are 30,000 cars per day including 7% heavy duty traffic. The street canyon was 19 m wide and 21 m high.

The relations between the concentrations of 1.5m to 3.5 m (K) were calculated on the basis of daily averages. It was high for benzene (K=1.61) and NO (K = 1.46), but can be neglected for NO2 (K = 1.04). This means that in 1.5 m height the concentration of benzene is 60% higher than in 3.5 m. This finding demonstrates that the load in the breathing zone is significantly higher, than in 3.5 m height.

There has been also found significantly 20% higher relations of concentrations in summertime compared to wintertime. There was found no correlation between the relations of concentrations and wind speed, wind direction, air temperature and air humidity.

Web page/Source in German:

Löschau, G. (2000):Immissionssmessungen an Verkehrsschwerpunkten – Höhenabhängigkeit der Immission in einer Straßenschlucht, in: SÄCHSISCHES LANDESAMT FüR UMWELT UND GEOLOGIE: Jahresbericht zur Immissionssituation 1999. Materialien zur Luftreinhaltung 2000.


Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Monitoring locations in Turku region



In Turku region lives approximately 250 000 inhabitants. According to the EU air quality directive (96/62/EC) there is not a need to have several monitoring stations in the region when the concentrations of different pollutants are quite low. The ambient air quality monitoring in the Turku region is carried out in co-operation with the municipalities and the largest polluters in the region so the number of monitoring stations is six.

The basic locations of the monitoring stations were studied by using a dispersion modelling carried out by the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI). In this study the point sources of the pollutants were recognised and so were the trans-boundary emissions and traffic emissions. Some of the monitoring stations are situated in the prevailing wind direction from the polluting sources because of the need of the polluters to be aware of the effects of their emissions in the ambient air. Most of the monitoring stations are located in the areas where there are people e.g. in the city centre because people are exposed to the impurities in the ambient air. The reason of the several monitoring stations in the city centres is based on the legislation demand that the municipality must be aware of the state of the environment within its region.

The monitoring stations in the city centres are located according to the EU directive location demands (99/30/EC), e.g. at least 25 meters from junction area, when the concentrations of nitrogen oxides are monitored. Whether the locations represent a larger area of the city centre is difficult to estimate. The final location of the monitoring stations is of course a compromise of the electricity, telephone line and the undisturbed sampling.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  SO2, NO2, O3 AND LEAD (Pb) Monitoring in the Venice-Mestre Air Quality Network




The city of Venice urban air quality network is working, with the present structure, since 1999, when the two air quality networks (the Municipality’s one and the Province’s one) settled in the urban territory have been unified under the technical management of the Regional Agency for Protection of the Environment (ARPAV, Provincial Department of Venice).

Nine monitoring stations are placed in the urban area of Mestre and Marghera, that is the mainland part of the Municipality, while only one station is located in the historical centre of Venice, for a total of eleven stationary stations to monitor Venice’s air quality. Two mobile laboratories are also available to cover short-period monitoring campaigns too.

Monitoring stations are classified following the National Decree 20/05/1991 (Ministry of Environment), that distinguishes between: urban background stations (type ‘A’); urban residential areas stations (type ‘B’); stations exposed to road traffic (type ‘C’); extra-urban stations, to study photochemical pollutants (type ‘D’).

At the moment, stations have been re-classified and there are some proposals for the urban air quality network optimisation: both actions derive from Air Quality Framework Directive (and Daughter Directives) guidelines, the EUROAIRNET criteria (according to an initiative of the Veneto Region Authority), and the Decision of the Council on the Exchange of Information.

Figure 1 - City of Venice: existing air quality monitoring stations

In Figure 1 it is possible to see:

- 6 urban background monitoring stations: Parco Bissuola station, located in a green area of Mestre and via Bottenigo station, located in a Marghera area not directly influenced by relevant emission sources (both were previously classified as type ‘A’ stations); Sacca Fisola, viale San Marco and via A. Da Mestre are located in urban densely populated sites (they were previously classified as type ‘B’ stations); Maerne is needed for photochemical pollution and secondary pollutants monitoring (it was previously classified as type ‘D’ station);

- 3 urban traffic monitoring stations: Corso del Popolo, via Circonvallazione; and via Fratelli Bandiera are stations for car traffic pollution monitoring (they were previously classified as type ‘C’ stations);

- 1 suburban industrial monitoring station: Malcontenta is located in the area influenced by Porto Marghera industrial emissions (it was previously classified as type ‘B’ station).

SO2 Monitoring

Seven monitoring stations are provided with automatic analyzers of Sulphur Dioxide (SO2): Parco Bissuola; via Bottenigo; Sacca Fisola; viale S. Marco; via Antonio Da Mestre; Maerne; Malcontenta.

Instruments used for SO2 monitoring are located inside the monitoring stations and are based on the Ultraviolet Fluorescence method (in compliance with the reference method of EU Directives ISO/DIS 10498.2.ISO, 1999).

Monitoring results during 2003 have shown that the limit value for human health protection 350 µg/m3 has not been exceeded, while during 2002 at Sacca Fisola station 4 exceedances have been found. SO2 alarm threshold and the limit value for ecosystem protection have never been exceeded.

NOX monitoring

Eight monitoring stations are provided with Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) automatic analyzers: Parco Bissuola; via Bottenigo; Sacca Fisola; viale S. Marco; via Antonio Da Mestre; via Circonvallazione; Maerne; Malcontenta.

Instruments used for NOX monitoring are located inside the monitoring stations and are based on the Chemiluminescence method (in compliance with the reference method of EU Directives ISO 7996:1985).

Monitoring results during 2003 have shown that annual average concentration of NO2 has exceeded the annual limit value for human health protection (40 µg/m3) in seven monitoring stations, except via A. Da Mestre.

Pollutant has moreover presented two exceeding days of the 200 µg/m3 limit value at Parco Bissuola and via A. Da Mestre station. No alarm threshold exceedance has been recorded.

O3 monitoring

Four monitoring stations are provided with Ozone (O3) automatic analyzers: Parco Bissuola; via Bottenigo; Sacca Fisola; Maerne.

Instruments used for O3 monitoring are located inside the monitoring stations and are based on the UV Photometric method (in compliance with the reference method of EU Directives ISO FDIS 13964).

In all stations monitoring results during 2003 have shown that ozone presented a number of exceedances of the attention levels (180 µg/m3, fixed by a National Decree) greater than the one found during 2002.

During 2003 health and vegetation protection levels have been also exceeded more than in 2002, while alarm threshold (360 µg/m3) has not been overcome.

Repeated exceedances of those values happened from 14.00 to 20.00 on 7-14 June, 20-22 and 26-28 July, 4-11 and 22-23 August, 19-22 September 2003. These levels, above all in the second week of June and August, correspond to intense solar radiation and high temperatures that helped ozone concentrations increase. Acute pollution episodes happened contemporarily in Maerne and Parco Bissuola monitoring stations.

In 2003 Ozone has exceeded human health protection levels for a greater number of days, contradicting the 2001 and 2002 trends.

Lead monitoring

Lead and other Heavy Metals concentrations in atmospheric PM10 is monitored in three urban stations: Parco Bissuola; via Antonio Da Mestre; via Circonvallazione.

After PM10 collection, its Lead concentration is measured in laboratory by using the ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry) analytical technique. This method in compliance with the reference method of EU Directives.

In all monitoring stations results during 2003 have shown that Lead annual average value is lower than the limit value (0.5 µg/m3). There is also evidence of Lead “seasonal” behaviour, with greater concentrations in autumn and winter seasons.

Last Updated


25th January 2005





Title of Example

  How to monitor Benzene Emissions of VOCs from petrol stations - a review; 1995 to 2003.



1. Introduction.

Emissions of VOCs from petrol stations are important for two reasons. The first is the direct health significance of benzene for which the UK has set objectives for the purpose of Local Air Quality management and the EU has set Limit Values. The second, and in many ways more significant in the long term, is the ozone creation potential of each component of the complex (and seasonally variable) range of VOCs in petrol. There are two main sources of petrol station emissions of VOCs. The first is displacement of vapour from the storage tanks during delivery. This has been addressed by fitting Stage 1 vapour recovery. The second is displacement of vapour from the tanks of vehicles during refuelling. Two methods of addressing this have been proposed. One is vapour recovery on the filling station (Stage 2 recovery), the other is fitting vapour traps to cars. There are also other sources including spillage and evapourative losses from storage tanks.

Since August 1995 Bristol City Council has been monitoring the concentrations of benzene, toluene and o, m and p xylenes on two supermarket petrol station forecourts. Both are fitted with Stage 1 recovery. In June 2002 further monitoring was commenced on another petrol station forecourt where Stage recovery was in operation. Initial results from this work were reported (Muir, 2002) suggesting that the use of Stage 2 recovery gave marked reductions in concentrations (and presumably emissions) of all the VOCs monitored.

The monitoring has been carried out using single Perkin Elmer passive diffusive samplers mounted on the dispenser support pillars at a height of 2 – 2.5 metres. The tubes are all mounted to the North East side of the forecourt on the outer rank of pumps. In so far as it has been possible to do so the tubes on the forecourts have been supplemented by tubes approximately 50 metres from the centre of the forecourt in both upwind and downwind directions. In so far as has been possible exposure of the tubes has been for periods of 14 days ± 1 day although in a few cases it has been necessary to accept exposure periods up to 21 days. Very few data have been lost from tubes exposed on forecourts.

This work seeks to present data from more extended monitoring to confirm this benefit and to examine some of the long term data from the other monitoring to illustrate the effects of legislative and other changes during the monitoring period.

2.1 Results and Discussion.

2.1.1 Background.

There have been a number of legislative measures taken to reduce emissions of benzene because of its potential genotoxic carcinogenic effects on the general populace. One of these was the requirement for fitting of Stage 1 recovery at petrol stations with a throughput greater than 1000 m3 per year by 31 December 1988. It should be noted that this measure also had the effect of reducing emissions of other VOCs with no identified direct health effects but with some measure of Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP), probably greater than that of benzene (Derwent et al, 1996). Stations with a throughput of 500 – 1000 m3 per year were required to install Stage 1 recovery by 31 December 2001 and smaller stations by 31 December 2004. The other measures have been a series of reductions in the maximum permitted benzene content of petrol.

Table 1 gives the POCPs for 7 VOCs present in petrol (red) and 4 either not present in petrol or present only small quantities (blue) as given in Derwent et al.



























Table 1 Photochemical Ozone Creation Potentials for a range of VOCs

No firm proposals have yet been made for requirements for the installation of Stage 2 vapour recovery in the UK although DEFRA issued a consultation paper on the subject in 2002 (DEFRA, 2002). This proposed a 75% installation by 2010 for stations with a throughput > 200 m3 per year. It was also proposed that installation should be combined with planned refurbishment programmes to avoid additional costs. The Consultation Paper also stated that, at the time of publication, there were 120 stations fully compliant with Stage 2 vapour recovery and an unspecified number where the underground pipework had been installed and only required the installation of the above ground equipment. The proposal to make these requirements for the larger stations was justified on the grounds that emissions from the smaller stations formed only a small percentage of total emissions of VOCs and the cost of installation would be disproportionately large in relation to the benefits.

The current configuration of the 3 petrol stations involved in this study are given in Table 2.



Super unleaded

Lead replacement/

(4 Star)

City Diesel
















Table 2 Configurations of petrol stations, December 2003.

These figures do not represent every stage of the monitoring programme because, as will be mentioned, one station was enlarged in 2001. Also the proportions of Unleaded:Super unleaded:Lead replacement:DERV dispensers have changed and over the years low sulphur fuels, both diesel and petrol have been introduced at the two stations in the original survey.

2.2 Results.

2.2.1 Long term data.

Figures 1 shows the annual average concentrations of all three VOCs at the two original stations. This shows that in 1995 concentrations of all three VOCs were higher at the larger station (Station 2) and continued to be higher until 1999/2000 when the maximum permitted concentration of benzene (rather than the actual benzene content) in petrol was reduced from 5% to 1%. At this point the concentrations of benzene at both stations fell. This fall is particularly apparent at the larger station. It is, however, noticeable that there is little if any effect of the concentrations of toluene or xylenes. It is also noticeable that after 2000 concentrations of all three VOCs began to rise at Station 1.

Figure 1 Annual average concentrations of benzene, toluene and xylenes on 2 petrol station forecourts in Bristol, August 1995 to December 2003.

Figures 2 to 5 illustrate the 3 monthly average concentrations of benzene and toluene at these two stations during this period. These periods equated as closely as was possible the periods January to March, April to June, July to September and October to December for each year. In the case of 1995 all the data were averaged as one period because monitoring only commenced in late August.

Figure 2 3 Monthly average concentrations of benzene at Station 1, 1995 to 2003.

Figure 3 Monthly average concentrations of benzene at Station 2, 1995 to 2003.

Figure 4 Monthly average concentrations of toluene at Station 1, 1995 to 2003.

Figure 5 Monthly average concentrations of toluene at Station 2, 1995 to 2003.

These figures show clearly that at both stations there was a reduction in concentrations of benzene coincident with the reduction in the maximum permitted content of petrol. In actual fact this reduction became noticeable during November 1999. The difference between the two stations is that at Station 2 this reduction was maintained whereas at Station 1 the increase in the number of dispensers (and, presumably, the throughput) resulted in a return to concentrations only slightly lower than before the reduction in the benzene content of petrol.

These observations are reflected in the measured concentrations of toluene. Here there are no noticeable differences in concentrations when the benzene content of petrol reduced but, whereas at Station 2 concentrations of toluene have remained broadly similar to earlier concentrations at Station 1 they have increased markedly. The same pattern is observed with data for xylenes but this is not illustrated here.

2.2.2 Stage 2 recovery.

Figures 6 and 7 shows the average concentrations of benzene, and toluene at the two stations with Stage 1 vapour recovery (stations 1 and 2) and the station fitted with Stage 2 vapour recovery (station 3) for the period June 2002 to December 2003 with corresponding data from a roadside site. These show that there is a marked and consistent reduction in the concentrations of both benzene and toluene with the fitting of Stage 2 recovery. This is also reflected in the concentrations of the xylenes (not illustrated).

Although the concentrations of benzene, toluene and xylenes are not a direct measure of the emissions of these substances from the individual petrol stations it seems reasonable to regard them as an indicator of the emissions. Reasoning by analogy, although sometimes a dubious procedure, would suggest that emissions of other constituents of petrol will be reduced by Stage 2 recovery. From the POCPs given in Table 1 it is apparent that the VOCs with the greatest POCPs are the higher aromatics in petrol rather than benzene and the aliphatic constituents of petrol so even if this analogy was shown to be inappropriate the benefits of Stage 2 recovery in relation to tropospheric ozone formation would be substantial.

Figure 6 Benzene concentrations, June 2002 to December 2003.

Figure 7 Toluene concentrations, June 2002 to December 2003.

Station 3 is close to a busy road and there is another large filling station on the opposite side of this road. A diffusive sampler has been exposed alongside this road since 1995, in part because of the presence of the petrol stations but also because of higher than expected concentrations of benzene at another nearby site on a very heavily trafficked road. Data from this site are included in Figures 6 and 7 and show that although the concentrations of benzene and toluene are much lower on the forecourt of Station 3 than on the other forecourts they are still higher than those measured by the roadside.


  1. The reductions in the maximum permitted concentrations of benzene in petrol resulted in a reduction in measured concentrations on petrol station forecourts, presumably as a result of reduced emissions of benzene.
  2. These reductions in concentrations could be offset by increased emissions resulting from an increase in the number of dispensers on a station and consequent increased throughput of petrol and increased emissions.
  3. These reductions in concentrations of benzene were not accompanied by reductions in the concentrations of other VOCs.
  4. The concentrations of all 3 VOCs were much lower on the forecourt of a petrol station fitted with Stage 2 vapour recovery, although they were still higher than at a nearby roadside site.
  5. The fitting of Stage 2 vapour recovery, although not a complete answer in itself, has the potential for contributing to the reductions of emissions of VOCs in line with the Gothenberg Protocol.

The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and should not be taken to represent the views and policies of Bristol City Council.


DEFRA, Petrol Vapour Recovery Stage II – Consultation, April 2002.

R G Derwent, M E Jenkin and S M Saunders. Photochemical Ozone Creation Potentials for a large number of reactive hydrocarbons under European conditions. Atmospheric Environment, 30, 181-199, 1996.

Muir D, Stage 2 Vapour Recovery on Petrol Filling Stations - Is it Worthwhile?, Clean Air, 32, 2, Autumn 2002.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  The MacBeth Project: Passive Samplers Measurements of Benzene Levels in the City of Padua (I)




Air quality surveillance networks regularly monitor concentrations of atmospheric pollutants. However, such measures only evaluate the concentrations of pollutants in the outside air at specific geographic locations. It is crucial to ascertain whether the values recorded actually reflect the exposure which inhabitants are really subjected to, in the course of their daily lives and at work.

The MACBETH project is of particular relevance in this respect.

MACBETH (Monitoring of Atmospheric Concentration of Benzene in European Towns and Homes) is the project LIFE 96 ENV/IT/070 co-financed by the European Commission within the Life program.

The project was comprised among the preparatory actions aimed at helping the application of common policies and laws for environmental protection, with special concern to the safeguard of human beings from atmospheric pollution. The aim was to provide the European law-makers with the correlation between benzene urban pollution level and citizen exposure, in view of the issuing of the Daughter Directive that should regulate benzene urban levels within December the 31st 1999, as foreseen by the 96/62/EC Framework Directive on air Quality.

European Commission's Directorate-General for the Environment (DG XI) asked the European Reference Laboratory for Air Pollution (ERLAP), a body managed by the Joint Research Centre's Environment Institute at Ispra (I), to undertake a major Europe-wide measurement campaign. The project was launched in six test cities across Europe from north to south: Copenhagen (DK), Antwerp (B), Rouen (F), Padua (I), Murcia (E) and Athens (GR). A number of national partners were involved in the various countries.

The project, which monitored atmospheric concentrations of benzene (C6H6 - one of the main causes of urban pollution emitted from car exhausts or as a result of incomplete combustion), was based on a new system of individual measurements. In addition to one hundred external fixed sensors, fifty volunteers carry around mobile sensors throughout the day.

Whereas the average concentration of benzene in the outside air was 4.3 µg/m3 (i.e., much lower than the 10 µg/m3 upper threshold), certain individual cases of exposure in homes or workplaces could be as high as 25 µg/m3.

The Radiello sensors

In order to measure pollution levels in urban environments, the ERLAP developed an innovative and particularly cost-efficient sampling technology. Comprehensive air quality measurements traditionally require quite sophisticated automatic devices whose recordings are automatically transmitted in real time for analysis. The high cost of these devices means that they are placed at only a limited number of locations. This limits the scope for monitoring air quality over large areas.

The Radiello is an ultra-simplified pollution sensor, known as diffusion sensor, which can be used to detect various air pollutants. No bigger than a small test tube (7 cm long, 1 cm in diameter), it contains an absorption material which is able to capture the pollutant by means of molecular diffusion. The cost of the Radiello sensor is minimal, about five euros, which means it can be installed over a very wide area. After being left for a few days, the samples are collected and the absorption levels analysed in a laboratory. Genuine pollution maps can then be drawn up.

In the street, the home and on the person

The Radiello sensors allowed the MACBETH researchers to carry out a triple analysis of benzene pollution in the six European towns. Observable atmospheric concentrations were measured at different locations in the city of Padua (like in other 5 European Cities, see Figure 3), in the home and directly on the person in order to measure the exposure of individuals (see Figures 1 and 2).

Figure 1 - Map of Padua monitoring sites (Radiello location).

Figure 2 –Benzene concentrations resulting from interpolation of measured data.

During the six observation periods, carried out during a five-day period on each occasion, fixed sensors were placed in different urban areas (100 sites per town), in the homes of non-smoking volunteers (50 inhabitants per town) and on the person of these volunteers. Two groups of people have been monitored. One group consisted of a sample of the population that would normally be subject to only average or low direct exposure to automobile traffic, as they spend a large part of their time indoors, notably students and their teachers. The other group were people whose jobs involve a high risk of exposure, such as bus and taxi drivers and highway maintenance workers.

Inequality of risk exposure

The MACBETH results were presented at the International Conference on Air Quality in Europe, held in Venice from 19 to 21 May 1999. They showed the extent to which the people of Europe are far from equal in the face of the benzene threat. Levels range from an average of 3.3 µg/m3 in Copenhagen to 24.9 µg/m3 in Athens. There is a clear increase in benzene pollution as you travel southwards across Europe (see Figure 3). A number of variables must be taken into account to explain this difference, including, no doubt, traffic density and flows, the influence of climate and weather, lifestyles and the structure of the built urban environment.

There was another clear finding: benzene concentration levels are generally, and paradoxically, higher indoors than outdoors. This is a factor which must certainly be taken into account in future. For the rest, the harmful effects of certain high-risk jobs was confirmed.

Figure 3 – Benzene levels in MACBETH cities.

These results have been used also to define the new EU Air Quality Limit Value for benzene.

After the reduction of benzene and PAH content in gasoline (1% and 40% in volume respectively, come into force since 1998 in Italy), C6H6 levels in ambient air have decreased.


This text has been kindly revised from the City of Padua. It has been derived from some texts drafted by the Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri (Padua, I) and the Commission (see the websites):

- http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/environment/life/project/Projects/index.cfm?fuseaction=SEARCH.CREATEPAGE&s_ref=LIFE96%20ENV/IT/000070&area=2&yr=1996&n_proj_id=1114&CFID=715359&CFTOKEN=66926972

- http://www.pc4.fsm.it:81/padova/homepage.html

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  PAH Monitoring in Venice-Mestre Urban Area




PAH are persistent compounds, characterized by low water-solubility and high capacity to adhere to organic matter; they are mainly caused by incomplete combustion processes of fossil fuels, and are therefore present in car combustion and heating systems emissions. The PAH concentration in the urban atmosphere can reach few ng/m3, while the specific components concentration has a variable relationship according to the specific emission source.

In Italy the DM 25.11.1994 (“Technical legislation updating on concentration limits and attention and warning levels for atmospheric pollutants in urban areas and dispositions on some pollutants according to the DM 15.04.1994”) has made it obligatory for PM10, C6H6 and PAH data collection in the PM10 fraction in the urban areas with a population > 150,000 inhabitants, such as the City of Venice-Mestre.

The national decree has given indications on reference methods for measuring and sampling and relative air quality standards defined as “air quality objectives”. Specifically, these are meant as annual mobile average value to be reached and to be complied with, starting from a determined date (according to 01.01.1996 and 01.01.1999 reference, see table 1). The PAH is a hydrocarbon class whose composition include two or more condensed benzene rings. The PAH class is therefore formed by a rather heterogeneous number of substances, characterized by different toxicological properties.

The US EPA has drafted a major toxicity PAH list comprising benzo(a)pyrene, characterized by the highest carcinogenic power (= 1). This is the reason why the annual air quality objectives on PAH concentrations refer to benzo(a)pyrene concentration.

The environmental importance of PAH derives from the ascertained carcinogenic action of some of them, particularly of those condensed in the atmospheric particulate matter.

To bring back the PAH environment concentration to health reference values (National Institute of Public Health - ISTISAN 91/27 Report) the concept of equivalent benzo(a)pyrene, that allows the determination of the overall risk deriving from PAH exposure, from the risk amount caused by benzo(a)pyrene (cancerogenic power = 1), plus those of the other active IPA:

- benzo(a)anthracene (carcinogenic power = 0,006);

- dibenzo(a,h)anthracene (carcinogenic power = 0,6);

- indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene (carcinogenic power = 0,08);

- benzo(b)fluorantene (carcinogenic power = 0,11);

- benzo(j)fluorantene (carcinogenic power = 0,03);

- benzo(k)fluorantene (carcinogenic power = 0,03).

The annual value, with the aim of the comparison of quality objectives, is given by the mobile average of registered daily values.

Reference period


from 01.01.1996 to 31.12.1998

2.5 ng/m3

from 01.01.1999

1.0 ng/m3

Table 1 - Benzo(a)pyrene air quality objectives (national decree 25.11.1994)

While for PM10 and benzene the Daughter Directives implementation has meant the annulment of relative quality objectives, replaced by daily and annual limit values, in the case of benzo(a)pyrene, the 1.0 ng/m3 air quality objective is still effective. This value will be substituted by the 4th Daughter Directive implementation on Heavy metals and PAH.

Monitoring modalities in Venice-Mestre urban area

Following the decrees operative suggestions, to locate emissions sources and the exposure evaluation, the PAH atmospheric level is given by the concentration value measured in PM10 on a 24h basis. To evaluate the annual average value of PAH concentration, the measurement should be carried out for at least 15 days per month. The reference method for PAH measurement is the capillary column gas-chromatography and flame ionization detector.

The systematic measurements should be carried out in at least one of the A, B, C type stations, in order to identify the area average value, representative of the urban area various exposure situations. The stations’ classification have been drafted in the D.M. 20.05.1991 (now annulled following the EU Air Quality Directives implementation) identifying:

- A type station, reference or basic station, where all primary and secondary pollutants and basic weather inputs are measured, as well as PM10, benzene and benzo(a)pyrene pollutants to be evaluated by means of manual analytical method. Such stations should be preferably located in areas which are not directly affected by urban emission sources (parks, pedestrian areas, etc.);

- B type station situated in high density residential areas where some primary and secondary pollutants are measured, with particular reference to NO2, HC, SO2, PM with Pb content and mass characterization;

- C type station, placed on high traffic areas with reference to car vehicle pollutants (CO, VOC), on high exposure risk areas like high traffic and low ventilated roads. In this case, the concentration values are characterized by a representativity limited to the immediate surrounding areas close to the sampling point.

In the A type stations meteorological data should also be collected. The Venice-Mestre urban network stations where PAH monitoring is carried out are: Parco Bissuola (A); via Antonio Da Mestre (B); via Circonvallazione (C).

Figure 1 - City of Venice air quality monitoring stations (PAH monitoring stations: Parco Bissuola, Via Circonvallazione, Via A. Da Mestre)

At the mentioned continuous air quality monitoring stations sampling is also carried out, for PM10 and PAH via HPLC analysis, with reference to benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluorantene, benzo(k)fluorantene and benzo(a)pyrene.

The PM10 sampling (using Tecora instruments, that are in compliance with the Directives reference method) is carried out using a sampling line located inside the monitoring station with 24h sampling cycles by means of glass fibre filters. The PM10 and PAH analytic determinations are carried out in the laboratory, after the end of the filters sampling cycle, respectively by means of gravimetric analysis and HPLC.

The PM10 gravimetric determination is carried out on each sampled filter, while the benzo(a)pyrene determinations are alternatively carried out every two sampled filters. In this way, generally, for each monitoring campaign lasting about 1 month, at least 15 PM10 and 7 PAH measures are assured.

PAH levels in Venice-Mestre urban area

The annual mobile average, provided for by the D.M. 25.11.1994 as the benzo(a)pyrene evaluation tool, gives satisfying results only when data are homogenously distributed within the span of the months considered. In the benzo(a)pyrene concentration annual average estimation has therefore been considered preferable to using the average of the monthly averages, that is less sensitive to the effects of the varaibility of data distribution throughout the different periods and therefore allows sensibly weighing up each seasonal period.

The updated mobile averages up to December 2002 of benzo(a)pyrene concentration, calculated as an average of monthly averages, give 1,5 ng/m3 value for the Parco Bissuola station, 1,2 ng/m3 for the Via A. Da Mestre station and 1,5 ng/m3 for the Via Circonvallazione station, therefore exceeding the 1 ng/m3 air quality objective prescribed by Italian legislation. This objective corresponds also to the annual mean target value in the EU Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to arsenic, cadmium, mercury, nickel and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air.

Such values show a benzo(a)pyrene “area” pollution, which presents an almost homogeneous diffusion in the urban centre. The 2002 area average, as average of annual averages of the three different stations, is 1,4 ng/m3. The overall downward trend of the benzo(a)pyrene annual average in the urban area surveyed during 2001 (1,5 ng/m3), in comparison to 2000 (1,8 ng/m3), does not seem to be confirmed for 2002.

In the urban area, the benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluorantene and benzo(k)fluorantene monthly average trend shows a concentration peak during fall and winter months, and, as already pointed out, a strong trend to quality objective exceedance for benzo(a)pyrene of 1 ng/m3, defined by DM 25.11.1994 as annual mobile average.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  AQ Data Quality Requirements, Bristol case




In order to maintain the monitoring network in Bristol there are site visits every two weeks to conduct a calibration of the continuous analysers using zero air generators and calibration span gases. Excel spreadsheets have been developed to record the instrument test measurements and also the concentrations when zero air and calibration gas is passed through the analyser. A laptop computer is used at each site to record the data directly to the spreadsheets. The spreadsheet archives the data so that it is easy to look at previous calibration data and see how the analyser is performing over time. It also calculates the offsets and multipliers necessary to re-scale the ambient data collected until the next calibration.

The Airviro system has been used to collect data from the continuous analysers. This is gradually being replaced by the Opsis system. A certain amount of automation has been developed to speed up the data scaling process. All the site specific spreadsheets are liked to a master tables spreadsheet. This sheet creates an ascii table which is used by specially created scripts in the Airviro system to take raw data from the sites, rescale them using the offsets and multipliers and creates a new scaled data set which is used for the data ratification process. This means there is always the raw data available if mistakes are made with the scaling process and have to be repeated.

Data Validation & Ratification Procedures

The objective of data validation/ratification as a data management process is to ensure that the data is consistent, reliable, credible and fit for purpose.

These procedures have been composed as standardised guidance only, and should not be taken as a definitive methodology for the validation and ratification of continuous analyser data. Effectively it is the experience of the operator, coupled with detailed knowledge of the operational status and performance of each analyser in the network that allows an acceptance or rejection of data as valid.

These guidance notes have been taken (in brief) from the following sources: -

Local Air Quality Management, Technical Guidance LAQM. TG (03), DEFRA Publications, Crown copyright 2003.

Automatic Urban Monitoring Network, Site Operator’s Manual, NETCEN, # 3.097, October 1998.

QA/QC Data Ratification Report for the Automatic Urban Network, DEFRA. (Quarterly Publications)

A Summary of the Ratification Process, Netcen, 2003

1) Initial Data Validation

This process involves the daily viewing and rapid screening of the raw data and identification of possible faults in the monitoring network. It may be seen, therefore, as the initial stage in the ratification process.

In order to detect rapidly ‘unusual’ data and faulty analysers, therefore maintaining high data capture rates, the raw data sets for each analyser must be viewed at regular and frequent intervals. It is recommended that ‘screening’ occur at least once daily. Following this, any suspicious data identified should be noted or flagged for further investigation as part of the full ratification process.

It is preferable for raw data to be scaled prior to initial validation as this will mean that appropriate offsets and multipliers have been applied. In practice, simple validation/screening can be conducted prior to the data scaling taking place. The whole purpose of the rapid screening of the data is to ensure that any possible faults are noted to enable a rapid response to possible system faults. Any scaling of data that occurs after the screening process will enable the full validation to take place at a later time period. OPSIS is configured so that all scaling and data manipulation is conducted on a duplicated data set (ASCII format), thereby leaving the original data set as received.

The following listing highlights some of the ‘anomalies’ that may occur in the raw data stream. The experienced operator will be able to distinguish between most of the various types of data anomaly itemised below.

Large data spikes

Possibly one of the most common ‘anomalies’ found in the raw data stream, the causes could be many and varied, including machine faults or acute localised events.

Machine faults

These may include: -

Internal zero/span enabled during daytime. This type of fault will occur at or about the same time every day.

Calibration spikes, where the analyser is not taken out of service prior to the calibration. These can be easily identified from calibration records and also by the magnitude of the peak.

Acute localised events

These may include: -

A car or heavy transport idling near to the analyser.

A local bonfire.

Emissions from industry (local or remote).

Episodes of unusually high/low values.

As with the above, there may be machine problems or ‘natural’ reasons why the data has unusually high or low values. Comparisons with other nearby sites may offer supporting evidence as to possible causes for the unusual data. The OPSIS software has page layouts designed to enable comparisons between nearby sites.

Some episodes of unusually high concentrations can be easily identified as probably genuine or spurious by comparison of data with other sites either in the national networks or locally operated. Examples of these are:

High concentrations of ozone at one site only.


Probably spurious.

High concentrations of ozone at more than one site.


Probably genuine.

Elevated concentrations of SO2 at a number of sites simultaneously with either no known local sources or local source near only one site.


Probably genuine, long range transport episode (eg power station emissions). This is especially likely if concentrations of PM10 are also elevated.

Elevated concentrations of SO2 at one of site with known local source(s).


Probably genuine.

Elevated concentrations of SO2 at one of site with no known local source(s).


Probably spurious but could be genuine.

[NO] or [NO2] greater than [NOX]


Possible wrongly connected outputs or mis-assignment of channels, otherwise instrument malfunction. One (simple) possibility is broken chopper belt or failed chopper motor.

Use of data files

The data files generated directly from the loggers contain all data including data which have been flagged as bad/out of service. Data which have been processed by the OPSIS software as ASCII files do not contain these data so these files should be used rather than the logger files.

Zero truncation

This type of fault is apparent by the way in which the data is cut off at the zero baseline of the graph. This is due to the analyser or data logger not being able to record negative values, old Environnement CO analysers may exhibit this type of data anomaly. This may be rectified by applying an offset value to the analyser.

Missing data

Data that is missing or lost during the data collection process may have several causes depending on the type of equipment used in the monitoring and transmission process.

It is evident that during the transmission of data using GSM modems there may be some interruption or transposition of the data leading to corruption and loss. With the later API analysers the large onboard memory allows for retrieval of data from several days to several months. If small ‘chunks’ of data are found to be missing then it is relatively easy to set retrieval from the source to an earlier time period, prior to that of the missing data.

Repetitious (identical) data.

As with the previous ‘missing data’ section, the causes of repetitions in the raw data stream can be as a result of the transmission of data through GSM phones. The OPSIS software itself has algorithms that will replace missing data with the last valid analyser measurement. This being a recognised and authenticated method of in filling gaps in the data stream. Another possible cause on NOX and SO2 analysers is a broken chopper belt or failed chopper motor.

It is recommended that care is used when isolating and rejecting these repetitious sequences, as there may be valid reasons why the data has long time periods of the same values. These include: -

extended time periods of little/no change in the pollutants being measured.

meteorological conditions

analyser off-line.

analyser fault.

Consideration also needs to be given to the pollutant and to the location of the monitoring equipment. Concentrations of SO2 tend to be very low except in the vicinity of major sources (industrial processes, large combustion plant or railway locomotives). As a consequence of this there is no immediately obvious reason to suspect long sequences of 1 or 2 ppb concentrations of SO2. Similarly at background locations concentrations of CO will usually vary by only small amounts whereas at roadside locations larger variations are normal.

In the case of traffic related pollutants variations are usually (but not always) greater during daylight hours than during the night and also on weekdays when compared to weekends. As a result of this a sequence of 5 or 6 hours of 0 or 1 ppb of nitric oxide between midnight and early morning is not necessarily indicative of a problem at a background site although it may indicate a problem at a roadside site.

In contrast to these situations extended periods of repeated higher concentrations should be regarded as dubious at best and more probably as spurious. Possible causes of this include instrument malfunction (broken chopper belt or chopper motor are possible causes) or leakage of span gas. The latter is only possible where an analyser is fitted with internal zero and span system or where calibration cylinders are stored on site.

[NO2]:[NOX] concentration ratios.

The ratio of concentrations of NO2 to NOX can provide clues to instruments malfunctioning or to unusual conditions. Typically at an extreme kerbside site this ratio will be low, in the region of 0.25 to 0.30, and at less extreme roadside sites it will be higher, typically 0.35 to 0.45. At an Urban Background/Urban Centre site it will usually be in the range 0.55 to 0.70. At a Suburban site it will usually be higher again, 0.75, and at Rural sites about 0.80. The highest ratios are observed at Remote Rural sites. The concentration ratios vary throughout the day at all sites. The greatest variations are at urban sites with the ratios being higher than average during the night and lower than average during the day. This is also the case at rural sites but to a lesser degree.

An abnormally high or low [NO2]:[NOX] ratio does not necessarily indicate instrument malfunction as extreme meteorological conditions cause this. The most obvious example is during a prolonged period of cold weather associated with an inversion layer forming where the [NO2]:[NOX] ratio will be lower than normal in spite of high concentrations of NO2.

2) Data Ratification

The previous section has been primarily concerned with the ‘day to day’ analysis of data. The ratification process is essentially related to the longer-term assessment of data trends and analyser performance over time periods of three, six or twelve months.

This is to ensure that any long-term drift in analyser response to zero and span checks becomes evident; where in the short term it would not, therefore, allowing drift adjustments to be made. Further to this, any adjustments made to the monitoring equipment will effectively alter its performance characteristics.

It is imperative that detailed records are kept of all equipment associated with or used within the monitoring network. All relevant data and records of servicing, repairs and analyser performance are subsequently compiled and compared with the results for each site. This process assigns missing or spurious data to specific analyser faults or analyser performance over the ratification time period.

Effectively, using the full ratification process, a complete history of the individual site operations is ratified (audited) and the data resulting from that site is therefore of a known quality. It represents the final stage of data acceptance prior to its use.

Procedure (preliminary listing)

Data scaling

Examine calibration data for analyser drift and performance.

The calibration data must be inspected for excessive analyser (zero/span) drift prior to it being applied to the raw data. Within the AURN data validation procedures excessive drift is given as > 5% over the previous results. The data storage (Excel) software should give indication of zero and span results outside of this range and provide instant recognition of this situation. Further to this, the quality of the analyser data is based on the machine functioning correctly within its design limits and operational parameters. The fortnightly site visits are at present the only way of recording this information on analyser performance. It is vital that all of the data relating to analyser performance and quality obtained from these visits is inspected and approved prior to use. The Excel software should also be capable of distinguishing when the design and operational parameters are exceeded.

Apply fortnightly calibration results.

The calibration results should be applied to one channel (ASCII data sets in OPSIS) of the raw data set as soon as received and audited for analyser performance.

Note. At present the application of calibration data to scale raw data can be conducted within OPSIS but the procedure is rather long winded for the amount of sites. The OPSIS software developers are conducting development of enhanced data scaling of raw data. In-house automated data scaling is also being researched at present using Excel software to scale raw data from the OPSIS database.

Note all site characteristics and analyser performance.

Detailed records of analyser performance and site characteristics should be noted and entered onto the database for each site. All changes to buildings and infrastructure within the vicinity of the site, including changes to road layout and local construction work etc. should also be included.

Data validation

Daily checks on raw analyser data

Note all anomalous data spikes, excursions and trends

Compare with other nearby network sites

Compare local meteorology to data

Data ratification

View data in time series over ratification period

Compare all site and service records to scaled data

Compare with other sites and levels of other pollutants

Examine calibration drift records


When all of the above methodologies have been conducted the data should be fit for the purpose of Bristol City Council’s Air Quality Assessment. The systems in use at present should produce results of good accuracy and precision, it is considered that +/- 15% accuracy is achievable through a dedicated approach to consistency.




The difference between the observed concentration when running zero gas and zero.



The ratio of actual concentration of span gas to observed concentration. ([Span gas (actual)]/([Span gas (observed)] – [Zero gas (observed)])).

Validation (screening).


Initial identification and removal of obvious spurious data or flagging of possible dubious data.



Final scaling of data and removal of dubious data where these are positively identified as spurious.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  The Quality Assurance in Air Quality Monitoring in the Turku Region



The air quality directives obligate municipalities to monitor their air quality and to report the results of monitoring to citizens and to spread hourly based concentration data e.g. in the internet. In a case when the concentrations exceed the limit values, a city has to take measures to reduce pollution, e.g. by reducing the traffic. It is of a great importance that the kind of decisions will be based on reliable air quality data. For that reason the quality assurance is a major part of the air monitoring activity. Only by quality assurance the measured results can be guaranteed. False results can lead to the wrong conclusions, which is not desirable.

Quality assurance means all the planned activities that are necessary to full fill all the requirements set for the air quality monitoring. The goals of the quality assurance are reliability, accuracy, repeatability, comparability and validity of the air quality data. Quality assurance should cover all the activities related to the air quality monitoring, e.g. planning of air quality monitoring system, monitoring the air quality, preventive maintenance of the analysers, calibration, data handling and documentation, reporting of air quality and qualification of the staff working with the air quality monitoring system.

In the Turku region the quality system was built in 1997 – 1998. The whole process of quality assurance is described in the quality handbook. In practice the quality work is based on the careful and right-timed service of the analysers. In order to get reliable results the gas analysers are calibrated automatically once a day by using the permeation oven. By the automatic calibration zero and span values are checked. Furthermore a monthly calibration is required. Normally one concentration combined with zero and span value checks is adequate in monthly calibration. If the one-point calibration differs a lot from the last calibration it is necessary to perform a multi-point calibration when four different concentrations are checked. Once a year an independent calibration is used in order to make sure that our portable calibrator functions correctly. An independent party performs the calibration of particulate analysers once a year. It is also a possibility to buy calibration services from the National Reference Laboratory.

The results from the air quality monitoring in Turku region have been reliable. Analysers have been very stabile so far. In daily calibrations the zero values vary only a little. The validity of the results has been extremely high (94 – 99 % in the year 2003). Because the air quality measuring in total are functioning very well it is possible to concentrate to the other aspects of the quality assurance such as the reporting and informing of our results.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  QA/QC procedures used by NILU



Running air quality monitoring stations is more then just watching the numbers rolling in. To produce results of known and sufficient quality there is a whole range of tasks to be performed such as periodic status checking, maintenance, calibrations, data evaluation and so on. Failing to perform all or some of these tasks will reduce the data quality. To ensure unified operation both within a monitoring network and across several networks a documented quality system is necessary. All operations must be described in written procedures and documented for later reference. Only then will it be possible to assess the quality of the measured data as required in the EU Air Quality Framework Directive.

Based on the above and article 3 of the AQ Framework directive which calls for the designation of bodies responsible for ensuring accuracy of measurements etc., the Norwegian Pollution Control Agency appointed NILU as National Reference Laboratory for Air Quality in Norway (NRL) in 2001. NRL’s first task was to introduce a common quality system for all network operators in Norway.

The Quality Manual was written for non-experts. It aims at guiding the operators towards a unified way of operating their measurement networks by explaining in detail how maintenance, calibrations, data validation, etc. is performed and documented.

The main documentation at a site is:

  • Standard Operations Procedure (SOP) for each instrument at the site
  • A format for each SOP to document the procedure
  • Performance Acceptance Criteria specific to the instrumentation at the site

The results from periodic testing of instruments, typically once a week, e.g. zero/span checks on gas monitors, are compared to the Performance Acceptance Criteria. If the results fall outside the prescribed limits, certain actions have to be taken, e.g. recalibration, troubleshooting or service of the instrument. By using common action criteria across and between measurement networks, it is more probable that the operators will evaluate test results equally.

A typical weekly maintenance procedure for a gas monitor would be:

  1. Record time and date of arrival to the station, serial number of instrument and working gas standard and working gas concentration.
  2. Record selected status parameters, such as sample flow rate, sample temperature, reaction chamber temperature, light intensity.
  3. Compare status parameters with last few weeks of status parameters to detect trends, e.g. falling light intensity in an ozone monitor. The objective is to change consumables and spare parts before they reduce the quality of the data or brake down.
  4. Disconnect the inlet tube from the inlet and connect it to the zero/span check unit.
  5. Test the instrument by feeding zero and span gas to it.
  6. Compare the results with the results from last few weeks of zero/span checks to detect trends. Normally there would be a linear decrease in the response. A sudden drop may indicate a problem.
  7. Compare the results with the performance acceptance criteria and perform necessary actions if the test results fall outside the performance limits. The instrument response is changed only if it is outside the action limits.
  8. Perform regular maintenance as required, such as changing inlet filter.
  9. Remember to reconnect the inlet tube to the inlet!
  10. Record time of end of operation.
  11. Sign the maintenance form.
  12. Record the visit in the visit log.

Once the operator is back at the office he/she immediately calculates scale factors (slope and offset) based on the results from the zero/span check. The scale factors are entered into the data acquisition system and used by the system to mathematically correct the acquired data. Data is collected every hour from all stations, scaled and transferred directly for display on the internet web page (in this case: http://www.luftkvalitet.info/ ).

Even if the instruments are maintained in a proper order they may break down. In order to detect malfunctions as soon as possible, validation of collected data is required. Continuous display of data on the internet requires some automatic validation, re. e.g. spikes, too high values, too negative values. In addition a manual data validation is performed as well to cover other kinds of invalid data.

Manual data validation is performed as follows:

  1. Every day the operator goes onto the internet and looks at charts from his/her stations. The operator looks for indications of instrument malfunctions, such as constant levels, spikes and negative values.
  2. If any measurement data looks suspicious the operator will connect to the station and run a check on the instrument and inspect on-line or one-minute averages for details.
  3. Every week the operator enters the scale factors into the system.
  4. After the end of the month the last month of data is evaluated. The operator looks for trends in measurement data and scale factors, invalid measurement data, e.g. from zero/span checks and periods of instrument malfunctions are flagged.
  5. The monthly data is finally approved and transferred to the central database. They are now ready for use.

Calibrating the instruments and the working gas standard at the site is done once every three months, by bringing a travelling standard to the site.

The instruments are brought to the lab at NILU once a year for major service, adjustments and calibration. The calibration includes a test for linearity (dynamic calibration).

To test the actual performance of the networks, NRL performs an annual audit. The audit includes a performance audit and a system audit. The performance audit is conducted in every measurement network at a minimum of one measurement site selected at random. It tests the actual performance of an instrument by using an independent calibration standard brought to the site by NRL. The system audit is performed to document if the network operator is operating in accordance with the quality system and that the documentation and archives are in proper order.

NRL maintains the national reference gas standards and provides the networks with trace-ability to these standards. To assure the quality of the standards and other calibration equipment, NRL participates in international inter-comparisons.

Attached is an example of a SOP for weekly maintenance of a SO2 monitor.

ANNEX: Extract from NILU AQ Data Quality Manual

(see pages below)

Routine maintenance on a TEI model 43C SO2 monitor

Purpose of SOP

To maintain the gas monitor in a good order.

The monitor needs periodical maintenance and status checking to provide reliable results. The maintenance and status checking includes changing of consumables, cleaning, performance check, manual zero/ span check, leak checking and registration of status parameters.

Applicability and description of equipment

This SOP applies to the maintenance of gas monitors.

At the station the monitor is connected to the sample air intake system. During zero/span checks the monitor is connected to an external zero/ span check unit. The monitor is connected to the data logger by electrical wires.


Personnel performing routine maintenance on gas monitors will be thoroughly knowledgeable of the contents of this SOP and will comply with its requirements when performing routine maintenance on gas monitors.


This SOP assumes the following instrumentation:

· TEI 145 permeation tube zero/ span check calibrator

· TEI model 42C SO2 monitor


This SOP is documented in the form:

Routine maintenance, TEI model 43C SO2 monitor

Maintenance procedure

1. Enter todays date and the time you entered the station in the Date and Start time fields respectively.

2. On the monitor press the RUN pushbutton to enter the continuous display. Enter the displayed SO2 concentration in the Ambient - Monitor - SO2 field.

3. On the monitor press the MENU pushbutton to enter the monitor menu and choose ALARM. Enter the INTERNAL TEMP, CHAMBER TEMP, PRESSURE, FLOW, INTENSITY, LAMP VOLTAGE and SO2 CONC status values in their respective fields in the Alarm section. Press RUN to return to the Run screen.

Manual zero/ span check

A manual zero/ span check is performed to validate the monitor response.

Registration of general information:

1. Enter the span gas cylinder pressure in the Z/S check monitor – Wrk. std. – Pressure field.

2. Enter the gas cylinder’s certified concentration in the Cert. conc. field.

3. On the monitor press the MENU pushbutton to enter the monitor menu and select RANGE using the arrow buttons. Press ENTER to enter the RANGE menu. Enter the RANGE values in the Z/S check monitor - Response - Range field in the form. Press RUN to return to the Run screen.

Zero check:

1. Disconnect the inlet tube from the inlet and connect it to the zero air generator.

2. Adjust the flow to 1 l/min.

3. Let the monitor sample zero air for 20 minutes. Enter the 1 Minute Average value from the datalogger in the Z/S check Monitor - Response - Zero field in the form.

Span check using a gas cylinder connected directly to the monitor:

1. Disconnect the inlet tube from the zero air generator and connect it to the span gas cyinder.

2. Adjust the flow to 1 l/min.

3. Let the monitor sample span gas for 20 minutes. Enter the 1 Minute Average value from the datalogger in the Z/S check monitor - Response - Span field in the form.

4. Reconnect the inlet tube to the inlet.

Do not forget:

1. Tick off the items in their respective fields in the NB! section in the form.

2. The monitor is sampling air from the intake.

3. Gas cylinder regulators are closed.

4. The zero/ span check unit and solenoids are not activated.

5. Sign the form

Routine maintenance. TEI model 43C SO2 monitor

Station name

Station Id.

Serial numbers



Z/S unit

Wrk. std.


Start time/ Stop time

















Wrk. std.

Cert. conc.

Z/S check






Intake tube in place


Cylinder valves closed

Logger monitor off



Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Air quality assessment in the Venice-Mestre urban area




Before the implementation of the EU Directives on air quality, the Italian Environment Ministry published a decree (DM 04.21.1999 n. 163, “Identification of sanitary and environmental criteria for circulation limitation measures adopted by the Mayor”) aimed at determining basic criteria on the grounds of which Mayors can adopt car traffic limitation measures in urban areas, whenever such measures are considered effective for air quality improvement.

The environmental and sanitary criteria that the municipal authority can use as a basis for possible measures for traffic control, are characterized by an overall evaluation of the urban atmospheric environment. This obliges the City of Venice to draft an Annual Report on air quality, using the technical support of the Authorities involved in public health and environment protection. With the implementation of the EU Directives, the ministerial decree has been partially repealed, in fact there is actually no obligation for Municipalities to draft this kind of report, even though many administrations keep doing it on a voluntary basis.

Following the new procedures introduced by the Daughter Directives, the regular evaluation and the consequent regional territory zoning based on air quality has become a duty of the Veneto Region Authority.

It is however the Mayor’s obligation to look at car traffic control measures in urban areas, differentiated on the basis of the type of pollutant presenting quality objective or attention level exceedances.

The possible measures provided for by legislation in urban areas are the following:

- preventive traffic prohibition for all vehicles with less that an annual control on emissions;

- traffic limitation for spark ignition vehicles in urban zones where mobile emission sources contribute to the atmospheric dispersed benzene annual average value exceedence of 10 μg/m3;

- traffic limitation for all types of vehicles in urban zones where mobile emission sources contribute to the atmospheric benzo(a)pyrene annual average value exceedence of 1 ng/m3;

- traffic limitation for spontaneous ignition vehicles in urban zones where mobile emission sources contribute to PM10 annual average value exceedence of 40 μg/m3.

The Air Quality Assessment structure underlying the report

The Annual Report, prepared in following the National Decree n. 163/99, aims at describing, on the basis of all the suitable information on the City of Venice territory, the atmospheric environmental quality situation of the previous year and planning measures to be adopted to reduce pollution levels in urban air to achieve an improvement in citizens’ quality of life.

The report is therefore structured following the PSR scheme (Pressures, State, Responses), with a brief introduction that contextualises the evaluation:

- Introduction: reference guidelines, formed by:

o legislation on atmospheric pollution control (EU legislation, country legislation);

o territorial framework (ARPAV air quality monitoring network, regular measurement campaigns);

o the characterization of atmospheric pollutants and health effects.

- Pressures: emission sources characterization:

o industrial sources classification at the provincial level;

o car traffic emission estimations (following the COPERT 3 methodology).

- State: air quality characterization of the reference year:

o Meteorological data analysis and relative historical series (compass rose, atmospheric stability classes, cold/hot semester meteorological classification);

o database used (fix survey network and relative efficiency, mobile laboratories, passive samplers, etc.)

o air quality analysis (sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOX), carbon monoxide (CO), PM (TSP and PM10), ozone (O3), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), benzene (C6H6), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), heavy metals annual data);

o temporal statistical analysis (historical trends);

o spatial statistical analysis (spatial correlations);

o critical and chronic pollution situations check (legislative limit values comparison).

- Responses: Municipal Authority intervention lines characterization.

See the full text report (in Italian language): http://www.ambiente.venezia.it/aria.asp?sub=delibere

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Air quality index review in some European and USA




What follows is a short review on air quality index used in some European cities and in USA.

Air Quality Index in France (ATMO Index)

In France, the ATMO index identifies the typical characteristics of overall air quality for agglomerations larger than 100,000 inhabitants.

This index is determined using levels of pollution measured throughout the course of the day by urban and peri-urban stations for background pollution in the city.

The type of measurement site in question is precisely defined: they are background pollution sites that must be in densely populated areas. Therefore, for sulphur dioxide, the population density must exceed 4,000 inhabitants per km2 within a radius of 1 km around the site.

For nitrogen dioxide, ozone and dust particles, the population density must correspond to the same criteria. Moreover, the NO/NO2 ratio for the site must be less than or equal to 1 (typical characteristic of a site situated at some distance from trunk roads).

The ATMO index takes into account the different sources of air pollutants.

The following pollutants are taken into account:

- sulphur dioxide (from industrial plants);

- dust particles (from industrial plants and motor vehicles);

- nitrogen dioxide (mostly from motor vehicles);

- ozone (from motor vehicles).

For each pollutant, a sub-index is calculated. Each sub-index is determined every day using a mean of the levels of the pollutant examined on all of the stations used. For dust particles, the mean daily concentration on the site is taken.

For sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and ozone, the maximum hourly concentration on each site for the day in question is taken.

The maximum sub-index is selected as the final ATMO index, characterising the overall air quality.

Calculation chart for 4 sub-indices:

Mean of daily averages for the different sites


Min. threshold
in µg/m3

Max. threshold
in µg/m3





























> = 125

Average hourly maximum values for the different sites


Min. threshold
in µg/m3

Max. threshold
in µg/m3





























> = 400

Average hourly maximum values for the different sites


Min. threshold
in µg/m3

Max. threshold
in µg/m3





























> = 360

Average hourly maximum values for the different sites


Min. threshold
in µg/m3

Max. threshold
in µg/m3





























> = 600

Table 1 - Sub-indices calculation.

The ATMO air quality index is in fact a figure between 1 and 10 linked to a qualifier:



SO2 (µg/m3)

NO2 (µg/m3)

O3 (µg/m3)

Particulates (µg/m3)


Très bon +






Très bon






Bon +

















Niveau de vigilance








Médiocre +











Seuil d'information


Mauvais +






Très mauvais

>= 600

>= 400

>= 360

>= 125

Seuil d'alerte

Table 2 - ATMO Index calculation.

Each day, the ATMO air quality index is calculated until 4 p.m. and is published as of 5 p.m. The definitive daily index is known the following day from 9:30 a.m. onwards. What is more, every day at 12:30 p.m., an ATMO index forecast is carried out for the same day and the following day, available for consultation on the French Minitel system and the Internet.

Since the end of 1999, air quality can also be consulted on one of the most visited web sites in France: www.tf1.fr in the "Services" page.

The estimated daily index is also announced every evening at the end of the regional news bulletin on the French television channel, France 3, on the teletext service of French television channel France 2, and in different daily newspapers (Le Figaro, Le Parisien, etc.). It is also broadcast by a number of radio stations covering the Paris region (Skyrock, BFM, etc.) and given on the 170 public information boards situated throughout Paris.

See the web site: http://www.airparif.asso.fr/english/indices/atmo.htm

Air Quality Index in Stockholm (Sweden, EMMA Index)

The EMMA index, used by the City of Stockholm (see http://www.slb.mf.stockholm.se/), deals with pollutants separately, because it takes into account their different effects on human health.

Air quality classes are defined on the basis of limit values fixed by European Directives by WHO guidelines and atmospheric pollution local conditions (estimated through statistical analysis of data collected at the local air quality monitoring network).

Terms used to characterise different levels of human and vegetation exposition, refer to the EC Air Quality Directives and to WHO (see the 1987 and 1995 guidelines) terminology:

- ”Limit Value”: limit value that must not be exceeded to prevent dangerous effects on health and/or environment;

- “Target value”: a level fixed with the aim of avoiding more long-term harmful effects on human health and/or the environment as a whole, to be attained where possible over a given period;

- “Guide Value”: recommended value, under which environmental effects are not important.

Quality judgement is based on the following considerations:

- need to protect more sensitive population groups, to warn population if risks for human health are occurring and to avoid vegetation damages;

- air quality targets must guarantee a better quality of atmospheric environment;

- past air quality situation has to be considered adequately.

Concentration levels that separate different quality classes are (see also Table 1):

- Annual Average Concentration (AAC). Air Quality annual conditions are compared with annual standard fixed by legislation. For polluted areas where this standard is exceeded, AAC is put equal to the standard. When standard is not exceeded or in absence of recommendations on annual average conditions, it can be convenient to calculate the annual average registered more frequently in the past and to assign that data to AAC.

- Target Value Concentration (TVC) for acute exposures. This value is generally put in relation with standard limit values and it can be used for short period exposure. When a target value is not available it is better to define it as the more probable daily average concentration.

- Upper Limit Concentration (ULC) and Lower Limit Concentration (LLC). They are based on human health exposure. Obviously lower limit is more easly reachable. Generally ULC is the double the LLC value.

- Intermediate concentration between TVC and AAC is the IVC (Intermediate Value Concentration). This value corresponds to vegetation protection limit value. When it is greater than the limit for health effects, the limit for vegetation corresponds to LLC and the IVC is put in the middle of range between TVC and AAC.

- The last subdivision is between TVV and IVV (AVC). The aim is to characterise conditions when it is necessary to warn population about acute pollution episodes. It is described by the Alert Value Concentration (AVC). If it is not defined by the Authority, it corresponds to the 85% of TVC.

According to the previously defined Concentration levels, the indeces that characterise the air quality state are reported in Table 3. In urban context the evaluation method could be focussed on health risk for population, while in a rural or suburban context it should take into account different effects on plants and animals.

The EMMA air quality index has been applied and validated for Athens city, using monitoring data referred to 1983-1995 (Kassomenos et al., 1996).

The index characterises the daily state of air quality for all measured pollutants.


Quality class












Critical/very poor











Table 3. - Index and quality air class respect to limit value (Kassomenos et al., 1996).

See the web site: http://www.slb.mf.stockholm.se/

Air Quality Index in Madrid (Spain)

27 monitoring stations are spread over the city, measuring several pollutants: SO2, CO, NO, NOX, NO2, PM2.5, PM10, ozone, BTX, etc.

Only 4 pollutants are included in the Air Quality Index: NO2, CO, SO2 and ozone. The city is divided into eight sections and the level of pollutant in each sections is catalogued as good (green colour), admissible (yellow), high (orange) or very high (red). Additionally, the daily average value of PM10 is also given:

Figure 1. - Index Air Quality Index in Madrid (Spain).

The index time of updating is 24 h, but you can have the data provided by the monitoring stations hour by hour, depending on the pollutant and the monitoring station considered.

Information to the public and alert thresholds for average daily measurements provided by the monitoring stations are 125 and 200 μg/m3 respectively for SO2, 125 and 150 μg/m3 for PM10 and 300 (1 hour) and 400 (3 hours) μg/m3 for NO2.

The information provided to the public consists on the following: 1) Call centre (Phone number: 010), which incorporates a service for environmental information; 2) information points, with tactile displays; 3) website; 4) email to the mass media including news about environment; 5) electronic panels in sport centres, which inform about the levels of some pollutants (low level: green colour, medium: yellow, high: red) such as SO2, PM10, CO, ozone, UV; 6) display screens installed in the streets which inform about some aspects of atmospheric and acoustic pollution.

In the website of the Municipality of Madrid (http://www.mambiente.munimadrid.es/) it is possible to find more information about the Environmental Information System of the city (SIM: Sistema de Información Medioambiental).

Air Quality Index in Helsinki (Finland)

In order to simplify the air quality information distributed to the public, the air quality index invented by YTV (Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council) is being used in the Turku region.

When calculating the index values, the concentrations of pollutants are compared to the Finnish guideline values (see Table 4). In 2002, the index was improved and now it is totally based on hourly averages. On the basis of the concentrations measured, the sub-index values are calculated, each on an hourly basis. Referring to the sub-indices, the highest value is chosen to be the index value of the hour, and the highest hourly index value characterises the daily air quality index.

Index value

CO 1h (µg/m3)

NO2 1h (µg/m3)

SO2 1h (µg/m3)

O3 1h (µg/m3)

PM10 1h(µg/m3)

TRS 1h (µg/m3)





























Table 4 - Calculation of the air quality index.

The index value of 100 equals the guideline value (exception PM10). In the verbal characterisation, health and material-related impact as well as the effects on nature are also taken into account (see Table 5).




Health related impacts

Other impacts

151 -


Very Poor

Possible in sensitive groups

Clear long-term impact on vegetation and material

101 – 150



Possible in sensitive individuals

76 – 100




51 – 75



Highly improbable

Slight long-term impact on environment

0 – 50



None established

Table 5 - Determination of the air quality index as of 2002 (Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council).

The calculation of the index is based on the components monitored in a station, e.g. in one station the components can be NO2, CO and SO2, and in another only PM10 and NO2.

Link to Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council: http://www.ytv.fi/english/air/now.html

Air Quality Index in Malmö (Sweden)

It is based on hour values measured at the City Hall (roof level in the city centre) från Rådhuset (Centrum taknivå), Fosie (roof level in the outskirts) and Rosengård (roof level in the outskirts). Substances used are: sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, carbon monoxide and PM10.

The index is the sum of the indeces for each of the substances minus a correction factor. The correction factor is the number 15 which is subtracted from the sum of the individual indeces. The individual indexes are an attempt to characterize the concentrations as low, average, high etc. This characterization is mainly based on limit values and recommendations for the different parameters. The individual index has five levels: very low, low, average, high and very high. There are five substances and consequently five points/numbers having equal weight/strength.

The following scheme has been used:





Sulphur dioxide

Very low

0-10 (μg/m3)











Very high



Nitrogen dioxide

Very low

0-10 (μg/m3)











Very high




Very low

0-40 (μg/m3)











Very high



Carbon monoxide

Very low

0-0,2 (mg/m3)











Very high




Very low

0-5 (μg/m3)











Very high



Table 6

The sum-index has following characterization:

0-15 = very low

15-30 = low

30-60 = average

60-120 = high

<120 = very high

US EPA Air Quality Index (AQI)

The AQI is an air quality indicator developed by the U.S. E.P.A. to provide uniform and easily understandable information about the daily levels of air pollution.

The AQI is reported as a percentage of the federal health standard.

An AQI reading between 101 and 150 is considered unhealthy for sensitive groups such as children, asthmatics and people with existing respiratory ailments, and these groups should limit strenuous outdoor activities under these conditions.

AQI readings greater than 150 are considered generally unhealthy, and it is recommended that even otherwise healthy people should consider limiting strenuous outdoor activities.nbsp;

The following table provides a list of the ranges and colors for the Air Quality Index and the related description of general health effects for each range:

AQI Category Index Values, Descriptors, and Colors:

Index Values



0 - 50



51 - 100



101 - 150

Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups


151 - 200



201 - 300

Very Unhealthy


301 - 500



Table 7

The groups most sensitive to the specific pollutant for any reported index greater than 100 are:

- Ozone: children and people with asthma are the groups most at risk.

- PM2.5: people with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly and children are the groups most at risk.

- PM10: people with respiratory disease are the group most at risk.

- CO: people with heart disease are the group most at risk.

- SO2: people with asthma are the group most at risk.

- NO2: children and people with respiratory disease are the groups most at risk.

The AQI can be calculated by using the pollutant concentration data, the breakpoints in Table 1, and the following equation (linear interpolation):


Ip = the index for pollutant p; Cp = the rounded concentration of pollutant p; BPHi = the breakpoint that is greater than or equal to Cp; BPLo = the breakpoint that is less than or equal to Cp; IHi = the AQI value corresponding to BPHi; ILo = the AQI value corresponding to BPLo

Table 8 – Breakpoints for the AQI.

See the web site: http://www.epa.gov/airnow/


City of Stockholm Administration for the information provided on EMMA Index.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Air Quality Index - UK



Air quality index - UK

Air Quality Index

UK central government Department DEFRA (Department for the Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs) currently uses an air quality index to inform members of the public about the air quality in the UK.

The air quality index is used to simplify the measurements obtained through the monitoring station in to four main bands, with an index of 1-10, with 10 being the poorest air quality. The four main bands in respect to air quality are Low, Moderate, High and Very High. These bands are then further clarified by providing useful health information associated with the different categories of air quality, as shown in the table below:

Air Pollution Bandings and Index and the Impact on the Health of People who are Sensitive to Air Pollution



Health Descriptor



Effects are unlikely to be noticed even by individuals who know they are sensitive to air pollutants





Mild effects, unlikely to require action, may be noticed amongst sensitive individuals.





Significant effects may be noticed by sensitive individuals and action to avoid or reduce these effects may be needed (e.g. reducing exposure by spending less time in polluted areas outdoors). Asthmatics will find that their 'reliever' inhaler is likely to reverse the effects on the lung.



Very High


The effects on sensitive individuals described for 'High' levels of pollution may worsen.

Air Quality index and Monitoring Data

The Air Quality Index is the information that is given to members of the public, however this index needs to be based on air pollution monitoring data gathered for the different pollutants that are currently measured under the requirements of the Air Quality Regulations 2000 ( as amended). This was the legislation issued to adopt the requirements of the European Daughter Directives on Air Quality.

The table below shows how the monitoring data is converted into the Air Quality index above

Boundaries Between Index Points for Each Pollutant




Nitrogen Dioxide

Sulphur Dioxide

Carbon Monoxide

PM10 Particles

8 hourly running mean or hourly mean*

hourly mean

15 minute mean

8 hour running mean

24 hour running mean







































































































Very High


360 or more

180 or more

764 or more

400 or more

1064 or more

400 or more

23.2 or more

20 or more

100 or more

* For ozone, the maximum of the 8 hourly and hourly mean is used to calculate the index value.

Example Birmingham and Midlands Area

The information below is a specific example of the index for the Birmingham and West Midlands area of the UK.

Pollutant levels recorded for the hour up to 11am Mon Oct 18th

N/M means that the pollutant is not measured at that site N/A means that no data were recorded for the period

Birmingham Urban area


Hourly Mean

Hourly Mean
Nitrogen dioxide

max 15min mean
Sulphur dioxide

8 Hourly Mean
Carbon monoxide

24 Hour mean

Birmingham Centre

18 (2 Low)

18 (1 Low)

10 (1 Low)

0.1 (1 Low)

10 (1 Low)

Birmingham Tyburn

14 (1 Low)


11 (1 Low)

0.3 (1 Low)

13 (1 Low)

Sandwell West Bromwich

10 (1 Low)

28 (1 Low)

10 (1 Low)

1.1 (1 Low)


Walsall Alumwell


30 (1 Low)




Walsall Willenhall


13 (1 Low)




Wolverhampton Centre

8 (1 Low)

4 (1 Low)

3 (1 Low)

0.3 (1 Low)

10 (1 Low


UK National Air Quality Archive – www.airquality.co.uk

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Emissions inventory evolution in Bristol



In Bristol the emissions database has been an evolutionary process. In 1995 an organisation called London Research Centre was commissioned by the UK government to compile emissions inventories for a number of the key cities in the country. Information was provided for a number of pollutants in a document which contained maps of Bristol covered in 5 KM squares. The more useful part of the process was the raw data provided on a spreadsheet of all the industrial sources. There were also data on the road sources but these were not used initially.

The inventory included emissions from all identifiable sources for six of the eight pollutants covered by the UK National Strategy, together with carbon dioxide and non-methane volatile organic compounds.

The eight pollutants were:

Oxides of nitrogen (NOx)

Sulphur dioxide (SO2)

Carbon monoxide (CO)

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC)



Particulate matter < 10 µm in diameter (PM10)


In the early days traffic data were available for the whole of Bristol and an area surrounding the city from a traffic model database. There were also manual count data available from about 50 sites at the boundary of an inner, middle and outer cordon. These counts included 10 different vehicle types ranging from cars and motorbikes to multiple axle heavy goods vehicles.

The manual counts had the advantage that they were fairly accurate but had the disadvantage that they were only done at each site one day a year between 7:00 and 19:00 on a weekday.

The model data had the advantage that it covered the whole road network but the data were based on surveys, which had been conducted a few years earlier and were factored up for each year. It only calculated total traffic peak time traffic and did not distinguish between vehicle types.

Another problem with the traffic model was that the mapped links were in straight lines so a large amount of re-digitising of the roads had to be done for the air quality modelling.

Further analysis showed that the manual counts and the model data were often very different at specific locations. Air quality modelling with the traffic modelled

data showed an under prediction by about 1/3 when compared with the real time monitored data from the air quality monitoring sites around the city. For this reason the traffic model data were abandoned.

After the year 2000 more automatic counters were being installed round the city. Most of these were only able to count total volume of traffic whereas the manual counters could count specific vehicle types. However, the automatic counters were able to give an indication of the 24-hour variations and also the seasonal variations, which were important for the modelling process.

As the traffic counts were mostly on the major roads the minor roads were calculated and estimated as grids.

The road network from the traffic model showing the links as straight lines.

The early air quality models produced used two vehicle, heavy and light and one road type. As better data became available more vehicle types could be modelled and the roads were categorised to describe the hierarchy. Each road type could be modelled with a different proportion of vehicle types.

In the UK there have been several different sets of emission factors for vehicles. Some of the simpler versions gave total annual estimates for certain vehicle types. When using advanced dispersion models it is necessary to have speed related emissions factors for the range of vehicle types modelled. There were later developments of speed related emissions factors for a range of different vehicle types ranging from motorbikes to heavy goods vehicles for the main pollutants of concern, oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and particulate matter (PM10).

Other sets of emission factors have also included other pollutant gases such as VOC and CO2. The emission factors also have predictions of emissions from the different vehicle types in future years which is useful for running models for future years.

For modelling traffic a combination of all data sources were used. Traffic flow for different vehicle types used the manual count data as they were more accurate. The daily variation was calculated using the automated counts from the few sites, which had them, as this gave a 24-hour variation. This also gave annual variations which is also important as the school holiday season can have a noticeable drop in traffic flow in the city.

The road network used for the air quality models after re-digitising to the correct location and categorising into road types.

Industrial Emissions

The data from the London Research Centre were used initially for the point sources. Many of these were the larger industrial process but also some smaller less significant sources such as occasional oil burning incinerators at petrol stations were included.

The data compiled by the LRC was often indicating the maximum emissions permitted by the regulatory authorities and not necessarily the emissions actually released.

Regular meetings were set up with the regional office of the UK Environment Agency who are responsible for regulation the larger industrial processes. In this way more accurate data on the emissions from the individual process could be obtained and notification received when things changed. This meant that the emissions inventory could be updated regularly.

Any processes which emitted substances that were not required to be modelled by the Air Quality regulations were ignored.

The Bristol industrial emissions inventory database uses data from :

· Part A Processes:

Individual spreadsheets for each authorisation.

A summary spreadsheet detailing emissions for all processes in the Bristol area.

The Environmental Protection Act 1990 requires operators of Part A processes to obtain an authorisation for each scheduled process, to monitor the release of pollutants and to submit information in order to demonstrate compliance with the standards set by the Environment Agency.

· Part B Processes:

Individual spreadsheets for each authorisation

A summary spreadsheet detailing emissions for all processes in the Bristol area.

Prescribed processes designated for local authority control must not operate without an authorisation from the local authority. Operators must submit a detailed application for authorisation and provide conditions to ensure that the process is operated using the Best Available Technique Not Entailing Excessive Cost (BATNEEC).

Public registers at both the Environment Agency and Local Authorities have data for the Part A and Part B processes.


The different parameters of the database are listed below:

Data ID (source)

Local Authority Process Significance rating[1] (A to D) for Part B’s only

Facility name



Location (Ordnance Survey Grid Reference)


Contact Name

Facility Authorisation

Process Type

Potential Air Pollutants

Status (of Authorisation)

Process Equipment / Abatement technology

Output (product) process rate (1)

Unit of (1)

Throughput (main raw material) process rate (2)

Unit of (2)

Typical operational hours/day

Typical operational days/week

Typical operational weeks/year

Release height

Release diameter

Stack gas exit velocity (m/s)

Stack gas exit flow rate (m3/s)

Stack temperature

Oxygen (%) for Part B’s only

Moisture (%) for Part B’s only

Instantaneous emissions for each pollutant (g/s)

Annual emissions for each pollutant (kg/yr)


In order to store the data in a convenient way a Microsoft Access database was created in 1996 to hold the variety of industrial information. This has evolved and been further developed by new members of staff.

The air quality model eventually chosen to do the three stage Review and Assessment required by the UK government was ADMS – Urban. The creators of this model CERC has recently developed a relational database to work with the model called EMIT. This is now used to hold all the industrial and transport data.


Developing emissions inventories is an evolutionary process. As better data become available more accurate modelling can be achieved. Although the early modelling may not be as accurate as desired it is important to try with the data available at the time and not wait for perfection. Any systems for collecting and storing data should be flexible to allow easy modification as more data become available.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Example of scenarios development and assessment of plast, present and future AQ and exposure in Venice




The area around Venice is a particularly complicated ecosystem within which 1,5 million people live. In this relatively small area you can find a city of art, a somewhat environmentally fragile lagoon area, high population density urban areas and an important industrial area, Porto Marghera.

Porto Marghera is famous for its petrochemical industry based on mainly chlorine chemistry which has caused quite a bit of controversy because of its impact on the environment.

Other production cycles are those related to the production of caprolactam, acetonecyanohydrin, hydrocloroflourinecarbides, hydroflorinecarbides and acrylic fibres. Apart from the petrochemical plants, other industries present in the area are:

- a petrol refinery;

- industrial plants for the production and transformation of non-ferrous metals (aluminium, copper and zinc);

- seven thermoelectric power plants;

- five waste incinerators.

Two years ago, the local authority (Province of Venice, Environmental Policy Dept.) launched a full–scale inquiry into the effects and health hazards caused by industrial emissions.

Within this inquiry, our task was to estimate and evaluate those potentially dangerous industrial emissions released and dispersed over the last 40 years and to examine if these had affected, in any way, the local population.

Targeting exposure and inhalation pathways, the case study began with the process and technological analysis applied in Porto Marghera over the past 40 years. Then, more than 1000 emission points of TSP, SO2, NOX, Pb, Cd, Hg, Benzene, Dioxins and other chlorine products were estimated using emission factors and data retrieved from local archives. Finally, pollutant emission dispersion and soil concentration values were modelled using the U.S, EPA, ISC Model. 40 maps were made up to indicate the levels of soil pollution over the past 4 decades and to provide information on the level of population exposure to help the epidemiological survey.

The second step was to compare present emissions and modelled dispersion with the results of air quality control. Using the year 2001 as a reference point, TSP, SO2, and NOX emissions were estimated and pollutant emission dispersions along with soil concentration values were modelled using the U.S. EPA, ISC Model. Hence, it was possible to carry out a comparison between modelled and monitored data so as to validate the model and the method of analysis.

Evaluation of Polluting Emissions

This stage of the project focused on rating the quality and quantity of the principal cancerogenic pollutants from 1962 until 2001. In particular, Dioxin and other chlorinated by-products such as: mercury, benzene, cadmium and lead were putunder major scrutiny. The study also covered pollutants such as TSP, SO2, NOX, generally considered responsible for a number of chronic pathologies.

The analysis started off by using a series of indicators, taken from different sources, to define the point of emission peculiarity (high mass flow rate emissions and others) and emission factors in reference to the type of process and pollution reduction technologies applied.

Ei = A x EFi (1)


- Ei = mass flow of i – pollutant emitted (kg/year);

- A = activity key parameter, ex: raw material consumes, fuel fired, final product obtained (ton/year);

- EFi = Emission factor for i - pollutant (kg pollutant/ton fuel).

The historical rating of pollutants released over the past 40 years has required both a bibliographical and historical study of industrial process analysis based on documentation registered by the Public Authority on Prevention and Control concerning the main characteristics of industrial plants.

This kind of analysis provided awareness of process layout, modifications spanning the last 40 years, the opening of new production lines and the closing down of old ones and also led to an inquiry into the characteristics of pollutant treatment systems.

Following the same study guidelines carried out in the year 2001, the year taken as reference point to model the monitored air quality data , we were able to compare estimated emission values using emission factors with monitoring data and legally enforced control data along with what was openly declared by the companies which make the Area Evaluation Pact Foreseen for Porto Marghera in accordance with the Chemical Agreement. With these values at hand, the competent authorities can then verify and control all the monitored data with those declared and supplied by the companies while, at the same time, taking into consideration the origins and margins for improvement by applying BATs (Best Available Technologies).

Table 1 - Grid view estimating polluting emissions

Figure. 1 - Estimated air emission values

Exposure to Polluting Emissions

The study, in particular, targeted on exposure and inhalation pathways. To achieve this we began by measuring the concentration of each pollutant in the atmosphere along with the exposure times for each one.

The release of pollutants into the atmosphere and their fall out on soil was simulated through models of different industrial plant technologies from the 60s until today so as to identify those environmental elements and those people exposed to the airborne pollutants.

Evaluation of the atmospheric dispersion of pollutants from 1960 until now has been based on the use of climatic models. For historical analysis in particular, data containing yearly averages were used based on values recorded over a period of 40 years regarding typical weather factors such as wind velocity, frequency and direction, temperature and other factors. For the 2001study , the data was based on an hourly average measured by automatic pollution control stations managed by Ente Zona and by ENEL Spa. The study of pollutant concentration and fall out was carried out with the ISC (Industrial Source Complex) calculation code and in particular, the release 4.6 ISCAERView mode software developed by Lakes Environmental.

In the end, this was carried out through GIS (Geographic Information System), a digital information representation of the Province of Venice, which highlighted the most critical areas and how the populations living there were affected. The purpose of this step was to simplify the epidemiological study, which will be carried out at the same time as this task.


The results of the study, recorded in a fairly large file, describe the processes and plants of the Porto Marghera industrial areas from 1962 until today. The report also contains mass flow rate values for the examined 10 pollutants released over the last 40 years, how and why this came about and the evolution starting from the introduction of new technologies and techniques along with all the new environmental legislation. The first report also contains the exposure scenarios and the intake cycle of such pollutants.

The case study results have been laid out, coded and mapped onto digital support so as to obtain a practical tool which makes simple and fast reading and will certainly be helpful in the future when and if new projects will have to be devised and drawn up.

Therefore what we have available is:

- an alphanumeric database with more than 1000 entries;

- the trend of polluting emissions subdivided sector by sector along with the major contributors to each single scenario;

- 40 maps indicating pollution fall out onto the soil at different times over the past 40 years;

- pollution concentrations in the soil and, once again, the major contributors to each single scenario;

- the digital representation by GIS of the most exposed areas in the Province of Venice.

Figure 2 - Dioxin fallout map (decade 80 – 90) data in fentogramme mass/m3

A further result consists in simulating the fall values of the soil for emissions of PTS, NOX and SOX in those locations where air and soil monitoring stations had been installed. Comparing data on the typical daily trend obtained through simulation, with data obtained through the monitoring system, the concurrence between the two different values and the effectiveness of the method, as for SO2 (figure 3) is concerns, proves more than satisfactory. As for NOX and TSP, the influence of traffic emissions and household heating emissions did not, on the other hand, allow any effective comparison.

Figure 3 - Monitoring station for Malcontenta: comparison between monitored concentrations of SO2 vs. modelled on daily average in reference to weather data monitored by two meteorological stations known as: 22 and 5

Table 2 - Extract from figure 3: major plants sharing to the pollution concentration in the atmosphere


This text has been kindly made available from the Province of Venice Authority.

See the full text document(in Italian language):

Past and Present Environmental Analysis of the Porto Marghera Industrial Area

See the Maps at the website:


Last Updated


10th November 2004





Title of Example

  Modelling Bristol Hotspots



Further to the requirements of a stage four review and assessment, local authorities are required to identify “hotspots” or problem areas within the Air Quality Management Area and to conduct further monitoring to verify the scale of the problem and the relative required improvement in air quality.

In Bristol it was decided that further monitoring would be introduced in certain areas, and more detailed modelling would also be conducted. The map of hotspots shown below was derived from the initial modelling output for the whole city for annual mean NO2. Locations within these hotspots were predicted to experience the highest concentrations of NO2 in the city.

A “hotspot” is interpreted to mean a location at which the relevant exposure criteria is realised, and where higher than average concentrations of an National Air Quality Standards (NAQS) pollutant are likely to be measured or are predicted by a validated model for the relevant target year.

Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1 Hotspots modelled for stage four review

Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2 Diffusion tube surveys instigated at hotspots prior to stage four review

Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3 Diffusion tube monitoring and the extent of the AQMA at the Parson Street hotspot

Parson Street hotspot, shown above, is a good example of a pollution hotspot in Bristol. High traffic flows, a residential area with houses close to the roadside, vulnerable receptors (school) and enclosed “canyon” type streets combine to highlight this area as a potential pollution “hotspot”.

Pollution in the Parson Street area is relatively high, due to high traffic flows and congested traffic. It has been decreasing over the years, though the rate of decrease will slow and possibly reverse over the next few years without remedial action. The Parson Street gyratory has been extensively monitored and modelled as part of the City Council’s statutory duties under local air quality management. It is currently within an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) which was declared in 2001 due to likely exceedences of the governments air quality objectives.

The Parson Street Gyratory System is a traffic light controlled one – way system linking the busy arterial route the A38 (Bedminster Down Road), Hartcliffe Way, Winterstoke Road, West Street and Bedminster Road. Traffic flows on the A38 and Winterstoke Road are particularly high and congestion on the gyratory is considerable, especially in peak hours.

The high traffic flows and congestion in this area had led officers in the Environmental Quality Team to suspect that this area constituted a “hot spot” of poor air quality following the initial “Stage 1” review and assessment of air quality during 1998. In order to research this further, two continuous atmospheric monitors were purchased and monitoring was started in February 1999. The two monitors measure carbon monoxide (CO) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). The pollutant most likely to lead to health problems due to high concentrations is one oxide of nitrogen, nitrogen dioxide (NO2). This is the pollutant on which this report will focus.

In addition to these continuous monitors, located in the grounds of Parson Street Primary School, near the pavement of Bedminster Road, a number of NO2 diffusion tubes were placed on lampposts on the roads linking the one way system. This survey was instigated following the “Stage 3” review and assessment of air quality in Bristol that was published in November 2000. The placement of diffusion tubes was also driven by the forthcoming requirements of the stage four review and assessment.

The most stringent objective for the concentration of nitrogen dioxide set by government in the National Air Quality Strategy in an annual mean of 40µgm-3. The Parson Street gyratory was included in the Air Quality Management Area declared in 2001 on the basis that it would not meet this objective by 2005 without remedial action.

Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4 Results of detailed dispersion modelling for stage four review at the Parson Street hotspot

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Study of atmospheric depositions in the surroundings of the porto Margera industrial area (Venice, I) and in corresponence with some biomonitoring stations.




The study of atmospheric depositions in the surroundings of Porto Marghera industrial area is an air quality monitoring project that involves the City of Venice, the Province of Venice, the National Research Council, the Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment (ARPAV) and two energy production companies (ENEL Production and EDISON Thermoelectric) that manage some thermoelectric plants in this site.

The aim is to evaluate the level of pollution due to atmospheric transport of some polluting substances, to add information to the bio-monitoring network controlled by ENEL and EDISON and to integrate data produced by ARPAV via the conventional monitoring stations for atmospheric pollution.

Relevance of depositions studies

Atmospheric deposition of aerosol and gas happens in two ways: wet and dry. Dry deposition of particles happens for their direct impact and gravitational sedimentation on ground or water, while wet deposition comprises water, its dissolved gas, and any other insoluble particle material. In order to calculate the total atmospheric loading it is necessary to measure wet and dry depositions.

The importance of depositions changes from zone to zone and from element to element. In general wet deposition is more important than dry for the elements associated to smaller particles. Trace elements like heavy metals, at least the ones related to high temperature combustion particles, present themselves in the shape of fine particles. The sum of wet and dry depositions is called bulk deposition.

Characteristics and results of the study in Venetian area

For the project’s aims a network of 6 devices for bulk depositions sampling has been located inside and outside Porto Marghera industrial area, trying to couple them with automatic analyzers, with the availability of previous monitoring data or biomonitoring first year results.

Figure 1 - Devices for bulk depositions sampling.

Figure 2 – Air quality monitoring networks in the Venetian territory. Green spots: biomonitoring stations; red spots: systems for bulk sampling; yellow spots: conventional monitoring stations (managed by the Porto Marghera Industrial Corporation, Ente Zona Industriale - EZI); light blue spots: conventional monitoring stations (managed by ARPAV).

Meteorological conditions have been studied through the data (on rain, wind speed and direction) collected at Porto Marghera Industrial Corporation monitoring stations. The amount of rain fallen during the bulk deposition sampling gives information on pollutants quantity that have been washed out by the atmosphere, while wind speed and direction can help finding air pollution sources and following pollutants dispersion. The prevalent wind direction is North - North East, in accordance with the typical local wind rose.

Resulting information are the average daily amounts of atmospheric deposition for each pollutant. Also different trends for every sampling site can be seen, even though a huge variability between different samples has been observed.

The most important elevated depositions have been registered in correspondence of EZI (inside the industrial area) and Malcontenta (downwind the industrial emissions) stations, for almost all the inorganic pollutants. Elevated depositions also of some elements at the Ca’ Emiliani station.

It can be said , in general, that stations have deposition amounts in the following order: Malcontenta > Ente Zona Industriale > Dogaletto > Ca’ Emiliani > Antonio Da Mestre = Chirignago (see Figure 2).

Malcontenta and Dogaletto stations (they are downwind the industrial zone and Mestre urban area) show more problematical air quality conditions than the urban ones. Urban stations like Antonio Da Mestre and Chirignago show similar atmospheric depositions, even though they represent different exposure conditions within Mestre urban area. This is a further evidence of urban ubiquitous distribution of pollution derived from road traffic emissions.

Organic pollutants average values showed, for the first period, higher atmospheric flows at EZI station (in terms of PAH, PCB and PCDD/PCDF) and at Dogaletto station (in terms of HCB).

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Short term air quality forecasting in Bristol



Bristol and the surrounding municipalities use the services of Cambridge Environmental Research Centre (CERC) to provide short term air quality forecasts. The forcast is calculated each morning by using meteorological date from the PA Weather centre (www.paweather.co.uk) which is fed into two models.

ADMS-Urban is an air pollution dispersion model to predict pollution from roads and point sources. Bristol City Council has provided a detailed emission inventory to CERC to run this model. Rural Predictor is a statistical model which uses historical corrrelations between pollution and a range of meteorological conditions to predict pollution levels at rural locations.

This example can be found at www.bristol-city.gov.uk/airquality or www.cerc.co.uk/avon.

The weather data are fed into the rural predictor to predict background concentrations of particles, nitrogen oxides and ozone. This is combined with the ADMS model to predict the concentrations in the urban environment.

The worst case prediction is given an index number between 1 – 10 based on the scale used by the BBC and other national organisations. The table below shows how the indices relate to the air pollution bandings developed by the UK Government Department of Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

A forcast can be selected for particles , ozone, notrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide for the present day and the following two days.



Nitrogen Dioxide

Sulphur Dioxide

Carbon Monoxide

PM10 Particles

Health descriptor

hourly mean

15 minute mean

8 hour mean

24 hour mean











Effects are unlikely to be noticed even by individuals who know they are sensitive to air pollutants.

















Mild effects, unlikely to require action, may be noticed amongst sensitive individuals.

















Significant effects may be noticed by sensitive individuals and action to avoid or reduce these effects may be needed (e.g. reducing exposure by spending less time in polluted areas outdoors). Asthmatics will find that their 'reliever' inhaler is likely to reverse the effects on the lung.













More than 400

More than 400

More than 20

More than 100

The effects on sensitive individuals described for 'High' levels of pollution may worsen.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Short term AQ forecast methods in Seville




Ozone (O3) is a powerful oxidant that forms in trace amounts in two parts of the atmosphere: the stratosphere (the layer between 20-30 km above the earth’s surface, also known as “the ozone layer”) and the troposphere (ground-level to 15 km). Stratospheric ozone is formed naturally and shields life on earth from the harmful effects of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. However, ground-level ozone can be harmful to human health and ecological receptors, the extent of which depends on the ozone concentration, exposure duration, exposure pattern and ventilation.

Ozone is a secondary pollutant, in that is not emitted directly from tailpipes or smokestacks, but instead is formed in the atmosphere as a result of reactions between other directly emitted pollutants (ozone precursors). Ozone is formed by a complicated non linear series of chemical reactions, initiated by sunlight, in which nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) react to form ozone.

VOCs are produced mainly by road traffic and the use of products containing organic solvents. NOx is mostly emitted from transport and combustion processes. Although NOx and VOCs are the most important precursors of elevated levels of ozone, production of ozone can be also stimulated by carbon monoxide, methane, or other VOCs produced by plants, trees and other natural sources. Apart from ozone precursors emissions it is found that additional factors are directly implicated in the ground level ozone concentration in metropolitan areas: weather conditions, which cause the precursors to interact photochemically and to disperse in the atmosphere, and features of the area like street width and building height.

The potential for ozone damage has been known for decades but it is only in the most recent years that its impact has become of concern in Europe. Current Directive 2002/3/EC relating to ozone in ambient air points out the importance to ensure effective protection against harmful effects on human health from exposure to ozone. The adverse effects of ozone on vegetation ecosystems and the environment as a whole should be reduced, as far as possible. In this sense, the Directive requires the EU Member States to monitor ozone levels, exchange information and inform the public when alert and information thresholds for ozone concentrations in ambient air are reached.

Article 7 of Directive 2002/3/EC sets out the requirements for short-term actions plans. It is for Member States to identify whether there is significant potential for reducing the risk, duration or severity of any ozone exceedance, taking account of the national geographical, meteorological and economic conditions. Dissemination of information on ozone concentration combined with adequate forecasting may reduce the exposure duration or exposure intensity of the population to the high ozone values. In major cities and regions in Mediterranean countries a proper meteorological forecast-analysis is always required and it should be very highly tuned to the local-regional meteorological process.

Systems for forecasting and information of ozone episodes are usually based on statistical relationships between weather conditions and ambient air pollution concentrations. The most widespread technique used for this purpose is the multivariate statistical approach. However, pollution-weather relationships imply complex and non linear properties, especially for ozone. In this sense, the problem of ozone forecasting can be well-suited by neural networks technology, which allows to incorporate nonlinear relationships to make somewhat more accurate predictions of ozone than regression models using the same set of input data.

Ozone forecasting in the urban area of Sevilla

In the urban area of Sevilla, like in most Mediterranean cities, road traffic is the main responsible for the observed ozone levels since it constitutes the major source of VOCs and NOx.

At present, Sevilla is carrying out an action plan in order to elaborate an ozone forecasting model using neural network technology (see the Annex below for more details on the method). By the application of this model, it will be possible to characterize the spatial distribution of ozone concentrations and therefore it will constitute a basis for short-term action plans related to the traffic management in the city.

The first phase in the design of a neural network model is to obtain a great number of data from past and current measurements. To evaluate ozone pollution in the city of Sevilla, data compiled from the period 2000-2004 in measuring stations are analysed and processed. Additional measurements are to be provided: meteorological variables (temperature, UV radiation, relative moisture, wind speed and wind direction) and traffic flows data, collected from the Traffic Control Centre in Seville. Finally all this information is analysed in terms of basic ozone legislation and the number of exceedances of ozone thresholds is recorded and evaluated.

The following phase is the identification of the VOCs/NOx ratio in episodes of high ozone concentrations. This ratio is in fact one of the main aspects to be taken into account when studying ozone concentrations in ambient air. It is known that a decrease in NOx can lead to an increase in O3 at low VOCs/NOx ratios under specific conditions. It is often called the VOC-limited regime and hence, emission control of organic compounds is more effective for reducing peaks values of ozone pollution locally. On the contrary, at high VOC/NOx ratios, the chemistry tends towards the NOx-limited regime and NOx reductions are considered more effective for reducing ozone. The value of this ratio is highly influenced by geographical and meteorological conditions.

The identification of the VOCs/NOx ratio is to be made according to measurements. An exhaustive campaign is carried out, using online monitors equipped with O3, NOx and VOCs sensors in measuring stations allocated in strategic places over the city. In parallel, the identification of the meteorological conditions over the same period of time is to be completed.

Equally important is the identification of the most relevant VOC precursors and their reactivity since this factor determines the level of ozone formation as well. A further analysis of the influence of VOCs in ozone generation is also to be performed.

The third phase of the action plan consists on the neural network approach to estimate and predict ozone concentration levels. So as to do this approach, a preliminary neural network model, developed by the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department of the University of Sevilla, is to be completed and enhanced considering the data provided by the diverse measuring stations allocated over the city.

A description of the modelling techniques by neural networks, pointed out the main advantages in comparison with other conventional techniques, is given in the annexe of this example.

For the elaboration of the neural network model, the following input variables (1-hour average) were chosen as the most relevant variables affecting ozone concentration (Figure 1):

▪ Weather Conditions:

- Temperature

- Relative moisture

- Wind speed

- Wind direction

- Lagged UV radiation (2 hours)

▪ Lagged traffic flow (4 hours)

▪ Lagged ozone concentration (ozone maximum level from the previous day)

▪ Features of the area:

- Street width

- Building height

- Street orientation

- Boundary of the area

The model output variable is the estimated ozone concentration.

Figure 1: A schematic of the neural network for ozone forecasting

The regression analysis of the neural network model results obtained provides accurate ozone forecasting, as it is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Regression analysis of the neural network for ozone forecasting

Activities to be performed within this phase include the following:

- Validation of the neural network in the measuring stations previously selected to elaborate and train the neural network developed by the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department of the University of Sevilla.

- Selection of additional measuring stations according to historic ozone levels and input variables availability.

- Evaluation and validation of the neural network in the measuring stations.

- Comparison of neural network O3 estimations and monitoring network O3 measurements.

The confirmation that the O3 concentrations estimated by the neural network can be assumed as the O3 concentrations measured in ambient air will lead to take appropriate steps to limit and prevent exposure and to warn authorities, industry and public to adopt emission reduction measures. In this sense, the capabilities of the model perfectly match the requirements set up in the European Directive relating to ozone in ambient air.


- Directive 2002/3/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February 2002 relating to ozone in ambient air.

- Guidance for implementing Directive 2002/3/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February 2002 relating to ozone in ambient air. June 2002

- Ad-Hoc working group on ozone directive and reduction strategy development. Ozone position paper. Julio 1999.

- Guideline for developing an ozone forecasting program. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. July 1999.

- A.C. Comrie. Comparing Neural Networks and Regression Models for Ozone Forecasting. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. June 1997.

- G. Reyes; V.J. Cortés. Ozone forecasting in the urban area of Seville using artificial neural network technology. Urban Transport VII. WITPRESS. 2001.


Artificial neural network technology for ozone forecasting

1. Fundamentals

Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technology is an approach to describe physical system behaviour from process data, using mathematical algorithms and statistical techniques.

ANNs simulate biological neural systems, in that they are made up of an interconnected system of nodes (neurons) and in terms of learning and pattern recognition. These nodes are operating in parallel and inspired by biological nervous systems.

A neural network can be trained to identify patterns and extract trends in imprecise and complicated non-linear data. A particular function can be performed by adjusting the values of the connections (weights) between elements following a determined training algorithm.

Neural networks have been under development for many years in a variety of disciplines to derive meaning from complicated data and to make predictions. In recent years, neural networks have been investigated for the use in pollution forecasting. Because ozone formation is a complex non-linear process, neural networks, which allow incorporating nonlinear relationships, are well suited for ozone forecasting.

2. Strengths of artificial neural networks

Many methods exist for predicting ozone concentration. Table 1 summarises the most commonly used forecasting methods.

Strengths of ANNs include the following:

- ANNs allow for non-linear relationships between variables. The method can weight relationships that are difficult to subjectively quantify.

- Neural networks have the potential to predict extreme values more effectively than regression.

- Once the neural network is developed, forecasters do not need specific expertise to operate the ANN.

- Neural networks can be used to complement other forecasting methods, or used as the primary forecasting method.

On the other hand, neural networks are complex and not commonly understood and hence the technology can be inappropriately applied.

Table 1: Comparison of forecasting methods.

3. Neural Network architecture

The basic structure of an ANN involves a system of layered, interconnected neurons. The neurons are arranged to form an input layer, one or more “hidden” layers and an output layer, with nodes in each layer connected to all nodes in neighbouring layers (Figure 1).

Figure 1: The architecture of a multi-layered feed forward neural network.

The layer of input neurons receives the data either from input files or directly from electronic sensors in real-time applications. The output layer sends information directly to the outside, to a secondary computer process, or to other devices such as a mechanical control system. The internal or hidden layers contain many of the neurons in various interconnected structures. The inputs and outputs of each of these hidden neurons go to other neurons.

In most networks each neuron in a hidden layer receives the signals from all of the neurons in a layer above it. After a neuron performs its function it passes its output to all of the neurons in the layer below it, providing a feed forward path to the output.

Artificial neurons comprise seven major components, which are valid whether the neuron is used for input, output or hidden layers:

1) Weighting factors, which are adaptive coefficients within the network determine the intensity of the input signal. These input connection strengths can be modified in response to various training sets and according to a network specific topology or through its learning rules.

2) Summation function, which transforms the weighted inputs in to a single number. The summation function can be complex as the input and weighting coefficients can be combined in many different ways before passing on to the transfer function. The summation function can select the minimum, maximum, majority, product or several normalizing algorithms depending on the specific algorithm for combining neural inputs selected.

3) Transfer function, which transforms the result of the summation function to a working output. In the transfer function the summation total can be compared with some threshold to determine the neural output. If the sum is greater than the threshold value, the processing element generates a signal. If the sum of the input and weight products is less than the threshold, no signal (or some inhibitory signal) is generated.

4) Scaling and limiting. This scaling multiplies a scale factor times the transfer value, and then adds an offset. Limiting mechanism insures that the scaled result does not exceed an upper or lower bound.

5) Output Function (competition). Neurons are allowed to compete with each other, inhibiting processing elements. Competitive inputs help determine which processing element will participate in the learning or adaptation process.

6) Error function and back-propagated value. The difference between the current output and the expected output is calculated and transformed by the error function to match particular network architecture. This artificial neuron error is generally propagated backwards to a previous layer in order to modify the incoming connection weights before the next learning cycle.

7) Learning function, which modifies the variable connection weights on the inputs of each processing element according to some neural based algorithm. The software first adjusts the weights between the output layer and the hidden layer and then adjusts the weights between the hidden layer and the input layer. In each iteration, the software adjusts the weights to produce the lowest amount of error in the output data. This process “trains” the network.

4. Neural networks training

Training and production are essential for the neural network application (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Essential phases of the neural network application: training and production

The development of ANNs comprises the performance of a series of consecutive steps. In addition, a thorough knowledge of the process to be modelled is also required.

The general steps to develop neural networks for ozone forecasting are the following:

- Complete historical data analysis and/or literature reviews to establish the air quality and meteorological phenomena that influence ozone concentrations in the area under study.

- Select parameters that accurately represent these phenomena. This is a critical aspect in developing the neural network since an appropriate selection improves significantly the results obtained by the ANN.

- Confirm the importance of each meteorological and air quality parameter using statistical analysis techniques (Cluster analysis, correlation analysis, step-wise regression, human selection).

- Create three data sets: a data set to train the network, a data set to validate the network general performance and a data set to evaluate the trained network.

- Train the data using neural network software. It is important not to over train the neural network on the developmental data set because an over trained network would predict ozone concentrations based on random noise associated with the developmental data set. When presented with a new data set the network will likely give incorrect output since the new data random noise will be different than the random noise of the developmental data set: the network memorized the training examples but it did not learn to generalize to new situations.

One of the most commonly used method for improving generalization is called “early stopping”. In this technique, when the validation error increases for a specified number of iterations, the training is stopped, and the weights and biases at the minimum of the validation error are fixed.

- Test the generally trained network on a test data set to evaluate the performance. If the results are satisfactory, the network is ready to use for forecasting.

5. Neural networks operation

The operation of an ANN is simple and requires little expertise.

Although use of the network does not require an understanding of meteorology and air quality processes, it is advisable that someone with meteorological experience be involved in the development of the method and evaluate the ozone prediction for reasonableness.

As part of a forecasting program forecasters should regularly evaluate the forecast quality. The verification process can be complex since there are many ways to evaluate a forecast including accuracy, bias and skill. Many verification statistics is needed to compute in order to evaluate completely the quality of the forecast program.


- Guideline for developing an ozone forecasting program. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. July 1999.

- Artificial Neural Networks Technology. Data & Analysis Center for Software. August 1992.

- Ad-Hoc working group on ozone directive and reduction strategy development. Ozone position paper. July 1999.

- A.C. Comrie. Comparing Neural Networks and Regression Models for Ozone Forecasting. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. June 1997.

- G. Reyes; V.J. Cortés. Ozone forecasting in the urban area of Seville using artificial neural network technology. Urban Transport VII. WITPRESS. 2001.

- S. Amoroso; M. Migliore. Neural networks to estimate pollutant levels in canyon roads. Urban Transport VII. WITPRESS. 2001.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  PM10 AND O3 Forecast bulletins for the Veneto Region (I)




The PM10 and O3 Forecast Bulletins for the Veneto region have been conceived as a tool of daily information to the population on the current state of air quality, especially in the areas around the provincial capital cities. PM10 and O3 are the most relevant pollutants that exceed the Limit values, PM10 during winter time (exceedances of the 50 mg/m3 LV), and O3 during summer season (exceedances of the 180 mg/m3 national LV). This information is particularly relevant to some parts of the population, like people suffering from asthma or other respiratory symptoms, cardiopathics, children, child-bearing women, and elder people. Secondly and more fundamentally, this pollutant monitoring is the basis for Local Authorities to enforce the LVs as defined by the law.

Figure 1 - PM10 and Ozone Bulletins format.

Zones and levels

The Veneto Region has complex orography and morphology, including high mountains, hills, big lakes, large rivers, spacious forests, and the Venetian Lagoon. The plains are densely populated: here people live concentrated in seven major cities, while the mountain areas are under populated. Distances from the Adriatic seaside to the Dolomite mountains are 100 km or less.

These Bulletins do not cover the mountain area as it is too sparsely covered with observing meteorological stations. The plains, on the other hand, are divided into four areas, each one exhibiting relatively homogenous climates and air quality conditions. These regions are depicted in Figure 2 and comprise 1) the inner plains with the provincial capital cities of Verona, Vicenza, and Padua, 2) the area along the Po river including the provincial capital city of Rovigo, 3) the Adriatic coast line including Venice, Mestre, and Marghera, and 4) the North-east hills region including Treviso.

In order to provide a direct and immediate information to the population, a four-level colour coding has been devised rather than issuing numerical values for the pollutant concentrations. The scheme uses different nuances of blue to denote increasing danger for people’s health.

Figure 2 - Zones and classes of Air Quality Forecast (AQF). Light blue means Fair AQF, grey-blue means Poor, while darker blue means Very Bad.

Forecast methodology

The pollution Forecast Bulletin is subjective and based on the following steps:

- Analysis of current air quality situation including concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere. Seven provincial departments of ARPAV (Veneto Region Environmental Protection Agency) manage the air quality network, consisting of about 30 automatic sampler stations, some of them located in hot spots close to the city centres, some other in rural areas providing information on the background state of pollution in the region. These departments perform quality control on the data set too, along with preliminary statistical analyses.

Figure 3 - Today situation

- Air quality evolution over the last ten days. For certain stable meteorological conditions, both PM10 and O3 show a persistent behaviour with a tendency to accumulate over time. In order to estimate residence times of pollutants, historical data analysis would be helpful, but such data reach back only a few years in our network.

Figure 4 - Last days situation

- Chemical Transport Model CHIMERE, developed at the Ecole Polytecnique of Paris. CHIMERE is run on a European-wide area, and makes use of mesoscale numerical weather prediction (NWP) data (MM5), including wind, temperature and other variables.

Figure 5 - CHIMERE output

- Subjective prediction. This final step of the forecast process leading to the Bulletins draft is still the main part of the final forecast. Co-operation with the CMT (ARPAV Regional Meteorological Centre) Forecast Office, including inspection of global and limited area NWP products, radar and satellite imagery, and surface data from the roughly 200 CMT surface stations, leads to the assessment of the pollutants temporal trend. The meteorological conditions are often determinant for the concentrations evolution (radiation, temperature and wind conditions for Ozone trends; rain, wind and mixing height conditions for PM10 trends), and therefore for the final definition of the pollution level in the Forecast Bulletin.





Figure 6 - Forecast tools: a) Global meteorological model; b) local meteorological model; c) radar image; d) satellite image; e) data from CMT station


General information

The Ozone Bulletin was first issued in the summer 2003, while the PM10 Bulletin followed in the winter of the same year. The CMT PM10 and O3 Forecast Bulletins are delivered Monday through to Friday, while Saturdays and Sundays are covered only in special cases (episodes of acute pollution). They have been evaluated to have a good reliability as predictions are correct around 70% of the time on average for the emission day and around 60% for day plus one. Gross errors like “over estimation” or “false alarms” are under the 10% on average.

In 2004 these Bulletins and the real-time dissemination of air quality monitoring data have received the congratulations from the European Commission

For more information about this products, please contact CMT: cmt@arpa.veneto.it

Useful links

ARPA Veneto and CMT: http://www.arpa.veneto.it/

Ècole Polytechnique : http://www.polytechnique.fr/

CHIMERE: http://euler.lmd.polytechnique.fr/pioneer/forecasts/index.html

MM5: http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/mm5/mm5-home.html


This text has been prepared by ARPAV – CMT (ARPAV Regional Meteorological Centre), dr. Massimo Ferrario.

Last Updated


25th January 2005





Title of Example

  Short term air quality forecasting in Oslo




During the winter and spring months in Norway poor air quality can occur during conditions of light winds and strong stability. Poor air quality is generally traffic related so for this reason the Norwegian Public Road Association, in conjunction with the Norwegian Institute for Air Research and the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, have instigated air quality forecasts for 5 Norwegian cities. These are used for dissemination of information to the public and for planning abatement strategies and health warnings. The forecasts are currently made daily for the pollutants NO2 and PM10 over a 2 day forecast period in the cities of Oslo, Drammen, Bergen, Stavanger and Grenland.

Forecast methodology

The forecasts are made based on meteorological forecast input. ECMWF forecasts are used to drive the HIRLAM limited area model, which in turn is used to drive a nested version of MM5, down to a resolution of 1 km. Meteorological forecast data is then used in the AirQUIS modelling system to produce hourly concentration fields for the coming 2 day period. AirQUIS uses line, point and gridded dispersion models to produce surface level concentrations at a resolution of 1km and at predefined receptor points. An emission database for traffic, wood burning and industrial processes is integral to the model. Rural stations and climatological data are used for background and Ozone values in the model.

AQ forecasts are made during the evening and are available by 06:00 every day. A two day period is forecast to insure that there is time to plan any measures that may be taken on the second day.

Presentation of results

Both the current air quality, from measurements, and the forecast air quality are presented on a web site http://www.luftkvalitet.info/ (Norwegian only) for all 5 cities.

In order to present the forecasts and measurements the different pollutants are divided into 4 categories for each of the pollutants, figure 1., and the most polluted category is reported as the air quality.








Little pollution





Little or no risk

Some pollution





Health affects can be present amongst asthmatics

Very polluted





Allergy sufferers or people with serious heart or breathing problems are recommended not to go outside in polluted regions

Extremely polluted





Allergy sufferers or people with serious heart or breathing problems are recommended not to be in polluted regions. Throat irritations can occur in healthy people

Figure 1. Air quality index levels used in the forecast and analysis

The air quality is shown for all 5 cities for the next 2 days based on the index scheme described in figure 1. These can be viewed in a summarized form as a table, figure 2, or for each individual city as hourly values for the current day, Figure 3.

By / sted

Status nå

Varsel for i dag

Varsel for i morgen





















= Lite
= Noe
= Mye
= Svært mye

Status = Slik luftkvaliteten er ved siste måling

Varsel = Beregnet luftkvaliitet

Figure 2. Example of the summary table of air quality forecasts presented on the web site

Figure 3. Example of todays hourly prediction for Oslo shown on the web page.

The same web site also furnishes current and archived (3 months) monitoring data for all measured compounds. In addition to the web portal it is also possible to receive email and SMS messages concerning current and forecasted air quality.


The air quality forecasts are used for public dissemination and for the health authorities to issue warnings for particular risk groups. The forecasts are also used to plan short term abatement strategies. These strategies are limited to speed controls for predicted poor air quality days.

Accuracy of the forecasts

Yearly reports are produced to access the accuracy of the forecasts. This is accomplished by comparing monitoring data with the locally predicted air quality, i.e. model results at the monitoring stations. The accuracy varies significantly from station to station and from city to city. In Oslo, for example, during the 2003/2004 winter season the percentage of correctly predicted polluted episodes at individual monitoring stations varied from 12% to 77% for the two highest polluted classes of air quality. The most significant variable affecting accuracy of the forecast is considered to be the quality of the meteorological prediction. In general the forecast system is considered to be a useful tool.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  A proposal for a short term AP forecasting system for individual planning of urban travel routes



The negative effects of air pollution on the human health on human beings are well known, from minor and temporary troubles to a number of serious respiratory illnesses. Persons with respiratory illness (asthmatics) have even more increased sensitivity to air pollution. The society has a major cost in all reporting sick and persons on disability. Calculations show the cost even will increase in the future. Nitrogen dioxide from road traffic is one of the major local air pollutants that affect the human health.

One way to decrease the emissions from the road traffic and traffic jams is to try to influence the traffic flow at certain times of the day, or to redirect it to other roads. There are different ways to rearrange the traffic, voluntary or “by force”. One voluntary way is to show the road-users the concentration of the air pollution they are exposed to at given times and locations. This could be done by a short time NO2 concentration forecast from road traffic, presently and 1-6 hours ahead. As a GIS based forecast, Internet produced, it can be used to assist drivers when they plan their journey: At what level is the air pollution right now and will it increase or decrease during the following hours? This way a driver may plan his/her journey in terms of time choice of route, to get as little exposure as possible. One alternative calculation is to estimate the shortest / fastest route, to reduce the exposure as much as possible, or perhaps a combination of the two. A forecast like this might result in road users choosing a smarter way to travel and to produce less emission to the atmosphere.

A forecast system like this needs a lot of in parameters for a trustworthy output.

Figure 1 City map of Göteborg with NOx levels in the streets.

Text Box: Figure 1 City map of Göteborg with NOx levels in the streets.The concentration of air pollution in urban areas depends mainly on local road emission and meteorological factors as wind velocity and wind direction. A good quality weather forecast important as an input to the dispersion model. A forecast 12 hours ahead will make it possible to plan the morning journey in the evening. Also data on the typical traffic variations during the year / month / week and weekdays or holidays for the different streets are needed as input. Data on intensity of traffic in real time, coming from traffic sensors can also be used as input to such a forecasting system. The intensity can be compared to the statistical traffic variation and a forecast of traffic intensity can be calculated. The traffic sensors also detect the speed of the vehicles, of importance since it affects the emissions from the traffic flow.

Our vision is to have a website as a useful tool where road users use this map for planning there travels in Göteborg to avoid high levels of air pollution. A first step could be to produce stationary maps for the morning and afternoon rush hour to publish at the Internet.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  The use of the AQM system INDIC Airviro in Birmingham – West Midlands



Overview of the selection of AQM tool / system

The West Midlands Joint Pollution Working Group became involved in modelling for

review and assessment during a First Phase 1) task studying ADMS Urban and INDIC Airviro. INDIC Airviro, which is licensed by the Swedish Meteorological Office

(SMHI), was seen to meet the needs of the conurbation better for the subsequent


The use of INDIC Airviro

Within the West Midlands, there are now three users of the Airviro suite,

Birmingham City Council, Coventry City Council and Sandwell Metropolitan

Borough Council. The use of compatible systems allows the inter-exchange of

information and has created a local support network and local technical knowledge.

Each authority also has a service contract and support from SMHI in Sweden.

Carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) modelling, was completed on one Airviro system based in Birmingham City Council offices.

The Airviro system is a complete Air Quality Management System as it includes the following functional blocks:

• emission surveying and modelling within the Emission Database (EDB)

• dispersion modelling with the Dispersion module

• monitoring data collection, analysis and presentation with the INDIC package.

Emission Database (EDB)

Emission data is stored within the EDB. Databases within the model allow it to store

emission characteristics from an unlimited number of sources of four different types:

• point sources - the emission is assumed to be concentrated in a small area such as that from a single point like a stack. Information describing the stack conditions must be given for use in the dispersion model.

• area sources - emission is assumed to be distributed over a rectangular area and released uniformly

• line sources - the emission is assumed to be evenly distributed along a line and normally used as an approximation for describing roads

• grid layers - smaller or less significant emission sources are combined into a grid and represent background emission levels.

The EDB stores both static and dynamic information allowing the emission to be

defined through, time and temperature variation, different road types describing traffic

patterns, vehicle characteristics and speed dependent emission factors, as well as other features that help to convert obtainable data into emission figures.

The Dispersion Model

The dispersion model uses information about weather, emissions, topography and

climatology as input data. The module produces air quality calculations in the form of

seasonal, yearly means, percentiles or hourly data for specified time periods. The

user has a choice of different types of models; the Gauss model, the Grid model and

the Canyon model.

For review and assessment exercise all modelling and validation work was

carried out using the Gauss model. The Gauss model is based on a Langrangean

Gaussian formulation and recommended for calculations on smaller scales, and for

areas where the topography is reasonably flat.

Prior to any dispersion calculation the wind field is calculated. The wind field

calculation utilises meteorological data to calculate stability (based on Monin-Obukhov length) and turbulence within the boundary layer. This data is then used to

determine other parameters of the boundary layer (eg boundary layer height, diabatic

heating, potential temperature distribution at ground level and the free wind field).

Dispersion calculations are then applied to simulate the distribution of ground level

pollutants over urban or industrial areas. The model simulates one-hour mean, steady state pollution concentrations and operates at best over a distance of 100 m to 2 km.

The Gauss model does not resolve individual buildings. Instead, surface structures

enter the model through local roughness values, and through the wind field. Buildings

give a rougher surface, which creates more friction and hence a lower wind speed, which influences dispersion.

The model, its internal computations and assumptions including its advantages and

disadvantages over Gaussian plume models are outlined in more detail in the user

documentation, SMHI (1997).

(1 First Phase was a Department of the Environment sponsored pilot study during 1996/97 to examine various aspects of the process of review and assessment. For a summary of all work carried out for the First Phase see NETCEN (March 2000).

Further Reading

More information on the Methodology of the Birmingham Air Quality Assessment can be seen at :


Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  The use of the AQM system AirQUIS in Oslo



The use of AirQUIS in Oslo

In Oslo and several other Norwegian cities, AirQUIS is used to model air quality on the urban scale, and to perform Air Quality Management tasks, such as studying effectes of abatement measures. AirQUIS combines measurement and other available data with modeling. This results in modeled data for pollution concentration, distribution and population exposure. In addition the user has the possibility to apply statistical tools and to present results in GIS. Furthermore, it is possible to calculate the effects of abatement measures.

In Oslo, the system is used both for daily forecasts of air quality (during winter) and in abatement and city planning.


The meteorological model:

  1. In general: wind field model MATHEW - calculates 3D-hourly wind fields from measurements of wind direction, wind speed, temperature, temperature gradient, and a topography field
  2. For forecasting: meteorological model MM5 (from the Norwegian meteorological institute) with a grid point distance of 1 km - the meteorological forecast from MM5 gives a detailed description of the local variations in the meteorological data for Oslo.

The emission model:

This is integrated in the AirQUIS system. Calculates hourly emission from the different sources:

Area sources:

· Uses emission factors, time variations and temperature variation to calculate hourly emissions from annual consumption of fossil fuels

Line sources:

· Uses road and traffic data, road and traffic classification, emission factors, traffic discrepancies, and time variations

Point sources:

· Uses physical stack data, process consumption or emission data, emission factors, and time variations

The dispersion model

For dispersion a 3D Eulerian/Lagrangian model is used (EPISODE). The model includes both an industrial accident model and a complete dispersion model. In Oslo, mainly the EPISODE model is used. The model system includes a grid model (usually giving concentrations in km2 grids in the model area), and it also included sub-grid scale models for point source dispersion and dispersion from streets and roads. EPISODE calculates hourly and half hourly concentrations of pollutants in fields, points and along roads. Receptor points for calculations can be chosen freely, either as center points of grids, or any other point. The results may also be used to calculate long-term-, average- max and percentile concentrations.

The exposure model

This model combines the results for pollution concentrations with population distribution. It is the possible to calculate the number of people exposed to concentrations above air quality guidelines/threshold values both in field, in building points and totally.

Further Reading


Examples: results from AirQUIS (in GIS)

1. Human exposure for PM10 in Oslo in 2000

2. City planning: map of max. concentrations of NO2 in 2001

3. Forecasting PM10 in Oslo

4. Map over point and line sources

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Air Quality Action Plan development - Bristol




Over a quarter of Bristol is predicted to fail to meet the government’s health-based air quality targets for 2005. These areas have been declared Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs). Over 100,000 people live in the AQMAs (including 13,000 children) and tens of thousands more work or go to school in the AQMA. The majority of pollution in Bristol comes from road traffic.

This Draft Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) sets out a package of measures that aim to improve air quality in Bristol and meet the government’s pollution targets for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particles (PM10). They will not be sufficient to meet the target for 2005 but will aim to meet it as soon as possible after this date.

The AQAP has been drawn up following government guidance and the results of consultation and will be led by the Council, but will also require active support from the public, stakeholders and businesses if it is to be effective. There are many simple steps that people and businesses can take to reduce pollution. Collectively these could make a significant difference to pollution levels in Bristol.

The vast majority of pollution comes from road traffic, therefore the AQAP focuses predominantly on transport measures . Steps are also being taken to reduce pollution from industrial and domestic sources .

Many of the actions in the Bristol Local Transport Plan (LTP) will contribute towards improved air quality, but not quickly enough to meet the government’s targets. The AQAP measures will add to the LTP to ensure a more rapid improvement in air quality.

The AQAP identifies 27 additional measures, some of which are new, others are enhancements of LTP measures or the acceleration of LTP measures within the AQMA. The measures are listed under four main headings; Information and Promotion, Promotion and Provision of Alternatives, Managing the Road Network, and Emissions Management.

The AQAP also identifies actions for national consideration which would help to bring about local air quality improvements.

Additional AQAP measures:

Information and Promotion


Information & Awareness Initiatives

Promotion and Provision of Alternatives


Travel Plans


Safer Routes to School / School Travel Plans


Shorter Journeys (including Individualised Travel Marketing)


Walking and Cycling Facilities


Car Clubs

Managing the Road Network


Reallocation of Road Space (Bus Priority measures )


Improved enforcement of existing speed limits


Area-based speed reduction (20 mph zones in residential areas )


Intelligent traffic signals (Urban Traffic Management & Control)


Traffic management at pollution hot spots


Parking Enforcement & Management of Delivery Times


Motorway Speed Management (M5, M32)


M32 Management


Freight trans-shipment centres

Emissions Management


Reduce emissions from poorly driven vehicles.


Vehicle maintenance- Roadside Emissions Testing


Encouragement of more efficient vehicles.


Promote / pilot alternative vehicles / fuels.


Advice / incentives for 'cleaning up' large vehicles


Retrofitting Smaller Vehicles


Scrappage Incentives


Bus Emissions Regulation (emissions standards in contracts)


Promote and assist freight emissions agreements


Low Emission Zone ( LEZ)


Road User Charging (RUC)


Clear Zone

These measures will also deliver wider benefits and contribute to the core objectives of the LTP and national transport and environmental objectives, in particular the Road Safety and Climate Change targets.

The measures will be implemented over 8 years with many of the simple, low cost encouragement measures being rapidly implemented and sustained throughout the life of the plan. Work can also commence quickly on some of the more technical and comprehensive measures such as reducing emissions from buses thanks to a number of pilot projects that are underway as part of the EU-supported VIVALDI programme. Other measures will require longer lead in times and feasibility studies, and will be implemented in the medium-long term.

The package of measures in the AQAP is estimated to cost £1.2m in year 1 and at least £8.3m over 8 years (less than one pence per day per Bristol resident). This figure does not include the cost of some of the more comprehensive measures that require feasibility work before an accurate cost can be determined.

The ability to implement the AQAP primarily depends on securing adequate and consistent levels of funding. If adequate funding cannot be secured then the AQAP measures will have to be scaled down to reflect available funding and consequently the effectiveness of the plan in tackling emissions will be reduced.

How much do pollution levels have to be reduced by to meet the targets?

Levels of pollution within the AQMAs will have to be reduced by up to 40% (15 µgm3) if the government target for NO2 is to be achieved. Particle emissions would have to be halved to meet the indicative particles target for 2010.

How can pollution be reduced?

No single measure is going to solve the air pollution problem. It will require a package of complementary measures and a contribution from everyone - the public, businesses, stakeholders and the Council. The government has issued guidance on the sorts of measures that should be considered for inclusion in AQAPs. These include measures to reduce traffic levels, manage the road network and clean up vehicles as well as the regulation of industry, and domestic energy efficiency programmes.

The vast majority of NO2 within the AQMA arises from emissions from traffic, therefore, the Bristol AQAP focuses primarily on reducing emissions from road transport. There are two main ways of achieving this:

• Reducing levels of traffic and congestion,

This can be achieved by :

· Providing and promoting alternatives to the car,

· Measures to manage the road network.

These will mainly be delivered through the broad package of measures in the Bristol Local Transport Plan (LTP) with some additional measures set out in this plan.

Reducing emissions from individual vehicles:

The amount of pollution a vehicle produces depends on its age, size, fuel type, how well it is maintained and how well it is driven. Older vehicles and harsh driving are the largest causes of additional pollution. Emissions reductions will be achieved by:

· Measures to encourage smooth driving and reduce harsh driving and speeding (aggressive and fast driving substantially increases emissions).

· Improving vehicle maintenance (poorly maintained vehicles produce high levels of emissions).

· Encouraging the use of smaller, more efficient vehicles and less-polluting fuels.

· Measures to encourage the replacement or ‘cleaning up’ of older vehicles (older vehicles produce more pollution).

These will mainly be based on new measures or enhancements of measures in the LTP.

A combination of traffic reduction and reduced vehicle emissions is likely to be needed to meet the government’s air quality targets.

Other pollution sources include domestic heating and cooking and industry. These only produce a small proportion of pollution in the AQMA and are largely being tackled by existing energy efficiency programmes and ‘clean air’ legislation so no additional measures are being proposed in this plan.

Bristol Local Transport Plan (LTP)

Road transport is the major source of pollution in Bristol and consequently the main focus of this AQAP is on transport emissions. The LTP outlines an extensive £60 million package of transport measures for Bristol over 5 years, including improvements to the road network, public transport and cycling and walking. These measures should help improve air quality in the longer-term but there is no quick and easy solution to Bristol’s transport problems and, on their own, they will not be enough to reduce pollution to the required levels by the government’s target dates.

Air Quality Action Plan

This AQAP will add to the LTP with additional transport measures targeted specifically at improving air quality, as well as enhancing and accelerating the implementation of some areas of LTP work which have the potential to significantly reduce emissions. 27 measures are identified in this AQAP, 10 of which are new measures and 17 are enhancements of existing LTP measures.

Many of the specific measures will be targeted within the AQMA, however the AQAP will cover the whole of the city not just the AQMAs. This is because many of the journeys that cause pollution in Bristol start or finish outside the AQMAs. Many of these trips will originate beyond the city boundary, therefore it is important that the Action Plan should be linked to measures being taken by neighbouring Local Authorities. Of these only one, Bath & North East Somerset, has an AQMA but both North Somerset and South Gloucestershire intend to produce Local Air Quality Strategies to maintain concentrations of air pollution below the target levels.

Air Quality Action Plan Measures

How were the measures chosen?

A broad list of potential measures to improve air quantity was compiled, based on government guidance and examples of best practice in air quality management from the UK and abroad. Consideration was also given to feedback from earlier air quality consultations which sought to gauge initial public support for potential AQAP measures and generated nearly 5000 comments and suggestions on transport and air quality.

These potential measures were then assessed against the following criteria, based on government guidelines, and those measures which were considered to be inappropriate or not cost-effective were discarded.

· Air quality improvement;

· Cost effectiveness;

· Non air quality effects (wider environmental, economic and social consequences).

Air Quality Assessment and AQAP Assessment Methodolgy.

The Environment Act 1995 introduced a requirement for local authorities to review and assess air quality in their areas. The main aims of the review and assessment reports are:

· To determine whether the statutory objectives contained in the National Air Quality Strategy (NAQS) and Air Quality Regulations will be breached in the relevant year.

· And, if the standard is likely to be breached, to predict future pollutant levels in more detail and identify areas where the public is likely to be exposed for a significant period of time.

This process began in with the identification of the main sources of relevant pollutants in Bristol with the Stage One Review and Assessment of air quality in 1999.

This was followed by the Stage Three Review and Assessment in 2000/01 which identified areas of concern for two of the pollutants regulated under the NAQS – NO2 (exceedences of the annual mean Objective) and to a lesser extent NO2 (exceedences of the hourly mean Objective) and PM10.

Based on this assessment two AQMAs were declared in May 2001 covering around 25% of the city. The Stage Three Assessment, in identifying the extent of the pollution problem and scale of the emissions reduction required, also provided the basis on which to begin formulating options for the Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP).

A Stage Four Review and Assessment was then undertaken in 2002/03 to more accurately assess the nature and extent of pollution by particulate matter (PM10) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in Bristol. The results of this broadly confirmed that the findings of the Stage Three report were valid and the decision to declare an AQMA in Bristol was correct and the area declared was substantially correct. The Stage 4 work led to some modifications to the (AQMA) with some minor boundary amendments and the extensions. The Stage Four Review and Assessment also provided essential information from which to develop and focus the Air Quality Action Plan.

In carrying out the Review and Assessment work and predicting future concentrations of pollutants, the modelling process is dependent on many variables, such as the weather, traffic volumes, vehicle composition, vehicle speeds and levels of traffic congestion, the degree to which buildings enclose the road, thereby inhibiting the dispersion of pollutants, as well as wider economic and social trends. For many of these variables it is necessary to include some level of assumption, interpretation or margin of error. In determining these Council followed Government guidance and adopted a precautionary approach.

The Air Quality Reviews will be updated every three years to ensure that the information on local air quality is up to date, and annual progress reports will be produced in the intervening years.

Assessment of AQAP measures

Following the Stage 3 Air Quality Review and Assessment work commenced on developing the Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP).Potential AQAP measures were considered. A list of potential measures was compiled, based on government guidance and examples of best practice in air quality management from the UK and abroad. Consideration was also given to feedback from earlier air quality consultations.

The relative cost-effectiveness of these measures was estimated in order to identify which measures were most likely to be able to deliver the most cost-effective improvement in air quality and which should form part of the AQAP. The measures were assessed according to government guidance.

A number of measures were identified as being inappropriate for the Bristol AQAP or not cost effective. Many others were judged to be adequately covered by the Bristol Local Transport Plan. A number of new measures or enhancements of LTP measures were identified and assessed in more detail.

To simplify the air quality modelling process and consultation, the measures were grouped into three scenarios or levels of action.

Level 1 - Encourage & Inform, Incentives & Alternatives

Level 2 - Level 1 + Road Management Measures and Regulation

Level 3 - Level 1& 2 + Comprehensive Emissions Management

For each of these scenarios the potential traffic reductions were estimated for the 9 main traffic corridors in Bristol and three zones for 2005 and 2008. These estimates were adjusted to take into account predicted levels of traffic growth which currently averages around 1.5% pa across the city. N.B these estimates also include the predicted impacts of the transport measures in the LTP.

The emissions impacts were also estimated based on predicted changes in traffic volumes, fleet composition and traffic speeds. These are summarised in the graphs below.

The scenarios were then modelled in more detail using the Council’s air quality models (ADMS – Urban.

These clearly show that of all the scenarios, Level 3 is the only one predicted to widely meet the NAQS objective for NO2. This would largely be achieved through emissions management, in particular an LEZ, rather than large-scale reductions in levels of traffic.

Progress towards the objectives will be monitored through the AQAP and further air quality assessments undertaken every three years through the Air Quality Review and Assessment process. These will be refined through updated traffic and fleet data as this become available and will allow the AQAP to be re-focused if necessary to reflect both the scale of the pollution problem and the main sources of emissions. For example, once the bus fleet has been fully retrofitted the relative proportion of emissions from other transport modes will increase and the focus of emissions reductions measures will shift to these vehicles.

The modelling and assessment process will also incorporate other changes such as the predicted impacts of the next full LTP, and new technologies such as zero-emissions vehicles when they become available.

Consultation Process

Consultation is an ongoing process of public and stakeholder involvement including updates, feedback on process and further consultation on major AQAP proposals. This process aims to inform and improve the public’s understanding of air quality and transport issues and provide an opportunity for people to comment and inform the development of Bristol’s air pollution management strategies.

The Environment Act 1995 and subsequent detailed guidance on air quality management, makes clear the need for a strong, coherent approach to consultation. This reflects a widespread change within central and local government towards more effective local democracy and fuller more regular public participation. The Local Transport Plan guidance states that a genuinely inclusive approach will be vital if authorities are going to achieve the widespread support necessary.

Care has been taken to ensure that the methods of involving the public follow the approach set out in the National Society for Clean Air and Environmental Protection’s ‘Consultation: How to Guide’ in line with the following principles:

n Overall, agreed process,

n Flexibility,

n Clear scope,

n Openness, honesty, trust, transparency,

n Inclusiveness,

n Common information base,

n Diverse methods to help build common ground,

n Shared responsibility for outcomes and implementation,

n Attention to detail,

and the former Department of Environment Transport and the Regions (DETR) guidance on enhancing public participation in Local Transport Plans:

n Early involvement,

n Interactiveness,

n Openness,

n Continuity and,

n Provision of feedback.

The Council has adopted a consensus building. The process has initially involved identifying the parts of Bristol where exceedances are likely to occur, consultation with the public who live in or near those areas and the declaration of an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA).

The next stage is the production of an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) . The purpose of the AQAP consultation was to establish what level of action the Council should take to tackle the problem of air pollution in Bristol and gauge the support for potential individual elements of the AQAP. This was done by holding focus group sessions, and by means of a questionnaire, in long and short forms (with the short form available on the Internet). The Council wanted to gauge the support for potential individual measures and also on the level of action that needs to be taken. The focus group sessions gave an insight as to which measures needed refinement or further clarification for inclusion into the questionnaire which formed the main public consultation.

A summary of the 3 scenarios used for the consultation is listed below. N.B. the three levels of action are cumulative.

In terms of three broad prompted Options for a combination of measures (with an indication of their potential cost/effectiveness), the respondents overall supported,

Option 2 (Option 1 + road management measures and regulation)


Option 3 (Option 2 + comprehensive emission management)

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Air quality action plan development – City of Brussels



The Region of Brussels-Capital has since November 2002, its “Plan for the structural improvement of the air quality and for the struggle against the global warming”. This Air & Climate Plan contains 81 actions to be implemented between 2002 and 2010 in order to monitor the air quality and to decrease the emissions of air pollutants (acidifying pollutants, tropospheric ozone precursors,..), ozone-depleting gases and greenhouse gases. The Plan concerns the transport, the industry, the in-door pollution, energy in housing and in tertiary sector.

The Air & Climate Plan is available to download at the following links:

in French : http://www.ibgebim.be/francais/pdf/Air/PLANAC_complet.pdf

in Dutch : http://www.ibgebim.be/nederlands/pdf/Air/PLANAC_complet_nl.pdf

If you need more information on this subject, please contact

Gabriel Torres, ir.

Institut Bruxellois pour la Gestion de l'Environnement

Gulledelle 100

1200 Bruxelles

Tél. : 02.775.78.27

Fax : 02.775.76.11

E-mail : gto@ibgebim.be

Site : www.ibgebim.be

Small Abstract in English - Air & Climate Plan for Brussels

On Wednesday November 13, 2002, the Government of the Region of Brussels-Capital approved the Plan for the structural improvement of the air quality and for the struggle against the global warming 2002-2010, also called the Air & Climate Plan. This Plan, prepared by the Brussels Institute for Management of the Environment (IBGE) and the Administration of the Equipment and Displacements (AED), is the direct consequence of the ruling of Brussels dated March 25, 1999 related to the evaluation and the improvement of the quality of the ambient air. This ruling transposes the European directive 96/62/CE of the same name.

Its objective is to meet all European and international obligations as regards emissions and air quality. It also integrates the final version of the climate plan for Brussels, which aims at meeting the Kyoto objectives, namely a limitation to +3,475 % of the greenhouse gas emissions between 2008 and 2012, compared to their levels of 1990.

The Air & Climate Plan presents its objectives through a wide range of regulations categorised according to the principal sources of pollution, namely road transport, energy, businesses and the households. Finally the integrated exposure of the population and the follow-up of the Plan will be subject to specific measures.

Road transport

As regards road traffic, the Plan envisages measures aiming at reducing the volume of the traffic, in particular through:

- An efficient management of the parking places downtown in order to dissuade an abusive use of the car in the city;

- A generalisation of the relocation plans of businesses. In this context, the IBGE produced a methodological guide, while the AED created an Internet website presenting useful information for any relocation plan;

- An increase and improvement of the public transport services and alternative means of transport such as the bicycle or walk. The IBGE will continue the implementation of the green grid making it possible to support soft mobility measures, while the AED will continue to develop cycle paths;

- A better management of the traffic. Various actions (regeneration of urban areas, public awareness campaigns...) will be carried out by the Government in order to better monitor the speed and the flow of vehicles according to environmental criteria; and

- A reduction of sources of emissions related to vehicles. This will be achieved through, amongst others, an increase of clean vehicles.


A panel of regulations have been appointed to each of these three sectors: residential, tertiary and industrial. The Plan foresees for these sectors:

- The installation of inventories and audits on boilers and insulation for buildings;

- The promotion of the rational use of energy through awareness-raising campaigns and seminars;

- The reinforcement of the legislation on energy; and

- The grant of subsidies and assistance to the investments for the boilers with high energetic performance and for the insulation of the buildings.


The legislation of certain sectors will be reinforced in order to reduce the emissions of volatile organic compounds, of oxides of nitrogen or fluorinated gases. These companies are:

- Service stations/Petrol stations;

- Dry-cleaning;

- Printing works;

- Body work;

- Manufacturing paintings, lacquers...;

- The incinerator; and

- Fitters and repairers of the systems of refrigeration of the air.

The companies concerned with Directive IPPC can receive a specific environmental licence, which is not included in the Air & Climate Plan.


Provisions also directly relates to the information and the awareness raising of the citizen. Indeed, through the choice of the products, each consumer can durably play a part in the improvement of air quality, for examples, buying paintings without solvents, avoiding the domestic incinerations...

Integrated Exposure of the population

Thanks to the various monitoring stations for the quality of the ambient air located throughout its territory, Brussels Capital Region benefits from a tool, ‘Pollumètre’, which makes it possible to give a dynamic image of the air pollution in Brussels. The Plan envisages the continuous improvement of this tool.

In addition, the regulations of the integrated exposure also aim at reducing indoor pollution during leisure (swimming pools) as well as in homes and work places. This will be done through advices on the choice of building materials, the training of professionals in health and building on indoor pollution, and though awareness-raising campaigns for the citizens.

Follow-up of the Air & Climate Plan

The latest regulations of the Plan relate to its annual programming, its bi-annual follow-up, its financing, its "costs benefits" analysis, its coordination...

For more information: www.ibgebim.be or info@ibgebim.be

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  AQ Action Plan for Helsinki



Two examples from the City of Helsinki

  1. Helsinki's "Action plan concerning serious air pollution situation, traffic exhaust causing high ambient NO2 concentration".

The City of Helsinki experienced a critical situation as regards air pollution in December 1995 when NO2 hourly limit value (200 mg/m3) exceeded over 18 times the acceptable limit. The air pollution was mostly caused by traffic emissions. Helsinki then decided to elaborate a first action plan on serious air pollution situations. This first plan was ready in 1998. Now the City of Helsinki is in the process of updating this action plan. It is possible that a similar situation than the one in 1995 could happen in the wintertime in a near future. Indeed, NO2 episodes are mostly in wintertime. However thanks to the regular monitoring of NO2 emissions, the City realised that the NO2 hourly limit value only exceeded the acceptable limit in 1998 and it only exceeded it over 6 times.

- Helsinki’s Action Plan 2003 on serious air pollution situation is attached to this note.

- Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council (YTV)'s publications on air quality are accessible in English at the following link: http://www.ytv.fi/english/air

  1. Helsinki's Action Plan Concerning Street Dust Problems (In Finnish)

Helsinki has to deal with dust episode every year and especially during the spring (March-May) when the snow melts and the streets become dry. In spring 2003, the City humidified the streets two times and this spring it had to do it only once.

"Suunnitelma katupölyhaittojen ehkäisemiseksi" is available at the following link: http://www.hel.fi/ymk/julkaisut/monisteet.html.

See also PowerPoint attached to the note.

For further information,

Please contact Jari Viinanen at jari.viinanen@hel.fi

Table 1. States of readiness and actions

Advance warning

1. preparedness

2. preparedness

Responsibility organisations EC and YTV prepare

All partys prepare to realize a plan

Active information to community members

Threshold: NO2 hour concentration exceeded 150 mg/m3 3 times.

Poor or very poor air quality during few hours

Threshold: NO2 hour concentration exceeded 150 mg/m3

6 times.

Poor or very poor air quality during several hours

Threshold: NO2 hourly limit value (200 mg/m3) exceeded 18 times

Very poor air quality and it improvede to be continued

YTV Environmental Office

YTV Environmental Office

YTV Environmental Office

1. NO2 concentration exceeded 150 mg/m3 (1 hour average).

2. Crossings are measured at least in two monitoring stations at 3 times during 6 hours.

3. Continues forecast.

→ YTV send advance warning to EC.

1. NO2 concentration exceeded 150 mg/m3 (1 hour average).

2. Crossings are measured at least in two monitoring stations at 6 times during 12 hours.

3. Continues forecast.

→ YTV inform EC that 1. preparedness limit is exceeded.

1. NO2 hourly limit value 200 mg/m3 exceeded 18 times (48 h sliding scale).

2. Raising concentrations are measured also in other monitoring stations.

3. Continues forecast.

→ YTV inform EC that 2. preparedness limit is exceeded.

Director General (dg)

Director General (dg)

- Dg order transition to 1. preparedness and inform contact person.

- EC:s and YTV:s public announcements (situation, might recommend to use public transport)

- Dg order transition to 2. preparedness and inform contact person.

- EC:s public announcement (situation, recommendation to use public transport etc.).

- Free-of-charge public transport.

3. preparedness

Information to community members (intensification)

Traffic limitation

Threshold: NO2 hourly limit value (200 mg/m3) exceeded

(transition limit value)

Very poor air quality several days and it it improvede to be continued

YTV Environmental Office

Down-town section:

1. NO2 hourly limit value (200 mg/m3) exceeded (98. percentile, about 175 exceeding)

2. Raising concentrations are measured also in other monitoring station in down-town section.

3. Continues forecast.

→ YTV inform EC that 3. preparedness limit is exceeded in down-town section.

Hole city area:

2. Raising concentrations are measured also in other Helsinkis monitoring station and/or Espoos or Vantaas monitoring station.

→ YTV inform EC that 3. preparedness limit is exceeded in hole city area.

Lord Mayor (lm)

Lord Mayor (lm)

- Lm order transition to 3. preparedness in down-town section and inform contact person.

- Lm:s and Helsinki City Offices public announcement (situation, recommendation to use public transport etc.). Possibility to order limit traffic.

- Free-of-charge public transport.

- Lm order transition to 3. preparedness in hole city area and inform contact person.

- Lm:s and Helsinki City Offices public announcement (situation, recommendation to use public transport etc.). Possibility to order limit traffic.

- Free-of-charge public transport.

EC = City of Helsinki Environment Centre dg = Director General of the Environment Centre

YTV = Helsinki metropolitan Area Counsil, Environmental Office lm = Lord Mayor of Helsinki


Lord Major of Helsinki

City of Helsinki Environment Centre

Helsinki City Office

Readiness team

Information office

Helsinki City Transport

Helsinki City Planning Department

Traffic Planning

City of Helsinki Public Works Department

Traffic wardening

Uusimaa Regional Environment Centre

Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council (YTV)

Environmental Office

Traffic Depatrement


Finnish Road Adminstration (public roads)

VR (railway)

City of Espoo Environment Centre

City of Vantaa Environment Centre

City of Kauniainen Environment Centre

City of Sipoo Environment Centre

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Air Quality Action Plan Development in Utrecht (NL)



In Utrecht (Netherlands) several measures have been taken to reduce air pollution. The list below describes the steps that are taken to prepare, to develop, to realise and to evaluate and update an Air Quality Action Plan.


– advising the local government about a procedure how to prevent new situations with exceedances of the limit values (when, which surveys)

– starting a procedure to reserve an amount of money on the municipal budget for making an Air Quality Action Plan

– applying for subsidy to make an Air Quality Action Plan

– estimating the financial impact of solving all situations with exceedances of the limit values in relation to other cities in the country for dividing a national budget

– appointing a project leader

– making a draft project plan

– interviewing actors

– readjusting the project plan

– forming a project team

– informing the citizens


– updating the report on Air Quality

– calculating air quality in future situations (2010) (check which plans are part of the traffic model for 2010)

– surveying other sector plans (to be developed) on their impact on air quality: the contribution in solving or creating air quality problems (also due to autonomous increase of traffic)

– identifying the authorities involved in plans and in solving air quality problems

– surveying which air quality problems can be solved in other sector plans (including when this will happen) and estimating the extra costs for such plans for air quality

– assessing the air quality problems requiring special local plans: what are the solution directions, the rough costs and development routes

– deciding about the Air Quality Action Plan (phase 1)

– sending the plan to the Province/National authorities

– informing the citizens


– working out special plans in consultation with the neighbours

– deciding about the plans and the phased execution in relation to the available budget and combination possibilities with other activities: special/ local air quality plans/ measures (phase 2)

– sending the plans to the Province/ National authorities

– informing the citizens


– preparing the realisation of plans (specifications and designs)

– putting out contracts

– informing the citizens


– realizing of the plans


– evaluating the effects of the plans and relevant developments

– updating of the Air Quality Action Plan

– sending the plan to the Province/National authorities

– informing the citizens

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  London Borough of Croydon, UK – Action Plan Development



The completed action plan is available at:


Step 1: Assess Air Quality

In Croyden Step 1 was completed, and revealed that the annual mean limit for NO2 was likely to be exceeded. All other pollution limits were forecast to be below the relevant limits.

Step 2: Set up a Working Group

A working group was set up which included representatives from various Municipal Departments, industry, environmental groups, and the local healthcare agency. This group had a chair from an outside agency, a management consultant. The group held 7 structured meetings which covered the following areas;

Meeting 1 – Framework for group defined

Meeting 2 – Causes and consequences of air pollution

Meeting 3 – Local environmental issues, vehicle flows, dispersion of pollution

Meeting 4 – Public transport issues

Meeting 5 – Evaluation of ideas suggested so far.

Meeting 6 – Looking at aids / obstacles to actions. Identifying actions that Croyden Municipality can take, that National government can take, that the Greater London Municipality (made up of Croyden and 32 other Municipal Authorities), and that the providers of Public Transport (Largely Privatised in the UK) can take.

Meeting 7 – Selection of options to include in the action plan

Step 3: Identify Options to Reduce Levels of Priority Pollutants and

Step 4: Evaluate the Options

In Croyden 77 actions were identified that would reduce levels of NO2 in the affected areas. Tables were produced listing these actions, the party that would be responsible for implementing the action, an intended completion date, a cost, and an expected impact in terms of NO2 reduction. For cost three categories were used. These were estimates of cost to the Municipal Authority of ‘low’ (less than £1000), ‘medium’ (£1000 to £10 000) and ‘high’ (more than £10 000). For the reduction in NO2 the categories were ‘low’ (a likely reduction in NO2 of less than 0.2microgrammes per cubic metre), ‘medium’ (a likely reduction of 0.2 to 1.0 microgrammes per cubic metre) and ‘high’ (a likely reduction of more than 1.0 microgrammes per cubic metre).

The actions included roadside emissions testing of private vehicles, supporting schools and businesses in the development of green travel plans, reducing emissions from municipal vehicles, and restricting car parking. One of the key issues was the introduction of a low emission zone. However, it was not possible to implement this very significant project within the timescale allowed by the UK government for action planning. Therefore the action plan made the commitment to conduct the feasibility study in co-operation with the other 32 Municipal Authorities in London.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  The Gothenburg Region’s Air Quality Programme



Why a regional Air Quality Programme?
The regional Air Quality Programme is a platform for the regional environmental work focusing on air quality and a forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences. The programme is based on co-operation between the local councils and companies in the region. The Administrative boards of the Västra Götalandslands- and Hallands provinces, Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg, among others, are also involved in the program.

The aim of the program is to...
• provide an overview of the air quality in the region

• provide reference material for the assessment of environmental and health effects

• present measurement results as reference material for community planning

• act as an advisory board on air quality issues

• provide an information service on air quality in the region

• work actively to improve the air quality in the region

We work with...


• Continuous monitoring of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particles, ozone and volatile hydrocarbons is carried out in co-operation with the Environmental Administration of Gothenburg (3 measurement sites)

• Measurements applied to specific projects using three mobile measurement modules are done in co-operation with the Environmental Administration of Gothenburg


• Monthly reports with results from our continuous measurements

• Project reports and popular newsletter editions

• Exhibitions on the air environment and measurement methods

• Seminars on environmental issues

• Distribution of information on levels and emissions of air pollutants from the "Emissions Database of Western Sweden" and simulation models

• The Air Quality Programme contributes to reports of the pollen counts in the region

Air Quality

• In co-operation with the companies and local councils within the programme, action plans and other measures to improve the environment are put forward

• Contribution to work on Environmental Impact Assessments

• Co-operation with government and provincial authorities to achieve long-term reduction in air emissions

Help us take care of the environment!

You are welcome to contact us with questions concerning the air environment.

The Air Quality Programme warmly welcomes new members. Is your company or organisation interested in supporting us through membership or in any other way?


The Gothenburg Region Air Quality Programme,
Pernilla Hellstöm
tel +46 - 31 61 28 73
E-mail: pernilla.hellstrom@miljo.goteborg.se

We support the Air Quality Programme!

The organisations, companies and local authorities which actively support and finance the Air Quality Programme are

AB Tefco

Arla Foods Mejerier Göteborg

Göteborg Energi

Göteborgs Hamn AB

Luftfartsverket Göteborg

Landvetter Airport

PREEM Raffinaderi AB

Mölndal Energi

Nynäs Refining AB


Schenker, Stinnes Logistics

Shell Raffinaderi AB

Stena Line AB

Taxi Göteborg

Volvo Car Corporation AB

Vägverket - Region Väst


The local authorities in
the Gothenburg Region

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  AQ Action Plan development, the Hague



Abstract - Plan of Action Air Quality The Hague 2004-2010

The abstract is based upon the air quality plan in Dutch of the City of The Hague. (Plan van Aanpak luchtkwaliteit Den Haag)

In The Hague 2010 thresholds for PM10 and NO2 are exceeded on a number of places. The exceedances of PM10 are mainly caused by sources outside the City and are dealt with on National Level. The plan of action therefore focuses on the reduction of NO2, as far as it is within the competence of the City Council. For sources outside the competence of the City Council, plans are made on the regional level and/or National Level.

In The Hague, the traffic is the main source of air pollution. Beside road traffic, there are other sources of NO2 emissions, such as the emissions coming from ships entering and leaving the Scheveningen harbour. These other sources are outside the sphere of influence of the City Council but emissions from ships in the Scheveningen harbour are relatively low.

Seen from the perspective of health and traffic congestion, streets belonging to the so called “parking route” are the heaviest burden and exceedances occur on the following roads: Stille Veerkade, the Paviljoensgracht and the Luthers Burgwal. When the so called “Centrum ring road“ will be finished, it is likely that traffic will increase and exceedances will be found on other roads, like the Neherkade.

Measurements to reduce air pollution can be defined into 2 categories:

1. Specific actions with tailor made solutions;

2. Generic actions aimed at reducing mobility in the city and combating congestion in the region.

For the roads in the “Parking route”, the following measurements are proposed:

· 25% reduction of the traffic intensity;

· Improving the traffic flow; and

· Reducing the number of (heavy polluting diesel) non public transport network buses travelling though these streets.

The question as if limit values can be fulfilled by 2010 is strongly dependent on future traffic developments and new roads to be built. Therefore the City took the decision to closely monitor the traffic flows and air quality. The information collected will be used as a basis to develop specific solutions and not only for the most challenging situations calculated by the air quality model. Short-term measurements such as adjusting traffic regulation lights are taken.

For highways the region of Haaglanden advocated to reduce the maximum speed limit to 80 km/h. The bureau TNO calculated that diverting freighters to the Northern route might reduce the air quality burden in the inner city, while not creating an air quality problem on the Northern route. However, it will not help to ease the burden on the road called Utrechtse baan.

Beside these specific actions, general actions should be foreseen:

- Actions such as changing the mentality for reducing the need of motor vehicles, the stimulation of environmental aware driving and higher parking tariffs;

These actions call for close cooperation between all stakeholders of the community.

In designing and redeveloping the city or parts of the city, air quality should be an issue to be considered in an integrated manner. At this stage it is not yet the case.

Air quality is closely connected to the climate change policy. The two issues should come together in the Advisory Commission for Sustainability. For the implementation of the plan, various potential funding opportunities have been identified. The central government already agreed to give some financial back-up for some actions.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Air Pollution action plan development in Glasgow city



1) Summary of EC DG VII COMMUTE Project

COMMUTE was a research project that ran from 1996 to 1999 within the Strategic Research strand of the European Commission Fourth Framework Transport RTD programme. It addressed the definition of a methodology for strategic assessment of the environmental impacts of transport policy options. The methodology was intended to be primarily applicable to policy decision-making at the European level and to cover road, rail, air and waterborne transport modes. Computer software that embodies the main aspects of the methodology was developed and demonstrated within the COMMUTE project.

The main COMMUTE project objectives were as follows:

· To define a methodology for strategic assessment of the environmental impacts of transport policy options, to support transport policy decision making at the European level.

· To develop computer software that embodied the main aspects of the methodology and could present the results to users.

· To demonstrate the use of the main aspects of the methodology and the computer software; in particular in the context of a pilot strategic environmental assessment of the impacts on energy consumption, primary pollutant emissions and safety of plans for the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).

COMMUTE delivered two main end products:

· The COMMUTE methodology for SEA of transport policies, plans and programmes (PPPs), comprising:

– A Framework for SEA covering the basic methodological requirements for SEA of multi-modal transport actions and guidelines on integration methods

– Detailed impact assessment methods for some core impacts such as air pollution emissions, energy consumption, noise and safety

· The COMMUTE software tool allowing assessment of air pollution emissions, energy consumption, noise and safety impacts.

The COMMUTE Framework for SEA provides detailed guidelines for carrying out a strategic environmental assessment (SEA), and sets the use of the COMMUTE software tool in context. The full guidelines run to some 160 pages, and are structured according to the following steps, around which an SEA should be organised from the procedural point of view:

1. Setting of objectives and targets

2. Screening to determine the need for SEA at this stage of the planning process

3. Scoping: identification of:

· the physical/regional limits;

· the impacts to be addressed;

· the alternative actions that need to be assessed.

4. Carrying out of the SEA:

· measuring/predicting the environmental impact of the action and its alternatives;

· evaluating the significance of the impact (e.g. through comparison with environmental objectives);

· proposing recommendations: preferred alternative, mitigation and monitoring measures.

5. Preparation of the decision

6. Taking the decision

7. Making arrangements for monitoring and follow-up

8. Conducting further environmental assessments (at later stages of planning process, e.g. project EIA)

The overall COMMUTE methodology defined a range of environmental indicators for examination within an SEA. The detailed impact assessment methods defined in COMMUTE and incorporated in the software tool cover assessment of air pollution emissions, energy consumption, noise and safety, across four travel modes – road, rail, air and water. These are described in the main body of the report.

Impact assessment methods for other indicators included in the COMMUTE methodology (but not the current software) were described in detail within the COMMUTE Framework guidelines. These could be brought in to the COMMUTE software tool in a future development effort.

The COMMUTE software tool was developed to be primarily applicable to policy decision-making and is targeted primarily on relatively large scale analyses at European, national or regional scales. The tool is network oriented and works on assessments on links and nodes. The impacts are calculated on a link-by-link and node-by node basis and then added together for assessments of networks or corridors comprising a number of links and nodes.

The tool uses a Geographical Information System (GIS) for handling the geographical representation of the network and for performing spatial oriented analysis and for presentation purposes.

The COMMUTE software tool was validated against other comparable data sets, and was demonstrated within the project, particularly through the pilot SEA of plans for the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). This formed a rigorous, highly demanding and large scale demonstration of the capabilities of the COMMUTE software tool and illustrated its interfacing with a complex transport model. The results were sufficiently robust for the study team to conclude that the method would be suitable for a more detailed SEA of the TEN-T.

Overall, the COMMUTE project successfully achieved its main objectives and has clear potential for future exploitation. From the work carried out in COMMUTE, it is clear, however, that further work would be beneficial in a number of areas, including:

· further methodological research to integrate sustainability target setting within the overall SEA process and to improve monitoring and follow-up after implementation of policies, plans and programmes;

· further development of the COMMUTE tool to bring in additional impact areas (particularly through the GIS interface) and accommodate other stages of the overall SEA process;

· further data collection to improve strengthen input and default data across all modes and therefore improve the accuracy and robustness of the COMMUTE tool outputs.

2) Cooperation on pilot SEA of the TEN-T

In cooperation with the MEET, STREAMS and SCENARIOS projects, COMMUTE accomplished a pilot strategic assessment of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). This was a major demonstration of the COMMUTE software tool and methodology. The aim of this work was to obtain an indication of the impacts of plans for the TEN-T, including their broad geographical distributions, in terms of energy consumption, emissions and traffic safety. The pilot demonstrated the feasibility of the developed methods, including the extent to which the approach used in the pilot project would be suitable for a full SEA of the TEN-T.

For successful completion of the pilot SEA a harmonious cooperation between the projects was essential. Therefore a Joint Scientific Committee was established, chaired by representatives of the STREAMS project and containing a representative from each project. Representatives from the Commission and the European Environmental Agency also sat in the Joint Scientific Committee. A cooperation plan was set up to ensure a trouble-free implementation.

The basic allocation of the work was for the STREAMS partners to undertake runs of the STREAMS model, according to reference and Common Transport Policy scenarios as defined (in quantitative terms) by SCENARIOS. The STREAMS transport model outputs were provided to COMMUTE who then used the COMMUTE tool to calculate energy consumption and emissions, with assistance from MEET in terms of the assumptions to be made for the calculation of future emissions, both for road and non-road transport. Estimates of traffic safety impacts were made jointly by STREAMS and COMMUTE.


The COMMUTE software tool embodies the impact assessment methods for the primary pollutant emissions, energy consumption, noise and safety across the transport modes road, rail, air and waterborne transport. However, it is also designed for future expansion to cover other important land use and ecological impacts.

The COMMUTE software is primarily applicable to policy decision-making and it is based on relatively large scale spatial resolutions. The tool focuses on assessing the environmental impacts of Programmes, Policies and Plans (PPPs) at:

· European level (i.e. assessing impacts of PPPs for the whole of the EU)

· National level (i.e. assessing impacts of PPPs for individual countries)

· Regional level (i.e. assessing impacts of PPPs for large administrative regions (e.g. NUTS 2) or for regional scale corridors)

The tool is network oriented and works on assessments on links and nodes. The impacts are calculated on a link-by-link and node-by node basis and then added together for assessments of networks or corridors comprising a number of links and nodes. In this context urban areas, harbours and airports are represented as nodes in the network. These nodes could then each have traffic flow data associated with them within the tool that would cover the whole area (e.g. vehicle-km figures and an average speed for a whole city in the case of road transport).

This approach does not include explicit representation of the urban transport network within each urban area. It therefore allows assessment of policies that have an impact in urban areas (e.g. policies that encourage modal shift for urban travel) but would not be suitable for assessment of urban infrastructure programmes. Such assessments would need to be conducted using a more detailed urban scale model.

The tool uses a Geographical Information System (GIS) for handling the geographical representation of the network and for performing spatial oriented analysis and presentation purposes.

The finest level of temporal resolution that the tool will focus on is provision of seasonal impacts, with the main emphasis being on calculating and presenting annual impacts.

The final version of the COMMUTE tool includes a life cycle analysis approach in so far as emissions of harmful substances and energy consumption from power stations and refineries will be considered additionally to those from vehicle operation.

For the different impacts across transport modes a specific module or model has been designed, but each module is independent and separated from the others.

The software is modular and the database has not only the function of storing the data but also of integrating the models.

The user interfaces the program through the Human Machine Interface which has been developed using a commercial Geographical Information System.

To achieve user-friendliness, the COMMUTE software was developed in the well known Windows 95 environment. Wherever possible, well known commercial tools were used instead of developing new and proprietary codes. The architecture of the software was designed to be flexible, easy to maintain and capable of accommodating future development. In fact the software has a modular structure.

For the different impacts across transport modes a specific model and module has been designed (ACCESS BASIC). Each module (model) is independent and the integration is made through the database (ACCESS) and the Human Machine Interface (ACCESS BASIC).

MAPINFO has been selected as the Geographical Information System, because of its quality to be one of the most used and inexpensive GIS and because it is integrated with Microsoft and offers a simple toolkit in Basic (MapBasic).

It is essential to be able to add or change models without changing the overall architecture or the existing modules.

The software structure consists of six parts:

1. The HMI (human machine interface) which allows the user to interface with the tool

2. The GIS which represents the data (input and output) in a geo-referenced form

3. The DATA MANAGER which manages the database and provides the input-output functions

4. The different MODELS/modules which provide the environmental results

5. The CONFIGURATION MANAGER which allows the user to configure the scenarios (year..)

6. The MANAGER OF MODELS which schedules the run of the different modules

Each model, such as the ’road emission and consumption’ or the ’rail safety’ etc., is a separate module and it has a proprietary code written in a collective language.

The modular structure of the software together with the fact that a standard commercial database management system has been used allows the user to interface the data also with other tools such as Excel or ARCINFO.

Each model is composed of two main parts: the calculus itself that comprises the reading and writing of the database data, and the configuration that requires an HMI to interface with the user in order to assess the configuration of the scenario that the model will run.

Figure 1 shows that the model takes the inputs as they are in the database and prepares the data as required by the “core model” which is the calculator module that assesses the environment. The post module takes the outputs as they are calculated by the “core model” and aggregates or disagregates them as they will be shown to the user of the program.

Figure 1 Structure of each COMMUTE module/model

Both input and output data are contained in the database. The user has the option to create scenarios and to compare calculation results with the a priori information.

According to the software architecture the database is integrated. Wherever possible the model uses the same data, so that some data of the database is common, while some data is specific to each of the models. The common data is really important for the harmonisation and integration of the models.

The COMMUTE database is organised in Microsoft ACCESS tables in order to allow the user to analyse results in an easy-to-use and flexible environment. To perform the calculations for the different impacts across the transport modes, the COMMUTE software tool needs several types of tables which are classified according to the source and nature of the data they contain. The tables can be categorised as either input tables which contain all the data necessary for the calculation of the results, or output tables which contain the results of the software elaboration.

The “COMMUTE main menu” screen presents the software tool user with three different sections, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 The COMMUTE main menu screen

The first section is for calculation and reflects the approach of the COMMUTE methodology. The main subdivision is for impacts: emission & consumption, noise, safety. Each impact is calculated for the different modes of transport: air, road, rail, and water. All the calculation modules are integrated and the commonalties are grouped in an integration core which consists of the common shared set of classification tables (i.e. the list of the countries, the list of the fuels considered etc.) and coefficient tables (i.e. the calorific power of the fuels). This allows a comparison of results among different modes on a user defined multi-modal network scenario.

4) Pilot Strategic Environmental Assessment of the TEN-T Proposals

The main demonstration of the application of COMMUTE tool involved the cooperative strategic environmental assessment of plans for the whole Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). The Commission wanted to carry out a pilot SEA of the TEN-T to assess its impact on the transport system and on emission levels. The project had two aims. First, to provide an initial attempt at quantifying the impacts of the TEN-T, in terms of travel patterns, energy consumption, emissions and transport safety. Second, to demonstrate the feasibility of certain methods, including the extent to which the approach used in the pilot would be suitable for a full SEA of the TEN-T.

When setting up the project the Commission wanted to draw on its latest research and to bring together researchers from different disciplines. A new consortium was formed, within the structure of the EU Fourth Framework research programme, to carry out the work. This consortium involved four existing research projects, SCENARIOS, STREAMS, MEET and COMMUTE.

The pilot SEA constituted a rigorous and large-scale demonstration of the COMMUTE tool. The multi modal network used for the exercise consisted of approximately:

· 7000 links for road

· 1300 links for air transport

· 2400 links for rail

· 2900 links for waterborne transport

For the pilot SEA, only part of the SEA processes included in the COMMUTE Framework for SEA needed to be considered. The wider issues surrounding the development of the TEN-T were not relevant to this study, where the emphasis was on impact assessment. The approach used in the pilot SEA was to undertake an impact assessment of the TEN-T by comparing transport scenarios, forecasting travel patterns, and focussing on the emissions (using the COMMUTE software) generated by these alternative scenarios.

4.1 COMMUTE tool in pilot SEA

Because of constraints on the timing of the pilot SEA project, it was necessary to prepare an intermediate version of the COMMUTE tool which embodied the main parts of the impact assessment methods. However not all modules of the full final version of COMMUTE tool were included in this interim version. The following main differences in functionality between the intermediate and full version of the tool occurred (there were also other minor differences, for example that the impact of road gradients was not considered):

· safety assessment was limited to the single risk method

· cold start and evaporative emissions for road transport were calculated outside the COMMUTE model using approximate correction factors

· no noise assessment was included - noise was not part of the Commission’s pilot SEA requirements

· only one ‘generic’ aircraft type was used


The combination of the STREAMS and COMMUTE methodologies for the pilot SEA project brought a requirement to find a consistent and manageable approach for the exchange of data between these two main elements of the project. The fundamental interface was between the output of the STREAMS transport model which in turn forms the input to the COMMUTE/pilot SEA methodology for determining energy, emissions and safety levels. Agreement was required between the two projects regarding the categorisation and definitions of the transport data transferred to COMMUTE. For example, there are different categories within each mode of transport in the two projects. The task was therefore to reconcile the two and determine a set of definitions which were consistent with the two projects, and this was achieved. A number of modifications were required to the STREAMS model in order to allow the COMMUTE methodology to be successfully applied for pilot SEA. This principally affected the form of the model output, and the processing of output outside the modelling environment.

4.3 Scenarios tested

In the context of the SEA work, a transport scenario defines the main inputs needed for the STREAMS transport model forecasts. The policy scenarios determine the changes in transport costs and prices for each mode between 1994 and 2010. They are made up of three policy phases:

· Liberalisation: relating to the current policy trends (the ‘reference’ situation).

· Harmonisation: concerning the impact of the Common Transport Policy (CTP), principally in terms of harmonisation including the internalisation of externalities.

· TEN-T Infrastructure and Policy: relating to the promotion of inter-modality, interconnectivity and interoperability for the TEN-T. The policy changes are only introduced in tests which have the TEN-T in the forecast year network.

A number of possible options were considered before arriving at the following tests combining the reference, CTP and TEN-T policy and infrastructure components defined above:

1 Base year - 1994

2 No TEN-T for reference scenario 2010

3 No TEN-T for CTP 2010

4 All TEN-T policy and infrastructure for CTP 2010

5 Rail only TEN-T policy and rail infrastructure for CTP 2010

Each of the future year tests therefore contain some combination of the three policy phases (liberalisation, harmonisation and TEN-T policy and infrastructure) as shown in Table1 below.

Table 1: Components of the SEA tests

Options to be tested





TEN policy and infrastructure

1. Base year – 1994

2.Reference Scenario’

No TEN-T for reference scenario 2010


3. ‘CTP Only’

No TEN-T for CTP test 2010



4. ‘All TEN-T CTP’

All TEN-T for CTP test 2010




5. ‘Rail TEN-T CTP’

Rail only for CTP test 2010




(rail only)

4.4 Results

The main results of the pilot SEA exercise are summarised in this section, from the full report prepared jointly by the STREAMS and COMMUTE projects. These include the transport model outputs from STREAMS, as well as the COMMUTE software tool outputs. The full results are presented in the STREAMS/COMMUTE Pilot SEA Deliverable 4.

In addition to these outputs (Tables and Figures) the COMMUTE final report presents some examples of thematic maps produced by using the MapInfo GIS. These maps provide an overview about the possibilities of a detailed spatial analysis of traffic and emission data as they were produced in the Pilot Strategic Environmental Assessment of the TEN-T.

Taking the transport impacts first, in the 2010 ‘Reference Scenario’ there is an increase in overall passenger travel demand compared to the base for all modes except slow modes and freight rail, driven partly by the falling cost of travel relative to incomes.

Moving to the impact of the policies, the effect of the ‘CTP Only’ compared to the ‘Reference Scenario’ was:

· a significant overall reduction in passenger and freight travel, more so for freight

· rising rail demand and falling car, truck, air and water use

· a reduction in road network congestion

· the ‘CTP Only’ scenario therefore succeeds in reducing road and air travel and boosting rail.

Then, introducing all the TEN-T infrastructure and related policies led to:

· increased overall passenger and freight travel demand relative to the ‘CTP Only’ scenario (although it is still lower than in the ‘Reference Scenario’ for passengers)

· a significant effect on mode split as rail (particularly high speed rail) travel increases compared to the ‘CTP Only’ scenario and road travel falls further

· further reduction in road network congestion

· the TEN-T infrastructure and related policies scenario therefore strengthens the effects of the CTP.

By introducing only rail TEN-T infrastructure but with related TEN-T policies on inter-modality, interoperability and connections to ports, rail’s gains are increased, although at the cost of a significant increase in road congestion.

It is also significant that the most important factor in encouraging freight mode shift to rail is the expanded rail network. The effects of this are large, with or without the road TEN-T.

The key findings of the emission forecasts using the COMMUTE tool, by mode, are:

For road: Tighter road vehicle emission standards and improved technology outweigh the growth in road travel, such that all emissions except CO2 fall in all four tests compared to the base year. The differences between tests are relatively small illustrating the dominance of changes in non-traffic factors. The tests do not include the impact of the car manufacturers’ voluntary agreement on CO2, hence they may overestimate the increase in CO2 emissions;

For rail: Between 1994 and 2010 all non CO2 emissions fall, reflecting technical change and a shift from diesel to electric power. For the tests, the changes in emissions mirror the changes in train-kilometres;

For air: All emissions rise in all tests relative to the base year and there are some differences between tests reflecting the changes in the amount of passenger air travel. Hence emissions are closely correlated with the level of air travel (unlike the case for cars). Although there are technological improvements in aircraft technology the key effect appears to be a growth in shorter distance air travel between the base and forecast years; as relatively more fuel is used in the take-off, climb and climb-out phases of the flight compared with cruising, this has a disproportionate impact;

For water: All emissions rise for each test relative to the base year. The IMO limits on exhaust emissions for new engines are not expected to result in any large changes before 2010, because of the slow turnover of the fleet. Hence emissions are closely correlated with the level of waterborne freight

The main conclusions by emission type are:

For CO2: Tonnes of CO2 rise between 1994 and the 2010 ‘Reference Scenario’, but the ‘CTP Only’ and both TEN-T scenarios reduce CO2 compared to the reference;

For CO and HC: These emissions derive mainly from road vehicles. The 2010 ‘Reference Scenario’ emissions are lower than 1994, and the alternative tests show further reductions. The ‘Rail TEN-T CTP’ test shows the greatest reductions since the road TEN-T is not implemented;

For SO2: 2010 ‘Reference Scenario’ emissions are higher than 1994 and the alternative tests reduce these levels. Emissions of SO2 are considered only for the non-road modes;

For NOx and PM: The emission levels in 1994 were largely dominated by the road modes. There are substantial reductions in 2010 arising from the reductions in the road modes which more than compensate for increases in other modes. The percentage contribution from the road modes in 2010 is greatly reduced and there is a dramatic growth in emissions from waterborne travel.

4.5 Conclusions

The pilot SEA study broke new ground in the analysis of EU transport demand and emissions outputs. It formed a rigorous, highly demanding and large scale demonstration of the capabilities of the COMMUTE software tool and illustrated its interfacing with a complex transport model. The pilot SEA approach provided the first comprehensive, quantified forecasts of the impacts of TEN-T policies and infrastructure, on travel demand and emissions, at the EU level. Hence the first objective of the project was met. The results were sufficiently robust for the study team to conclude that the method would be suitable for a more detailed SEA of the TEN-T.

5) references

  • Harmonisation of multi-modal and multi-impact methodology for the environmental assessment of European Transport Policies – Results from EU DG VII COMMUTE Project – by E. Negrenti and M.P. Valentini ENEA ITALY – 19th ARRB Conference – Sydney – December 1998.

· The Assessment of environmental and safety impacts of the trasn European network (TEN-T) – by H.J.Heich, J. Jantunen, E. Negrenti - Highway and Urban Pollution – Baveno (I) May 1998.- published in the Science of the Total Environment 235 (1999) 391-393

  • Application of advanced transport impacts models on national and local scale: results from EC Commute, Esteem and Hesaid projects - Dr. Emanuele Negrenti – ENEA – Italy - Melbourne - 20th ARRB Conference - March 2001 – Conference Proceedings – ISBN 0 86910 799 2 – ISSN 0572 1431
  • COMMUTE (1997). A Review of User Requirements, Methods and Methodologies for Strategic Environmental Assessment. COMMUTE Deliverable 1.
  • COMMUTE (1998). Methodology Report. COMMUTE Deliverable 2.
  • COMMUTE (1999). Software Report. COMMUTE Deliverable 3.
  • COMMUTE (2000). Demonstration and Exploitation. COMMUTE Deliverable 5.

· DHV (1995). Transport Strategic Modelling. Final Report Prepared for the Commission of the European Communities Directorate General for Transport, APAS/Strategic/3.

  • EIA Centre – University of Manchester (1995). Strategic Environmental Assessment - Legislation and Procedures in the Community. Volume 1 and 2, Manchester.
  • EPA (1985). Compilation of air pollutant emission factors, Vol II Mobile Sources, USA.
  • MEET (1996). Methodologies for Estimating Air Pollutant Emissions from Transport, First Data Structure, Deliverable 2, DG VII, Edited by Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 1996.
  • MEET (1997a). Methodologies for Estimating Air Pollutant Emissions from Transport, Final Data Structure of Road Emission Factors, Deliverable 3, DG VII, Edited by University of Thessaloniki, INRETS, TNO, TSU, TRL, TU, MIRA and University of Limerick, January 1997.
  • MEET (1997b). Methodologies for Estimating Air Pollutant Emissions from Transport, Road Traffic Characteristics for Estimating Pollutant Emissions, Deliverable 4, DG VII, Edited by Transport Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, UK, January 1997.
  • MEET/Techne (1997c). Methodologies For Estimating Air Pollutant Emissions From Ships. June 1997.
  • MEET (1998). Methodologies for Estimating Air Pollutant Emissions from Transport, Emission Factors and Traffic Characteristics Data Set, Deliverable 21, Final Report, Edited by the Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, January 1998.


COMMUTE tool : interface with MapInfo GIS

Selection of a part of road network for calculation

Analysis of the results after calculation

The analysis will be displayed on the selected links

Example of thematic analysis of NOx emissions on selected links

Display of traffic data on MapInfo maps (STREAMS data, non urban links, 1995)

These maps are built with MapInfo tools, by crossing the road network map with the tables of vehicles*km stored in COMMUTE Access database. A map is done for each category of vehicles provided in STREAMS data. The analysed value is the number of vehicles, that is vkm/length.

Examples of thematic maps after calculation of emission, on all fifteen countries

These examples have been built with MapInfo tools by crossing a map of Europe countries with tables of CO2 emissions by country created in COMMUTE Access database.

Example of thematic map of CO2 emission, for air, rail and road modes

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Air Pollution action plan for City of Sheffield



Sheffield City Council

The city of Sheffield has spent a great deal of effort in producing an Action Plan and believes it is probably a case of good practice. They formed two Clean Air Partnerships, corresponding to the two Air Quality Management Areas and put together two websites, one for each. Although they are in process of revamping them they did win a national award last year.




They include a number of documents that the City has produced to support the issue.

The revised websites will be based on a much more interactive model, using a GIS map to help identify actions that are helping to improve air quality. They will advise us when more complete and revamped websites are available.

The City of Sheffield is leading a South Yorkshire media campaign that aims to raise AQ issues with a wider audience - Care4Air http://www.care4air.org/index.shtml - they are using a professional media company to manage this project

They are also pioneering work with local communities in measuring nitrogen dioxide in their locality, a scheme that is growing, See "Sheffield people check out air quality in their own backyards" on Care4Air web site

Have a look - lots of other things to tell you about - such as "Transport Brokerage" using social transport providers; Air Action Officer and transport Planner as new posts: a long list!

Contact details:

Nick Chaplin

Email: Nick.Chaplin@sheffield.gov.uk

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Traffic restrictions in Veneto Region Urban Areas




The National Decree 60/2002 implements two Air Quality Daughter Directives and fixes new limit values for atmospheric pollutants that should be met, depending to the chosen parameter, by 2005.

During 2002, PM10 air quality data supplied by ARPAV (Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment) on Mestre urban area have shown:

- 78 days exceeding 24h limit value plus the 2002 margin of tolerance for human health protection (65 mg/m3), to be compared with the maximum of 35 required by legislation;

- an average value of 46 mg/m3 in the urban area, exceeding both the value recorded the previous year and the 2002 margin of tolerance (44.8 mg/m3).

As for year 2003:

- between 01.01.2003 and 10.26.2003, there were 85 days when at least one of the three urban area PM10 monitoring stations recorded an exceedance of the 24h limit value plus the 2003 margin of tolerance for human health protection (60 mg/m3), to be compared with the maximum of 35 required by legislation.

In the designation of the regional territory zoning carried out by the Veneto Region following the D.Lgs. 351/99 (92/62/EC Framework Directive implementation), the City of Venice has been included, with reference to PM10, benzo(a)pyrene and NO2, in the “A zone”, that is the critical zone where it is necessary to implement Action Plans to reduce air pollution by these pollutants. This zoning is defined within the Regional Air Quality Plan.

Awaiting the final approval the Regional Air Quality Plan’s, which also settles the implementation and application competencies on air quality Action Plans and Programmes, the Municipal Administration has adopted the “Padua Charter”, an agreement protocol between the Councillors of the seven Veneto provincial capital cities (Belluno, Padova, Rovigo, Treviso, Venezia, Verona, Vicenza) to control PM10 daily exceedances.

The “Padua Charter” is a communal system of measures to restrict traffic. It enables coordination on a wider and more homogeneous area in the provincial capital cities in case of PM10 limit value exceedance. The aim is not only a lower number of circulating cars, but also to stimulate and convince the population to use public transportation.

The “Padua Charter” contents

The agreement protocol identifies a program relating to restrictions of private traffic in relation to:

- implementation days for the measures;

- traffic block hours;

- vehicles subjected to restrictive measures;

- means of transportation benefiting from exemptions to restrictions.

The program includes a block (ban) of non-catalytic vehicles in the Veneto cities on Thursday and Friday from 9 to 19h. This ban applies form November to March. Also diesel Euro I cars and commercial means of transportation are treated as non-catalytic.

From January, should the daily average of 55 μg/m3 be exceeded for 20 days (even if non-consecutive), the second measure is banning odd/even license plate catalytic vehicles, on Thursday and Friday from 9 to 19h.

In addition, a protection threshold has been defined: should the PM10 concentration be higher than 55 μg/m3 for 10 days consecutively, we have a total circulation block on the following Sunday.

Mayor of Venice Ordinance

In compliance with the “Padua Charter”, the Mayor of Venice has issued the following ordinance.

1. Preventive traffic block

In the period between November 2003 and March 2004 all Thursdays and Fridays from 09:00h to 19:00h the traffic circulation within the identified municipal area is forbidden, for the following internal combustion engine vehicles categories, whatever their use:

- diesel cars, registered before 01.01.1997 (non ecodiesel and Euro I);

- diesel motor vehicles (buses, people transportation vehicles, trucks, road caterpillars, specific transportation vehicles, special transportation vehicles, trailer trucks, vans, autocaravans, working machines), registered before 10.01.1997 (non-ecodiesel and Euro I);

- cars registered before 01.01.1997 (non-catalytic);

- two-stroke engine motor vehicles and motor-bicycles, registered before 01.01.2000 (non catalytic).

The block does not involve catalytic converter vehicles, even though registered before the dates mentioned, providing that the type of converter is inferable from the registration book or certified by proper record of the Road Traffic Authorities, in conformity with the specific European Legislation.

2. Odd/even license plates circulation

In the period between January 2004 and March 2004, following an exceedance of 20 days, also non-consecutive, of the 55 μg/m3 PM10 parameter limit value (recorded by the majority of the Veneto operating monitoring stations and certified by ARPAV – Regional Air Observatory), odd/even license plate traffic circulation all Thursdays and Fridays from 09:00 to 19:00 of catalytic vehicles, in the municipal area identified by the Administration, with the following modalities:

- if it is an even day only even license plates vehicles can circulate;

- if it is an odd day only odd license plates vehicles can circulate.

Exemption to the limitation are two-stroke engine motor vehicles and motor-bicyles, registered after 01.01.2000 (catalytic) and four-stroke motor vehicles.

During the same days and hours the previous article (point 1.) is still in order.

Putting the restriction in force is communicated by the Mayor by means of the usual media and, anyway, begins from the week following the reception of the ARPAV communication.

3. Total traffic block

In the period between January 2004 and March 2004, following an exceedance at municipal level for 9 consecutive days of 55 μg/m3 PM10, total traffic block of all internal combustion engine vehicles the following Sunday from 09:00 to 19:00 in the identified municipal area.

Putting the measure in force is communicated by the Mayor by means of the usual media, except if the block is revoked in the case of favourable ARPAV Regional Meteorological Center weather forecast.

There are exceptions, that is, a number of vehicles is not affected by these traffic circulation measures. Among these are the Blue Sticker vehicles, which are anyway subject to road circulation limitations as provided for by the Ordinance.

“Blue Sticker” Emissions Control System

To fight pollution, from 12.01.2003 the Blue Sticker prescription has been extended to the whole municipal territory, in order to certify the vehicle emissions control.

The Blue Sticker is applied to the car windscreen. It means that the car conforms to pollutant emission regulations and has successfully passed the special test that must be made at workshops and garages displaying the special poster. The test verifies if the car’s engine is always tuned correctly to ensure low fuel consumption and low pollution combustion.

This special emission control system applies to all the cars registered in the Province of Venice and/or belonging to people or bodies residing in or with head office in the Province of Venice with a carrying capacity of up to 35 quintals, running on petrol or diesel and registered for more than four years. Motorcycles and cars registered as "vintage cars" are excluded.

The Blue Sticker is essential to enable the car to enter some central areas of the city (Mestre and Marghera). It remains valid for one year (six months for vehicles registered before January 1st, 1988).

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Intensified Cleaning of Streets to Reduce PM-10 values



An improved street cleaning and a higher usage of water is one of the suggestions to cities been given by the German “Länderausschuss” for emission protection. This measure has a (very) high degree of efficiency and requests only limited staff and financial resources to be invested in case of an acute pollution with particular matters.

The instrument has been successfully used by the City of Vienna. At Leipzig, the possible realisation of this action is currently investigated as part of the process towards an Air Quality Management Plan in line with EU legislations.

The measure is qualified to reduce short-term existing or forecasted episodes of PM-10 exceedences. Those usually occur after long periods without rain, intense traffic, increased distance transports of fine particular matters, through the application of scatter in winter and through increased expulsion of dust through local construction activities.

This measure is carried out by an intensification of the frequency of the usual street cleaning cycles in the target areas and an increased application of water on the street pavement and the shoulder.

The efficiency of the instrument can be increased through

- the frequency and the thoroughness of the cleaning

- modern technology of the cleaning vehicles (in the optimum case, vehicles with clean fuels or at least dust filters).

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Measures to reduce NO2 in Birmingham, UK




A programme of air quality monitoring and modelling carried out in Birmingham over a number of years has indicated that the objective level for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) will be exceeded in parts of the City in 2005 when the objective level comes into effect. These parts of the City include one area adjacent to a motorway, two congested major roads, and the City Centre. This has led to the entire City being declared an Air Quality Management Area.

An air quality action plan has been developed to identify measures to reduce the levels of NO2. The first step in developing the action plan was to identify the contributions made by the various sources of NO2. This is shown in figure 1 below.

\s Figure 1 – Sources of NO2 in Birmingham

This then led to the development of an action plan based around seven themes;

Reducing vehicle emissions

This theme is involves reducing the amount of NO2 emitted by each vehicle using the roads in Birmingham. Actions under this theme include carrying out roadside checks on vehicle emissions from private vehicles. This checks that vehicles are being properly maintained and are not emitting more NO2 than they are legally permitted to emit.

Improving public transport to reduce traffic volumes

This is a very general theme. Clearly improvements to public transport are likely to increase the usage of Public Transport, and therefore reduce road traffic. The City has a programme of expansion and improvement of Public Transport. This programme includes extensions and improvements to bus routes, the expansion of a light rail system across the City and an increase in the capacity of heavy rail systems.

Improving the road network to reduce congestion

The areas of exceedence for NO2 in the City are typically located adjacent to heavily congested roads.

It is often the slow moving traffic stopping and starting that results in the elevated levels of NO2. In some cases improvements to the road network can improve air quality simply by keeping road traffic moving at a steady speed. The City has introduced ‘red routes’ which are roads on which no vehicle is permitted to stop in order to reduce congestion. In addition ‘active traffic management’ is being introduced on the City’s motorways. Active traffic management involves separate variable speed limits for each lane of a motorway. These limits are varied to ensure that the traffic moves steadily instead of stopping and starting.

Other improvements to the road network include the construction of a new Toll Road to relieve congestion on the motorway network, and the construction of a small bypass to relieve congestion on one of the main roads into the City.

Using Area Planning Measures to Reduce Traffic Volumes

Area planning measures are being used to reduce road traffic and therefore reduce levels of NO2. This is done mainly by encouraging residential developments in the City Centre, and by limiting the number of parking places available in the City Centre.

Reducing Air Pollution from Industry / Commerce and Residential areas

The source apportionment in Figure 1 shows that 26% of the NO2 is emitted from industry, commerce and residential areas. The municipal authority has a programme to support energy efficiency measures in domestic premises. This is part of a programme to reduce energy usage across the City. Other programmes exist to ensure that emissions of NO2 from industry are kept within the legal limits.

Changing levels of travel demand / promotion of alternative modes of transport

Measures have been introduced to reduce the level of demand for road transport, and therefore reduce levels of NO2. These include schemes to create safe routes for walking and cycling. In addition there is a programme to develop park and ride facilities with on new strategic park and ride site being opened every 2 years.

Impact of the Measures to Reduce NO2

Many of the measures to reduce levels of NO2 are general in nature, and will take a long time to have an effect. In addition there is forecast to be an increase in the level of demand for travel in the City in the coming years. Therefore the reductions in NO2 achieved by the action plan are likely to be offset by increased traffic. As a consequence, whilst the measures will reduce levels of NO2, the objective levels are unlikely to be achieved.

Additional measures such as the introduction of charges to take road vehicles into the City Centre may be needed to achieve the levels of traffic reduction needed to reach the objective level for NO2. However, these types of measures can only be introduced once the public transport infrastructure is able to deal with increased demand, the economic objections can be overcome and public support for such a scheme can be achieved.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  How to reduce Nox emissions



Taxes and charges are very good incentives in reducing emissions in general. Green purchasing of transport services and vehicles is another way to keep emissions low. Legislation enabling cities to introduce restrictions for heavy duty vehicles has helped reduce Nox emissions in the three largest Swedish cities by up to 8 % in the respective zones.

Replacing the 200 old diesel city buses by CNG buses in Malmo, Sweden, has reduced the Nox emission from the buses by 60 %.

One of the combined power and heating plants, Heleneholmsverket, in the district heating system in Malmo has a total power of 500 MW. It has gradually been converted from oil heating to natural gas heating. Before that the oil burners were converted to low-Nox burners which reduced Nox emissions by 30 %. Then the major part of the oil was replaced by natural gas which reduced Nox emissions by 30 %.

In the next step condensation of the fuel gases was introduced and this reduced the existing NOx emissions by another 30 % to a level about 40-50 mg/MJ

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Planning Measures to Improve Air Quality in Birmingham, UK




Planning measures are essential in the improvement of Air Quality. In the City of Birmingham air quality is a consideration in Transport Planning, Area Land Use Planning and in the evaluation of individual development sites.

Transport Planning

The Local Transport Plan (LTP) is the strategic planning document for the entire West Midlands Region. This includes the areas covered by seven municipal authorities; Birmingham, Coventry, Solihull, Sandwell, Walsall, Wolverhampton and Dudley. The plan sets out the transportation strategy for the region over a five year period. All modes of transport are covered in the LTP.

The LTP contains targets covering a whole range of transportation issues. The LTP for 2000 to 2005 contains a general target to Improve air quality by meeting national air quality objectives for seven pollutants as set out in the Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland’. However, for the next LTP for 2005 to 2010 Central Government have made Air Quality on of four key themes. This means that the next LTP will include specific projects to improve air quality, as well as more specific targets. This is important as the LTP is the mechanism through which municipal authorities bid for transportation funding from Central Government. Therefore air quality improvement work will now be able to gain funding from resources allocated to transportation.

The air quality specialists from all seven municipal authorities in the region are working together to develop the targets and projects to improve air quality that will be included in the next LTP.

The Unitary Development Plan

The Unitary Development Plan (UDP) is the strategic Land Use Plan for the City of Birmingham. This plan outlines the principles of development for the City up to 2011.

The UDP sets out a number of key strategies that will form the basis of land use planning strategy for the City. Several of these strategies have the improvement of air quality as one of their aims. These strategies include;

i) The redevelopment of the City Centre for residential use which will reduce the need for people to travel into the City for work. The UDP contains detailed policies to minimise the provision of car parking places for these new residential developments in order to encourage alternative modes of transport.

ii) The encouragement of ‘mixed use developments’. These developments encourage developments which feature both workplaces and residential uses within the same scheme. In some cases these feature ‘live work units’ which provide small work units with residential accommodation built in. This strategy is aimed at reducing the need to travel to work.

iii) Support for renewable energy and combined heat and power. This encourages the use of cleaner energy sources.

Individual planning applications

Air Quality is taken into consideration in the assessment of the suitability of individual applications for development. This means that air quality specialists are consulted on all proposed developments. Where a proposed development is likely to result in a significant increase in road traffic air quality modelling is carried out to examine the impact of the development. In cases where the additional traffic is likely to lead to the air quality objective levels being exceeded recommendations are made by the air quality specialists that the development be refused.

In addition proposed residential developments are examined to see whether they are located in areas where air quality standards are acceptable. Where residential developments proposed in locations where the air quality objectives are exceeded the air quality specialists recommend that the development be refused.

Last Updated


25th January 2005





Title of Example

  Traffic, infrastructure, land use and buildings Planning Activities




Since 1982 the Environmental Section in Utrecht is a part of the Town development Division. The main policy was to give priority to prevention of environmental problems. So all policy plans and projects should be judged on environmental effects.

Procedures and tools

In 1986 in the Netherlands legislation on air quality, based on European

Directives, became operative. Yearly municipalities had to report about exceedances of the (temporary raised) limit values and measures to solve and prevent exceedances. In practice for projects this meant there had to be an advise on air quality based on calculations for every street with 4.500 or more vehicles per 24 hours in or concerning the project area.

The national government provided the municipalities with a calculation model: the CAR-model (Calculation of air pollution from road traffic). This model is a simple version of the calculation model from TNO. The RIVM supplies the cities with emissions and background concentrations.

Land use plans

In land use plans usually keeping enough distance between traffic and residential areas is the most logic measure. Sometimes a screen can shorten this distance (eg Voordorp along the A27 motorway). It is also possible to make buildings with a completely closed front (eg University College along the Waterlinieweg).

Building plans

In the case of building plans the air quality adviser firstly compares the new situation with the other road sections. Does this building plan have a more unfavourable influence on air circulation than the buildings at the other road sections? And is this building plan an undesirable limitation of the road capacity?

If it is, the building plan has to be changed: no high continuous front close to the road (eg offices along the Graadt van Roggenweg).

Traffic and infrastructure projects

Traffic and infrastructure projects are in most cases related to land use plans. New offices and houses have to be attainable. And there is also an autonomous growth of traffic.

The policy is making low traffic zones by concentrating traffic on wide roads. In 1986 this was the policy for traffic and the abatement of noise. If you only focus on the limit values for air quality diverting traffic to all roads would be the best solution. But regarding the exposure of the inhabitants and the large individual differences in sensitivity, it is better to have many streets with a relative good air quality and a few streets with maximum allowable air pollution. Now 80% of the inhabitants of Utrecht live in low traffic zones.

If a small street is a connection between wide streets there are several solutions:

  • stimulating the use of an alternative route (eg no through traffic in the Voorstraat/ Wittevrouwenstraat),
  • no standing traffic in the small street (eg temporary situation with many buses in the Voorstraat/ Wittevrouwenstraat),
  • less heavy traffic and buses (buses from a single to a bus-lane),
  • widening the road profile,
  • cutting down trees,
  • demolishing buildings (eg two houses at the Martin Luther Kinglaan),
  • changing the use of buildings.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Traffic policy plans



Various traffic policies are currently ratified: the memorandum on transport of goods (‘Goederenvervoer’), the memorandum on traffic control (‘Verkeersregeling’), the memorandum on bicycling (‘Fietsnota’) and the memorandum on parking (‘Parkeernota’). The municipality is working on the Municipal Traffic and Transport Plan (GVVP/ including public transport and road categorization).

Below you will find a brief description of these policy plans.

The Municipal Traffic and Transport Plan (GVVP) provides an overview of the total traffic and transport policy for the municipality of Utrecht, targeting the long term: 2010-2020. The GVVP is an umbrella document, providing the context for the other more specific policy memorandums. It is expected that the final GVVP will be in place by the end of 2004.

The municipality’s aim with the GVVP is:

- To reduce the problems expected after 2010 with respect to traffic and transport;

- To lay the groundwork for spatial-economic developments in 2010-2020 (and beyond, to 2030) in such a way that the existing traffic and transport system can remain functioning without the construction of much new infrastructure;

- To realize in actual practice the resulting ambitions with respect to traffic and transport (after 2010).

The GVVP deals with the themes accessibility, quality of life and safety, with an emphasis on the points of tension between them. These tensions are obvious: on the one hand, Utrecht wishes to be a vital city that is attractive to live and work in, even after 2010; on the other hand, the goals set for both accessibility and quality of life appear to be out of reach. Choices will have to be made and goals formulated for each separate artery, based on a consideration between quality of life and accessibility.

An additional aim of the GVVP is a qualitatively high-grade network of public transport and bicycling.

The GVVP provides the framework for public transport policy, in the short, the medium and the long term. It describes the necessity of a well functioning public transport system in order to cope with the accessibility problems of especially the city centre and other major districts. In addition, public transport also fulfils a major social function by providing minimum accessibility to and from all the different parts of the city. Public transport must fulfil both functions. This implies the existence of a) public transport with higher speeds, more direct connections and longer distances between stops (public transport that connects), and b) public transport that stops in the close vicinity of destinations and departure points (public transport that opens up) or door-to-door transport (regional cabs/Regiotaxi).

The legal outline for the organization of public transport is the 2000 Passenger Transport Act (Wet Personenvervoer 2000). This act is based on the concepts of decentralization, industrialization and free market forces at work in public transport. The Utrecht Region Board (BRU), the authority on public transport, is responsible for funding regional public transport (intracity and county buses, Express Trams and Utrecht Regional Cabs). The BRU grants concessions – increasingly on public contract – and with these concessions, transport companies may offer public transport in a certain district for a given period of time. In this procedure, the GVU is privatised by the municipality. Therefore, the GVU is no longer a municipal department, but an independent organization that, by contract, is commissioned to offer public transport in the city.

Road categorization in this memorandum is based on the national policy for safe traffic. Sustainably Safe (Duurzaam Veilig) is based on three basic principles for the road system: 1) functionality, 2) homogeneity, and 3) predictability. Application of these principles will lead, among other things, to road categorization: a classification of the roads within the system into a limited number of categories. In this way, we want to merge traffic streams so as to reach a better utilization of the existing road system.

The Memorandum on Bicycling outlines the importance of bicycles in the light of the developments taking place in the municipality of Utrecht, and formulate two goals: 1) provide direction for the bicycle policy for the next decade, and 2) link Utrecht with the bicycling networks in Leidsche Rijn and Vleuten - De Meern.

On the basis of municipal developments, such as the development of Leidsche Rijn, a description has also been made of the bicycle network desired in 2015. The presupposition here is that the position of bicycles is fully equal to that of other modes of transport. To this end, it is necessary to realize a high-quality bicycle network that connects all parts of the city with each other and links up with the regional network. The network desired for 2015 is a rough sketch; it will have to be worked out in a later phase.

Adequate bicycle parking facilities are also needed. They prevent vandalism and theft, stimulate bicycle use, and contribute to ordering public space. A complete network of parking facilities is therefore desirable, at both arrival and departure points.

Such a network of bike parking facilities can include:

- Public unattended facilities: bicycle racks

- Closed unattended facilities: so-called ‘bike boxes’ (compact, lockable booths or boxes large enough for several bikes, which can be placed on a pavement or in a parking lot), neighbourhood parking facilities

- Public attended facilities: e.g. near train stations

- Closed attended facilities: e.g. near companies and schools.

The Memorandum on Parking focuses for the period up to 2005 to 2007 on intensifying directive parking policy so as to influence the demand for parking space. Currently, studies are being made of possible alternative parking license systems.

The goal of the parking policy is to help create a vital city that combines quality of life and accessibility. This is expressed in an area-oriented approach that controls the total number of parking places according to specific local circumstances / local parking capacity and discourages seeker traffic.

Three tools will be used to reach this goal:

- Controlling the number of parking places

- Relocating parking places

- Adapting price and quality.

The maximum number of parking places will be determined by way of parking standards (steering policy). The current parking standards are coupled to the prevailing location policy (A, B, and C locations for companies).

In order to further reduce street parking in the old city centre, parking garages will be built on the eastern side of the city centre. To this end, the Parking Company for the Municipality of Utrecht (Parkeerbedrijf Gemeente Utrecht, PGU) has been commissioned to realize about 64 million euros (NLG 70 million) up to 2015.

As space gets scarcer, parking rates will rise. In Utrecht, rates will be based on the so-called ‘shell’. The rates will be highest in the city centre, and slightly lower in the first and second shells around the centre. For persons concerned / licensees in the city centre, cost-price rates will apply. However, this is not the case in the shell, where an increase in rates is desired. In addition to the rate shells, a study has started in a selected area within Utrecht so that the municipality will be able to anticipate future parking problems. Within this area, parking will be monitored annually and on the basis of the results paid parking proposals will be prioritised.

The Memorandum on Transport of Goods in Utrecht (established in 2002) describes the necessity of focusing on the problems related to transportation of goods. It is expected that between now and 2020 the volume of goods transported in Utrecht will have more than doubled. This will have significant consequences for accessibility and environmental impact. However, transport of goods is of great importance for the city’s economy. Therefore, it is important to regulate flows of goods as well as possible, while always balancing quality of life and accessibility. The policy for transport of goods will be worked out along two lines. In the city centre, acute problems exist: a) limited possibilities for transport of goods, and b) traffic and general hindrance because of transport of goods. These problems require short-term measures. To that end, the Supply Plan Utrecht City Centre (Bevoorradingsplan Binnenstad Utrecht) has been drafted.
The extra value of a long-term approach lies in the possibilities for knowledge development concerning the organizational aspects of goods transport, consideration of other parts of the city and developments in the region, and study of more sustainable systems for the transport of goods. A plan of approach will be drafted for long-term policy development. This will ultimately lead to a policy memorandum on the transport of goods in Utrecht.

The memorandum on The Philosophy of Traffic Control of the Municipality of Utrecht describes the municipality’s views on traffic control. Based on road categorization (Sustainably Safe), descriptions are made as to crossing infrastructures, potential solutions for intersections, and potential use of traffic control installations. Also, a set of criteria is described for the placement of traffic lights, while preconditions for the design are outlined once it has been decided that a control installation will be placed. The memorandum was passed on the administrative level in December 2001.

The priority for road-users on intersections controlled by traffic lights and crossings is as follows:

1. Tram

2. Connecting public transport (urban and regional)

3. Motorized traffic on A roads designed to open up specific areas

4. Cyclists on main cycle routes

5. Public transport designed to open up specific areas

6. Motorized traffic on B roads designed to open up specific areas

7. Other cyclists and pedestrians

8. Motorized traffic on C roads designed to open up specific areas

9. Traffic on private roads

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Urban General Traffic plan for the City of Venice




With the Town Council deliberation n. 92 dated 05.22,2002, the City of Venice has approved the General Urban Traffic Plan (G.U.T.P.) for mainland Venice (districts of Mestre and Marghera), drafted according to the new Code of Traffic Circulation (CTC, legislative decree n. 285/1992) and following Directives for drafting, adoption and implementation of the Urban Traffic Plans dated 06.24.1995.

The process of approval began with the Municipal Council deliberation n. 1975 dated 12.16.1999 with the subject “Adoption of the General Urban Traffic Plan of Mestre e Marghera”. The P.G.T.U. was later issued according to legislation, leading to the presentation of 55 remarks presented by single or groups of citizens, associations and organized subjects. From the evaluation of such observations, and on account of those made by the Quarters, the Municipality of Marghera and by the 4th Town Council Commission, the final outline of the recommended decisions for the short-term urban traffic management has been derived.

What is G.U.T.P.?

The G.U.T.P. represents the first level of urban management planning. It aims at (see the new CTC, art. 36, comma 4): “improving traffic circulation and road safety, lowering acoustic and atmospheric pollution, energy saving”. These objectives must be “in accordance with urban land use and transport plans and take into account environmental priorities and their times of implementation”.

The national Directives later clarified the meaning of G.U.T.P.: it is a group of coordinated actions aiming at optimising the management of urban traffic without carrying out the development of large infrastructure.

This makes G.U.T.P. a tool that can be implemented in a very short time period (nearly 2 years), in guiding the policies on this important urban issue.


In general, G.U.T.P. implementation is characterized by low cost interventions. It is focussed on the mitigation of critical aspects of road traffic circulation and on the optimisation of existing infrastructure.

To reach this objective, G.U.T.P. can include the revision of intersection design, the renewal of road regulations, the identification of pedestrian areas, low traffic zones, cycling routes and preferential lanes for public transport, the optimisation of car parks and the introduction of fares.

The national Directives emphasize how critical aspects can be removed only through adequate infrastructure and public service empowering, both of which should be envisaged in the Transport and Mobility Plan (T.M.P.). This latter Plan has a longer time of implementation (10 years) than the G.U.T.P. and it deals with infrastructure and services that can require costly investments.

The G.U.T.P. only addresses the issues regarding Venice’s mainland road traffic, leaving the solution of mobility problems between the historical centre and the mainland, the issues on future motorways and critical aspects of goods transport to higher level plans.


The contents of G.U.T.P. for the City of Venice are:

- analysis of urban transport problems;

- identification of the plan’s objectives;

- strategies of action;

- description of interventions;

- priorities and consequent actions.

Analysis of urban transport problems

It covers the different components and modalities of transport and includes the examination of road traffic impacts on the environment.

The most meaningful elements are:

- commuting journeys for residents are characterized by a prevalence of journeys in the historical centre and in the mainland (like having two segregated “cities”). The two agglomerations are independent, not only for working journeys but also for occasional journeys;

- people living in mainland Venice (Mestre and Marghera) make great use of the bicycle, walking and cars (for work-related uses), while there is a limited use of public transport (this is not true for the historical centre);

- each day 108,000 vehicles enter the urban area of mainland Venice through radial arterial roads. 42% of them only cross the city without stopping. 90% enters the urban area via the motorways, while 4 urban and extra-urban big roads (“Miranese”, “Castellana”, “Terraglio” and “Riviera del Brenta”) collect 52% of traffic flow entering the city;

- the mean speed of public buses decreases from the outskirts to the city centre; one of the most important arterial roads (“Miranese”) presents the lowest speed in the city centre;

- the number of accidents is high and it has been increasing in recent years. The highest number of accidents occurs on the Circular Road of Mestre (10% of the total), followed by the main arterial roads that give access to the city centre: “Miranese”, “F.lli Bandiera”, “Martiri della Libertà”, “Orlanda”, “Castellana”, “Terraglio”, “S. Donà”, “Trieste” and the “S.S. 11”;

- air quality analysis points out high levels of air pollution, caused by pollutant emissions from road traffic. This is true for noise pollution too.

The definition of the Plan objectives

As a rule, the General Urban Traffic Plan of Mestre and Marghera takes on board the objectives decided by the legislation in force regarding the G.U.T.P.:

- the improvement of road safety (road accidents reduction);

- the improvement of road circulation (running and parking conditions);

- the reduction of noise and atmospheric pollution;

- environmental protection issues;

- energy saving;

- the synergy with land use planning instruments and transportation Plans in force.

The Plan takes on board the general objectives and relates them to the specific mobility conditions today present in the mainland, which is characterized by very different levels of critical situations.

All the actions planned in the G.U.T.P. will induce a share of present drivers to use public transportation, with particular reference to commuters. control of parking in relation to the duration of the stop can influence this kind of transport user. Commuters journeys are those most easily transferred to public transport, also through modal exchange operations; because of their regularity, they can take advantage of preferential rates for public transport and for the incidence of the journey’s length versus the staying time at the destination.

The chosen strategies

To reach the objectives of the Plan some precise action strategies have been identified, and characterized in relation to the particularity of the territory and the characteristic of the road network and existing transportation systems. The strategies adopted in the Plan follow

A. Strategies on road safety

The action strategy envisages immediate intervention to find a solution to the most serious situations, with the new planning of crossroads and protection measures for pedestrians and bicycle mobility. Other medium-term actions foresee the development of technological systems of supervision and control, to bring about traffic calming and the identification of serious violations. Further long-term actions are the monitoring of accidents rates and those relative to road education in order to encourage correct behaviours.

A.1 moderation action (new physical design);

A.2 development of supervision and regulation systems;

A.3 traffic control reinforcement;

A.4 accident monitoring and junction analysis;

A.5 education;

A.6 users information.

B. Strategies for the improvement of circulation conditions

The improvement of circulation conditions can be pursued by means of direct actions on the road network and traffic control, so as to facilitate an orderly traffic flow and homogeneous speed (even if the envisaged Plan only permits light actions of rearrangement of the present infrastructure).

Another method is the decrease of traffic volume, that lead to a different supply/demand relationship and a consequent decrease of congestion levels; this method can be pursued by means of the same strategies of modal rebalancing envisaged in subsection C.

B.1 calming of traffic flow;

B.2 elimination of non-regulated parking;

B.3 improvement/maintenance of the multi-modal accessibility levels.

C. Strategies for the control of environmental impacts

Apart from safety, the other major problem caused by traffic is air pollution, even though there are also other contributory causes like, in primis, the economic and industrial activities.

In general the strategy envisages two intervention areas: the control and reduction of unitary pollution levels (i.e. the single vehicle*km emissions) and the monitoring and reduction of the overall generating amount (i.e. the total of vehicles*km in the considered area).

C.1 control/regulation of vehicular flows;

C.2 control/improvement of car parks;

C.3 improvement of the service level of public transportation and modal re-balance;

C.4 protection/priority to bicycle mobility;

C.5 protection/priority to pedestrian mobility.

D. Strategies for environmental protection

The strategies regarding environmental protection duplicate the intervention techniques envisaged for the control of environmental impacts and are therefore based on controlling the circulation conditions and the reduction of vehicular traffic obtained through re-balancing actions.

These intervention techniques have to be focused on the most environmentally vulnerable areas and sites to make sure that traffic volume and its composition and flow does not cause damages to human activities carried out in public areas and in buildings adjacent to the examined roads.

D.1 control/moderation of circulation in the city centre and in the most valuable historical/natural areas;

D.2 control of heavy duty vehicles circulation;

D.3 control/regulation of parking;

D.4 control/moderation of circulation in residential areas.

E. Strategies on energy saving

As for the control of environmental impacts, also the strategies for energy consumption consist in the control and reduction of unitary consumption and in the monitoring and reduction of overall vehicles*km.

The planned actions principally regard circulation control and modal rebalance in favour of public transportation and non motor-driven modality; the strategies therefore reproduce, with small settlements, those pointed out at subsection C on the control of environmental impacts.

E.1=C.1 control/regulation of vehicular flows;

E.2=C.2 control/improvement of car park;

E.3=C.3 improvement of public transportation service levels and modal rebalance;

E.4=C.4 protection/priority to bicycle mobility;

E.5=C.5 protection/priority to pedestrian mobility.

F. Strategies to coordinate actions with the implementation of large projects

The General Urban Traffic Plan envisages the implementation of actions on networks and services, so that the circulation conditions can improve and the accessibility levels to the given infrastructures can grow wider (i.e. without planning complex actions of completion and improvement of the network). The Plan has to confine itself to coordinate its short-term policies, with the implementation of large development projects, and supply information on the modality of communication with other Authorities and planning teams in order to harmonize the large projects with the Plan’s policies.

F.1 proposal of the urban mobility priority;

F.2 project suggestions to widen the benefits;

F.3 management of the actual situation

G. Action description

The Plan foresees a wide series of actions regarding both light infra-structural elements (i.e. re-design of crossroads or roads’ sections) or regulation elements (coordinated traffic lights systems).

Some actions regard the central and most urbanized area of Mestre; others, instead, the suburban areas, the hamlets and the road system outside the city.

Among the major actions are:

- planning and implementation of actions to make some dangerous crossroads and road sections safer. There are both speed control elements and physical elements of flow “moderation”. An example is the re-design of the sidewalks’ profile near a crossroad and the chromatic painting of the pavement;

- re-organization of the central roads system including the widening of the pedestrian area (including the streets “Poerio” and “Rosa” on one side, and “S. Pio X”, “San Rocco” and a section of “Einaudi” on the other), the revision of the circulation scheme (with a penalty for crossing flows) and the introduction of new sectors of preferential lanes for public transportation;

- operation of upstream selection of commuters journeys by means of a system of semi-central and suburban exchange parking with management that incentives to long-term stops is foreseen. In the central area the regulation of stops is more selective, with the widening of parking on payment, differentiated for residents, operators and occasional users;

- development of the cycle network and particularly the resolution of the most dangerous junctions for cycle transit;

- implementation of a combined series of actions for the protection of residential areas, so as to improve the quality of life, decrease the negative impacts of the motor-driven traffic and the incorrect cross- flows.

- implementation of traffic supervision and regulation programme, based on automatic surveying technologies of flows and transits, on the control and coordination of traffic lights and on the information instruments to the user (variable message signals). This system will allow better regulation and calming of flowing traffic and also an effective management of environmental and traffic emergencies.

Priorities and implementation modalities

The effective implementation of G.U.T.P. requires a precise sequence of actions. Many specific actions regarding the road system and circulation need a number of planned and favourable conditions, both in order to start them and for them to be effective once completed. That is in order to clear up a priori all the involved components in the project implementation and consequently start up strict action planning. In the spirit of traffic plan legislation, the implementation of the G.U.T.P. cannot address all the necessities of reorganization and improvement of city’s road spaces. This is true in the first place for areas not directly interested by G.U.T.P.’s actions, but also for the centre of Mestre and Carpenedo-Bissuola ambits, that require in any case the completion of the local schemes of circulation, the controlled traffic zones (so called 30 km/h zones) and/or regulation stop zones, further cycle junction roads and pedestrianised areas with successive detailed planning actions.

Urban Traffic Plan: full text document in Italian language

Urban Traffic Plan: maps in Italian language

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  London Borough of Camden - Mobility management



Mobility management in Camden has been driven by the Council’s Green Transport Strategy Taking Steps for a People Friendly Camden, adopted in November 1997. It was extended by the Council in March 2001 and now covers the period from 2001 to 2005. Three initiatives of the Green Transport Strategy were monitored by the MOST project – Camden Direct, Camden Green Travel Network and Camden Clear Zones.

The objective of Camden Direct is to promote public transport services, as well as to reduce the need to travel. Target groups are local people, council staff, tourists and other visitors. The objective of the Camden Green Travel Network is to reduce the impact of motor vehicles and related pollution through the development of a mobility management network and encourage local employers to develop green travel plans. The objective of Camden Clear Zones is to develop traffic free areas and low emission zones. Target groups are local residents, local employers and visitors to the area.

Camden Direct takes the form of a mobility centre; the Camden Green Travel Network and Camden Clear Zones involve the development and promotion of mobility plans. Focused and diverse communication strategies are used for each target group. For example, the council staff targeted by Camden Direct are informed of the service by e-mail ‘messages of the day’, emails, and payslip messages, while the public is informed by signage, posters, press articles, Transport for London’s website (www.tfl.gov.uk), postcards as well as personal contact at the Mobility Centre. Camden Council’s internet site www.camden.gov.uk/green/ is the main channel for the delivery of the Camden Green Travel Network.

The objectives of the mobility management services have been met with a high degree of success. The usage of the Camden Direct mobility centre has risen since its inception in March 2000, with over 6000 ticket sales during its first 12 months of operation and this increased to approximately 7000 public transport ticket sales in the second year of operation. The Camden Green Travel Network has 24 members covering 35 separate addresses and the initiative was relaunched at the end of 2002 with a new website and additional staffing to further increase its effectiveness. Mobility plans at 18 of these addressed will be enforceable via planning agreements made under local regulations, while the other 17 plans are being developed voluntarily. The Network enables members to share experiences and ideas to assist in the development and implementation of their mobility plans. The Camden Clear Zones project has several initiatives, e.g. traffic calming measures have been implemented on an area by area basis, participation in the Car Free Day enabled measurements on noise, air quality and traffic volumes to be made, which were used to support longer-term proposals for traffic management measures.

Camden’s experiences shows that mobility management initiatives are most likely to be effective when they are integrated as part of wider green transport strategies, and are most effective when implemented in partnership with other stakeholders. In addition, Camden has found that new mobility management initiatives can take some time to develop; hence the role of the mobility coordinator is important to enable such initiatives to progress, while collaborating with internal and external partners. Dedicated staff resources are also required to maintain the momentum and progress of these mobility management initiatives.

Source: http://mo.st

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Mobility Management in Rotterdam




The City of Rotterdam welcomes many festivals and events and offers support in terms of organisation. Temporary events attract visitors and therewith, extra travellers. Additionally, events themselves tend to influence the accessibility of the city. In order to avoid a negative effect on the daily mobility and the attractiveness of the city, there is a need to make travelling as easy as possible. For this purpose, mobility management is used. The Rotterdam Marathon and the World Port Days are examples of annual events that attract thousands of people. During recent years, scenarios have been worked out to help manage these large visitor flows and the problems they create for the accessibility and the mobility situation.

The objective for the MOST project within Rotterdam was to promote the use of sustainable transport among the visitors that were expected for the Rotterdam Cultural Capital of Europe 2001. It became clear rather quickly, that the CC programme should not be seen as one event, but in reality consisted of many events, spread in time. None of the scheduled events therefore called for radical MM measures. However, the city still wanted to promote the use of sustainable transport modes by raising their attractiveness. Sustainable transport was promoted through the following measures:

· Special event tickets offered by the local PT provider, combined entrance fees with PT ticket.

· Special arrangements including an overnight -stay at a hotel, entrance fees to several events or places of interest of the CC 2001 and a reduced ticket for PT in Rotterdam.

· The route of the historical circle tram was adjusted to encompass most of the important CC event locations.

· An information centre, the Calypso, was the CC headquarters, which main task was to provide programme and event information. Additionally, visitors could get (personalised) information on PT, tickets, and travel information for special events (sometimes even available as flyers). The Calypso was a temporary institution.

· Close cooperation between PT provider and the event organisation committee

Additional services were also implemented for the European Championship: extra manpower, special time schedules, special types of transport (shuttles, group taxis), special ticketing, dynamic route guidance, dedicated routes for PT and taxis, detour routes for normal transport, clear and safe walking routes including good signage, special embarking facilities, real time information via the web site, info brochures for the public and own staff, 200 city ambassadors at strategic locations like stations or airport and infotainment centres.

Based on the data that were collected, Rotterdam CC 2001 was a success. The 524 projects attracted more than 2.25 million people. An estimated 50.000 people visited the Calypso, 47 % of these from the larger Rotterdam area, 29 % foreigners and 24 % from the NL. Foreign tourists, however, made much more use of the regular tourism centre to obtain most information. Periodical surveys showed that most visitors of the Calypso highly appreciated this service. Public transport was the most popular: about 40% of the (Dutch and foreign) tourists to the cultural capital came by train, tram/bus/metro or taxi, 32 % used the car. Another 10% used motorcycles or scooters.

Prerequisites for success are:

· Ticket integration: Combined tickets are well-accepted, especially when they are acquired automatically with the entrance fee to an event or other attraction.

· accessibility restriction combined with good alternatives (PT access, shuttle services)

· good PT and good parking facilities where it does not effect the accessibility of the city, i.e. on the outskirts or outer rings of the city and shuttle services to and from the event site.

· the cooperative co-ordination group, consisting of major players who take full responsibilities for allocated tasks. Thereby, transportation problems are never addressed only when they appear (when it is already too late) but they are solved through forward planning by regarding the specific nature of an event, its objectives, attractions and visitors.

Source: http://mo.st

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Mobility Management in Lund



In 1997 a strategy for a sustainable transport system called LundaMaTs was adopted in the Swedish city of Lund. In 1998, the mobility centre in Lund was established as part of LundaMaTs. The mobility centre was among the first four selected projects to start and had to trigger and assist the development towards more sustainable transport, through mobility consulting, information services and awareness raising about environmental and health implications of traffic. The mobility centre provides mobility consulting directed to inhabitants and employees in the region of Lund. The aim is to achieve a better use of the existing infrastructure through mobility management. The activities should contribute to a higher use of alternatives to the car and thus to a modal shift. Also a more responsible use of the car through car-sharing and ecologically friendly cars is incorporated in the objectives. Since January 2000, the mobility centre has on average employed 4 employees, working on five main projects:

1. Mobility management in the city: awareness raising campaign on green travel policies among decision makers, multipliers and employees, education in eco driving, pilot on teleworking

2. Mobility management in companies in Lund: awareness and consulting campaign in companies with tailormade brochures including information on travel time, travel cost, emissions and energy consumption

3. Pilot project in Soedra Sandby: village near Lund where it was tested whether travel behaviour can be changed only by combining several mobility management activities

4. Eco cars and carsharing: information campaign to increase sales of more environmentally friendly cars, brochures about carsharing

5. Local production and local services: contests in the context of leisure activities

Results show that inhabitants are quite aware of most of the projects and activities. In general, 90 % of the population considers the LundaMats investment as (very) good. Almost 10 % of the population states that LundaMats has influenced their travel towards more sustainable modes.

The close co-operation between the mobility centre and the comprehensive LundaMaTs scheme with its combination of physical measures and mobility management is probably the most important reason for success. Behavioural influence entails hard work, especially as in the beginning it can be difficult to achieve measurable effects. The City of Lund is obviously on the right track since effects have already been recorded after a relatively short period. There are good reasons to expect even larger effects, assuming that the investments in LundaMaTs will continue. One can also see synergy effects when several measures are being conducted at the same time.

Sometimes it was rather difficult to convince partners, i.e. the public transport operators, companies etc. of the idea of mobility management. The search for a win-win situation has been of great importance, but is not always easy to prove in the beginning. The mobility centre will continue to work on mobility management even after the MOST project, focusing on encouragement of sustainable mobility behaviour, more sustainable urban and land use planning and the support of the use of Eco-cars. The Lund project has profited from a favourable situation, as there is strong local co-operation, enough resources are available with national support, there is a consensus-building policy style and a strong focus on participation of the target groups.

Source: http://mo.st

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Mobility Management in the City of Malmö



In the spring of 2001 the City of Malmö initiated its work with Mobility Management. The overall objective of the effort is to change attitudes and behaviour, primarily by spreading information about sustainable transportation. In the long run it all comes down to creating an environmentally adapted transport system within the city.

During the first year and a half the efforts were directed towards one specific area of the city, the Western Harbour, where a Mobility Centre was located. The centre provided the people living in the area as well as the companies situated here with information and guidance on sustainable transportation. From the beginning the efforts in the Western Harbour were synchronised in time with an international exhibition on sustainable housing and living environment (Bo01).

Bicycling Campaign towards the Public

In may 2002 the centre carried out a campaign with the aim of bringing about a modal shift, from the use of personal cars towards more bicycling among the residents. A total of 200 residents were contacted by mail, and got detailed information about the campaign.

25 registered for the campaign, mostly people who already use their bicycle frequently. A meeting was carried out and they got further information about the campaign and what was expected from them. An agreement was made with them saying that during six months they had to use their bicycles instead of their cars as much as possible. They also got a travel diary to document their travel behaviour. As a trigger and reward they got equipment to use when the campaign started. A raincoat, lights for the bicycle, helmet and a computer for the bicycle. During the meeting they also had to complete a questionnaire concerning their travel behaviour.

After three months the participants in the campaign were contacted by phone in order to give feedback. The questions were about their experiences using the bicycle as means of transportation. What advantages and disadvantage had they experienced?

After six months the campaign came to an end. Further meetings were carried out with the participants. Here they could express their opinion and give further feedback about the campaign. They also had to complete the same questionnaire as they did at the first meeting, to document their travel behaviour once more. After this the two questionnaires were matched.

The result of the campaign were quite convincing. 18 of the participants had a sharp increase in use of their bicycle for shorter distances. They also thought that this behaviour would continue in the same extent after the campaign.

In November 2003 a new campaign about travel behaviour was carried out in the Western Harbour. At the same time the campaign from 2002 will be followed up a second time with a personal phone call to the 25 participants. Are they still using their bicycles in the same extent as in October 2002?

Starting in the fall of 2002 Mobility Management in the City of Malmö became just that; the scope of the efforts were widened, now spanning over the whole city. Today four officials, situated in the City Hall in the city centre, are occupied full time with the issues at hand, working towards three main target groups: the public, the companies and the municipal organisation itself. The latter is actually the largest employer in the city, with over 20 000 employees divided between 21 departments.

Travel Behaviour in the Municipal Organisation

In May 2003 a pilot project focusing on one specific department of the municipality, with 180 employees, was launched. Starting out with a weekly publication of the “Environmental Commuter of the Week” on the Intranet of the department the campaign got a flying start with a lot of attention from the employees. The criteria for becoming “the chosen one” was of course that they went by bicycle, bus, train or foot to and from work on a regular basis.

The first day 25 employees registered their interest to become the “Environmental Commuter of the Week” on the Intranet. Today a total of 41 employees are registered and 30 of them have been interviewed for the project. An article based on the interviews is weekly published on the Intranet. In the article the “Environmental Commuter of the Week” describes how he or she commuted in a specific way. What is the main reason and what are the main benefits? As a reward they get a T-shirt with the logo for Sustainable transportation in Malmö printed on the chest. They are all photographed in the T-shirt and the pictures are later used in the articles on the Intranet. The main reason for giving out the T-shirt is to make the campaign visible and present. The reaction from the participants is positive, it is a great thing to be associated with an act that saves the environment.

Following this “interest-trigger” on the Intranet the campaign included individual counselling and the handing out of individual travel plans specifying all possible alternatives for sustainable commuting for every employee. During the personal counselling the employees travel behaviour was discussed as well as the time factor, costs and negative environmental impacts. During the counselling, timetables for the public transportation and a brochure about travel behaviour and environmental impact was available. During this meeting all employees also got information about the next step in the campaign, an eight-week competition between the divisions within the department. The “best” division, based on the number of people that commute environmentally friendly, won a party with free food, drinks and entertainment. A great trigger that motivated a lot of the employees to be active in the competition.

The employees that already had environmentally friendly travel behaviour got a cup for encouragement, with the same logo as the T-shirt. Those that were willing to change their non-friendly travel behaviour during at least tree weeks of the competition were rewarded with a backpack and an umbrella.

Information about the competition was published on the Intranet. During the eight weeks the employees had to report every day by signing a list that they travelled environmental friendly. The status in the competition was published several times during the competition on the Intranet to remind the employees and keep them to be active.

Just recently a winner was announced and the party is near by. A questionnaire has been sent out to all employees at the department which will give information about the campaign’s impact on the employees travel behaviour and feedback on the campaign. Information to be used in the future development of the project.

It is still to early to come to any real conclusions about the campaign. One thing is very obvious though, travel behaviour and environmentally friendly travel behaviour have been a pressing issue at the department. The use of the Intranet for publication of information and the logo to visualise the campaign have been important parts to make this an attentive issue.

The pilot project is carried out with the overall aim of expanding the campaign to several/all the departments of the municipality over time. The planning of this is the next step in this pilot project.

Sustainable Transportation within Companies

The activities towards the companies consist mainly of two projects, a series of seminars about sustainable transportation and a pilot project concentrated on counselling.

The five seminars all have different approaches towards the subject, sustainable transportation. They carry on from May to December 2003.

The seminars related to the following subject areas; the first seminar brought up clean vehicles and the benefits of alternative fuel. The second seminar focused on EcoDriving, how companies have the possibility to save energy, environment and money by initiating their employees into the methods of economical driving. Business trips where the subject for the third seminar, how a strategy can make a great difference for the company’s environmental impact. The fourth seminar focused on virtual communication, alternative meetings without need for transportation. The last seminar takes place in December and will concern the employees travel behaviour to and from work.

All seminars consist of lectures based on experiences, scientific facts and practical demonstrations, to show different aspects of the subject sustainable transportation. The series of seminars will soon be evaluated.

To enable cooperation between companies and the Traffic Environment Section a pilot project were initiated in the fall of 2003. Eleven ISO 14001 certified companies were contacted and offered counselling within sustainable transportation. What can the company gain by creating a strategy that in the long run decreases their environmental impact? A first meeting is carried out and it gave important information about the companies different needs. The next step in the project is to produce a proposal to the companies about a long time partnership.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  LPG promotion in Belgium (2000-2001)



From 2000 to 2001, a LPG promotion scheme was implemented in Belgium. As a specific taxation or fiscal regime is not easily organised (due to European legislation, which tends to harmonise taxation policy throughout the EU member states), the Federal authorities chose to partly refund the installation cost of an LP gas tank.

The car owners that recently installed new LPG tanks, had to prove this by submitting a complete application file. The installation needed to be done recently, using new tanks, and (always legally obliged) had to be done by a certified installer.

In total 12.000 car owners were reimbursed. In this way, the campaign reached its target. The LPG installation industry association agreed upon the number of 12.000. This was the threshold of what was feasible for certified LPG tank installers.

Although the scheme was a huge success, it was stopped and changed to a system where newly bought cars with LPG tanks received tax incentives. The number of cars bought by consumers directly from the factory with LPG gas installations, is rather small.

More information about LPG in Belgium: www.lpg.be (Dutch or French website)

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Showcase bus routes and Integrated Travel Information



Showcase bus routes

Showcase bus routes are bus services and their routes that have been targeted for comprehensive improvement. The idea is to create a dramatic improvement in the quality of the bus service so that it can be considered as a new form of transport. This page provides information about the 'showcase bus route' initiatives being progressed throughout the city.

Background to the Initiative

Bristol City Council is working in partnership with the local bus company to carry out a series of showcase route improvements in a planned programme over the next 5 years. Voluntary agreements between the Council and the bus company commit both parties to providing these improvements.

Features of a Showcase Bus Route

Showcase bus routes aim to raise the profile of specific services by improving the environment through which they pass. The aim of this is to increase the number of people using the buses and to assist the bus company to provide a reliable and frequent service.

Showcase bus routes include:

  • Raised pavements to ease access on and off buses
  • Real time information at each stop, providing details of approaching buses
  • Audio information to assist visually impaired people
  • New bus lanes
  • New bus shelters
  • New and enhanced traffic signals to give bus services priority
  • Restricted parking and loading regulations to help reduce congestion
  • Better timetable information including information at every stop along the route
  • Better promotion of the service
  • New low floor, environmentally friendly buses

Showcase schemes also aim to improve the bus service itself with:

  • Better reliability
  • Faster journey times
  • Greater frequency
  • Better quality vehicles
  • Better quality shelters
  • Clear information
  • Better ticket pricing and availability for trips involving more than one bus journey

Future developments will include quicker and easier ticket arrangements to speed up boarding times and improve passenger convenience.

Real time information

The programme

A total of five routes are to be upgraded as part of the showcase bus routes initiative in the next 5 years (to the 2005/06 financial year). This programme has been outlined in appendix 3.5 of the Bristol Local Transport Plan.

The first route to be upgraded is the 76/77 service between Henbury and Hartcliffe and was launched at the end of 2003.

The second route will be between A420 at Kingswood and A4018 Whiteladies Road. This will improve services running east / west across the city.


The Council is able to commit funds to these schemes from the transport budget awarded annually by the Government. This totals over £1million each year.

The Partnership arrangement that exists with the bus company ensures that they commit extra money to the specific services, for example, through investing in new buses and shelters.

The first route - service 76 / 77 Henbury to Hartcliffe

The first showcase bus route to be upgraded runs north / south across the city, from Henbury to Hartcliffe.

Parking and loading restrictions have been reviewed to standardise hours of operations, physical space requirements and signing and road marking. Through this review, the Council aims to:

  • minimise delays to public transport particularly in the morning and afternoon peak times,
  • reduce delays to all vehicles,
  • provide adequate loading / unloading facilities for all shops and businesses along the route,
  • provide short stay parking spaces for customers of local businesses,
  • provide parking for residents, given the need for short stay parking spaces as well, and
  • introduce restrictions which are consistent, easy to understand and easy to enforce, and that meet the needs of residents and businesses.

As with the bus lane along A38 Cheltenham Road, the Council is investigating the potential of prohibiting parking and loading along the showcase route between the hours of 0700 and 1000, and 1600 and 1830 Monday to Friday to allow the effective operation of bus lanes. Where 24 hour bus lanes may be appropriate, the parking restrictions would operate for all 24 hours and loading restrictions would operate during the busy periods.

Local circumstances may alter details, for example on Parson Street gyratory. Some local exceptions may also be appropriate, such as less restrictive loading periods in East Street, Bedminster.

Parking and loading restrictions will apply at all bus stops at all times to allow safe boarding and alighting of vehicles.

Integrated Travel Information Centre

Introduction to the ITIC project

The ITIC idea is very simple - to bring together all the sources of transport and travel information together in one place to assist the people of Bristol to travel around the city safely and efficiently. This involves providing real-time bus and rail information for public transport users and details of congestion and disruption on the city's road for motorists.

A number of individual systems already operate and provide information for different groups of people travelling around the city. The ITIC idea is to research and develop new ways of linking these systems to provide a comprehensive travel advice service for all types of travellers throughout the city, every day.

The Council's extensive consultation on the Local Transport Plan made it clear that there was a need to provide a high-profile, one-stop shop for local information and advice to business and individuals on transport-related issues.

Similar projects are beginning to appear in cities of mainland Europe, and Bristol wishes to build on this experience to pioneer a project in the UK.

The aim of the ITIC project

Real time arrival information

The aim of the Integrated Travel Information Centre project is to bring together a range of travel services to:

  • improve the management of Bristol's traffic and transport,
  • improve access to information on mobility and journey planning,
  • encourage more use of public transport, in particular those journeys using more than one type of transport.

To initiate the ITIC concept the council developed a project to establish a Travel Advice Screen for a strategic transport interchange location. The aims of this project were to:

  • develop new sources of travel information,
  • bring together existing travel information systems,
  • provide a high profile, high quality public interface to introduce the ITIC concept to the general public,
  • to demonstrate the necessary technology.

Clifton Down Shopping Centre was identified as an ideal location to pilot this element of ITIC as it:

  • is located on Whiteladies Road (A4018) - a major through route from north to south Bristol,
  • is adjacent to Clifton Down railway station which is served by the Severn Beach Line,
  • is served by a number of important rail link bus routes,
  • has a large integrated multi-storey car park.

The Clifton Down Shopping Centre Travel Advice Screen

The Clifton Down Shopping Centre Travel Advice ScreenThe Travel Advice Screen is sited in the public foyer area in Clifton Down shopping centre that has seating and other facilities such as telephones, children's rides etc. Due to it's central location, the screen is just 2 minutes walk from all forms of transport.

The screen displays a wide range of information, including:

  • real time arrival information for services on the Severn Beach railway line,
  • real time arrival information for rail link buses (routes 8 and 9 to / from Temple Meads railway station),
  • scheduled departure information for all other bus services serving the area
  • real time data from the City Council (see below),
  • multimedia presentations.

The City Council inputs information onto the screen in their capacity as highway authority. Such information includes details of:

  • temporary road closures or traffic restrictions,
  • roadworks,
  • details of accidents or emergencies,
  • major events.

The technical specification of the Screen is as follows:

  • four poly-silicon LCD modules mounted in a 2 x 2 arrangement,
  • total size 2 metres by 1.5 metres,
  • the display is virtually seamless with a gap of just 0.8 mm between each module,
  • the video wall represents the latest technology in display equipment and was selected for maximum flexibility in terms of the quality and variety of images that can be reproduced.

The Travel Advice Screen project was short-listed for an Interchange 2000 Award and contributed to Bristol winning a special commendation award.

Info Bus

TravelBristol Info BusThe info bus is one of the projects recently being progressed under the Vivaldi European project and integrated travel information centre umbrellas. The aim of this project was to develop a mobile travel information centre in an electric minibus to take some of the information available in the info centre in the city centre to local areas throughout the city.

The info bus is used for a variety of activities:

  • Consultation on proposed traffic and transport schemes e.g. new Home Zones
  • Advertising event information, e.g. roads closed for the Bristol Half Marathon; parking arrangements for the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta
  • Providing travel information
  • Corporate travel plan advice surgeries
  • Road safety education in schools

The info bus contains a variety of facilities to display and access information, including up-to-date and emerging computer, power and communication technologies.

i+ kiosks

i+kiosk10 new information kiosks are being placed around the city as part of the European funded Vivaldi project to improve access to information. These kiosks have been, or will soon be located in:

  • Lawrence Hill
  • Hareclive Road, Hartcliffe
  • Portway Park and Ride car park
  • Brislington Park and Ride car park
  • St Peters Rise, adjacent to Bishopsworth library
  • Bristol Zoo
  • Bristol University Students Union, Queens Road
  • Gloucester Road, Bishopston
  • Clifton Down Shopping Centre, adjacent to the Travel Advice Screen
  • North Road, Bedminster

These new kiosks will also launch the new information channel dedicated to traffic and travel news and information, including:

  • Road works and Events
  • Public Transport
  • Campaigns and Activities
  • Walking and Cycling
  • Community and Accessible Transport
  • Current Initiatives

The kiosks give you the opportunity to request further information by e-mail and post.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Active Road-User Support (ARUS)



Active Road-User Support utilizes the new IT and ITS (intelligent Transport Systems) technologies by developing new services that enable individual travel choices. The aim is to limit the growth of traffic by 2010 and to increase its efficiency. The programme has already been implemented and the cost is about 500 billion SEK (55 billion EURO). Three objective domains are listed below:

a. Reduce number of unnecessary journeys

b. Reduce solitary car journeys

c. Guidance for road users and regulation of traffic

Many of measures are already existing some of them are:

  1. Information via traffic portal/working from home, delivery of goods to door. Mobility Office.
  2. Information via traffic portal/journey planner, wap, teletext. Mobility Office. Green travel card. Car pools. Cycle pools. Customer clubs. Intelligent car-sharing. Bus-stop/terminus information. Vehicle information signs. Company visits/tdm plans. Direct campaigns. Pooled distribution.
  3. Information and regulation by the KomFram-system (public transport information system). Roadside assistance. Park’n’ride. Traffic information via VMS. Congestion warning system. Traffic light regulation via spot. Traffic information centres.

More information of Active use- traffic support, www.trafikkontoret.se/

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  SMS Service for Public Transport (“SiMSALA-BIMMEL”)



Leipzig’s public transport operator offers since 2002 a SMS service to inform passengers about departure times and journey details. By sending a SMS with the departure station and the final station, the customer receives an initial SMS reply giving him the details about his journey including the departure and arrival times. The service is advertised at all stations and is free of an extra-charge (only cost of sending one SMS).

SMS = short message service (mobile phones)

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Parking Lead System in Leipzig



Since December 2002, the City of Leipzig possesses a parking lead system, hence an electronic system to lead drivers of motorised vehicles to a free parking garage close. The system includes ten garages with together about 4000 individual parking lots.

On the streets leading into the city, 25 stationary sings inform the driver about the system. 52 further dynamic signs indicate the number of empty spaces at sites close to downtown.

The total investment costs to build up the system were at 1,8 MEUR. The daily costs are shared between the City of Leipzig and the owners of the participating garages. The annual costs of the automatic system are estimated to be about 15 TEUR.

The City of Leipzig hopes that the system can contribute to a minimisation of traffic (vehicles circling through the inner city to find a garage) and thus of noise and emissions of air pollutants. The system shall also contribute to increase the attractiveness of the city for tourists and to improve the quality of life of its citizens.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Online Presentation for Public Transportation (OPPT)



Leipzig’s public transport operator LVB (“Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe”) runs a very complete online presentation (www.lvb.de). The following features help to facilitate and encourage the usage of public transportation:

  • Travel planer
  • Timetables of each station for download
  • Information on constructions and deviations
  • Daily gas prizes (comparison between the prize of a one-month ticket and 70 litres of gas)
  • Information about prizes
  • Information about events at Leipzig and how to get there by public transport

The website of the LVB has won the German marketing prize in 2002.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  How flexible working patterns can help to reduce air pollution - Bristol



Bristol City Council has adopted a flexible working policy as part of Work Life Balance. This policy allows a variety of alternative working patterns to fit in with the complex lifestyles of working people today.

Some of these options may have a direct or indirect affect on air quality depending on the choice of transport of the employee. Below are some examples of these options.

1. Flexi time

Instead of keeping rigid start and finish times most employees of the City Council can stagger their start and finish times. These are often chosen to avoid the rush hour congestion peaks. By adopting an earlier or latter start and finish the journey time is shorter and smoother resulting in less pollution emitted from the vehicle.

2. Home working/teleworking

When it is possible for an employee to work some days at home there is the potential to remove one car from the road.

3. Working compressed weeks

It is possible for an employee to work their normal hours but compressed over 4 days of the 5 day week or 9 days of the 10 day fortnight. In this way another vehicle is removed from the road for one day.

4. Rolling leave year

From 1st April 2001, calculation of annual leave entitlement for new employees uses an individual employee’s council starting date rather than from a corporate leave year beginning on 1st April each year. This avoids the final rush for leave in March and spreads the impact of commuters over the year.

Many of these examples may seem small but as Bristol City Council is the largest single employer in the city (approximately 16,000), any of these measures when factored up by a few thousand may have a significant effect on air quality.

There may not appear to be any incentive for management to adopt these schemes but it can be pointed out that having some people start early and some finish late enables longer hours for customer contact and give the organisation a competitive edge and increase customer satisfaction.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Car sharing initiative in the municipality of Venice



Since May 2002, the Municipality of Venice has joined the national initiative, financed by the Italian Environment Ministry (9.5 million Euro at national level), to create an urban car sharing service by means of ICS (Car Sharing Initiative). The organisation delegated by the Ministry to supply Cities with services and technical assistance to promote sustainable mobility. The most important requirements to receive the Ministry’s funds were: the presentation of a car-sharing Project (made by the operative partner that is ASM, the Municipal Agency for Mobility) approved by ICS and an economic investment, from the City, equivalent to the one’s requested as contribution to the Ministry.

The aim of the Car Sharing Project in Venice is to achieve the following objectives by proposing different travel behaviour:

  • a reduction in private vehicle use;
  • the boosting of collective transport vehicles use;
  • containment of energy consumption;
  • reduction in air pollution;
  • speeding up of city traffic.

Vehicles are collected and returned using an automatic self-service system based on a microchip card, that is made available when the user sign his contract. There are various types of vehicles which are all collected from and returned to four car parks in the Mainland (Mestre and Tessera) and one car park in the Venice Lido (here the fleet includes electric vehicles too).

Users only have to stipulate a contract where they undertake to observe all the rules for the use of the vehicles. Each customer is then issued with a smart card enabling him or her to use the vehicles.

Users must have first made a reservation before being able to pick up a car. Reservations are made through a call centre (24 hour service), and users must specify when and where the car will be picked up and returned. Thus the system enables users to use vehicles for one-way journeys; i.e. users are not obliged to return the car to the station where it was picked up.

Vehicles are picked up and returned using automated, self-service procedures. By placing the smart card near a windscreen mounted reader, the car door opens and the car can be used as if it were the user’s own property. After its use the car is returned to one of the stations provided for the service.

Types of car. The fleet comprises 22 cars made up of:

  • n. 3 natural gas Fiat Multipla;
  • n. 3 Ford Ka;
  • n. 3 Mercedes Smart;
  • n. 7 Opel Corsa;
  • n. 4 Opel Agila;
  • n. 2 hybrid natural gas/diesel Opel Zafira.

The type of vehicle used does not influence service costs.

Designated Parking Areas (see parking areas). Vehicles can be picked up and returned to the following stations:


  • Autorimessa Comunale - A.S.M. S.p.A - Piazzale Roma - Venice;
  • Park A.S.M. S.p.A. P.le Candiani - Mestre;
  • Marco Polo Airport - Tessera;
  • V.le S. Marco, n. 154 (near the law courts) - Mestre;
  • P.le Leonardo da Vinci (first 3 numbers to the left of the car park entrance) - Mestre.


  • Gran Viale S. Maria Elisabetta;
  • Riviera S. Maria Elisabetta;
  • Lungomare Guglielmo Marconi.

Customers can make use of either circuit but in no circumstance can a car be taken outside its specific territorial area (mainland or the Venice Lido).

Costs. At present no membership fees are envisaged. A deposit of € 15.50 is only required for the issue of the smart card. The rates are based upon the time for which the car is used and the mileage clocked up. One hour costs € 2.58, vat included, and per kilometre € 0.26. The costs regarding insurance, fuel and parking in authorised car parks are obviously included.

Payment is made upon the receipt of an invoice issued by A.S.M. Spa, at the conclusion of the service and calculated on the use made of the vehicles.

Facilities. In addition to the foregoing advantages, membership also entitles users to:

  1. transit and park in "controlled-traffic areas";
  2. use preferential lanes and/or reserved lanes within the territory of the Venice Municipality;
  3. park free-of-charge in metered-parking areas (i.e. "blue-stripe area") and in ground-level parking areas managed by A.S.M. S.p.A.;
  4. travel in the so-called "odd-even car-registration days" (the vehicles included in the service are expressly exempt from this measure).

In order to guarantee identical rights for all car-sharing customers in other Italian cities, starting from August 19th 2003, the city of Venice’s car-sharing system will officially form part of the national car-sharing circuit, designed and set up by the Ministry of the Environment.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Car Sharing – The Moses Project & The City of Bremen



The European MOSES project (Key Action ‘City of Tomorrow’) aims at developing and further extending the concept of car sharing in Europe. Special emphasis is put on the integration of car sharing in urban planning and development. MOSES is defining a set of technical and non technical (e.g. financial, regulatory) incentives to foster the diffusion of car sharing. Such incentives should be applicable to the geographical, socio-economic and cultural conditions encountered in the different regions of Europe. A substantial effort is put in the development of new technologies improving the overall quality of car sharing services. User needs of existing and potential car sharing users and the impact of car sharing on the quality of life are being investigated. MOSES has set itself the ambitious target of achieving 12.000 car sharing users by the end of 2004.Demonstrations are going on in Bremen, Genoa, Palermo, London, Stockholm, and Walloon Region (www.moses-europe.org).

In particular, the city of Bremen is one of the fore runners of car sharing in Europe. Started in 1990, car sharing in Bremen has developed into a modern, convenient and reliable service, which in conjunction with public transport in some cases offers even more flexibility than the private car. In 2001 more than 2400 clients were using the mobility service of the car-sharing operator Cambio. More than 40 locations allow access to the cars at any time. Bremen is constantly developing the technology, service quality and density of the network of car sharing stations to provide even more reliable, flexible and immediate access to car sharing services. Main new working areas at the moment are: booking via mobile phone, open end booking and instant access, integration with public transport and integration into urban development. A single card for public transport (electronic ticketing), Car-Sharing (electronic touchless access) and an electronic purse to pay for small items e.g. bread, newspapers etc. has also been launched. The name of this versatile card is Bremen Carte Plus, while the initiative is called in German: an egg-laying-wool-milk-sow.




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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Bristol Car Club



The UK has an organisation called Car Plus which is a car club network. There are 29 cities with operational car clubs and 7 are being developed.

Bristol City Car Club has 150 members and 12 cars. The cars are located at 12 sites across the city with plans to expand the scheme across the whole over the next few years. With support from Bristol City Council, the Car Club will contribute to the city's sustainable transport programme.

The Club will be supported for the next four years by Bristol City Council and the Vivaldi project, a four-year European Commission funded programme aimed at developing joined-up, environmentally friendly transport improvements. At the end of the four-year contract the Car Club aims to have cars in 16 areas of the city. As the scheme expands the range of incentives for members will continue to grow. The transport operator “First” currently supports the scheme by providing reduced rate bus travel to members.

Further parking spaces will be made available in response to patterns of demand.

Car clubs provides all the advantages of owning a new car – with none of the drawbacks. Members have convenient local access to a vehicle when they need one and only pay for the time it is in use. Vehicles are parked in reserved parking spaces, close to homes or workplaces and can be booked for as little as one hour or up to a few days. Bookings can be made either through the Internet or by telephone, weeks ahead or as short as half an hour before a car is needed. The cars available are generally small and mainly intended for short-term usage from one hour to a day. If a longer hire is required there are special rated negotiated with local hire companies.

All vehicles are serviced and maintained by the Car Club. Membership also includes comprehensive insurance.

Using the car is a simple process of booking by phone or Internet. The car is located in a secure area close to where the members live. It is unlocked by a personal smart card.

A Personal Identification Number (PIN) is typed onto a keyboard in the car which records the user, duration of use and the distance travelled.

The car can then be driven away.

There is an annual fee to be a member and then an hourly rate for the hire and a charge for the fuel used. The table below gives an example of the costs for a small car.

National Rates

Fixed Costs

Membership fee

(includes comprehensive insurance)

Year 1

£12 €18 per month (£140 €209 per year)

Subsequent years

£11 €16 per month (£125 €129 per year)

Additional member, same household

£6 €9 per month (£70 €105 per year)

Subsequent members

£25 €37per year – no deposit required

Returnable deposit

£100 €150 (This is to protect the Car Club against any unpaid fees or fines, which will be refunded if you leave the Club, as long as all outstanding bills have been paid)

Cost per journey


Hourly rate

£2.30 €3.50

24 hours

£26.00 €39.00

Additional hours

£0.80 €1.20

Returns to hourly rate after 62hrs

£2.30 €3.50

For longer hire periods discounted rates are offered through a local car rental partner.

Mileage charge (includes fuel and VAT)


First 100 miles

£0.15 €0.22

Any mileage over 100 miles in one trip

£0.11 €0.16

Members receive a monthly invoice, incorporating a VAT breakdown and itemising the amount payable for all trips made. A running total can also be viewed through the internet, so that they can keep track of their costs before the bill arrives.

Further information can be found at:



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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Dosing traffic in Utrecht



How do you persuade about four thousand motorists to change their old trusted route? The municipality of Utrecht chose for a simple, but drastic solution. The traffic lights on the Catharijnesingel, an important connecting road, give very short green times. And that helps. In a few weeks time the number of cars and trucks diminished by twenty percent. Enough to meet the air quality standards.

Adapting the traffic lights was the only way to meet the standard (limit value plus margin of tolerance/ LV+MOT) for nitrogendioxide. The Catharijnesingel forms a narrow connection between four busy, wide roads. And big trees are creating a roof of foliage under which the air pollution is accumulating. Adaptation of the road profile to the traffic is undesirable. One short traffic diversion leads to new problems. Moreover such measures cost a lot of money. The principle of dosing lights is simple. They give very short green times and let pass a limited number of cars.

Because of this motorists are persuaded to take other routes by way of wider roads with a better air quality. Put another way: you disperse the traffic to several, better routes. The implementation of the measure proved to be more difficult. The first question cropping up was which green times are the most appropriate. Do you shorten them gradually, so motorists can get used to the measure? Or do you do what is necessary right away with the risk of a sudden impact. The project team choseto make the change all at once, because it is difficult to turn off the tap when you get many complaints. The team found it difficult to estimate what impact the measure would have on motorists. In advance the team informed them with notice-boards on the Catharijnesingel and Venuslaan. But that did not help very much. On the first day the measure became effective, there were as many cars as before. Motorists had noticed the boards, but they did not attach consequences to it. And then the telephone was red-hot.

notice-board Venuslaan: dosing traffic

dosing light

People did not understand the relation with air quality. Now how can this? We are puffing all together before the traffic light!, was a much-heard response. So the team had to explain that the intention is to remove a part of the traffic to a number of routes with a better air quality. And that stagnation at the dosing lights on the Catharijnesingel and Venuslaan causes no problems for local air quality by the wide profiles combined with open building or by the absence of houses. Of course the total emission increases by the longer waiting time, but that impact is negligible at urban level. This shows that communication is very important. With hindsight more information resources should have been put on. Now, after a few months, motorists have got used to the situation. The municipality of Utrecht is satisfied with the results. The traffic on the Catharijnesingel has already decreased by twenty percent. Now the yearly average concentration is just 1 ug/m³ above the standard (LV+MOT) for nitrogendioxide. By the time the limit value for nitrogendioxide becomes effective, Utrecht will meet the limit value.

20% less traffic on the Catharijnesingel

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Environmental Zone



See here for details.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Freight transport and goods distribution management in Göteborg



Introducing incentives for improving the load factor in inner city freight transport

In the inner city of Göteborg there is congestion caused by heavy transport unable to find a place to load and unload. In some areas trucks are forced to keep driving to find appropriate space to load/unload. The project aims to design and introduce a zone for inner-city distribution in Göteborg. In this city zone, heavy vehicles will be required to meet a minimum load level, and meet emission standards.

Development customer driven goods distribution management

The project will increase the efficiency of transport of goods and people in a development and residential area. There will be focus on show case development for optimising incoming goods to companies in the area. By seminaries and workshops, among other things, the buyer companies shall be influenced to create better purchasing routines. The trucks within the project are permitted to drive in buss/taxi lanes.

More information:




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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Freight Transport in Utrecht



City centre. It is expected that the transportation of goods in Utrecht will double by 2020. In order to anticipate these developments a Provisioning plan has been made for the City centre, including signposting.

In order to protect the wharf cellars along the Old canal and the old bridges traffic heavier than 2 ton is not allowed in the old centre. The heavy trucks unload in a distribution centre, after which the transport takes place with lighter vehicles. This also prevents damage to old monuments from vibrations by heavy traffic. So in old centres there are mutual interests for preventing heavy traffic.

Industrial site. The most important industrial site in Utrecht (Lage Weide) has an important national logistic function. A Revitalisation Plan will be made for this site.

The general idea about the future of Lage Weide includes: maintaining the industrial and logistic functions, combined with an upgrading of the intensity of use and an increase of durability (parkmanagement).

New logistic activities on a national scale will only be supported when these activities use rail- and waterfacilities.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Freight Transport Centre in Leipzig (“Güterverkehrszentrum”)



A major source of air pollution in many European cities comes from heavy duty vehicles (HDV). Yet, HDV are often seen as a necessity for the functioning of the local economy. As the City of Leipzig wants to keep its streets free from HDV in order to increase the quality of life for its citizens, to avoid congestion and to promote the usage of freight transport by train while at the same time promoting the local economy, a freight transport centre (“Güterverkehrszentrum”) has been established (see photo).

The centre has already proven its function as driving force for the realisation of the strategy to avoid HDV within the city perimeters. The centre is very well located – next to the container terminal at Wahren, the freeways (Autobahn) A9 and A14 and close by the Halle/Leipzig Airport – and thus has become a central hub for freight transport for the entire region of the Middle Germany.

On an area of 150 ha, 80 businesses are located (grocery distribution centres, a post distribution centre and several transport companies. The centre is today a logistic knot in close distance to all means of transport and with short distances between supplier, processing industries, transport companies and consume, hence facilitating strategic co-operations between different businesses, f. ex. in the organisation of transports. The area development plan foresees an additional area of 125 ha (of which 50 ha are already connected to basic infrastructures) for the expansion of the centre which thus can provide a perspective of long-term growth.

Photo: The freight transport centre is also in close neighbourhood to the Porsche factory and its test-drive area.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Tolls and Road Pricing in Bristol



Congestion charging in Bristol

Congestion charging is one approach that the Council is investigating as part of an integrated package of measures to reduce demand for travel by and use of the car. It is now widely recognised that introducing incentives alone will not be sufficient to reduce car use in line with the objectives set by national government and Council objectives.

In 1999 consultation for the Local Transport Plan indicated strong local support for congestion charging on the condition that money raised in this way will contribute towards the provision of better public transport. It is also widely recognised that congestion charging is an effective way of addressing the related problem of air pollution caused by vehicles.

The City Council has been involved in numerous projects throughout recent years to research and pilot such schemes. This has involved extensive working with authorities pursuing similar schemes from within the UK and Europe. This has included two road pricing trials undertaken in 1998 and 2000. A further trial is anticipated in 2003 testing satellite technology as part of the national government research programme (DIRECTS).

The Proposal

Proposed Road User Charging Scheme

A study carried out by consultants in 1999 recommended that the Council pursue a scheme concentrating on a city centre cordon with drivers paying the charge electronically. This cordon is found within the Inner Circuit Road, with 14 entry points, and includes Broadmead and The Centre.

Current proposals are for an inbound only charge in the morning peak period. A detailed design study was commissioned in 2001 to consider the impacts of the scheme on transport in the city. This included the investigation of a package of complementary measures to be funded from a scheme. The draft final report for this study has been submitted.


The Council recognise the need for investment in transport and have made the commitment that improved public transport alternatives will be implemented prior to a possible scheme.

Also, the government requires councils to undertake full public consultation (this may include a public inquiry) before considering the introduction of congestion charging schemes. These processes will take some time and this means that a scheme could not be introduced in Bristol until 2007 at the earliest.


Revenues from the congestion charge will assist with funding new and improved public transport services. In addition, funding is already being provided to the Council through the Charging Development Partnership (CDP) for the implementation of alternatives and investigation of charging in the city.


The Department for Transport (DfT) is supporting the Council in this project. They are involved through the funding of the scheme through the CDP (see above) and in the research and demonstration projects being carried out at a national and European level.

Bristol City Council is a member of the Charging Development Partnership. This is a partnership between the DfT and 35 local authorities interested in congestion charging or workplace parking levy. Their aim is to examine the impacts and implications of introducing such schemes. The CDP also aids the development of guidance and regulations for successful implementation.

Bristol is working with the European Commission and other European cities to ensure best practice in congestion charging development. In particular Bristol is managing the PRoGRESS and EURoPrice projects focusing on road pricing initiatives. The many stakeholders in the Bristol area are regularly consulted on aspects of the scheme. Consultees include the Bristol Chamber of Commerce and Initiative, the Broadmead Board (who manage the Broadmead shopping area), FirstGroup (who operate the majority of the local bus services) and the RAC.

http://www.progress-project.org/PRoGR€SS - Pricing Road use for Greater Responsibility, Efficiency and Sustainability in cities.

The PRoGR€SS project aims to demonstrate and evaluate the effectiveness and acceptance of urban road pricing schemes to achieve transport goals.

The objective is being achieved by focussing on six goals:

  • To develop and demonstrate urban road pricing schemes in real situations;
  • To provide co-ordination between the demonstration sites;
  • To develop and assess the political, economic and social framework required for urban road pricing;
  • To evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the demonstrations;
  • To provide policy results at the local level; and
  • To disseminate the demonstration and evaluation results.

The project is funded by the European Commission and involves 8 European partners (Bristol, Copenhagen, Edinburgh, Genoa, Gothenburg, Helsinki, Rome and Trondheim). It focuses on large-scale demonstrations of urban pricing schemes, with seven of the cities demonstrating different methods and technologies. Key elements include:

  • monitoring of processes for scheme implementation;
  • assessment of the impacts of schemes; and
  • assessment of social and political acceptance of the schemes.

The results of the project will be available on its completion in 2004.

For further information on the PRoGR€SS project visit the website at: www.progress-project.org

Links to London road user charging reports



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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  The Use of A Toll Road in Birmingham, UK to Improve Air Quality




The motorway network in the UK has historically been funded by Central Government, and has been operated without the use of Tolls. The West Midlands Region suffers from severe congestion on it’s motorway network. In particular the M6 motorway which was built to carry 72 000 vehicles per day was carrying 165 000 vehicles per day. As a result the Government has allowed the construction of the UK’s first privately owned motorway to relieve this congestion.

The M6 Toll Road has a length of 47Km and was opened in December 2003. Construction of the road cost £900m (1400m Euros) and was funded by a private company. The company has the right to operate the road for 53 years, after which time ownership returns to the Government.

The M6 Toll Road connects the M6 Motorway north of the West Midlands conurbation to the M42 Motorway to the east of the conurbation. This is shown in Figure 1 below. In this way the M6 Toll Road keeps traffic out of the heavily populated area in which air quality is poorest.

Figure 1 – Map of M6 Toll Road. M6 Toll shown in dashed blue line.

The Impact of the M6 Toll Road

The M6 Toll Road is still relatively new, and therefore changes to traffic levels are still continuing. However, the new road has resulted in a reduction in traffic levels of approximately 10% in the motorway network. This has had a very significant effect upon congestion on the motorway network. This is shown in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2 – The Effect of the M6 Toll Road upon Journey times on the M6

Figure 2 shows the average journey times on the M6 before the M6 Toll Road was opened (red), the average journey time on the M6 after the Toll Road was opened (dark blue) and the average journey time on the M6 Toll Road (light blue). This shows that the new M6 Toll Road has had a very significant impact upon congestion at peak times.

The high levels of congestion on the existing motorway network have resulted in air quality objective levels being exceeded in many locations across the West Midlands region. Work is ongoing to evaluate the improvement in air quality resulting from the reduction in congestion since the M6 Toll Road opened. However, it is anticipated that air quality within the conurbation will be improved significantly due to the new road.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Road Infrastructures



Existing policy

In 1987 the first Decree on Air quality became active, in the Netherlands; there was already a municipal traffic and a noise policy: to stimulate the use of bicycles and public transport and to create areas with little traffic and to concentrate traffic on wide streets. This policy is and will be accomplished by altering the road infrastructure.

Bicycle infrastructure

In Utrecht 29% of the number of journeys takes place by bicycle.

For both the town and region main cycle ways are signposted, with high quality surfaces for bicycle traffic. At main crossings there are tunnels for cyclists and pedestrians. An important issue in the design of these tunnels is that people feel safe.

There are five secure guarded bicycle sheds and many other provisions without security in Utrecht. In some streets there are bicycle boxes which can be locked.

In the plan for the redeveloped railway station (pubic transport terminal) six new sheds will be built for about 20.000 bicycles.

Public transport infrastructures

Public Transport is divided into a) longer distance public transport with higher speed, direct connections and b) local public transport that stops in the close vicinity of departure and destination. Both forms of public transport use free bus-lanes and get priority at traffic lights.

Motor traffic infrastructures

The road infrastructure is based on three principles: functionality, homogenity, predictability, which leads to a categorisation of roads. Research has shown that road categorisation improves traffic safety and better behaviour of road users.

The policy is concentrate traffic if possible and spread if necessary.

In this way it was possible to create a situation in which most people (in Utrecht 90%) are living in areas with little traffic. Of course this means that there is more traffic in the other (wider) streets. In these streets the aim is to avoid exceedances of the LVs+MOT (limit values and margin of tolerance).

From 1997 through traffic was no longer possible in the old centre of Utrecht. The centre is now divided into parts. It is very difficult to drive from one part to another part. The result is that traffic is made to use the surrounding wider streets.

Too much traffic used the roads alongside the canals, this was very much reduced by traffic-measures like restricting use to vehicles with a permit.

In the seventies a part of the canal running around the old city was changed into a road to give more space to the traffic. At this moment the municipality is working on a project to bring back the water into this former canal, part of this project is already completed.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Traffic Infrastructure & Modal Split Targets in Leipzig



The City of Leipzig has adopted a strategy to meet it’s targets for modal split. Alongside traffic infrastructure measures (a system of tangents and ring streets; limited number of streets leading into the centre where priority is given to public transport and bicycles), specific actions have been taken to restrict traffic as much as possible from the city centre itself.

Inside the inner city ring, pedestrians and bicycles are given a clear priority. Shop suppliers and other necessary transport is in most streets restricted to certain hours. Parking in the inner city will be replaced in the medium-term by car parks directly located on the city ring road. A parking information system will guide drivers to the nearest car park with spaces available.

To achieve the strategy, the city has introduced removable bollards which give access only during designated hours or to vehicles which are equipped with a priority access system (public transport, ambulances).

Modal Split at Leipzig

Mean of Transport


















Motorized Vehicles






Passengers of motorized vehicles






Public Transport






*objectives; data for 1991, 1994 and 1998 measured by a representative survey (not including walks of less than 5 minutes)

Source: Environmental Objectives and Standards of the City of Leipzig (2003).Text

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Example of Car Parks and Park and Ride– Bristol



The aim of a Park and Ride scheme is to enable commuting traffic or shoppers to leave the car in an out of town location and use an efficient bus to travel to the city centre.

In a perfect situation the bus should be :-

· full of passengers which could be removing around 48 cars from the road,

· non polluting by using modern technology

· faster because it uses designated bus lanes and is given priority at traffic lights.

Bristol has three Park and Ride sites, two of which are controlled by Bristol City Council. The oldest began operation in 1993 and the most recent has just been completed in 2002.

The bus services operates 7:00 am to 7:00 pm weekdays and 8:00 to 7:00 Saturdays. Additional services operate later on Thursdays to coincide with late night shopping. The service is also extended into the evenings and on Sundays during the pre-Christmas period.

The weekday service runs a bus every 7 - 10 minutes during the peak period and every 12 minutes in the off peak period. Saturday service run every 10 - 12 minutes all day.

Purpose built double-decker buses are used which can carry 76 seated passengers. Displays on the bus show the next stop. The bus routes do not stop at all local bus stops on the way to minimise the journey time from car park to city centre.

There is no charge to park at the Park and Ride site and the peak return adult bus fare costs £2.50 (approximately €4.20). The fares are cheaper during off peak periods and at weekends. It is also possible to buy 10 or 20 journey tickets which reduce the cost further. It is also possible to by a season ticket for 3, 6 or 12 months.

The car parks are monitored by closed-circuit television and attendants are present while the car parks are open so security is higher than many other car parks.

Bus surveys

The two older sites have had on-bus surveys conducted on a typical Thursday and a Saturday in 1996 and 1997. On the typical weekday over two thirds of the passengers were female but very few were children. The usage of the service is concentrated around the morning and afternoon peak periods of 7:00 - 9:00 am and 4:00 - 6:00 pm.

On Saturday the passengers are mainly female (about 70%) but a higher proportion of children under 16 used the bus than on Thursday. The journey times are variable though out the day and are usually longer on weekdays than Saturdays. From one site the average inbound weekday journey time during the am peak period (12 minutes) is lower than the equivalent pm peak outbound journey time (16 minutes). This is because there is a greater bus priority made on inbound journeys.

The main purpose of the journey on weekdays is commuting which accounted for about 70% of the passengers. Most of these journeys occur during peak periods. 18% of the passengers were shoppers who travelled mainly in the off peak period. In contrast, on the Saturday, shoppers account for around 80% of the passengers while commuters are around 6 - 9%.

From the surveys on Thursdays 54% and 71% of the passengers said they would have travelled into the city centre if the Park and Ride was not available as an alternative. A significant number of those surveyed on the Saturday said, if the Park and Ride was not available, they would have gone elsewhere such as the neighbouring city of Bath or they would not have travelled at all.

During the week most of the passengers use the multi-journey tickets. Most of those surveyed said they used the Park and Ride because it is easy to park there and they avoid the expensive car parking charges in the city. Other reasons given were the saving in time, vehicle security at the car park and it was less stressful than driving in the city.

Passengers survey on a Thursday said that if they travelled by car before Park and Ride they would have paid to park at an average cost of £3.20(€5.30). On a Saturday, of those who would have travelled by car, around 88% said they would have paid to park in public off-street car parks at an average cost of £2.75 (€4.60).

It is estimated from the survey that the oldest site would have removed around 500 car trips to the city centre on a weekday and 460 car trips on a Saturday.

Note that the surveys were conducted in 1996 and 1997. Car parking in the city centre is now more expensive.

Further information www.bristol-city.gov.uk/transportplanning

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Car Parking - Park and Ride




The goal of the parking policy is to help create a vital city that combines quality of life and accessibility. This is expressed in an area-oriented approach that controls the total number of parking places according to specific local circumstances / local parking capacity and discourages ad hoc traffic.

Four tools will be used to reach this goal:

- Controlling the number of parking places

- Relocating parking places

- Adapting price and quality

- Informing about vacant places (dynamic parking system).

Parking places

The maximum number of parking places will be determined by way of parking standards (steering policy). The current parking standards are coupled to the prevailing location policy (A, B, and C locations for companies).

For instance at redevelopment around the main railway station (within 600m) one applies a parking standard of one parking place for 250 m² gross floor area or for ten employees. At places without good public transport only 30% of the area can be used for offices and the parking standard is one parking place for 90 m² gross floor area or for 3,6 employees.

Parking in the city centre

In the narrow streets in old centres there is little room for both traffic and parking. Also for showing the qualities of the centre to full advantage the parked cars have to disappear to car parks.

In order to further reduce street parking in the old city centre, car parks will be built on the eastern side of the city centre. To this end, the Parking Company for the Municipality of Utrecht (Parkeerbedrijf Gemeente Utrecht, PGU) has been commissioned to determine a budget for building these car parks.

Paid parking

As space gets scarcer, parking rates will rise. In Utrecht, rates will be based on the so-called ‘shell’. The rates will be highest in the city centre, and slightly lower in the first and second shells around the centre. For residents / licensees in the city centre, cost-price rates will apply. However, this is not the case in the shell, where an increase in rates is desired. In addition to the rate shells, a study has started in a selected area within Utrecht so that the municipality will be able to predict future parking problems. Within this area, parking will be monitored annually and on the basis of the results paid parking rates will be prioritized.

Multi-modal interchanges

In the coming years, Utrecht will develop a number of so-called ‘multi-modal interchanges’ on the outskirts of the city. The idea is that motorists leave their car on the outskirts of the city and continue their journey by public transport or by bicycle. Of course the price for this has to be considerable lower than for parking in town.

In Utrecht are two good working examples. On busy exhibition days in the centre people can leave their cars at a free parking place near the highway and continue their journey by free special buses. On the weekly shopping evening motorists can leave their car for free at the car park at the football stadium and use a bus to the centre (subsidised).

The multi-modal interchange in the south is used for another purpose. Companies in the area use this as additional parking spaces and they use small company buses for the rest of the journey.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Enhancing Public Transport in Leipzig



Public transport can itself also make a significant contribution towards more sustainable development. At Leipzig, the municipal transport operator “Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe” (LVB) reduced their need of electric energy between 1998 and 2002 from 69,8 gigawatt hours to 61,2 gigawatt hours. At the same time, Leipzig’s trams increased their annual kilometres from 26,2 to 27,2 millions.

This achievement was possible by replacing old trams and buses. Modern trams need 60 per cent less energy than the old ones. Other old trams received new steering units which help to reduce the energy need by 40 per cent. Concerning the buses, the emission of COx has been reduced by 44 per cent in comparison with 1995 (32 per cent decrease of CHx, 46 per cent less PM10).

The annual number of passengers of buses and trams in Leipzig has been increasing from 99,7 million in 2001 to 105,1 million in 2002.


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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  The KIMO initiative and environmental water-borne public transport



KIMO is an international association of Local Authorities, which was formally founded in Esbjerg, Denmark, in August 1990 to work towards cleaning up pollution in the North Sea. It has over 100 members in 9 countries including the United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Faeroes Islands and the Netherlands, the Republic of Ireland with associate members in Germany and the Isle Of Man.


  • Exchange information on effective pollution prevention and cleaning up operations.
  • Lead by example by improving regional marine environments.
  • Lobby national Governments and the EC to take effective action on issues affecting Northern Seas.
  • Make joint representations against threatening proposals.
  • Undertake demonstrative environmental projects

A lack of emission control regulations has allowed ships to become major dischargers of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and diesel particulate matter. Ships’ engines generally operate on heavy bunker fuels containing high concentrations of sulphur and toxic compounds banned from use in most other industrial and consumer applications. The pollutants emitted contribute significantly to acid rain, coastal water eutrophication and create damaging health effects for communities near major port areas.

It is generally accepted that shipping is an environmentally friendly means of transportation. However future initiatives, such as "short sea transport" to promote the transfer of goods and passengers from land based transport networks to sea based modes will also transfer pollution sources. As commercial vessel operations increase, so also does the threat to marine ecosystems and people’s health, especially in coastal regions.

Expanding and introducing environmentally optimised water-borne public transport.

While there has been a relative strong environmental development in public transport on land, the development in the marine sector has lagged behind. The aim of a project in Göteborg is therefore to build an environmentally optimised river shuttle (with a gas engine) to be used for public transport in the city centre.

More information: http://www.zetnet.co.uk/coms/kimo/

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Älvsnabben Ferry shuttle



At the founding of Göteborg in 1600 the river was an important communication between the city and Hisingen Island and the rest of the world. The ferry traffic was intensive and a lot of transportation took place on the river. At the beginning it was mostly the farmers on Hisingen The Älvsnabbarewho needed the river for transporting the groceries to the markets in the city.

During the second half of the 18th Century industries become more common at Hisingen, most by the shipyards Göteverken, Lindholmen and Eriksberg. They showed the need for more communication over the river. Steamboats started to operate cross the river connecting the two riversides. In 1874 a bridge, Hisingsbron were built and 65 years later in 1939 bridge Göta älvbron were built. Then as motoring started to expand more ways to the island were needed. The bridge Älvsborgsbron were built in 1966 and the tunnel under Göta älv were built in 1968. There was no longer any demand for shuttles between the two riversides and some lines closed down while other reduced the traffic. The shipyards closed down at the end of 1970 and even less people used the shuttles. The empty shipyards left a lot of land to exploit. A lot of flats, offices, industries and high schools were built during the –90’s. This showed that public transport was underdeveloped and under utilised.

In modern days the river has become an effective barrier between the city centre and Hisingen island. There are only a few places there the river could be crossed by pedestrians and cyclists. Only three bridges make it possible to make it from one side to the other. The distances between the bridges are 5 km. With more people living in the area and more working places a new connection is needed over the river.

The shuttles started to operate again in the beginning of May 1990. During 2002/2003 two new ferry landings were brought into service for the Älvsnabben ferry, which will land at a new ferry landing in Sannegårdshamnen, giving the new residential areas a further direct link to central Göteborg. The northern landing for the Älvsnabbare will be moved from Lindholmen to Lindholmspiren, right next to the dense grouping of offices that will open at the start of 2003.

The shuttle operates in the harbour with 7 stops along a distance of 5 km every 20 minutes during peak-period. An extra shuttle operates non-stop between Lindholmspiren and Rosenlund during peak-period in morning and afternoon.

This capacity investment has reduced the pressure at the river crossings and reduced the emissions to the air.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  The new Venice – Mestre tram




In Mestre, electric trams were first used at the beginning of 1900.

The first route served by tram (Ferretto Square-Railway Station) was founded in 1905, followed in 1906 by the Mestre - S. Giuliano one.

In general, by 1930 many routes into Mestre city centre were served by tram lines.

After the building of the car bridge (1933), the link between Mestre and Venice (historical centre) was implemented using the trolleybus system, at that time very popular in USA and UK.

Long after the tram system was abandoned , in 1992, with the ”Urban Mobility Plan”, the tram system was again suggested as a good way of providing public transport, rebuilding a network similar to the old one.

The suggested 1992 network is planned in three lines:

- Favaro - Mestre centre – Railway Station - Chirignago (8.8 kilometre long);

- Zelarino - Mestre centre - S. Giuliano (8.0 kilometre long);

- Hospital - Mestre centre - Marghera (8.5 kilometre long)

In the 1992 mobility plan suggestions were made to reorganize the Venetian mainland transport network, assigning electric transport an important function.

In 1994 the City of Venice requested financial support in the National Law 211/1992 framework. From hereon, and in various following years, the Venice Municipality has presented to the Ministry of Transport proposals in order to develop the 1992 first line extending it to Venice and integrating it with a second line connecting Mestre to Marghera.

This Project has been approved by the Ministry and has been financed according to the National Law 211/92. The Municipality of Venice has signed an agreement with ACTV spa (Venetian Local Public Transport Company) that will construct the new Venetian tram system.

The new Venice - Mestre tram

After some years of planning, the tram system connecting Venice to Mestre begins construction.

The two lines are the following (see Figure 1):

1) Favaro - via S.Donà - via Ca'Rossa - Piazzale Cialdini - Viale S.Marco - S.Giuliano - Ponte della Libertà - Venice S.Marta (the blue one);

2) Piazzale Cialdini - via Poerio - via Cappuccina - via Sernaglia - sottopasso ferroviario - via Ulloa - via Paolucci - via Rinascita - via Beccaria - via Cafasso - piazzale Brunicci (the green one).

Figure 1 – Two future Venice - Mestre tram lines.

The Venice – Mestre tram system will give the opportunity to redesign the local public transport network especially in Mestre urban area, in order to:

- eliminate every year 2.500.000 kilometres run by traditional buses, with obvious positive effects on urban environment due to the pollutant emissions reduction in the city centre;

- decrease every year 500.000 kilometres run by the bus-tram network (transport optimization);

- offer a better service and a greater number of passengers/km.

Other positive effects are:

- Traffic congestion reduction: it is a high capacity mean of transport (up to 35 m) and it represents a good way to reduce the number cars driving in the city centre, by increasing the use of public transport;

- Service rationalization: it will encourage the redesign of the local public transport network especially along its routes and the new Regional Metropolitan Railway System lines;

- Quality service improvement: the tram presents an high level of travel comfort deriving from its stability, its electric traction that controls the acceleration stage and its low emissions of noise. Quality also in terms of regularity and punctuality, assured by priority routes.

- Protection of the environment: it has an electric traction so that emissions in atmosphere are completely eliminated. It also has a low level of noise emission due to electric traction/engine and to its tyres.

Tram characteristics

The Tram will have the following characteristics:

- little hindrance: it is 2,20 m wide and 2,89 m high;

- 70% of walls are glass-covered;

- 25 cm higher than the road;

- 23 cm higher than the pavement.


ACTV S.p.a. for the information provided.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Major tunnel in Utrecht



Utrecht was a compact city: expansions around the old centre were limited and surrounded by highways and a canal. With the new suburb 'Leidsche Rijn' being reclaimed it is divided in two parts by a highway and the canal. New bridges over the canal and ‘covering’ the highway should remove the barriers and unify the suburb.

To protect air quality and to prevent noise it was proposed to cover 1,5 km of the road. But the ministry of transport, the most important financier, gave priority to internal safety. Because there was no physical need, like a canal, for covering the highway, the ministry didn't want to introduce a risk of accident with a lot of casualties. Even with safety measures that would have made it the safest tunnel in Europe, it was not acceptable.

The parallel roads for through traffic could be covered if the transport of LPG was via another route. And only parts of the main highway of 350 metre at the most could be covered. A screen along the open parts should reduce the area not suitable for living regarding high air pollution and traffic noise.

A few years ago the municipality of Utrecht accepted this solution, because discussions about safety were influenced by some recent accidents in European tunnels.

The minimum distance between new houses and the middle of the motorway is calculated with the help of windtunnel measurements. It is possible this distance has to become larger because of new, more pessimistic air quality scenarios. There is also a difficulty with the use of the area between the houses and the highway. It will not be a residential area. But what kind of use is acceptable? The structure should force the right use. The designers hope to get more starting points from the air quality policy.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Electric vehicles in Bristol



VIVALDI - Clean Vehicle Initiatives

Wrightbus ‘Electrocity’

VIVALDI project partner First planned to introduce and trial 4 hybrid diesel-electric midibuses built by Wrightbus. The bus is low floor and has a range of 150-250 miles depending upon operation. Top speed: 45mph. It was recently trialed in Bristol but is not yet commercially available.

Emissions performance is targeted to exceed standards for Euro 4 in 2005.

Emissions comparison –

Electrocity Euro 4 (2005 standard)

NOx (oxides of nitrogen) 0.75 2.61

HC (hydrocarbons) 0.4 0.41

CO (carbon monoxide) 0.56 2.98

PM (particulates) 0.012 0.0149

Projected cost is around £170,000 (2002)

Hybrid Bus

Bristol have engaged a consortium, led by Eneco, to build a hybrid diesel-electric bus for operation in Bristol, possibly on the 905/Clear Zones orbital routes, or a combination of the two. The engine is being developed by Eneco and will operate within a 29 seater Optare Solo bus.

Emissions benefits: Targets versus standard Optare Solo bus -

All harmful emissions will be significantly reduced, target reductions relative to an equivalent Euro 3 engined vehicle will be: CO by 25%, NOX by 25%, HC by 25%, Particulates by 25% and CO2 by 35%.

Target fuel consumption reduction will be approximately 30%.

The engine will be programmed to the route – periods of electric operation will be scheduled for those areas where emissions benefits are most desirable, regenerative braking is a further energy-efficient feature.

Total project cost £209,550 (including contributions from Eneco, LTC, Energy savings Trust, BCC (£70,000 plus donor vehicle).

Trial in Bristol and project sign-off scheduled for September 2003.

Bristol’s Hybrid bus under development at Eneco, Slinfold

Hybrid diesel-electric engine

Electric Bus

Vehicle Specification: Known as the Tecnobus, the vehicle is manufactured in Italy by Tecnobus S.r.l, carries 26 passengers and is low floor. The vehicle is battery powered and also features regenerative braking, having the lowest unit consumption of energy in this category of vehicle. Vehicle cost (1997): £75,600, battery cost £5,500 per set. It has a range of 100km on a single charge with a maximum speed of 33km/hour, making it most suitable for urban operation.

Use: 2 vehicles have operated since 1997 on the 905 Park and Ride route (Centaur project).

It is planned that one vehicle will now be converted into a mobile information vehicle or ‘I-bus’ as part of VIVALDI.

The vehicle is zero emission from source, totally emission-free if powered from a renewable energy source.

Dial a Ride LPG minibus

As part of VIVALDI a fully accessible LPG minibus was introduced in August 2002. The vehicle serves a new service area launched simultaneously. The vehicle is a dual fuel petrol LPG Mercedes Sprinter Minibus. The use of LPG was reviewed during the first 6 months of use and found to be operationally acceptable. On this basis two further LPG vehicles of a similar type have been ordered replacing older diesel vehicles as part of fleet renewal.

Emissions Benefits: Reduction of 2 bands – HC and NOx of 68%.

61% reduction of CO over the legislated standard. 17.7% reduction of CO2 over comparable petrol/diesel vehicle.

Fuel consumption (urban operation):

Litres LPG/100 km Diesel equivalent litre/100km Petrol litres/100 km

20.47 13.1 17.80

Conversion cost to LPG operation: £2,430


As part of VIVALDI 34 First buses were retrofitted with particulate traps (19) and catalysts (15) (phase 1). Retrofitting technology was chosen according to the current Euro emission level and engine type of the vehicle. Vehicles retrofitted serve 4 different services, all serving city centre destinations. Catalysts were fitted on older vehicles and particulate traps were fitted on the newer vehicles. It is estimated that emissions on each retrofitted bus will have improved by approximately one level of Euro. Retrofitting those buses running largely in the central area will assist in improving air quality levels according with the Council’s proposed Clear Zone and Air Quality Management Area.

Emissions benefits -

Particulate traps:

Reduce particulate matter, CO and HC by up to 95%

Catalytic action reduces CO and HC by 90%

Oxidation catalysts:

Reduce HC and CO by up to 90%

Reduce PM by 25%

Total project cost VIVALDI phase 1: £77,250

Funding contributions from Energy Savings Trust, BCC and First

Municipal Fleet

The Council has an ongoing commitment to replace existing vehicles with LPG fuelled vehicles. During the lifetime of the project it is proposed to add a further 50 LPG vehicles to the fleet and introduce further electric and hybrid vehicles as part of VIVALDI. Operation of LPG vehicles within the municipal fleet has been successful, with relatively few problems, most of which have been resolved by the vehicle suppliers. It is proposed to retrofit 10 older and larger diesel vehicles less suited to LPG operation with particulate traps or oxidisation catalysts. So far 26 LPG vehicles have been introduced and successfully operated within the Councils fleet from the start of the project.

G-Wiz electric cars

The emission and noise free ‘G-Wiz’ cars are being tested by Bristol City Council as part of its pool car operations and will offer employees a new sustainable way to travel between offices and around the city in the course of their duties.

Bristol City Council is making use of European funding to pilot the electric cars as part of an ongoing package of innovative measures to tackle transport issues like air pollution, congestion and social inclusion. The scheme forms part of the VIVALDI European Commission supported project which is led by five city authorities, namely Bristol (UK), Bremen (Germany), Nantes (France), Aalborg (Denmark) and Kaunas (Lithuania). In Bristol the project comprises a £9m package of sustainable transport measures.

Two of the five cars will operate from the council’s premises at Wilder House and three vehicles from the CREATE Centre. At both these premises the cars’ batteries will be recharged using mains electricity generated from renewable energy sources. Therefore the vehicles will be totally pollution free.

Recharging points are also being introduced at the Council House, and other coucil owned buildings around the city to allow the batteries to be topped up in between uses. The cars are ideal for stop-start city driving with a top speed of 40mph and a range of 40 miles. The fuel cost can be as low as 1p per mile. They do, however, have difficulty going up steep hills.

The fleet will be branded as part of the council’s TravelBristol initiative, making them recognisable as part of transport initiatives in the city.

For more information on the VIVALDI project visit www.vivaldiproject.org

For more information on GWIZ visit www.goinggreen.co.uk

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  How can electric and hybrid vehicles contribute to clean air?



During the years 1998-2000 the city of Malmö and one of Sweden’s biggest energy company, Sydkraft, carried out a demonstration project with electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles. The project was supported by the Swedish government with the aims to :

  • Show that these vehicles are realistic alternatives
  • Encourage use
  • Study vehicle technique, charging and driving
  • Study impact on environment and consequences for traffic

A total of 100 light (five different makes and models) vehicles participated. Two heavy electric refuse collection vehicles formed a subproject. The total mileage was 960 000 km. The daily average for a vehicle was 20-25 km ( a third of possible action range). According to the users the advantages were less pollution with no local emissions, no noise, easy to drive and park, much cheaper to drive than internal combustion cars and free parking.

The disadvantages were short action range per charge, expensive to buy, long charging time and limited speed.

The Swedish Road Administration has a model to calculate (Vägverkets publikation 1997:130) the economic effects (caused by pollution) for society. The use of the two electric refuse collection vehicles saved 600.000 SEK/year (€65.000) due to lower emissions.

The project report is only in Swedish as pdf at: http://www.kfb.se/publ/main.htm

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Electric and Hybrid Vehicles in Sevilla




Sevilla is one of the first cities in the world using vehicles with electric propulsion for the collection of urban waste.

The Cleaning Service Company LIPASAM, managed by the City Council, added the first five compacters vehicles to its fleet in 1998, for the collection of urban waste in the historic centre of Sevilla.

These vehicles, with bimodal technology (hybrid combustion-electric engine), were the first experience at national level in Spain. Hybrid electric vehicles combine the internal combustion engine of a conventional vehicle with the battery and electric motor of an electric vehicle, resulting in twice the fuel economy of conventional vehicles. The practical benefits of this technology also include lower emissions and environmental noise at low speeds compared to conventional vehicles.

At present, the good experience of the Environmental Department of Sevilla City Council was confirmed by the purchase of another five compacter vehicles, consolidating this bimodal technology.


The use of bimodal compacters in the historic centre of Sevilla provides important advantages over conventional collection vehicles.

First, the size of these vehicles, smaller than classic compacters, make them suitable for the collection of waste in the historic centre of the city, which presents an intricate street layout. These vehicles do not block traffic and allow access to difficult or inaccessible sites for big tonnage vehicles and therefore they are a very important resource for urban waste collection in the city centre.

In addition, the use of this bimodal technology presents a big difference in terms of environmental benefits when compared with exclusively fossil fuelled vehicles since hybrid vehicles help to reduce smog-forming pollutants and environmental noise.

Bimodal compacter vehicle for urban waste collection in the historic centre of Sevilla


The acquisition of these new bimodal vehicles implied an investment over 1.5 million of euros, although the special characteristics of the initiative and its environmental improvement was partially supported by the EU Cohesion Funds (80%); the rest of the investment was supported by the City Council of Sevilla (20%).

A market research among different manufacturers of electric and compacting components was performed prior the acquisition. It was decided to purchase compacting elements produced by SEMAT, which has an extensive experience on bimodal vehicles. Additionally, SEMAT equipment has been used for conventional cleaning systems for urban waste collection in Sevilla for several years.

SEMAT compacting elements were assembled over chassis produced by RENAULT, specifically Premium 250.18 model for medium size and M.180.13 for small size compacters.

The electric equipment was provided by PONTICELLI, which is a company with extensive background and reliability in such field.

Technical characteristics

The compacters meet security specifications, and pollutant emissions and noise limitations according to the EU regulations currently in force.

Main technical characteristics of these vehicles are the following:



Length: 8100 mm

Width: 2500 mm

Height: 3300 mm


Manufacturer: RENAULT

Model: Premium 250.18

Maximum weight: 18 t

Power: 250 HP

Electric system

Manufacturer: PONTICELLI

Voltage: 96 V

Battery range: 900 A/h

Battery type: Acid lead

Traction: 36 kW

Compacting system

Manufacturer: SEMAT

Model: CE.224

Capacity: 14 m3

Compacting range 5 to 1

Optimal load: 7 t

Container lift equipment

Manufacturer: SEMAT

Model: OSCL-1124

Time: 90-360 l / 9 seconds

660-1000 l / 14 seconds

Hydraulic engine

Number of units acquired 2



Length: 7000 mm

Width: 2270 mm

Height: 2880 mm


Manufacturer: RENAULT

Model: M.180.13

Maximum weight: 13 t

Power: 175 HP

Electric system

Manufacturer: PONTICELLI

Voltage: 96 V

Battery range: 585 A/h

Battery type: Acid lead

Traction: 36 kW

Compacting system

Manufacturer: SEMAT

Model: CE.210

Capacity: 8 m3

Compacting range 5 to 1

Optimal load: 4 t

Container lift equipment

Manufacturer: SEMAT

Model: OSCL-1124

Time: 90-360 l / 9 seconds

660-1000 l / 14 seconds

Hydraulic engine

Number of units acquired 3

The driving range of these on board batteries-operated electric vehicles varies depending on the operation, weight, design features. Batteries can be refuelled by plugging them into the recharging station installed at LIPASAM central office.

It is planned that the vehicles are recharged during the morning and operating as electric engine during the collection service at night. This way the period of electric operation is scheduled for those areas where emissions benefits are most desirable.

Further details

More available information on www.lipasam.es

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Electric Cars in Turku



The City of Turku was a partner in EVD-POST project, which was supported under Thermie (TR140/97). The project aimed at enhancing the usage of electric vehicles in Europe. A special aspect of the project in Turku was to set up a public-private partnership (PPP) to offer a network of public charging stations in and around the city. In these charging stations electricity and parking is free for two hours. By proving to be an owner of an EV one is able to get a key to the charging station from the Environmental Protection Office of City of Turku.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  LPG Cars at Leipzig



In Germany, there are tax reductions available for vehicles powered by natural gas (guaranteed until 2020). Those reductions lead to significant savings concerning the general running costs of the car. In addition, the Saxonian Emission and Climate Protection Program foresees under particular circumstances a financial aid covering 50 to 80 per cent of the additional costs of the vehicle. Furthermore, clients of Leipzig communal natural gas provider “Stadtwerke Leipzig” receive 1000 EUR for the new registration of a LPG vehicle.

Leipzig today has a network of three stations for natural gas and fourth one is foreseen. The communal cleaning service maintains ten LPG garbage trucks (and 53 fuel-powered ones). The Stadtwerke plan to start operating 11 transport LPG vehicles in 2003. It is the policy of the municipality to transform its own car fleet and that of direct service enterprises of the city step-by-step into a fleet powered by natural gas.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  LPG buses



LPG is a by-product from the refinery of oil. In the Netherlands it is used on a large scale as a fuel for cars. Transport and storage can cause accidents with a great impact. Because of safety measures there were hardly accidents and no casualties in the last few decades.

Diesel buses are causing a lot of air pollution, so from 1995 the policy of Utrecht was to use LPG for buses of the municipal Transport Company.

The experience with standard LPG-buses is good, although costs for maintenance are a bit higher. Jointed buses on diesel perform better than jointed buses on LPG. For double-jointed buses no proper LPG-engines were available.

Now 30% of their buses are LPG buses.

Liquid petrol gas busses

Text Box: 
Liquid petrol gas busses

From 2002 the Ministry of Environmental Care made clear the use of LPG would be discouraged because of the safety risks of LPG. This caused the end of the production of LPG engines for buses. The municipal Transport Company is now buying diesel buses.

In the contract between the Region and the bus companies is an environmental restriction: every new bus complies with the latest emission standard and the average age of buses in use in 2007 will be 7 years (now 10 years) and the maximum age will be 14 years (now 19 years).

LPG buses will only be brought back into use if they are designed and marketed on a Europe-wide basis.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  The world's largest fleet of refuse collection trucks driven by natural gas



Göteborg has the world's largest fleet of refuse collection trucks driven by natural gas. Over 30 % of Renova's refuse collection trucks in Göteborg run on natural gas. This means that the natural gas replaces more than half a million litres of diesel oil.

Renova also has, still, the world's only refuse collection truck with water hydraulics. Instead of oil, this refuse collection truck has water in its hydraulic system. In addition the truck runs on natural gas, which puts it in the best environmental class.

Göteborg is also first in the world with a street-sweeping machine with unique environmental properties for this type of vehicle. The natural gas engine not only lowers the emission levels considerably, but also the noise level.

Street-sweeping machine and vehicles run on natural gas
By means of a comprehensive technical solution, Göteborg is first in the world with a street-sweeping machine with unique environmental properties for this type of vehicle.

The street-sweeping machine is based on the medium-heavy truck model Volvo FL, which is also supplied in a variant run on natural gas, CNG, based on the six-cylinder diesel engine.

The natural gas engine is primarily intended as an alternative in sensitive town environments for refuse trucks, for example, and lorries for distribution. The natural gas engine not only lowers the emission levels considerably, but also the noise level, which is important in heavily populated areas.

The street-sweeping unit is also run on natural gas.
A Bi-Fuel engine from Volvo Cars is used as the engine to power brushes and a turbine for suction. It can be run on either natural gas (CNG) or biogas. There are ten or so trucks of this size with sweeping units in operation in the Göteborg area today, so-called street-sweeping machines.

More vehicles run on natural gas

Renova, the west of Sweden's leading recycling and waste disposal company, based in Göteborg, is also a pioneer in the field of vehicles run on natural gas.

There are now altogether 33 medium-heavy and heavy Volvo trucks run on natural gas in operation with Renova. This means that about 30 % of the vehicle fleet is run on natural gas. A positive development from an environmental point of view, since they are vehicles that are used in sensitive big city environments.

Göteborg is also well provided with filling stations for natural gas. Renova has its own quick-filling station for natural gas, where it takes about 5-7 minutes to fill a natural-gas-driven truck. There are a further five stations in the Göteborg area.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Ecological Vehicles in Malmoe



Public transport

The City of Malmö has actively worked together with Skånetrafiken (the regional public transport coordinator) and Sydgas (the local gas company) to replace the diesel buses with gas buses in the city . Today all city buses (approx 200) run on natural gas, CNG. This is the largest fleet of natural gas busses in northern Europe. The building of new infrastructure for refuelling has been an important part of the success. The three different contractors operating the city buses all have CNG available at their garages for filling

Refuse collection

The city’s contractors use both heavy electric battery vehicles and natural gas vehicles.

The municipal fleet of light vehicles

In 1997 the city council set the target that the municipal car fleet year 2000 should consist of 25 % clean vehicles. This goal was easily reached. In 2001 the municipal council therefore set a new target that the municipal car fleet year 2003 should consist of 50 % clean vehicles. In april 2004 the figure was 53 %. The definition of clean vehicles includes electric and hybrid electric vehicles, biogas- and natural gas vehicles, ethanol vehicles, some biodiesel (RME) vehicles and vehicles with very low consumption of petrol and diesel. A municipal company called ViSAB owns all vehicles in the municipality and leases the vehicles to the different municipal offices. With the target 50% clean vehicles 2003 there was a regulation set up that the offices have to have specific reasons if they do not lease a clean vehicle.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Contribution of bicycle traffic for improving Air Quality



Malmö calls itself ‘the Cycling City’ because it already has more than 370 km of cycle ways (compared to 900 km car ways) and it is planned to reach 520 km. The City Council’s goal over a ten year period is to

  • Increase cycle traffic by 10 %
  • Decrease car traffic by 2-3 %
  • Decrease car emissions in Malmö by approx 5 %

The latter target seems hard to reach but if the short car journeys can be replaced by cycling it will have much greater effect on AQ than the reduced number of car journeys predicts. This is due to the fact that the catalyst has not reached optimum effect when the engine is cold. Thus the engine emits more until the catalyst has reached its working temperature.

The topography of Malmö is ideal for cycling and increasing safety on the cycle ways, building a fully comprehensive cycle network, creating attractive and recreational cycle routes, providing safe and secure cycle parking facilities and promoting the advantages of cycling to all Malmö’s inhabitants will contribute to reaching the goals for ‘the Cycling City’.

Cycle parking and marketing are very often overlooked. There should be a sufficient number of bike stands throughout the city, appropriately positioned, user friendly, secure and where possible, protected from the weather. Cycle parking should have the same importance in transport planning as car parking.

Marketing should be divided in two categories; one for general info as cycle maps functioning both as route guides and as the basis for themed trips, and the other category for campaigns. To be successful campaigns should focus on a limited part of the bicycle network such as a new lane in a district. Too wide campaigns do not have as good effect as more narrow ones

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  How can Bicycles contribute to clean air? “Cycling project in the Metropolitan Area of Seville”



In the last few years, the use of the bicycle has been considered an alternative to the more traditional forms of transport, in the city of Seville. The Hispalense University within its Governing Council, approved a project whose main aim is to ease communication by creating a network of cycleways between the different faculties in the university distributed in the Reina Mercedes Campus , Old Tobacco Factory , Macarena and Cartuja ( there is a long distance between each campus). With this project, a demand made by the 70.000 students at the university will be achieved. The work in this project started seven years ago, and will not only meet the demand of the university students, but will also improve health and promote a healthy environment.

With the use of these cycle lane, it will be possible to ease the journeys of the students from one campus, to another one, activity that at the current moment is being increased, as a consequence of new cross curriculum study plans, because many students now have to attend curriculum subjects, in several different centres, whilst studying for their degree.

The Transport and Traffic Delegation of the Local Council have taken on the task for carrying out the building works, at the same time that the University will ensure that all the faculties have the services and accesses needed for the students and and security for cycle parking.

More available information in the next website


Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Bicycle use



Bicycle infrastructure

In Utrecht 29% of the number of journeys takes place by bicycle.

For both the town and region main cycle ways are signposted, surfaced and designed for cycle traffic. At main crossings are tunnels reserved for cyclists and pedestrians. An important issue in the design of these tunnels is that people feel safe.

Parking bicycles

In Utrecht are 5 guarded cycle storage sheds and many other provisions without security. Also in some streets there are bicycle boxes which can be locked.

In the plan for the redeveloped railway station (pubic transport terminal) are six cycle sheds with about 20.000 places.

In the Netherlands since 2003 you can buy a subscription for hiring a bicycle at the railway station. Then you don't have to fill in a form and to pay a deposit. So it is much quicker. Because there will be more train passengers if the transport before and after the railway journey is good, the rent for a bicycle doesn't have to be cost effective.

In Utrecht the car parks(for cars and bicycles) are run by the (public) parking division. With the money from car parking the municipality can keep the prices for bicycle parking low.

Experiment bicycle street

A few years ago in Utrecht there was an experiment with a bicycle street. The street was divided in two parts: one for each direction. The part for one direction was too small for cars passing a bicycle. The meaning was that cars should have the same speed as bicycles. The experiment was no success, because some cyclists became nervous by cars riding too close behind them. They gave way to cars to pass and that resulted in dangerous situations.

Mobility management/ Taxation regimes

Most public and some private companies have office bicycles for short trips to other buildings. Utrecht officers cannot claim expences for parking their car in the city. So no officer will use a car to go to the city center, because of the high parking rates. The national government stimulates the use of bicycles by taxation profits. It is possible to buy a bicycle via your employer and to substract the costs from your gross salary.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Hythane – blending hydrogen with CNG for city buses in Malmö



The City of Malmö, in cooperation with a large Swedish energy company, Sydkraft, and the local public transport company, Skånetrafiken, has been working actively with the fleet of city buses for several years. This has resulted in one of Europe’s largest bus fleets run on Compressed Natural Gas (CNG).

Today the fleet consists of around 180 buses. As for the air quality, the improvements have been considerable. At one of the sites for measuring the air quality in the city centre the level of nitrogen oxides has decreased more than 40 % over a period of seven years, following the large-scale introduction of CNG-buses since the mid-90s.

In 2003 the next step was taken in the form of a project aiming at producing hydrogen for a filling station in the centre of the city. In 2003 the station was opened, and since then the pumps can offer both pure hydrogen, and different mixtures of CNG and hydrogen, so called ‘hythane’. This is the first station of its kind in Europe.

The target of the project is to convert two buses in the bus fleet from CNG to hythane and to evaluate the influence of the fuel on emissions, fuel consumption and operability. Moreover, the project sets out to develop a general understanding of the influence of hydrogen/CNG mixtures when used in public transport. Since September 2003 one bus is running on hythane consisting of 8% hydrogen and 92 % CNG.

In the next step, the second bus will be converted to run on 20 % hydrogen mixture. This will require modifications of the control system in the bus and also minor modifications of the engine in order to be able to cope with the higher concentrations of hydrogen.

This second bus will be monitored both for fuel consumption and emissions. Considerable positive effects on the air quality are expected. As for nitrogen and carbon monoxide a 10 % decrease is anticipated. Furthermore, a decrease of emissions of greenhouse gases of up to 20 % is foreseen. The launch of this second bus is soon to come, and it will be running sometime during the autumn of 2004. The project will end in 2005, when enough experience has been gained from the operation of the two buses.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  H2 and Fuel Cell vehicles in Stockholm and Reykjavik



Reykjavik: The challenge of a domestic source for transport energy

With its geographical location and geological situation, Iceland naturally has a geothermal heat flux, combined with rain and snow, which allow for geothermal and hydroelectric harnessing. However, transport, fishing and industry still emit about 11 tonnes of CO2 per capita per year and require oil and gasoline imports. In order to tackle the problems of pollution and energy supply, the ministry of Industry and Commerce appointed a committee on “Domestic Fuel Production” in 1997. With a strong support and clear political leadership from the national government, a joint venture called Icelandic New Energy was set up to investigate the potential for eventually replacing the use of fossil fuels in Iceland with “hydrogen based fuels” and create the world’s first hydrogen economy.

Three key projects on hydrogen were launched: fuel cell bus demonstrations (ECTOS), fuel cell passenger vehicles pilots, and fuel cell fishing vessel demonstrations. The ECTOS project (2001-2005) is run in cooperation with the CUTE project and aims at creating and integrating hydrogen infrastructure into the existing urban setting in Reykjavik. The CUTE (Clean Urban Transport for Europe) project, funded by the European Commission, involves 9 European cities (Amsterdam, Barcelona, Hamburg, London, Luxembourg, Madrid, Porto, Stockholm, and Stuttgart) aiming to introduce hydrogen in public transport systems.

Hydrogen is produced through an on-site electrolyser using renewable electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. After that, hydrogen is stored in a compressor and delivered directly on to vehicles in a gaseous form. The first demonstration buses started to run in October 2003. They can drive 200 to 250 km at a maximum speed of 80 kph. Hydrogen can be transported by truck in a gas or liquid form. The project is currently investigating the impact of transforming hydrogen at each location. In addition, the use of hydrogen for fishing vessels is in demonstration. Another project is looking at how to extract hydrogen from geothermal gases. Geothermal heat could also provide energy for high temperature electrolysis of water. One of the main challenges today, remains the storage of hydrogen.

Iceland is investigating the possibilities to export hydrogen to the European continent. The Icelandic government is conducting studies to analyse the economic and social cost of hydrogen infrastructure and the pros and cons of a fully developed infrastructure for the hydrogen economy.

Stockholm: Creating a market for alternative fuelled vehicles

In the framework of the CIVITAS Trendsetter project, the city of Stockholm is investigating how to create a market for alternative fuelled vehicles (AFVs). Currently, the high cost of such vehicles, the inadequate infrastructure, national barriers, the lack of incentives, and the low acceptance of users are main obstacles for an alternative fuelled vehicles market. The city of Stockholm has set the target that by 2006, at least 4% of all new vehicles should be AFVs, 60% of all vehicles used by the city should be AFVs, and that AFVs should be fuelled by 80% of alternative fuels.

The city of Stockholm has been involved in numerous projects promoting the procurement of AFVs, such as ZEUS, Trendsetter, and HECTOR. These projects aim to develop the infrastructure for alternative fuelled vehicles, to buy a large quantity of these vehicles, to create a market, to raise the awareness of sustainable transport, and to develop new intermodal transport facilities. Around 350 vehicles were bought within the ZEUS project and the prices of the vehicles were reduced by 25 to 50%. 3000 ethanol cars were bought and the number of fuelling stations doubled. Within the Trendsetter project on clean vehicle procurement, 1700 biogas, electric-hybrid, ethanol cars and vans are bought per year over a 4-year period. Prices are reduced by 4 to 18%. In addition, these projects have contributed to opening the market for electric vehicles, and to foster the development of the required infrastructure. Currently, the city of Stockholm is developing the HECTOR project (Heavy Vehicles for Sustainable City Transport). The goal is to have at least two established vehicle manufacturers offer standardised city buses and regional buses that can be operated on ethanol, by the end of the project period. Another aim of the project is to buy 2000 buses within a 3 to 5 years period.

These experiences show that common procurement is essential to reduce the price of AFVs, to introduce new technologies, to help develop new infrastructure and to reduce technical and economic risks. Along with common procurement, it is also necessary to encourage the use of clean vehicles through incentives such as free parking for AFVs, free access in restricted zones, and through the promotion of clean vehicles in private companies. In order to further increase the public acceptance of AFVs, the city of Stockholm offers citizens the opportunity to borrow an AFV for free. In January 2004, there were around 2500 AFVs in greater Stockholm.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Car-free housing in some German cities, especially Hamburg



This is an example of car-free housing in which about 50 - 100 people live without a car for approximately the last three years.

The companionship "Wohnwarft e. G." is part of the "Car-free living" project in the Saarlandstraße in Hamburg-Barmbek. It is initiated by the association "Autofreies Wohnen" (car-free living), which deals with human and environmental sounds of everyday traffic.

Documents available in German:

www.wohnwarft.de (companionship in Hamburg/Germany)

www.autofreieswohnen.de (Association/NGO in Hamburg/Germany)

A website with a nationwide overview in Germany (bilingual):


Additionally something about car-free living in general:

In German: www.autofrei.de

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Examples of Pedestrian and Residential Areas in Bristol



Home Zones

A Home Zone is a street or group of streets that aims to create an environment that is more than just a place for cars to park. It should invite its residents to view it as a space for people with particular emphasis on the safer movement of pedestrians and cyclists. Vehicular traffic should travel at little more than walking pace.

Home Zones are designed to support and promote use of sustainable transport methods for short journeys whilst creating a safe environment for community activities and children to play.

The benefits of home zones can include:

  • Improved local area identity and community spirit
  • Reduction in crime
  • Reduced rat running
  • Improved road safety
  • Improved opportunities for children to play in a safer environment

Home Zones signage

The Bristol City Council has completed one home zone and is currently working on more potential sites and aims to establish two retrofit Home Zones and build three new Home Zones by 2006. Below is a list showing the progress to date:

Victory Residents Home Zone (Completed)

The Victory Home Zone in Bedminster was completed in September 2002 with features such as speed cushions, new lighting, trees, planters and a new play area.

A consultation process took place with six street representatives throughout the community over an 18-month period to develop and implement the home zone, and involved many specialist organisations and manufacturers.

The Victory Home Zone play area

Doorstep questionnaires have been undertaken in this area and working party meetings have been set up in order to develop a draft home zone for this area. Ten street representatives have been identified and are working on ideas for each street within the scheme with a view to undertake phased formal consultation, public consultation and construction during 2004.

In the future, a number of specialists including landscape architects, planners and security consultants will be drawn upon to provide expertise as the proposals are developed.

The Dings Home Zone (Draft proposals)

Consultation on this proposal such as doorstep questionnaires, interviews and public events in streets has gone very well with some 82% of residents in favour of a Home Zone.

A draft proposal for the whole Home Zone area has been developed and will need to marry with the adjacent Barratt Homes development site at Temple Quay. Consequently, we are now moving towards a formal program of works for the first construction phase although this will be subject to the necessary statutory procedures that need to be followed.

The Dings as it looks today

The Dings before the proposal

Proposed improvements for The Dings

The Dings after the home zone completed

There is a leaflet detailing Bristol’s Home Zone strategy entitled ‘Making Streets Safer’ in the right column which explains the city council’s approach to building new home zones and to retrofitting existing areas.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Using Regeneration to Improve Air Quality in Birmingham, UK



Birmingham has undergone significant regeneration in recent years, and the programme of regeneration is continuing. It is important that the opportunity of regeneration is used to achieve improvements in air quality.

The policies of Birmingham City Council encourage residential development on sites in the city centre that have previously been used for industry or commerce. In the past there have been very few residential properties in the City Centre, and these have been of poor quality. In recent years the encouragement of City Centre living has seen a rapid increase in the population of the City Centre. The City Council now aims to have 10 000 people living in the central region of the City by 2008. These new City centre developments are of a very high quality, and have very limited parking to encourage the use of other modes of transport. In addition many developments are ‘mixed use’, meaning that workplaces, leisure uses and residential properties form parts of the same development. This reduces the need to travel.

In this way the regenerated areas appeal to professional workers who often do not own cars and are able to walk to workplaces and leisure locations within the City Centre. In some cases additional public transport facilities such as bus stops and areas to store bicycles are provided by the developer as a condition of their approval to develop a site.

This principle of rebuilding City areas that are in need or regeneration around travel modes other than the car is essential in tackling the problem of poor urban air quality.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Regeneration and Newly Developed Areas in Malmö




Malmö is dealing with many issues similar to those faced by many other European cities, as it undergoes a relatively fast and dramatic change from provincial Swedish industrial town to cosmopolitan knowledge-based city. This change is not without problems, but at the same time it offers Malmö huge opportunities.

The industrial base of the city disappeared in a short space of time in the 1980s, followed by a large immigration into the city as a result of the collapse of the Berlin wall and the conflict in the Balkans. This has resulted in a Swedish workforce with redundant skills and a large disenfranchised immigrant community. The struggle to develop the city’s potential in this new situation has not borne fruit with sufficient speed, and despite a decrease in unemployment rates there are still pockets of very high unemployment, usually coinciding with areas of high immigrant population. Even though there are skills within these areas that correspond to needs in the labour market, there are still too many institutional and cultural barriers to allow many people from ethnic minority backgrounds to break into the labour market. There is a significant danger of a second generation growing up in the city with few local or family role models and limited prospects to participate in economic and community life.

Many of these areas of greatest need are located in post-war housing areas in the city. Whilst housing standards are, from a European perspective, high, there are still significant problems with the living environment in these areas, which reflect some of the problems in the social environment. These peripheral neighbourhoods suffer often from a poor image, limited access to service, high-energy consumption and sometimes-poor communications with other areas of the city.

At the same time, Malmö has committed itself to high environmental targets, and whilst progress has been made, significant challenges still remain in the fields of transport, energy, biodiversity, land-use management etc.

New areas of housing, cultural and economic activity are also under development in the city, as demand for housing increases, new businesses start and companies with a base outside of the region relocate or establish new offices in Malmö. The Western Harbour offers opportunities for locating many such initiatives, but there is still pressure for development on the rich agricultural land surrounding the city.

As the city attempts to utilise urban brown field sites, increase urban density, provide new affordable housing, maintain viable communities and attractive living environments and generate a vibrant cultural life there are many contradictions and difficulties to deal with. Two areas have been the focus of particular activity in addressing a broad agenda for sustainability.


City of Tomorrow is an entirely new district in the Western Harbour with 700 apartments as well as offices, shops and other services.

The district has become an internationally leading example of sustainable urban construction. It has become a driving force in Malmö's development towards environmental sustainability and is setting the standard for the further development of housing and high-tech industry in the former industrial harbour area.

A quality programme consensus document and a ground-breaking urban plan set the stage for a cutting-edge development on the sea front overlooking Copenhagen and Malmö’s popular beach near the city centre. High demands for material use, energy efficiency, green space and biodiversity, car-free planning etc have created an environmentally efficient housing area. The unique and innovative 100% locally renewable energy system designed and built by Sydkraft has won international acclaim as a watershed in sustainable energy systems.

In the continued development of the Western Harbour there is a need to maintain and develop the environmental planning and functioning of the area, to attract more modern businesses to the district, provide more local services, shops etc and create improved opportunities for affordable housing. There is also a need for increased dialogue with local people and businesses in this continued development.


Ekostaden Augustenborg is a programme to make Augustenborg into a more socially, economically and ecologically sustainable neighbourhood. The Ekostaden initiative has been developed as a partnership between several departments in the City of Malmö, the MKB Housing Company, local schools, businesses and local inhabitants.

Since 1998, Augustenborg has been undergoing a transformation from a forgotten or notorious neighbourhood to a flagship of sustainable urban renewal. Groundbreaking initiatives to tackle flooding through the creation of green roofs and open rainwater systems; innovation in public transport and community-run eco-car-pools; building and green-space renewal to decrease energy and increase amenity and biodiversity; and a major programme to recycle over 70% of waste have all combined to demonstrate the feasibility of having an environmentally friendly habitat in a post-war housing area. A second phase of the project is currently under development and is based on the ideas of local residents as well as being partly inspired by the Western Harbour development’s success in decreasing energy use and increasing renewable energy production in the neighbourhood.

Ekostaden has also worked closely with other local initiatives such as the EU financed URBAN programme and a national Social & Economic Development Programme. These initiatives have started to work together with local people to tackle local socio-economic problems and some progress has been made. Unemployment is falling significantly, there are no more empty apartments in the neighbourhood and it is increasingly being seen as an attractive area to live.

In Sweden there is a high degree of autonomy for the local authorities and a limited tradition of working in partnership. The local development partnerships have been interesting initiatives from this perspective. Both have developed with different functions and aims. The Augustenborg partnership is made up of relevant local authority departments (technical and social functions) the school and the local housing company. All of these bodies have committed time and financial resources to the implementation of the project and have constituted the core of the management committee. Local people have been involved at a later stage, in a consultative role, although there were initial plans to establish a more formal role for residents in the management group. The initiative for the project came primarily from the housing company and the council-run industrial area in Augustenborg.

The partnership around the Western Harbour initiative was based around the city’s expansion and the planned Housing Expo. The main organisational body for the area was the developers group, co-ordinated by the Planning Department in the city and involving all developers, the housing expo organisation and other relevant bodies. The initiative came from the City of Malmö.

The aims and objectives of the Augustenborg initiative are clearly defined and the submissions for government funding became the common documents from which the partnership operated. The aims of the Western Harbour project were much broader in that they focused on (i) the local concerns of developing an attractive sustainable futuristic housing area (ii) the short-term concerns of hosting the National Housing Expo 2001 and (iii) the strategic concern of retaining high-income families and associated tax-revenues within the municipality of Malmö. Both projects have had clear targets and quantifiable outputs, clearly defined and reported often to external financers (national government, EU, etc.).

Participatory processes in the two projects have been significantly different due to the differing natures of the areas. In Augustenborg, a high priority was given to community participation in the formation and development of the initiative and in supporting additional measures initiated by local people. In the Harbour an innovative process with developers to agree to a consensus Quality Programme has given all key stakeholders an important voice in the development of the overall project, from strategic goals to delivery. The Quality Programme has become the guiding document for the development of the area, particularly with regards to sustainability criteria.

Ekostaden Augustenborg was co-ordinated by a small management team, employed by the district council, based initially in the Housing Company office in the neighbourhood and later in another building which was developing as a community resource and focus for sustainable development initiatives in the area (URBAN programme, social development programme etc).

Both projects are focused on clearly defined geographical areas – Augustenborg is an existing residential neighbourhood with major road and rail infrastructure marking its boundaries; the Western Harbour is focused on an area between the sea front and the Exhibition Centre.

Contact details: Trevor Graham

Miljöstrategiska Avdelningen (LIP Kansliet)

Nordenskiöldsgatan 17

205 80 Malmö

Tel +46 (0)40 345896

Fax +46 (0)40 6614332


Email: trevor.graham@malmo.se

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  How can pedestrian areas contribute to clean air?



Over the last few years, the Traffic and Transport Department of the City of Seville, in cooperation with the School of Architecture, has pedestrianised several areas in the historic city centre. The main reason for the pedestrianisation was the need to revitalise the area, which suffered from traffic and parking problems. The construction of new big supermarkets also further contributed to these problems. The actions developed to date in conjunction with the new parking facilities which have been opened to the public have helped the local Council to move forward with the pedestrianisation plans for the area.

To achieve a successful pedestrianisation, and following European studies in the field, the Local Council took into account several requirements such as the provision of public transport, suitable loading systems, and suitable street widths. And these had to be in accordance with the walking frequency of the pedestrians to avoid possible congestion, etc.

At present, several parking lots have been brought into operation and a further two are going to be opened in a few months. Further actions developed until this moment have also helped the local Council to advance plans for pedestrianisation in the city. Another example of these actions have been the pedestrianisation of one of the most famous streets in Seville close to the river, “Betis”.

Further details

For more information please visit: www.aguasdesevilla.com & www.circularporsevilla.com

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Removable Bollards



The City of Leipzig aims to ban most vehicles from the inner city without hindering commercial and emergency vehicles.

Already now there is no main traffic road going through the city centre (delineated by an inner-city ring road) and the amount of traffic is thus fairly low. The city centre becomes therefore more attractive to pedestrians. In addition, one of the biggest infrastructure projects of Germany will be completed when a “city tunnel” will be build for trains with additional underground stations in the city centre – an action that is widely supported by residents, business people and Leipzig’s population.

The City of Leipzig has a two-tier strategy to further reduce the amount of cars circulating or parking in the city centre: On one hand, the municipality wants to leave the choice whether to use a car to visitors and local people by assuring a large supply of (underground) parking garages while taking on the other hand efforts to increase the attractiveness of public transport.

Key features of the concept are a dynamic parking lead system and removable bollards (see photo) that block the access to the inner city for every vehicle without permission. Those are only given to lorries that need to access an inner city shop, emergency vehicles and buses. The bollards effectively close the city centre to anybody else and to commercial vehicles outside the loading hours of the late morning.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Relocation of business activities



Relocation process of companies in Utrecht that cause too much nuisance.

In the last decades 60 companies moved from the inner medieval city of Utrecht to industrial areas outside of town.

This relocation of companies was part of a larger process of city renewal.

For management of the process of city renewal a new municipal department was created: The Department of City Renewal. This department organizes the improvement of houses, streets, sewage etc. A special part of the city-renewal was the relocation of companies that caused a nuisance. This relocation was necessary because the level of maintenance of environmental standards and safety legislation was modified. However,

some industries were relocated not primarily as a result of their nuisance factor, but because of basic property values.

The basic instruments used to manage the revitalisation process are:

- voluntary co-operation between the municipal administration and the companies

- partial subsidies for relocation

The process was managed on a case-by-case approach. To select the companies for relocation an instrument of industrial categories was used: only companies of category 3 and higher were selected. There was no forced prioritisation with respect to the sequence of relocation of companies. In that way companies could choose the most appropriate moment for relocation.

For every activity the nuisance was described.

Indicators for nuisance:

- the nuisance of the activity because of traffic and logistics

- environmental and risk factors (noise, odour, dust, risk)

Firstly, the real necessity of relocation was evaluated. When Best Available Techniques related to the type of activity made it possible for the company to operate without creating a nuisance, a contribution in the costs for these Best Available Techniques was given as a subsidy.

A company’s viability was also evaluated with the help of an economic screening which was done to draw a picture of the chances of the company in the future. Moreover,

the history of the company was verified: it should have been legally located for at least 5 years.

The city then offered a relocation area.

The company could do whatever it wanted to do with the old location. Usage for new industrial activities was only possible after permission by the city.

To prevent the settlement of a new inconvenient activity, the owner had to sign a so-called "carry-over conditions paper" by which a new owner also had to ask permission for the usage of the location for industrial activities. (After some years a new Land use plan prevented this settlement, so this "carry-over conditions paper" lost its value).

The contribution of the city was limited to 100% of the removal-costs and 50% of the re-installation-costs.

This relocation was a success:

- the contribution was enough to help the companies to a new start in more favourable circumstances

- the relocation-process did not lead to a "mono-functional" city without any industrial activity. This contributed to the liveliness of the town.

- as a result of the voluntary co-operation, no significant problems were met in the process of managing the process of revitalisation.

Financial resources:

Funds from National Department of VROM (Housing and Environment) for the renewal of town and villages

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Municipal energy plan for the City of Venice




The Municipality of Venice long ago started a policy of energy consumption control and the use of renewable energies, which has taken shape in the creation (initially with the Venetian Territorial and Environmental Services - VESTA, then also with the Province of Venice and the Municipal Public Transport Agency - ACTV) of the Venetian Agency for Energy (AGIRE). This Agency (http://www.ambiente.venezia.it/energia.asp) is the operative tool for the elaboration, promotion and realization of good practices and necessary actions to reach the objectives of energy efficiency inside and outside the public administrations which are its members.

At the same time, the Municipal Administration has drawn up the Municipal Energy Plan (PEC), approved in the Town Council session of 10/06/2003 and presented to the people in October 2003.

The planning process

The energy planning process which has been undertaken has gone far beyond an analysis of the city’s “energy bill”, in that it was conceived as an operative plan. In order to ensure constant updating, it has been organized as a “process plan”, adapted to being implemented over years with improvements and additions of new specific projects, at the same time asthe implementation of those already planned, in accordance with the city’s new demands and the use of new technologies.

In particular, by means of some consecutive steps that have involved the various stakeholders, there exists an historical analysis of energy consumption, the determination of the causes of this consumption and their possible future evolution, the projection of this evolutionin terms of new consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and the arrangement of guidelines (in a ten-year period) that will be able to orientate the evolution of the energy system towards better sustainability, identifying the operative tools and the subjects that could be involved in the planning process.

Thanks to the activation of a Forum (http://www.ambiente.venezia.it/forum/) on this topic, agreement protocols have been defined with large consumers of energy (in the field of transport, buildings, hotel, large household distribution, etc.) with the aim of defining the commitments to be met as regards procedures, actions and instruments aimed at the achievement of strategic goals and for the achievement of the expected actions of consumption rationalization, adoption of innovative technologies, information, education and public awareness.

Finally (by means of summary forms) specific actions that represent a first operational level (over a two-year period) of the plan and the agreements have been identified. Each form has a different objective that deals with the reduction of CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions for the protection of global climate, to reach the goals given in the Kyoto Protocol.

The concrete accomplishment of the projects described in the forms and the management of the protocols is entrusted to the Venetian Agency for Energy and, as regards the actions relating to the town patrimony, to the Town Energy Manager.

The economic resources

An opportunity for economic support is given by the new ministerial decrees (DM 04/24/2001 "Identification of the quantitative objects for an energy efficiency increase in the final uses according to the Art. 9, paragraph 1, of the legislative decree 03/16, n. 79" and DM 04/24/2001 on "Identification of the national quantitative objectives of energy saving and the development of renewable sources according to Art.16, paragraph 4, of the legislative decree 05/23/2000, n. 164"), that require the power and gas distributors to co-finance projects of energy saving, quantified in Energy Efficiency Bonds for which a real new market is opening.

The actions

The action “forms” contained in the Energy Plan elaborated by the Municipality of Venice are the translation, into specific projects, of the objectives outlined by the Plan in terms of energy saving, local energy production from renewable sources and high-energy efficiency technologies.

The “forms” foresee the implementation of actions of different degrees of importance, but all of them indicate modalities, implementation times and responsibility for the described projects. Their aim is to influence the integration model between energy and environment, both in the upstream stage (of conception and preparation of legislation, public awareness and promotion), and the downstream stage of their practical enforcement to give definition to the perspectives of sustainability in the Municipality of Venice.

The actions are aimed at the:

· creation of new tools to adapt the present ones, to make energy systems more efficient and an integral part of public and private choices regarding the urban area;

· initiation of large scale actions involving widespread interests;

· initiation of actions for specific sectors or plants;

· creation of demonstration actions;

· creation of communication and public awareness actions.

The envisaged interventions for the action “forms” elaborated in the Plan, some of them already fulfilled or in progress, are:

Introduction of the “Energy” factor in the Municipal Building Regulation

Objective: to study the different possibilities for the adjustment of the Municipal Building Regulation so as to take into account the energy factor by means of rules and advice on building that establish general technical-building and plant criteria, are likely to help and make the most of energy saving and use of renewable sources for heating/cooling systems, the production of sanitary hot/cool water, lighting, electric household equipment in buildings according with their intended purpose.

· Integration of Municipality of Venice tenders with a “bio-building section"

Objective: to adopt an operative instrument which contains indications on how to promote a sustainable-type building and which takes care to balance a number of parameters which are difficult to assess, such as the harmlessness of the materials used in the buildings, their traceability and the possibility of recycling, the energy costs in the plant choices, etc.

· Would you change (habits)? – Consumption, environment, energy saving, lifestyle

Objective: to reduce and re-orient consumption through information and public awareness strategies (on the global impact of consumption and the opportunities of an aware and conscious consumption) and by the adoption of more fair and sustainable lifestyles.

· Analysis of the energy efficiency in public buildings

Objective: to analyze the energy efficiency of public buildings to define an action plan aimed at reducing consumption.

· Promotion of the “blue coupon” system

Objective: to promote the dissemination of emission control systems also where it is not compulsory and to make the other consumers more aware (where it is already compulsory)

· Promotion and implementation of the "car sharing" system

Objective: to promote and implement the use of "car sharing" to reduce the use of private cars and therefore of consumption.

· Seminars and technical training courses on energy saving

Objective: to conduct a cycle of seminars and technical training courses regarding energy saving strategies for technicians, professionals and operators in the building sector.

· Implementation of a system of checks on the compulsory maintenance of domestic heating systems

Objective: to implement a system of checks on r the compulsory maintenance of heating systems according to law 01/09/1991 n. 10 and to D.P.R. 08/26/1993 n. 412 amended by D.P.R. 12/21/1999 n. 551.

· Realization of a teleheating network

Objective: Venice has a great thermoelectric generation potential that is developed mainly with four power stations (located in the Porto Marghera industrial area) totalling over 2000 MW. The feasibility study on the teleheating network envisages that the system be supplied with the heat produced by ENEL S.p.A. and EDISON Thermoelectric power plants. The areas which are suitable as potential users of the teleheating network are, within a urban and mobility plan, in the areas of Porto Marghera and Mestre. In total, 12 areas have been chosen and analyzed and the buildings are, for the most part yet to be built,. The areas involved are almost completely made up of future buildings intended for the service sector. The system could be implemented in different stages.

· Development of oxycombustion in the glass district of Murano

Objective: to substitute natural gas/oxygen for the traditional air/natural gas combustion of the glass ovens.. Thus, by eliminating almost completely the presence of nitrogen, contained in the combustion air in high quantity (about 80 %), it is possible to increase the calorific power of the fuel, obtaining a flame characterized by higher temperatures and allowing a better conveyance of heat to the oven and the glass.

· Production of electric power by means of combustion cells fuelled by hydrogen produced by a photovoltaic field on the islands of Certosa and/or Lazzaretto Nuovo (in the Venetian Lagoon)

Objective: to verify the reliability and energy efficiency of an electric power production system with zero emissions in the atmosphere. The system consists of a photovoltaic field for the production of electric power for use partly directly by the final usersand partly for hydrogen production for the fuelling of the combustion cells.

· Installation of radiant heating panels

Objective: to install radiant heating panels on 7 municipal buildings and on State buildings assigned to the island of Isola del Lazzaretto Nuovo (two different action forms).

· Installation of solar panels for the production of hot water

Objective: to install solar panels for the production of hot water in municipal nurseryschools. The plants will be built and operated during 2003, and during 2004 there will be an analysis of consumption in the buildings to evaluate the advantage in quantitative terms.

· Installation of a geothermic heating system in the Chirignago nursery school (on the mainland of the Venetian Municipality)

Objective: Installation of a heating system with an earth-air pump (geothermic) in order to reduce energy use for winter heating and summer cooling.

· Realization of a demonstration “green roof”

Objective: implementation of a green roof on the Public Green and Land Department Office Building (in Mestre), aiming to reduce the radiant energy of the environment by means of a roof garden, thermally isolating the building with energy saving both for cooling and heating.

· Methane project

Objective: to promote the development of natural gas for motor transport by the commercial operators and people and goods transport trade, as well as for natural gas distribution network development (by means of subscription to the pact on agreement to the “natural gas Project”, with reference to the Programme Agreement dated 12.05.2001 by Environment Ministry, Fiat S.p.A. and Italian Oil Union).

· Use of hybrid minibuses

Objective: to promote the use of electric hybrid minibuses for public transport.

· Installation of photovoltaic panels at the ACTV depot in Marghera (via Martiri della Libertà)

Objective: to increase energy self-production by mean of photovoltaic panels installed on the existing busshelter of the depot in addition to the already existing and operating co-generation system.

· Mestre Wood

Objective: to create a big green park close to the highly urbanized area (residential area, ring-road, Porto Marghera) that could compensate for the CO2 emissions, as well as an exploitable energy resource (the wood maintenance by-products) for the biomass that it will be able to produce.

· Installation of a biomass teleheating system

Objective: to install a biomass teleheating system in the Bissuola district (Mestre)

· Solar boat

Objective: implementation of a radiant heating-panel tourist boat for the Lagoon Park area.

· Use of hydrogen in Porto Marghera

Objective: with the implementation of the “Porto Marghera Hydrogen District Union”, the exploitation of the hydrogen resource available in the Porto Marghera area will be carried out. Hydrogen combustion, both in stationary applications for the co-generation of electric and thermal energy and for applications in the field of transport, can be realized both with traditional equipment (turbines and internal combustion engines) or with innovative combustion cells.

· Adoption of integral winter/summer conditioning radiation and primary air systems for the new IRE Structures (Public Housing).

Objective: the adoption of global climatization solutions with radiant panels on the ceiling, integrated with a system of forced air renewal, along with relativemean humidity control of the environment during winter and summer, is suggested.

Urban Energy Plan: full text document in Italian language

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Energy Efficient Buildings



Bristol City Council has produced a guide to assist developers to adopt a more sustainable approach to how they plan and build. It is a voluntary process which starts with the developers completing a “Sustainable Development Profile” which is submitted with their planning application. The profile and guide are intended to encourage developers to think about a range of issues from community consultation to renewable energy and recycling at the earliest possible stage in their site planning and design process before submitting their project plans.

The profile is a guide and is not part of any formal agreement with the City Council. The developers still have to comply with Building Regulations and any other statutory requirements.

The guide describes three cross cutting issues which should be considered by the developers.

Climate change

It is generally accepted that the climate is changing influenced in part by man’s activities in the production of CO2. Developments should aim at reducing atmospheric pollutants both during construction and during the life of the building. The effects of possible increased flooding must be considered.

Sustainable transport

Bristol has a higher level of car ownership than any comparable UK city. The UK “Planning Policy Guidance Note 13: Transport” gives central government advice on the role of land use planning in reducing the need to travel, and making it easier and safer for people to access work, school, and leisure facilities by public transport or walking and cycling.

Developers are encouraged to reduce care dependence by:

  • Choosing sites close to existing development and community, employment, educational and retail facilities to reduce the need to travel.
  • Plan for mixed use development to include live – work units where possible.
  • Design for priority to pedestrians and public transport and including cycle routes.
  • Link development to existing transport links.
  • Linking to existing and proposed schemes such as Home Zones, Air Quality Management areas, Safe Routes to Schools etc.
  • Providing facilities for cyclists and pedestrians such as lockers, bike storage and showers.

Sustainable communities

A sustainable community requires a mixture of dwelling types for families and businesses. A variety of shopping, leisure and community facilities alongside housing contribute to the vitality and sustainability of the community. High-density new development will help support commercial and community facilities and the viability of public transport. There may also be the possibility to incorporate district heating and cooling networks using sustainable energy.

Having basic amenities within easy walking distance of residents and workers will help to create a strong community spirit. Providing pedestrian and walking routes through an area separated from car traffic will help to encourage people to leave their cars at home.

Case study 1

Private home

Chandos Road, Cotham, Bristol

Three storey building built on the site of an abandoned cleaning business.

Each house averages 200m2 in size with flexible accommodation based on bedrooms below and living space above. A Suntube naturally lights the main hall and dual aspect windows provide maximum daylight within the living spaces. The stair well and balustrades are glass filled for extra light.

The houses were constructed using a Masonite construction system. They are finished with lime rendering, lime-ash and some stone facing. All timber was sources from sustainably managed woodland and all joinery and exposed timbers have been treated with natural oils.

The homes are highly energy efficient with an average hot water and heating bill of around £90 (€135) a year. CO2 emissions total 5.2 tonnes per year. Average U-values are 0.31 W/m2 K and NHER ratings reach 10. A high level of insulation has been achieved with 50mm of mineral wool in the cavity between the internal wall and the 100mm block work cladding. Natural ventilation is achieved by zoned integrated heat exchangers and six small radiators with thermostatic controls heat the homes. Heating is provided by gas condensing boilers with 94% efficiency.

Case study 2


Temple Quay House, Temple Quay, Bristol

This development completed in 2001 was designed to accommodate the Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions. It provides 13000 m2 of office space and is a part of the major commercial development at Temple Quay.

Location and site

Temple Quay House shares a 93 hectare brownfield site with a number of major office buildings. The site has excellent access to public transport, as it is immediately adjacent to the main railway station, several main bus stops and the Bristol Harbour ferry. There is also a new bridge across the river connecting the site to cycle path and footpath networks.


It was part of the design brief to demonstrate how a building could be provided with an energy consumption approximately half that of traditional air-conditioned buildings. The exposed concrete frame construction is designed to absorb heat during the day and then at night cool air is used to purge the structure.

The office accommodation is arranged around a central atrium making good use of natural light and ventilation. Heat producing office equipment is located away from working areas to minimise cooling demand.

Car parking is restricted to 100 spaces (for 850 staff and visitors) because of the good public transport access. There is secure parking for 70 bicycles, with showers and changing rooms.


Natural ventilation is provided through the stack effect of the atrium, combined with opening windows. It can be backed up by pumping cooled air through floor voids but only when needed in warm weather. Intelligent lighting controls adjust the lighting using occupancy and daylight sensors.

Rainwater is collected from the atrium’s glass roof to flush the toilets. A computerised building management system is used to control heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.

The complete document “Bristol Sustainable Development Guide for Construction” van be found at www.bristol-city.gov.uk and search for sustainable development.

Information on Eco Buildings can be obtained from The Create Centre (The environment centre for Bristol City Council) create@bristo-city.gov.uk

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Energy review of Malmo



Energy – 100% Locally Produced Renewable Energy in the Western Harbour, Malmö, Sweden

Four fifths of the world's population will be living in cities within a few decades. Urbanisation generates economic development and well-being, but also leads to problems with water and sewage, traffic, energy provision and over-consumption of resources. Solving the cities' environmental problems is therefore the key to a sustainable future. An urban district is under construction in Malmö's Western Harbour which will be the focus of the first European Housing Expo Bo01 -City of Tomorrow between the 17th May and 16th September, 2001. The theme of the housing expo and district is The City of Tomorrow in the ecologically sustainable information and welfare society. Visitors will be able to participate in a wide range of environmental activities such as study-tours, advice sessions, informational Q&As, exhibitions, seminars etc.

The aim is for the district to be an international leading example of the environmental adaptation of a densely built urban environment. It will also be a driving force in Malmö's development towards environmental sustainability.

Locallyproduced renewable energy and efficient use

Sun, wind and water

The new district will be provided exclusively with energy from renewable sources. The energy used in the Western Harbour will be generated in or near the area. Sun, wind and water will be the basis for energy production together with energy from refuse and sewage from the district. A large percentage of the heating will be extracted from the sea and aquifers, a natural water storage in the bedrock, and will also be generated by solar collectors. Electricity will mainly be generated by wind power and to a minor part by photovoltaic cells. Bio gas will be extracted from refuse and sewage from the area and will be returned after cleaning to the district via the city's natural gas system. The solar collectors and photovoltaic systems, including those on private properties, will be operated and managed by Sydkraft in order to ensure high maintenance and operation standards.

Annual Energy Balance

The demand for 100% renewable energy means that there must be a balance between production and energy use on an annual basis. Energy used in the area should, at some point in time, be produced there. The new electricity grid and district heating network will be linked to the existing systems of the city in order to bridge the time-lapse between the point of production and use of energy, with- out the need for specialised equipment for energy storage. The city's system will be used as an accumulator and as a reserve supply.

Minimised Energy Use

An effective energy use is essential in order to reach the target of entirely locally produced renewable energy. The buildings in the district are designed to minimise the demand for heat and electricity. The Quality Programme for Bo01 sets a common standard for developers regarding energy for the district. The target for average energy use on the properties is not to exceed 105 kWh per square meter of gross room area annually. This includes all energy related to the property; heating, hot water, household electricity as well as for running the building services. Household equipment, lighting and other electric installations should be the most energy efficient on the market. To minimise heat losses from the houses it is important to reduce the thermal transmittance of the buildings. Generally this is made by increasing the thermal insulation of the buildings and by installing energy efficient triple glazed windows with low emission coating.

A High Degree of Comfort

The aim of low energy use is not contrary to residents' or business' demands for comfort. Better climate shield and ventilation rate in the buildings will contribute to a better indoor climate. Users will have possibility to control their indoor climate individually with the help of IT.

IT Solutions for Minimised Energy Use

IT will be used to measure, control and regulate different subsystems and there will be opportunity for individual billing related to energy usage by the residents. Residents will also have the opportunity to control their own energy use as well as the district's energy use and behavioural initiatives will be carried out to improve energy efficiency.

EU's Campaign for Renewable Energy

The EU Commission's Campaign for Take-off is one part of the implementation of the EU's target that at least 12% of the energy in the union will come from renewable resources by 2O10. 100 geographical areas, from urban neighbourhoods to entire regions, will be supplied by locally produced renewable energy as part of the campaign. Bo01 / The Western Harbour was one of the first areas selected for participation in the campaign. The City of Malmö has established a partnership with Sydkraft, Bo01-City of Tomorrow.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Promotion of renewable energy in Seville




At present, Seville is the city in Spain with the highest level of solar photovoltaic energy connected to the municipal network. The main reason is because its City Council has been promoting, through the Local Energy Agency, the use of renewable energy. This initiative is supported by a bylaw in the Energy Use and Management contract of the Solar City Project which forms part of the 2nd Energy Plan of Seville (2002/ 2006).


In March 2004, several solar photovoltaic panels intended for the production of electricity were placed in 22 schools in the city of Seville. The first phase of the implementation of this project has been finished. It now appears that in two years the city of Seville will have a combined City Council and independent installed capacity of over 2MW. Now the main challenge with this achievement, is to increase the growth of the energy savings over the next four years by a 12%.


If we compare the use of these types of photovoltaic installations, with the same generation of electrical energy from a coal power station we could see that 7.529kg of CO2, 166kg of SO2 and 25kg of NOX would not be emitted to the atmosphere each year through the use of the former. The challenge in installing these panels at schools is in promoting the energy-saving behaviour and in making children aware of the environment.


The investment of these installations has been achieved for an amount equivalent to €873.289. Part of the investment (25%) has been financed with a subvention from the Energy Safe Institute. Furthermore, the Technology and Employment Ministry in the Regional Government of Andalucía has contributed 45% through the Prosol Project. The rest of the investment (30%) will be written off in less than four years.

Further details

For more information please go to: www.agencia-local-energia.com & www.planestrategicosevilla2010.org

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  The Alive Energy Pavilion - Spain



Description ( content of the project)

The Alive Energy Pavilion, which was opened last November as the only initiative for leisure in Spain, focuses on the investigation into and dissemination of renewable energies and the study of the environment. This pavilion is the result of an initiative by several private companies from different sectors and a private investment of €12 million. However there are several active and innovative companies in other Spanish cities which are also contributing to this initiative by providing dynamic content that allows for the Pavilion to change its contents twice a year.

Interest and activities

With an area of 2000m2, the key actions carried out within this pavilion are the exposition of the most modern innovations in the sustainable energy field such as solar, photovoltaic, biomass, hydroelectric, and geothermic energy among others. Besides these there are areas dedicated to home automation, the promotion of energy savings in homes and several technical tools for the management of the environment. Finally, there is also a focus on training and investigation which are disciplines in which there is an special collaboration with leading private companies and academic institutions.

Further details.

For more information about the activities and the work of this pavilion please go to: www.agencia-local-energia.com & www.energias-renovables.net or contact Manolo Ortega at the Alive Energy Pavilion:0034917883233

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Potential wind turbines in Bristol



The project so far

mast on siteSince 2002 Bristol City Council’s Energy Management Unit (EMU) has been investigating the possibility of developing an on-shore wind farm next to the Severn Estuary. The area is part of the industial estate toe the north west of the city and was formerly occcupied by an fuel tank farm. The site is owned by the Council and has the potential to house two large wind turbines. To date, the EMU has self funded a 12-month wind speed study, 12-month bird counts and wildlife investigations. The geo-technical ground formations; possible radar implications and potential planning outcomes are presently being investigated. All of this work has been secured from one off bid funding. Having established that the project is practically viable the financial implications, both capital and revenue, need to be investigated before this development can continue.

The EMU is also being pro-active in reaching the BCC target of 15% of electricity consumption coming from renewables by 2010. Developing a wind turbine facility in Avonmouth is simply one step the EMU is taking to achieve this outcome. Its construction will lead to CO2 reductions of 5,160 tonnes equating to 17.8% of the council’s electrical consumption. This reduction together with the 7.5% already achieved by purchased green electricity would achieve 25.3% reduction in the carbon emissions by the council, more than meeting the target set for 2010. This development will therefore assist in improving the Quality of Life for Bristol Residents.

The 12-month wind speed study has shown that the average wind speed is viable for turbines. All the other consultations and studies that have taken place show that the development would cause no negative effects on the wildlife, nor release soil contaminates which remain in the soil after the fuel tanks were removed.

Garrad Hassan have designed a turbine layout for the Avonmouth site. According to this layout the site can hold two turbines. They have considered various designs of turbine with the most conservative being the NM92. This has a hub height of 85m and a rotor diameter of 92m. If this specification was chosen and two were erected on site, their energy generation capacity would be 5.5MW.


Continue with various pieces of consultation work. These include

· Geo-technical information for foundation of turbines

· Radar/mobile phone implications

· Archaeological status of site (only needs to be investigated again during construction)

· Summer bird counts on site

It is thought that radar can be affected by wind turbines so both the local airfield and Bristol International Airports were informed about the proposed development. Bristol International had no concerns about the proposal, however the airfield, which is closer, did offer some objections. These objections have been investigated further and the Civil Aviation Authority has been consulted. The Airfield will have to prove why the development would be detrimental. It is expected that any developer would assist in that process and an independent consultant may need to be employed to aid in the process.

If the project succeeds then the electricity would be fed into the National Grid or some could be used by local development. The estimated cost of the project is £48,000 (approximately € 72,160).

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  District Heating in Gothenburg



District heating is a safe and environmentally good way of heating houses and industries. In Göteborg district heating started in the Kortedala suburb the 24th of August, 1953. Today a 700 kilometre long pipe connects about 90 percent of all apartment blocks in Göteborg and industries and workplaces. For one-family homes only 4000 are connected but the goal is to have 16000 by 2010.

  • 2/3 of all district heating is produces from waste water, industry and waste incineration.
  • In 1970 90 percent of the heating was produced by oil. Today almost no oil is used.
  • The emission of nitrogen dioxide has halved in 20 years even though the energy used has doubled.
  • During the same period the emissions of sulphur and nitrogen oxide has been reduced by 98 and 85 percent respectively.

The whole district heating system contains 20 heating facilities of which 3 are large. Some small ones at the end of the system are only used for supporting the system during winter. A couple are only used in reserve. About 20% of the energy supplied in Göteborg is renewable. It comes from the waste incineration at Sävenäs, bio fuels and from electricity from hydroelectric power and eleven wind turbines. The rest of the district heating is produced by Göteborg Energi's power and heating plant at Rosen Lund, and at the high-temperature water stations. Natural gas, bio fuel and oil are used for this. In the summer the district heating energy is used to cool the buildings.

Hot water from the refinery and hot water from the waste-water treatment also contributes to district heating during the whole year. Waste heat from the refineries and the incineration plant at Sävenäs accounts for almost three-quarters of the district heating, together with heat from heat pumps at the Rya sewage treatment works. The use of waste heat entails reusing energy, which has made Göteborg’s use of energy more efficient and thereby reduced the consumption of energy. The amount of energy supplied is about 10% less than the energy used. We use in other words more energy than that which is supplied. This is possible through the reuse of energy.

The total amounts of production of central heating were 3900 GWh for 2002.

More information: www.renova.se

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  District heating in Utrecht



Improving air quality by district heating

The emission of NOx is better controlled in large plants of heat and power than in small domestic heating devices. With district heating the background NOx level in the outdoor air will be much lower. In addition to this NOx reduction effect, combined heat and power generation with a district heating system has a substantial CO2 reduction effect when compared to thousands of stand-alone heating devices.

Regarding air pollution and its effects on health indoor emissions are very important. Heating and cooking in other forms than gas can reduce the air quality in the house. Electrical cooking and district heating is a good choice to reduce air pollution in homes. District heating avoids having to use open gas-fired water heaters for domestic hot water production as well as gas-fires for heating. In the absence of a gas infrastructure, electrical cookers should be used. Thus in the house there is no need for gas-fired water heaters and gas-fires.

District heating infrastructure under construction

Text Box: District heating infrastructure under construction

Utrecht (116.000 houses) has an extensive district heating system in the existing city. West of Utrecht, in Leidsche Rijn, Utrecht is building 30.000 new dwellings before the year 2015. More than two-thirds of these dwellings will be connected to district heating. With these new dwellings in Leidsche Rijn, 30% of all houses in Utrecht will be connected to district heating and 20% has no gas-grid connection. Besides this, about 40 % of the utilities in Utrecht (offices, education, public health and care, etc.) are connected to district heating. District heating supplies 60% of the required heating in these buildings.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Pilot project for the installation of a biomass thermal energy plant for district heating and conditioning




The project concerns the use of biomass deriving from urban activities and agricultural and forest residues for the production of thermal energy in a new residential area on the Venice Mainland (Mestre). It deals with the installation of a new Thermal Energy Power Plant powered by “lignocellulose biomass”, and the completion of a related sunken district heating system to provide a new residential area with winter heating (teleheating) and summer conditioning (telecooling) without the use of fossil fuels and without any CO2 emissions.

This system will serve seven high-rise buildings in the Bissuola district (Mestre, Venice’s Mainland), that are at the moment under construction. The new lodgings have been financed by public funds and they count about 100 flats for a total volume of 41,000 m3 and for 300 inhabitants.

The main peculiarity lies in the fuel chosen to feed the thermal plant, and its life cycle analysis. When the project is completed, about 3,246,000 kWh/year ([1]) will be provided by “lignocellulose biomass”. This fuel is derived from renewable resources and will replace a part, even though only very little for now, of non-renewable resources traditionally used to satisfy city energy demand. This is not such an unusual practice in other European countries, but its application in a coastal region, such as the Venice Mainland, has to be considered the first example of its kind in Italy ([2]).

District teleheating and telecooling systems

Another peculiarity lies in the integration of the district heating system with the conditioning one. At first, the project was conceived and structured only to be a district heating system. Afterwards, the project was re-designed with a further technological innovation: the addition of a district conditioning system (still benefiting from the same type of biomass) which makes use of the “cooling absorption units” technology. This has a great demonstrative value, since it seems to be one of the first examples in Europe.

The technical reasons for this further development are:

- a rising trend in the use of air-conditioning systems during the summer, especially in residential areas, not only because of the higher temperatures recorded over recent years, but also because of the higher quality of life that people increasingly demand that leads to their expecting a home air- conditioning system;

- the need to use local and renewable energy resources not only for the heating systems but also for the conditioning ones, considering the recorded shift in energy consumption’s peak values from the winter to the summer season.

Other economic incentives are:

- the awareness that technological innovations in new lodgings is less expensive in an early phase of planning and consruction than later on (when the buildings have been completed);

- the cost of accomplishing one district conditioning system for the whole 100- flats block (in spite of its advanced technology) is comparable to the total cost of 100 traditional conditioning systems ([3]);

- operating costs are slashed by about 50% (considering energy costs of one traditional air-conditioning system) or much more if we consider that the biomass has no costs or negative costs (i.e. the additional cost for disposal).

The Mestre Wood

Another interesting aspect of this pilot project lies in the origin of the “lignocellulose biomass”. The amount of biomass needed by the thermal energy plant will be provided by the agricultural and forest sector (the Mestre Wood in primis) and by urban activities (selected waste-material collection, tree pruning, etc.) easily available in the Mestre and Marghera conurbations. The Mestre Wood is a large parcel of urban area where an intensive forestation and reforestation program has been supervised by local Public Administrations: they aim to provide Mestre with the largest peri-urban wood in Europe (see its future set-up in the map 1, map 2 and map 3). Thanks to this project, the Mestre Wood will have a dual purpose: as a sink for CO2 emissions originating from urban sources (urban traffic, Porto Marghera industrial site) and as a “fuel provider” thanks to by-products collected from its ordinary maintenance.

Since the Mestre Wood will be completed only in several years, the lack of biomass for the Thermal Energy Plant will be solved by the collection of waste from tree pruning and from public- and private-garden maintenance in the urban area. Thanks to this project, the disposal of this waste will no longer be a financial burden and it will be used to provide energy for the City itself. This was one of the most relevant aims described in the Municipal Energy Plan, recently approved by the City Council.--

([1]) This energy amount will satisfy the needs of winter heating, summer conditioning and sanitary fittings for the whole block of council housing.

([2]) Usually forest residues are used for heating systems in mountain regions.

([3]) About € 200.000,00 in the first case, € 150.000,00 in the second one.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Cogeneration Plant in Leipzig



The City of Leipzig is owner of the main local energy provider “Stadtwerke Leipzig” (SWL). SWL offers its customers electricity, heat and natural gas. This combination of different means of energy helped to spur the change to cogeneration.

SWL’s most modern plant is located in the inner city just next to Leipzig Main Station (see photo). The plant, operated by heating oil and natural gas, uses a double cycle to produce both heat and electricity. The output is 180 MWth and 172 MWel with an overall efficiency of 86,6%.

The plant’s construction was based on a detailed analysis of the heat and electricity needs of Leipzig’s citizens. The plant today provides a high resource efficiency level, reduces the dependence from purchased outside-electricity and uses an environmentally friendly two-cycle technology.

SWL is EMAS II and ISO 14001 certified

Figure 1: Leipzig cogeneration plant

Further information on this topic can be found at: www.swl.de

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Power plants in Finland



A good example of a CHP power plant can be uploaded from Helsinki Energy's Internet home page: http://www.helsinginenergia.fi/en/tuotanto/chp.html. In the same pages, we can also find good examples of district heating: http://www.helsinginenergia.fi/en/heat/heating.html and of district cooling: http://www.helsinginenergia.fi/en/heat/cooling.html.

Their impact on the urban air quality crucially depends on their location, pollution control systems and on the meteorological features of the site.

SO2: Russian natural gas originates in western Siberia. All natural gas which we use here in Finland is from Russia. In Finland gas makes up about 11.5% of all energy consumption (2003). Fuel use comprises about 50 % of Helsinki Energy’s consumption (It was 51,8 % in 2003). The composition of NG depends on where it is produced. Western Siberia natural gas composition is: methane CH4 (98%); ethane C2H6 (<1%); nitrogen N2 (<1%) and carbon dioxide CO2 (0,1%).

NOX: Modern power plants using low-NOX combustion techniques have reduced the formation of NOX. Also catalytic reduction of NOX is becoming more common.

PM: Main sources of PM concentration in urban air are natural emissions, traffic (diesel and petrol vehicle exhaust emissions and road surfaces) and construction works that create dust emissions.

Heavy Metals: Modern emission control techniques have substantially reduced heavy metals emissions including those in the vapour phase such as those from mercury.

Conclusion: Positive aspects have also to be taken into account. It has to be mentioned that power plants, especially when also producing heat (CHP plants), have greatly reduced urban pollution formerly due to decentralized heating systems.

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Waste Burning in Bristol



Bristol had a traditional waste incinerator at the Avonmouth Industial Estate which closed down in 1993 because the emissions exceeded the modern air quality standards. It was uneconomic to upgrade the power station to meet these standards. Since then, most of the domestic waste of Bristol has been transported by train to a land fill site on the other side of the UK.

Several alternatives to waste disposal have been investigated. One company called Compact Power has built a demonstration waste disposal plant next to the site of the old incinerator which uses the new technology of pyrolysis.


The plant is small and flexible enough to deal with waste from a variety of sources and so can be economic. Large-scale incinerators, which need 200,000 to 500,000 tonnes of waste per year, do not encourage the policy of reusing or recycling as much of the waste as possible. The small pyrolysis plants are cleaner and designed to deal with local waste in the region of 32,000 to 64,000 tonnes per year. The plant at Avonmouth is designed to deal with 8,000 tonnes per year of difficult wastes provided by the City Council for demonstration purposes. The waste can be standard municipal waste or priority waste such as scrap tyres and clinical waste. The aim is to use waste which is left after all possible recycling and reusing is complete.


The plant is a modular design which used pyrolysis, gasification and high temperature oxidation using carbon from a variety of sources.

The process begins with a hopper and feed system to take the waste into the pyrolysis chamber. The waste is heated to 800oC with no oxygen present. Hydrocarbons are converted to simple gases leaving residues of carbon solids, inert grit and heavy metals. The residues are reacted inside a superheated steam box to produce hydrogen and carbon monoxide.

Gases from the pyrolysis and gasification processes are reacted with air at a temperature greater than 1250oC for more than two seconds to destroy any remaining pollutants and particulates.

Exhaust gases are passed though a steam boiler, which recovers up to 80% of available energy, and power is generated by a steam turbine or a steam reciprocating engine.

The Avonmouth facility consists of a combined pyrolysis and gasification unit with two pyrolysis tubes (MT2). Each tube is capable of processing 500 kg/hr of waste with an average energy conversion of 12 MJ/kg. The size of the building is 40m x 40m with a roof height of 10m.

The aim of the project is to demonstrate the commercial viability of the technology and show the public and environmental organisations that the technology has a good environmental performance.

As the design of the plant is modular it can be built to different scales. The table below gives an indication of the range of parameters. The actual output figure will depend on the type of waste used.





Waste capacity

8.000 tpa

32,000 tpa

64,000 tpa

Tube details

2 x 0.5m x 3.5m

8 x 0.5m x 3.5m

8 x 0.5m x 3.5m

Gross thermal output

1.8 MW

12 MW

30 MW

Electrical output

0.33 MWe

2.7 MWe

5.6 MWe

Further information can be found at www.compactpower.co.uk

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13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Programme agreements tools to reduce pollutant emissions from industrial sites in municipal Venice




Programme Agreements are an important operational tool introduced by the Italian Law n. 139/92 into protection procedures. In the case of strictly interconnected measures involving a number of different authorities and institutions, the Programme Agreement enables a joint action plan to be identified, integrating the measures to be carried out by the different bodies and, if necessary, appointing a single implementing body. Irrespective of the implementing body, responsibility for achieving the individual objectives specified in the programme agreements remains with the legally responsible institution. Coordinated and unitary implementation of the various measures within a Programme Agreement improves operational efficiency, optimizes implementation times, reduces costs and mitigates the inconvenience for citizens.

The Programme Agreement for the Porto Marghera Industrial Area

Municipal Venice covers nearly 460 sq.km and is the largest administrative area in the Veneto region. The Council’s catchment area covers a diverse demographic base, and a population of 266,188 residing in the historical city centre, the main islands and most of the urban mainland of Mestre and Marghera (see the map).

The industrial area of Marghera is one of the largest concentrations of heavy industry (oil refinery, chemicals, advanced materials and shipbuilding) and energy production in Italy. In spite of the crisis which these industrial sectors have gone through in recent decades, a basic redevelopment of the area is under way, with new, high-tech technologies gaining momentum.

Apart from the petrochemical plants, other industries present in the area are: a petrol refinery, industrial plants for the production and transformation of non-ferrous metals (alumina, copper and zinc), seven thermoelectric power plants and five waste incinerators.

In this area more than 1,000 emission points into the atmosphere have been counted.

In order to promote a preventive approach and to establish a cooperative approach aiming at efficient environmental protection, some authorities, institutions and private companies operating in this area have committed themselves to the “Programme Agreement for the Porto Marghera Industrial Area”.


The first objective of the Agreement is to create and maintain optimal conditions for coexistence between environmental protection, development and transformation in the chemical sector, in a framework of management certainties in Porto Marghera.

Specific aims of the Agreement’s are:

- to reclaim and protect the environment through clean-up; to improve or start up programmes for remediating sites; to reduce emissions into the atmosphere and in the Lagoon water ecosystem and to prevent the risk of major industrial accidents;

to attract adequate industrial investment; to supply the existing industries with the best environmental and process technologies and make them competitive at European level, thus guaranteeing the economy over time and ensuring the maintenance of employment and giving it a new momentum and improving it.

Reference area

Porto Marghera is formed by more than 2,000 hectares of industrial plants and port canals between the Lagoon and the city. It is characterized by urban deterioration and by the presence of neglected areas as well as much obsolete/absent primary infrastructure and by pollution. Although these problems exist, it still represents an essential centre within the economic system of north-eastern Italy.

The Programme Agreement interests all chemical, oil and energy companies of the area, consistent with the aim of the Municipal Land Use Plan, that has imposed the definition of specific objectives and the activation of economic, administrative, organizational and promotional procedures able to support and realize the planned actions, with real time verifiable effects.

The following objectives deserve to be mentioned:

- increase the value of the port and industrial functions;

- create compatibility conditions, not conflict, between the industrial area and the surrounding city;

- reorganize the relational system according to a triple point of view:

a. to improve the railway network;

b. to create road connections with the productive mainland;

c. to separate urban and industrial traffic;

d. rewrite the spatial planning rules, distinguishing and fostering the vocations of the different parts of the area and taking into account, from a new point of view, all the complicated matters linked to patrimonial realities, implementation procedures and environmental remediation problems.

The Municipal Land Use Plan for Porto Marghera is intended to return the industrial area to the market, with the only the necessary indications for its proper development (the technical-scientific, port, mixed and industrial characterization).


A. Actions to protect the environment:

a1) excavation and reclamation of the industrial port canal network;

a2) dismantling the abandoned plants, containment of dangerous sites and/or their remediation;

a3) definition of limits for waste water in the Venetian Lagoon for “first rain” pre-treated waters and water used for cooling processes;

a4) introduction of guidelines for a safety plan in the port area;

a5) risk reduction in goods transport;

a6) remote control of dangerous goods transport;

a7) implementation of the voluntary Agreement for the environmental certification of chemical industries;

a8) realization of the integrated system for environmental monitoring and management of industrial and emergency risks (the SIMAGE system, see the short presentation);

a9) achievement of an ecologically equipped area.

B. Investment and employment protection:

b1) Investment. Companies that accept the Agreement and respect the consequent commitments will be guaranteed, on the one hand, operational certainty for the total economic capital consumption allowance period and, on the other hand, simplified authorization procedures (see next paragraph) to be activated on the basis of the improvements already ascertained under this Agreement. A significant part of investment must be directed to improving environmental performance and safety in industries.

b2) Employment protection: A “Permanent Committee” composed of local authorities and social counterparts has been established, to ensure protection of the employment level during the transformation processes of this productive area. As for the reduction in atmospheric pollution, investment to improve the processes included in the Agreement should allow for the reduction of all micro- and macropollutant emissions. Such reductions are explicitly quantified in the document.

Authorization procedures and controls

In respect of their investments, the partner companies will produce, within twelve months of approval of the Agreement, one single application to the Veneto Region, which will include all the requests for authorizations provided for by the law, enclosing therein the E.I.A. (when required by the law) or an explanatory report on the state of permits, that should in any event be sent within the following six months.

To reach the emission reduction objectives, that are specified for each company, the competent authority will provide the verification and updating of the permits for each single plant, in accordance with the criteria of the best available technologies (to minimize emissions), in order to make them conform to the real situation.

Porto Marghera Industrial Area Programme Agreement: full-text document (in Italian language)

Porto Marghera Industrial Area Programme Agreement (addendum): full-text document (in Italian language) and cover page.

The Protocol Agreement for the Murano Island Glass Industry

Programme Agreement. In Italy artistic glass production is located in three regions: Veneto (150 glass furnaces), Tuscany (30 furnaces) and Campania (12 furnaces).

The glass industry has a very long tradition in the Venetian secondary sector, and it is concentrated on Murano Island (north of Venice, in the Venetian Lagoon, see the map).

Murano’s output is about 12,000 - 13,000 ton/year, by means of 400 furnaces that work in a discontinuous cycle. In 1995, the sector employed 1,376 workers, one-third less than in the ‘80s.

The specific characteristic of glass is the way it solidifies, passing from a liquid to a solid state, obtained at a temperature of about 500 °C (centigrade) through an increase in its viscosity. In this interval of time, the so-called "workable thermal interval", the Glass Master can give shape to objects, the finished products of which will retain the rigidity of a solid body while maintaining the transparency of liquid. Glass is composed of about 70% sand and silica which is transformed into a liquid state at a temperature of 1,700 °C. In order to melt the silica at a lower temperature a "flux" used as a melting agent is added.

The characteristic cycle of production is distinguished by two main steps:

- fusion of the mixture that will vitrify;

- working and shaping of glass.


The most widely used furnace is the slow-baking furnace with a medium capacity of 500 kilograms per day. Fusion is characterized by a discontinuous cycle, 8 hours a day (from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m.), for up to 5 days a week and, for smaller furnaces, up to 8-10 times a month Peak emissions deriving from combustion (gas and particulate) in the atmosphere occur during this step and can be estimated as 8 hours per day. After that, the temperature is lowered (from 1 a.m. to 6a.m., switching-off of the slow-baking furnace) to reach the conditions needed to work and shape the objects (starting from 7 a.m.). Shaping of glass occurs at 1,050 °C and it is characterized by 10-time lower emissions than the fusion phase.

Working days are about 200 a year and taking into account the cycle’s characteristics and the pause in production during the summer and winter time, if we assume that all the furnaces make one fusion per day: we will have significant air emissions for 1,800 hours a year. Generally the furnaces make new glass 2-3 times a week.

The main pollutants in gaseous and particulate emissions are:

- particulate matter, deriving from evaporation processes;

- nitrogen oxides, deriving from the combustion process that occurs at high temperatures and from the use of nitrates in the mixture;

- gaseous fluoride, coming from raw materials used to fluidize, refine and delustre the glass;

- arsenic compounds: from raw materials needed to refine the glass;

- cadmium compounds: used to colour the glass (red, orange and yellow);

- antimony compounds: used instead of arsenic;

- other metal compounds (chromium, cobalt, nickel, selenium, manganese, lead, copper and tin): used to colour the glass.


In 1999, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Public Health, together with the Veneto Region, the Province of Venice, the Municipality of Venice, the Association of the manufacturers and the craftsmen and the Murano companies manufacturers of glass signed the Programme Agreement to improve the environmental impacts (with special regard to air and noise) and to adopt emission limits in the atmosphere lower than the those outlined in the National Decree 1990-07-12.

The Programme Agreement quantifies such limits for each step of production and points out the possible technological solutions to make furnaces suitable as regards meeting the limits.

One best available technology is “oxycombustion”, that is the combustion via oxygen to obtain higher energy efficiency. By lowering fuel consumption, fume volume and evaporation processes from slow-baking furnaces (due to the low speed of fumes passing over the surface of the glass) it is possible to reduce the hourly pollutant emissions by up to 50%.

Protocol Agreement. The Venice Municipality, Artambiente (the association that brings together the majority of the Murano enterprises which have signed the Programme Agreement to reduce the environmental impact of the glass factories) and Sapio Group S.p.A., a company in the field of technical and medical gases, have signed a protocol agreement to experiment with “oxycombustion”, that is the use of pure oxygen for the furnaces of the glass factories on the island of Sacca Serenella (part of Murano Island).

The project, that suggests the adoption of the combustion oxygen/natural gas as a technological solution to energy and environmental problems in the Murano area, envisages the realization of a number of technical steps: a pipeline in the lagoon for the transport of gaseous oxygen from Porto Marghera, centre of the Sapio plant, to Murano, a receiving centre on the island, pipelines to connect the users and to distribute oxygen within each glass factory, the conversion of the furnaces from air/natural gas combustion to oxygen/natural gas combustion.

To evaluate the advantages and results of this technology, it was decided to experiment for 2 years on the island of Sacca Serenella, where 5 glass factories operate; liquid oxygen transported from the mainland to Murano will be used, without having to build, for now, the connection pipeline to Porto Marghera.

The checking and monitoring of this operation will be carried out by the Experimental Glass Station that is committed to evaluating quality, functioning and environmental results. This new combustion process should solve the problem of NO, CO2, HC and PM emissions in the atmosphere caused by furnaces, thus allowing the adjustment of the plants for artistic glass production to the emission limit values identified by the National Decree 1990-07-12.

The purpose of the experiment is to evaluate, for artistic glass factories established in Murano, the environmental and technical-economical feasibility of converting the furnaces to oxycombustion and therefore to have at their disposal all the necessary indications for the final application of this technology.

Protocol Agreement on oxycombustion on Murano Island: extract from the Municipal Energy Plan (in Italian language)

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Modelling Emissions for Road User Charging under Different Scenarios in Bristol




The Environmental Quality Team was engaged by the Transport Initiatives Team in DETL to provide consultancy services in respect of assessing the environmental impact of different scenarios of a potential Road User Charging (RUC) scheme in Bristol.

The requirements of the project were to assess the relative difference in emissions of major pollutants under the scenarios and to conduct some dispersion modelling on specified links within the network to ascertain the concentrations of major pollutants attributable to the operation of the scheme. This report will focus on the work to assess relative differences in emissions under each scenario.


Traffic modelling of the different scenarios was conducted using the SATURN model by WS Atkins Ltd. The output from the traffic model was processed in emissions inventory software called EMIT supplied by CERC Ltd. EMIT is designed to be used in conjunction with dispersion modelling software, also supplied by CERC called ADMS. EMIT can be used to hold emissions data from various source types and can aggregate point and line sources into a grid of 1km squares so that changes in emissions can be displayed using GIS as a thematic map.

1.1 Data Processing

The output from the model was processed by the modelling team within DETL to provide spreadsheets giving a list of pairs of nodes with associated grid references. Each linked pair of nodes represents a link, and a speed and flow (AADT) was associated with each link. The speeds and flows were derived from the SATURN model by the transport planning modelling staff. Only AM and PM peak flows are available from the model. The emissions calculation requires an AADT (Annual Average Daily Traffic) figure, so the calculation to derive AADT from peak flows uses assumptions about the general relationship between these two measures of traffic flow.

The road networks for each of the scenarios were imported into ArcView GIS by modifying an Avenue script.

The flow and speed data were modified in the following way to enable import to the emissions inventory software, EMIT.

· Speeds were rounded up to multiples of five

· A split in the fleet makeup of motorcycles \ cars \ HGV was assumed as follows

1% motorcycles

92% cars

7% HGV

This split was determined by analysing data from recent classified traffic counts. The traffic model is unable to provide this information.

The speed and flow data were joined to the road network shapefiles in ArcView to give eight input shapefiles to be imported into EMIT. On importing the files, certain links were not imported due to having zero speed. In the region of 290 links out of the 5500 for each scenario were not imported.

Emissions per 1km grid square within the city boundary were calculated using EMIT, and the exported output from EMIT was converted to shapefiles. The emissions data was then exported to a spreadsheet and the difference in emissions from the “Do Minimum” scenario for each year was calculated. This difference is expressed in relative term (as a percentage) due to the inherent errors in using output from a traffic model.

1.2 Scenarios

Four scenarios for each of the future years were modelled, giving eight in total. The scenarios are as follows.

· Do Minimum

· Option 1

· Option6

· Complementary Measures

The years for which these scenarios were to be modelled were 2007 and 2017.

A separate EMIT database was used for each scenario, as errors were encountered when all the scenarios were included in one database. The latest available emissions factors (Euro Feb 2002) were used. The road type of Euro Urban Roads was used for all scenarios. The emissions factors are only available up until 2010, so the emissions factors for the 2017 scenarios were based on the 2010 factors. Emissions for the 2007 scenarios were calculated using 2007 emissions factors.


Figure 1 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000D0000005F00520065006600350033003300380036003500340034000000 shows a typical aggregated output of emissions data in the form of 1km grid squares. The road network as represented by the traffic model is shown overlaid.

· Figure 1 Example of RUC Emissions Modelling Output

· Figure 2 Emissions estimates within central AQMA under different RUC scenarios

Figure 2 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000D0000005F00520065006600350033003300380036003600370030000000 shows the estimated emissions of key pollutants as calculated from the sum of all the grid squares intersecting the polygon representing the central AQMA of 2003. This is shown in Figure 3 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000D0000005F00520065006600350033003300380037003400340037000000 .

· Figure 3 Central AQMA and intersecting grid squares

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Estimation of emissions from road traffic in Venice Urban Area




In 2001 the City of Venice, using the technical support of ARPAV (the Environmental Regional Agency), conducted an estimate of the atmospheric emissions from road traffic.

The aim of the study was to identify the most polluted urban roads, so as to implement better atmospheric pollution control policies by means of road traffic measures, as provided for by DM 163/99 (now partially repealed with adoption of the EU Air Quality Directives).

The analysis provided the following evaluation elements, useful for planning actions on traffic and its components:

- definition of higher emission potential vehicle typologies, for each pollutant (see the average emission factors for vehicle category);

- identification of the main vehicle class responsible for overall emissions for each pollutant (see relative forms of the overall polluting emissions -Kgs issued during peak hours-);

- hierarchization of the urban road network according to the emission density class;

- definition of the higher-density roads, in urban and extra-urban road systems (critical roads);

- critical road hierarchization for C6H6 and PM10 emissions, according to a “vulnerability index”, taking into account residential density in the areas adjacent to the road, and therefore the impact on the residential population, and consequent “sensitive areas” identification.

Short description of the estimate methodology

The estimate of atmospheric pollutant emissions caused by road traffic was carried out using the COPERT III methodology (COmputer Programme to calculate Emissions from Road Traffic, version III) proposed and suggested by the European Environment Agency (EEA, 1999).

The methodology was developed from the concept that the vehicle emission factor, or rather the emitted polluting quantity, depends on a number of variables:

- vehicle category (passenger vehicles, commercial light vehicles, commercial heavy-duty vehicles, motorcycles and motor vehicles, buses)

- fuel type (gasoline, diesel oil, LPG);

- registration year (with reference to the European legislation on emissions reduction);

- engine displacement (for cars and two-wheel vehicles) and overall weight (for commercial vehicles);

- average vehicle driving speed (in urban area, in rural areas, along highways or high-speed roads);

- average vehicle speed;

- fuel consumption;

- climatic situation (environmental temperature).

The methodology differentiates the overall emissions caused by road vehicles, taking into account three major final components:

1. combustion emissions, divided into:

- hot emissions caused by vehicles with an average running motor speed (temperature = 90°C ca.);

- cold over-emission caused by vehicles during the vehicle heating stage;

2. evaporative emissions, only for COV, from which those for C6H6 are derived divided into:

- in the daytime, from cold engine vehicles;

- hot soak, from hot vehicles just turned off;

- running losses, from in-gear vehicles;

3. degraded hot emissions, calculated from hot emissions multiplied by a degradation coefficient, determined by vehicle age and average distance covered; this component considers the catalytic converter degradation (therefore the emissions increase due to catalytic vehicle ageing).

Database for the implementation of COPERT III methodology

The original data for the reconstruction of the entire municipal area vehicle traffic have been provided by the outputs of the traffic model used by the City of Venice, Land Development and Mobility Department, Mobility Office.

The City of Venice Mobility Office uses the EMME/2 traffic model (Transport Planning Software: Modelling and Analysis Features, by INRO Consultants Inc., Canada), a multimodal planning transport system that supplies tools for transport demand modelling, for transport offer and their interactions (Origin/Destination matrix model).

Its main characteristic is the capacity to reach an assignation in multimodal balance conditions, that is simulating a real situation taking into account all the existing territorial transport services (public and private network, heavy-duty commercial traffic, etc., up to 30 different transport modalities).

The EMME/2 model uses the Origin/Destination matrix traffic flows (matrix from the 1991 ISTAT General Survey) integrated and supplemented for measureless roads with data surveyed during specific research and the knowledge of experts operating within the Mobility Office.

At the end of COPERT III methodology implementation, we have the following information:

- the road network design (983 roads, totalling about 420 Km) representing the urban and extra-urban network of roads (see map 3);

- “oriented (or “directional”) design” characteristics, that is the oriented roads set (characterized by knot couples with metric coordinates “x,ycalled “initial knot” and “final knot”), representing the two directions or a single one-way direction;

- rush hour traffic flows (7.30-8.30 a.m.) divided into: cars, motorcycles, vans (disaggregated from the “light” class model) and heavy duty (“heavy-duty” model), see map 4 and map 5;

- flows subdivision percentage of the “Heavy” category into: “Heavies” and “Buses”;

- flows attribution percentage of the “Motorcycle” and “Buses” along some traffic flow roads;

- flows attribution percentage of the “Heavies” category along high-density traffic roads;

- flows attribution percentage of the “Buses” category along high-density traffic roads;

- average speed per road, not differentiated for all categories.

The aim of the traffic data analysis has been the creation of a traffic database suitable to the COPERT III methodology implementation for the vehicle traffic emissions in the City of Venice urban area.

Such methodology requires as an input a lot of information, such as the definition of the vehicles mileage concept, defined as the relationship between the number of vehicles along a road and its length.

The vehicular traffic polluting emissions have been calculated as a relationship between the different vehicle mileages and the specific emission factors (g/Km), themselves defined as average vehicle emissions covering one Km.

The results of the traffic data analysis have been the following:

- reference scenario identification: rush hour 7.30-8.30 a.m.;

- subdivision of all links of the road design into the two directions;

- mileage characterization for each vehicle category;

- traffic flux characterization, calculated taking into account the mileages, for each link and vehicle category: motorcycles, cars, light vehicles, heavy-duty vehicles, buses.

During morning rush hour, about 400,000 Km are covered by all vehicles along the design urban and extra-urban network.

Registered car fleet analysis

The registered car fleet is used to assign all vehicles circulating in the urban area to the 105 emission categories defined by the COPERT III methodology.

The registered car fleet data supplied by ACI (Automobile Club Italia) at provincial level (1999) have been considered in relation to the types of vehicles circulating in the urban territory of Venice.

The ACI registered data does not include motorcycles (because they pertain to the Provincial Road Traffic Authority). Hence data has been taken from the ANCMA Data Base (National Cycle Motorcycle Accessories Association).

The entire registered vehicle number in the Venice Province in 1999 is 489,368, with the following subdivisions into vehicle categories:

- mopeds and motorcycles 9%:

- cars 83%;

- commercial light vehicles 5.6%;

- commercial heavy-duty vehicles and trucks 2%;

- buses 0.4%.

In 1999 the overall situation of the Province of Venice car fleet was the following:

- 52% non-catalytic vehicles (conventional);

- 48% catalytic vehicles (non-conventional).

Results of the analysis of the emissions produced by traffic in the Mestre urban area

Firstly the average emission factors have been calculated for the 5 vehicle categories of mopeds and motorcycles, cars, commercial light vehicles, commercial heavy-duty vehicles and trucks and buses.

By average emission factor we mean the polluting amount emitted by a single considered category vehicle covering one Km.

Such average value can be obtained by dividing the overall emission of the vehicle category in question (added on the roads) into the overall transit (added on the roads) of the same category. It therefore represents the emission factor (g/Km) of an “average vehicle” of such a category, along a trail under average speed conditions.

As issuing components, the hot and cold-over emissions and the evaporative running-type emissions have been considered (also the degraded ones).

The emissions were computed for the entire Mestre and Marghera network and were drawn up during the rush hour (corresponding to the period 7:30-8:30), for the first six pollutants: NOX, CO, VOC, C6H6, PM10 and TSP. Data have been expressed in (kg/rush hour).

The emission contribution of the different vehicle categories, in comparison with the rush hour overall emissions, has underlined the emissions of:

- C6H6 is almost exclusively due to cars (77%) and motorcycles (19%);

- CO presents similar characteristics (car 77% and motorcycles 13%);

- NOX are produced by commercial heavy duty vehicles and trucks (51%), cars (32%) and buses (12%);

- VOC are produced by: cars (59%), commercial heavy duty vehicles and trucks (23%) and motorcycles (13%);

- Total Suspended Particle (TSP) and PM10 are due to commercial heavy duty vehicles (68%), commercial light vehicles (12.5%), cars (10%) and buses (9.5%), while motorcycles have no PM10 emissions.


It is important to remember that the COPERT III estimates only the TSP deriving from diesel vehicles. Given the health importance of PM10, previous research has shown that about 96% of particulate matter produced by vehicular traffic is PM10.

The evaporative emission from cold-engine vehicles has also been calculated for VOC and C6H6 . Such an estimate has been carried out only for a 24h scenario.

The emission pressure evaluation of urban roads in comparison with extra-urban has underlined that:

- for CO, C6H6 and VOC, the weight of the urban factor prevails over extra-urban;

- for NOX, TSP and PM10 the weight of the urban factor prevails less in comparison with the extra-urban one.

Sensitive areas identification

Once identified, the urban links characterized by higher linear emissions (g/km), were compared with the emissions (see map 6, map 7, map 8, map 9, map 10 and map 11) of the geo-referenced population density, expressed in (inh./ha). This operation was synthesized in a “vulnerability index” of population residing in areas characterized by the highest traffic intensity roads, considered as representative of a 50 m range of action from the examined road.

The index is expressed as the relationship between emission density and population density (population residing in the survey sections crossed by the examined road (inh./ha * g/Km). The “sensitive areas thus identified were successively put in a hierarchy taking into account both traffic pollution (approximated to the emission density expressed in g/Km) and the presence of population (approximated to the residence density expressed in in h./ha).

The use of the population density represents a limit to the index calculation: where the density is equal to zero, likewise the vulnerability is equal to zero.

To overcome the lack of homogeneity in some survey sections (very wide and with a low resident population, or on the contrary, a small area and high population concentration) average and maximum residential densities have been considered (between all the interested sections), and therefore the corresponding medium and maximum vulnerability indexes have been derived for the two parameters posing the greatest health risk : C6H6 (see map 12) and PM10 (see map 13).

Full text report 2001: full text report (in Italian language), see Appendix 1 (APPENDIX 1: Emission estimate by vehicle traffic with implementation of the COPERT III methodology in the City of Venice).

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Traffic, Emissions and AQ Models in HEAVEN integrated AQMS system in Rome



1.0 HEAVEN and the link mobility – environment in ROME

STA, the Mobility Agency of Rome, together with the local environmental authorities developed the HEAVEN IST project in order to investigate the link between traffic and atmospheric pollution, to verify the feasibility and the effectiveness of emission control measures and traffic management policies, to monitor air quality conditions.

The main purpose of the HEAVEN project was a real time description of traffic, pollutant emissions and concentrations on a demonstration area of the city of Rome. All the information were collected in a common repository accessible to professional users and decision-makers that will provide support to evaluate the environmental impact of Traffic Demand Management Strategies (TDMS).

For the demonstration area, HEAVEN delivers in near real time:

· Traffic flows and speed every five minutes on the whole network of the demonstration area, combining traffic measurements where available and traffic assignment with traffic models;

· Traffic related air pollutant emission maps every five minutes. Emissions will be evaluated using models both based on average speed and on speed cycle on each link;

· Air pollutant concentration maps at the road level on a grid that covers the whole demonstration area with 60 metre spatial resolution and one hour time interval.

Besides, HEAVEN is a DSS (Decision Support System) whose aim is to evaluate the environmental impact of TDMS through off-line scenario analysis, to support decision makers and professional users in taking the most environmental effective policies though both the scenario analysis and the realisation of a common repository where historic data on traffic emissions and concentrations are stored.

HEAVEN project in Rome is a succesfully history. Rome is continuing the work on the HEAVEN prototype to make it suitable for continuos use on a standard basis with the full support of the Municipal Authority.

Request for further financing support was forwarded to the Environmental Italian Ministry that is already appreciating the efforts towards the realization of the prototype itself and it guarantee its support for the HEAVEN application in the future with the new SICOTRAVIA Project.

Besides, work with World Health Organisation is continuing to analyse the health applications on the outcomes coming from HEAVEN chain inside the ISHTAR EU RTD Project. HEAVEN permitted the creation of the logical data exchange process: this now forms an important platform for future studies. At the end of the project the Health component, is representing one of the most significant achievements in terms of potential development of the system.

1.1 HEAVEN System Concept

The HEAVEN DSS combines near real-time traffic flow information into emission and dispersion models so as to analyse the contribution of mobile sources to air quality and noise. In order to estimate emissions based on current traffic levels and on planned demand management scenarios, the system can operate on-line, based on current traffic and environmental information, and off-line, based on planned traffic and environmental conditions and pre-defined TDMS.

“Before” the implementation of the HEAVEN system in Rome the traffic data were available only on monitored links while on the rest of traffic network the only information available was represented by the traffic flows obtained through the O/D matrix assignment procedure; with the O/D matrix updated every five years. On the pollution side the only data available were the one obtained by the 12 measurement stations located within the city. Moreover, emission maps were produced yearly and because of the lack of a specific tool they were affected by a large personnel factor. Fig 5 shows the existing system before HEAVEN implementation.

Fig 1. “Before” HEAVEN

“After” the implementation of the HEAVEN system, the total number of monitored and modelled links in the demonstration area is equal to 739, pollution concentration are calculated hourly for four different pollutants (CO, C6H6, NO2, PM10) in 4,356 points and emission and concentration maps are produced on-line. Fig. 4 shows the Rome DSS demonstrator and identifies the main processes, data stores and data flows.

Fig 2: “After” HEAVEN

The overall structure of the HEAVEN DSS consists of two main modules: traffic and air quality modules, the latter divided in emission module and dispersion module. The three modules exchange input and output data between them and external existing systems. All data are gathered in a common database and information is represented on a friendly and easy to use interface.

Moreover a scenario module allows off-line analysis of the environmental impacts of specific TDMS defined by the user.

1.1.1 HW implementation

The Rome DSS is based on a distributed architecture. Different workstations are dedicated to run different software processes categories as follows:

· Front end SW modules devoted to connect to external interfaces and data sources

· traffic & pollution processes devoted to traffic modelling and to pollution modelling

· scenario & HMI processes devoted to scenarios management and operator interfaces

The workstations are connected on a Local Area Network (LAN) linked on a Wide Area Network (WAN) with the external interfaces. The architecture adopted allows for system scalability in case the computing power of any of the workstation would not be sufficient for the on-line operation of some processes.

All data are stored on relational databases served by a system database server. For compliance with databases already available by STA the adopted database engine is Oracle.

The following figure shows the LAN diagram for the DSS system and the real implementation in Rome.

Fig SEQ Fig._ \* ARABIC 3. HEAVEN implementation for the Rome DSS

1.1.2 Operation and Function of the DSS

The system provides hourly concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO), benzene (C6H6) and particulates (PM10) on a demonstration area of 16km2, with a spatial resolution of about 60m.

The Traffic Control Centre located at STA, gathers traffic information (flows and average speed) every five minutes on almost half of the demonstration area primary road network.

The air quality network of the Municipality of Rome provides information on an hourly basis of pollutant concentration in the area.

Through these two systems, it is possible to achieve a good description of the traffic on the primary road network and to have local information on air quality.

Before HEAVEN in Rome, no dispersion models were applied continuously to provide an extensive description of air quality.

The HEAVEN demonstration area is located inside the Ring Road in the North-East part of the city and it can be considered as a representative part of the entire urban network. In fact, it contains a wide green area (Villa Ada, Villa Torlonia), several radial corridors (Via Nomentana, Via Salaria, Lungotevere) and the inner zone, which is made up of high density neighbourhoods.

The traffic network is represented by a graph made up of 51 centroids, and more than 400; 116 of them are monitored by means of automatic measuring stations.

The aim of the traffic modelling module is the estimation of the equilibrium flow distribution on the network. The traffic module consists of three different sub-systems that are combined together to evaluate the state of the system; they are:

- Traffic counts sub-system

- Traffic assignment module

- Observer module

The traffic assignment programme TransCad is a full-featured Geographic Information System (GIS) designed specifically for planning management, and the analysis of the characteristics of transport systems.

On the HEAVEN network, a deterministic user equilibrium model has been performed to evaluate the equilibrium flow distribution of the system. In order to obtain a realistic configuration of the system, the flow function of vehicles on the links have been calibrated with the data detected by the measurement stations.

The programme is completely integrated with the main database of the Traffic Control Centre and by means of its Graphic User Interface (GUI) can display trends of measured data (flow, speed and occupancy). The “observer module” (developed by STA) whose aim is to integrate traffic data available for the subset of monitored links with the assignment flows. Such process obtains a unique and realistic flow value on each link of the network.

Moreover, traffic data produced are used as input information for the transport emissions module (TEE) in order to evaluate pollutant emissions on links.

1.1.3 Air quality modelling

The air quality modelling has been implemented at urban scale allowing a high spatial resolution description of pollutant concentration on an hourly basis.

In Rome, Air Pollution Modelling tools are used for:

  • Traffic-related emissions calculation (TEE software, provided by ENEA)
  • Concentrations calculation (ADMS)

TEE is a computer model for the calculation of consumptions and emissions from vehicular traffic at ‘microscopic’ (street) and ‘macroscopic’ (city or region) level; TEE model calculates emissions on links where information on driving pattern is available. On links where only the average speed and traffic flow are known, emissions are also calculated by TEE by using the classic COPERT methodology. As an advanced alternative TEE can correct the emissions estimated from average speed by means of an internal function (Kinematics Correction Function) that intends to describe the overall effect of speed variability along the link, and depends on 4 variables : traffic density (vehicles/km), green percent time at traffic light, link length and average link speed. The sensitivity to density is largely the most important one.

The most relevant validation activities were initially performed on the basis of CO pollution levels measured in Rome within the ESTEEM Project (1998).

New results obtained within the evaluation activities of the HEAVEN project are coherent with the previous validation studies.

The usage of the kinematics correction has allowed to predict very well the CO peaks along the day (see figures 5 and 6) while the adoption of the classic average speed approach led to significant underestimates.

ADMS-Urban is a pollution model developed by CERC (Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants) with the assistance of the United Kingdom meteorological office. It is linked to external GIS and visualization tools and represents a comprehensive tool for tackling air pollution problems in cities and towns. It can be used to examine emissions from 4,100 sources simultaneously, including road traffic, industrial and "background grid" emissions and requires relatively simple meteorological inputs.

1.1.4 Decision support system

In the off-line mode, HEAVEN is used to assess the environmental impact of TDMS. With this aim a scenario interface has been planned in order to allow the decision makers and professional users to easily handle all of the traffic and environmental parameters needed to define TDMS and their impacts on environment.

An user friendly scenario allows the definition of the TDMS, deciding mobility intervention (road closure, traffic banning to certain categories, speed reduction), renewal of vehicle fleet.

1.1.5 Operator interface

An user friendly operator interface has been realised in order to display real time traffic emission and dispersion data on the map of the demonstration area. Common tools such as zoom in zoom out, information on links, time of day, vehicle fleet and meteorological data are provided to the user.

1.1.6 Information Presentation

The Man Machine Interface provides the user of the Heaven system with a friendly instrument for monitoring the near real time environmental situation along the study area in Rome.

The procedure that needs to be applied to display the information consists in defining which kind of information the user wants to analyze (traffic parameters or emissions or concentrations) and to select the information option on the main toolbox; than to select the interested link: a pop-up window with the request information will be then displayed on the screen as shown in fig. 13.

In addition, the user has access to statistical and historical environmental data reported on a day basis and plot in diagrams; otherwise, it is also possible to access the following historical data: traffic counts (on a 5 minutes basis), traffic assignment, meteo, emission and pollution concentration (all on an hour basis).

Fig SEQ Fig._ \* ARABIC 4. HEAVEN user interface

Figure 5 : comparison between meeasured and calculated (TEE 2004 with kinematic correction + ADMS) CO concentrations (hourly differences)

Figure 6 : comparison between measured and calculated (TEE 2004 with kinematic correction + ADMS) CO concentrations in Rome HEAVEN system

References for TEE transport emission model

· The ‘Corrected Average Speed’ approach: a simple and accurate way for calculating traffic emissions – E. Negrenti – 4th International Symposium ‘Transport and Air Pollution’ Avignon 9 - 13 June 1997

· The ‘Corrected Average Speed’ approach in ENEA’s TEE model: an innovative solution for the evaluation of the energetic and environmental impacts of urban transport policies -–E. Negrenti – Highway and Urban Pollution – Baveno (I) May 1998.

· The ‘Corrected Average Speed’ approach in ENEA’s TEE model: an innovative solution for the evaluation of the energetic and environmental impacts of urban transport policies - Emanuele Negrenti ENEA Italy - 19th ARRB Conference – Sydney – December 1998.

· ‘Integrating Average Speed Emissions and instantaneous emissions sensitivity. An Innovative approach for the assesssment of urban transport policies’ – E. Negrenti et al – Transport and Air Pollution conference – Graz – 31 May - 2 June 1999

· ‘Integrating a new traffic emissions model with an urban dispersion model: an innovative approach for integrating urban transport policies and air quality management in the city of Rome’. Emanuele Negrenti ENEA, Gabriele Zanini ENEA, Maria Petrova Kolarova - NIMH Bulgaria (under contract to Enea) – Air Pollution 99 Int’l Conference - San Francisco – July 1999

· “Speed variability modelling in urban transport emissions inventories” - E. Negrenti - ENEA , A. Parenti ASTRAN, B. Janis - AGIP Italy, E. Rebesco - EURON DIPEN – San Donato Milanese - Conferenza Internazionale TERA 2000 - Milano – Ottobre 2000

· ‘Relevance of speed variability modelling in urban transport emissions inventories’ – by E. Negrenti - ENEA, A. Parenti - ASTRAN, B. Janis - AGIP, E. Rebesco - EURON DIPEN - World Conference on Transport Research – Seoul – Korea - July 2001 – 2001 WCTR Proceedings

· ‘Modelling vehicles kinematics relevance in network based - urban emissions inventories’ - Emanuele NEGRENTI (ENEA) , Antonio PARENTI(ASTRAN srl) - Transport and Air Pollution Conference – Avignon - June 2003 – Le Collections de l’INRETS – Actes INRETS n. 92 - Vol.1 – P. 73 – ISSN 0769 0266 – ISBN 2-85782 588 9

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Application of COMMUTE tool for the assessment of the TEN-T



1) Summary of EC DG VII COMMUTE Project

COMMUTE was a research project that ran from 1996 to 1999 within the Strategic Research strand of the European Commission Fourth Framework Transport RTD programme. It addressed the definition of a methodology for strategic assessment of the environmental impacts of transport policy options. The methodology was intended to be primarily applicable to policy decision-making at the European level and to cover road, rail, air and waterborne transport modes. Computer software that embodies the main aspects of the methodology was developed and demonstrated within the COMMUTE project.

The main COMMUTE project objectives were as follows:

· To define a methodology for strategic assessment of the environmental impacts of transport policy options, to support transport policy decision making at the European level.

· To develop computer software that embodied the main aspects of the methodology and could present the results to users.

· To demonstrate the use of the main aspects of the methodology and the computer software; in particular in the context of a pilot strategic environmental assessment of the impacts on energy consumption, primary pollutant emissions and safety of plans for the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).

COMMUTE delivered two main end products:

· The COMMUTE methodology for SEA of transport policies, plans and programmes (PPPs), comprising:

– A Framework for SEA covering the basic methodological requirements for SEA of multi-modal transport actions and guidelines on integration methods

– Detailed impact assessment methods for some core impacts such as air pollution emissions, energy consumption, noise and safety

· The COMMUTE software tool allowing assessment of air pollution emissions, energy consumption, noise and safety impacts.

The COMMUTE Framework for SEA provides detailed guidelines for carrying out a strategic environmental assessment (SEA), and sets the use of the COMMUTE software tool in context. The full guidelines run to some 160 pages, and are structured according to the following steps, around which an SEA should be organised from the procedural point of view:

1. Setting of objectives and targets

2. Screening to determine the need for SEA at this stage of the planning process

3. Scoping: identification of:

· the physical/regional limits;

· the impacts to be addressed;

· the alternative actions that need to be assessed.

4. Carrying out of the SEA:

· measuring/predicting the environmental impact of the action and its alternatives;

· evaluating the significance of the impact (e.g. through comparison with environmental objectives);

· proposing recommendations: preferred alternative, mitigation and monitoring measures.

5. Preparation of the decision

6. Taking the decision

7. Making arrangements for monitoring and follow-up

8. Conducting further environmental assessments (at later stages of planning process, e.g. project EIA)

The overall COMMUTE methodology defined a range of environmental indicators for examination within an SEA. The detailed impact assessment methods defined in COMMUTE and incorporated in the software tool cover assessment of air pollution emissions, energy consumption, noise and safety, across four travel modes – road, rail, air and water. These are described in the main body of the report.

Impact assessment methods for other indicators included in the COMMUTE methodology (but not the current software) were described in detail within the COMMUTE Framework guidelines. These could be brought in to the COMMUTE software tool in a future development effort.

The COMMUTE software tool was developed to be primarily applicable to policy decision-making and is targeted primarily on relatively large scale analyses at European, national or regional scales. The tool is network oriented and works on assessments on links and nodes. The impacts are calculated on a link-by-link and node-by node basis and then added together for assessments of networks or corridors comprising a number of links and nodes.

The tool uses a Geographical Information System (GIS) for handling the geographical representation of the network and for performing spatial oriented analysis and for presentation purposes.

The COMMUTE software tool was validated against other comparable data sets, and was demonstrated within the project, particularly through the pilot SEA of plans for the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). This formed a rigorous, highly demanding and large scale demonstration of the capabilities of the COMMUTE software tool and illustrated its interfacing with a complex transport model. The results were sufficiently robust for the study team to conclude that the method would be suitable for a more detailed SEA of the TEN-T.

Overall, the COMMUTE project successfully achieved its main objectives and has clear potential for future exploitation. From the work carried out in COMMUTE, it is clear, however, that further work would be beneficial in a number of areas, including:

· further methodological research to integrate sustainability target setting within the overall SEA process and to improve monitoring and follow-up after implementation of policies, plans and programmes;

· further development of the COMMUTE tool to bring in additional impact areas (particularly through the GIS interface) and accommodate other stages of the overall SEA process;

· further data collection to improve strengthen input and default data across all modes and therefore improve the accuracy and robustness of the COMMUTE tool outputs.

2) Cooperation on pilot SEA of the TEN-T

In cooperation with the MEET, STREAMS and SCENARIOS projects, COMMUTE accomplished a pilot strategic assessment of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). This was a major demonstration of the COMMUTE software tool and methodology. The aim of this work was to obtain an indication of the impacts of plans for the TEN-T, including their broad geographical distributions, in terms of energy consumption, emissions and traffic safety. The pilot demonstrated the feasibility of the developed methods, including the extent to which the approach used in the pilot project would be suitable for a full SEA of the TEN-T.

For successful completion of the pilot SEA a harmonious cooperation between the projects was essential. Therefore a Joint Scientific Committee was established, chaired by representatives of the STREAMS project and containing a representative from each project. Representatives from the Commission and the European Environmental Agency also sat in the Joint Scientific Committee. A cooperation plan was set up to ensure a trouble-free implementation.

The basic allocation of the work was for the STREAMS partners to undertake runs of the STREAMS model, according to reference and Common Transport Policy scenarios as defined (in quantitative terms) by SCENARIOS. The STREAMS transport model outputs were provided to COMMUTE who then used the COMMUTE tool to calculate energy consumption and emissions, with assistance from MEET in terms of the assumptions to be made for the calculation of future emissions, both for road and non-road transport. Estimates of traffic safety impacts were made jointly by STREAMS and COMMUTE.


The COMMUTE software tool embodies the impact assessment methods for the primary pollutant emissions, energy consumption, noise and safety across the transport modes road, rail, air and waterborne transport. However, it is also designed for future expansion to cover other important land use and ecological impacts.

The COMMUTE software is primarily applicable to policy decision-making and it is based on relatively large scale spatial resolutions. The tool focuses on assessing the environmental impacts of Programmes, Policies and Plans (PPPs) at:

· European level (i.e. assessing impacts of PPPs for the whole of the EU)

· National level (i.e. assessing impacts of PPPs for individual countries)

· Regional level (i.e. assessing impacts of PPPs for large administrative regions (e.g. NUTS 2) or for regional scale corridors)

The tool is network oriented and works on assessments on links and nodes. The impacts are calculated on a link-by-link and node-by node basis and then added together for assessments of networks or corridors comprising a number of links and nodes. In this context urban areas, harbours and airports are represented as nodes in the network. These nodes could then each have traffic flow data associated with them within the tool that would cover the whole area (e.g. vehicle-km figures and an average speed for a whole city in the case of road transport).

This approach does not include explicit representation of the urban transport network within each urban area. It therefore allows assessment of policies that have an impact in urban areas (e.g. policies that encourage modal shift for urban travel) but would not be suitable for assessment of urban infrastructure programmes. Such assessments would need to be conducted using a more detailed urban scale model.

The tool uses a Geographical Information System (GIS) for handling the geographical representation of the network and for performing spatial oriented analysis and presentation purposes.

The finest level of temporal resolution that the tool will focus on is provision of seasonal impacts, with the main emphasis being on calculating and presenting annual impacts.

The final version of the COMMUTE tool includes a life cycle analysis approach in so far as emissions of harmful substances and energy consumption from power stations and refineries will be considered additionally to those from vehicle operation.

For the different impacts across transport modes a specific module or model has been designed, but each module is independent and separated from the others.

The software is modular and the database has not only the function of storing the data but also of integrating the models.

The user interfaces the program through the Human Machine Interface which has been developed using a commercial Geographical Information System.

To achieve user-friendliness, the COMMUTE software was developed in the well known Windows 95 environment. Wherever possible, well known commercial tools were used instead of developing new and proprietary codes. The architecture of the software was designed to be flexible, easy to maintain and capable of accommodating future development. In fact the software has a modular structure.

For the different impacts across transport modes a specific model and module has been designed (ACCESS BASIC). Each module (model) is independent and the integration is made through the database (ACCESS) and the Human Machine Interface (ACCESS BASIC).

MAPINFO has been selected as the Geographical Information System, because of its quality to be one of the most used and inexpensive GIS and because it is integrated with Microsoft and offers a simple toolkit in Basic (MapBasic).

It is essential to be able to add or change models without changing the overall architecture or the existing modules.

The software structure consists of six parts:

1. The HMI (human machine interface) which allows the user to interface with the tool

2. The GIS which represents the data (input and output) in a geo-referenced form

3. The DATA MANAGER which manages the database and provides the input-output functions

4. The different MODELS/modules which provide the environmental results

5. The CONFIGURATION MANAGER which allows the user to configure the scenarios (year..)

6. The MANAGER OF MODELS which schedules the run of the different modules

Each model, such as the ’road emission and consumption’ or the ’rail safety’ etc., is a separate module and it has a proprietary code written in a collective language.

The modular structure of the software together with the fact that a standard commercial database management system has been used allows the user to interface the data also with other tools such as Excel or ARCINFO.

Each model is composed of two main parts: the calculus itself that comprises the reading and writing of the database data, and the configuration that requires an HMI to interface with the user in order to assess the configuration of the scenario that the model will run.

Figure 1 shows that the model takes the inputs as they are in the database and prepares the data as required by the “core model” which is the calculator module that assesses the environment. The post module takes the outputs as they are calculated by the “core model” and aggregates or disagregates them as they will be shown to the user of the program.

Figure 1 Structure of each COMMUTE module/model

Both input and output data are contained in the database. The user has the option to create scenarios and to compare calculation results with the a priori information.

According to the software architecture the database is integrated. Wherever possible the model uses the same data, so that some data of the database is common, while some data is specific to each of the models. The common data is really important for the harmonisation and integration of the models.

The COMMUTE database is organised in Microsoft ACCESS tables in order to allow the user to analyse results in an easy-to-use and flexible environment. To perform the calculations for the different impacts across the transport modes, the COMMUTE software tool needs several types of tables which are classified according to the source and nature of the data they contain. The tables can be categorised as either input tables which contain all the data necessary for the calculation of the results, or output tables which contain the results of the software elaboration.

The “COMMUTE main menu” screen presents the software tool user with three different sections, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 The COMMUTE main menu screen

The first section is for calculation and reflects the approach of the COMMUTE methodology. The main subdivision is for impacts: emission & consumption, noise, safety. Each impact is calculated for the different modes of transport: air, road, rail, and water. All the calculation modules are integrated and the commonalties are grouped in an integration core which consists of the common shared set of classification tables (i.e. the list of the countries, the list of the fuels considered etc.) and coefficient tables (i.e. the calorific power of the fuels). This allows a comparison of results among different modes on a user defined multi-modal network scenario.

4) Pilot Strategic Environmental Assessment of the TEN-T Proposals

The main demonstration of the application of COMMUTE tool involved the cooperative strategic environmental assessment of plans for the whole Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). The Commission wanted to carry out a pilot SEA of the TEN-T to assess its impact on the transport system and on emission levels. The project had two aims. First, to provide an initial attempt at quantifying the impacts of the TEN-T, in terms of travel patterns, energy consumption, emissions and transport safety. Second, to demonstrate the feasibility of certain methods, including the extent to which the approach used in the pilot would be suitable for a full SEA of the TEN-T.

When setting up the project the Commission wanted to draw on its latest research and to bring together researchers from different disciplines. A new consortium was formed, within the structure of the EU Fourth Framework research programme, to carry out the work. This consortium involved four existing research projects, SCENARIOS, STREAMS, MEET and COMMUTE.

The pilot SEA constituted a rigorous and large-scale demonstration of the COMMUTE tool. The multi modal network used for the exercise consisted of approximately:

· 7000 links for road

· 1300 links for air transport

· 2400 links for rail

· 2900 links for waterborne transport

For the pilot SEA, only part of the SEA processes included in the COMMUTE Framework for SEA needed to be considered. The wider issues surrounding the development of the TEN-T were not relevant to this study, where the emphasis was on impact assessment. The approach used in the pilot SEA was to undertake an impact assessment of the TEN-T by comparing transport scenarios, forecasting travel patterns, and focussing on the emissions (using the COMMUTE software) generated by these alternative scenarios.

4.1 COMMUTE tool in pilot SEA

Because of constraints on the timing of the pilot SEA project, it was necessary to prepare an intermediate version of the COMMUTE tool which embodied the main parts of the impact assessment methods. However not all modules of the full final version of COMMUTE tool were included in this interim version. The following main differences in functionality between the intermediate and full version of the tool occurred (there were also other minor differences, for example that the impact of road gradients was not considered):

· safety assessment was limited to the single risk method

· cold start and evaporative emissions for road transport were calculated outside the COMMUTE model using approximate correction factors

· no noise assessment was included - noise was not part of the Commission’s pilot SEA requirements

· only one ‘generic’ aircraft type was used


The combination of the STREAMS and COMMUTE methodologies for the pilot SEA project brought a requirement to find a consistent and manageable approach for the exchange of data between these two main elements of the project. The fundamental interface was between the output of the STREAMS transport model which in turn forms the input to the COMMUTE/pilot SEA methodology for determining energy, emissions and safety levels. Agreement was required between the two projects regarding the categorisation and definitions of the transport data transferred to COMMUTE. For example, there are different categories within each mode of transport in the two projects. The task was therefore to reconcile the two and determine a set of definitions which were consistent with the two projects, and this was achieved. A number of modifications were required to the STREAMS model in order to allow the COMMUTE methodology to be successfully applied for pilot SEA. This principally affected the form of the model output, and the processing of output outside the modelling environment.

4.3 Scenarios tested

In the context of the SEA work, a transport scenario defines the main inputs needed for the STREAMS transport model forecasts. The policy scenarios determine the changes in transport costs and prices for each mode between 1994 and 2010. They are made up of three policy phases:

· Liberalisation: relating to the current policy trends (the ‘reference’ situation).

· Harmonisation: concerning the impact of the Common Transport Policy (CTP), principally in terms of harmonisation including the internalisation of externalities.

· TEN-T Infrastructure and Policy: relating to the promotion of inter-modality, interconnectivity and interoperability for the TEN-T. The policy changes are only introduced in tests which have the TEN-T in the forecast year network.

A number of possible options were considered before arriving at the following tests combining the reference, CTP and TEN-T policy and infrastructure components defined above:

1 Base year - 1994

2 No TEN-T for reference scenario 2010

3 No TEN-T for CTP 2010

4 All TEN-T policy and infrastructure for CTP 2010

5 Rail only TEN-T policy and rail infrastructure for CTP 2010

Each of the future year tests therefore contain some combination of the three policy phases (liberalisation, harmonisation and TEN-T policy and infrastructure) as shown in Table1 below.

Table 1: Components of the SEA tests

Options to be tested





TEN policy and infrastructure

1. Base year – 1994

2.Reference Scenario’

No TEN-T for reference scenario 2010


3. ‘CTP Only’

No TEN-T for CTP test 2010



4. ‘All TEN-T CTP’

All TEN-T for CTP test 2010




5. ‘Rail TEN-T CTP’

Rail only for CTP test 2010




(rail only)

4.4 Results

The main results of the pilot SEA exercise are summarised in this section, from the full report prepared jointly by the STREAMS and COMMUTE projects. These include the transport model outputs from STREAMS, as well as the COMMUTE software tool outputs. The full results are presented in the STREAMS/COMMUTE Pilot SEA Deliverable 4.

In addition to these outputs (Tables and Figures) the COMMUTE final report presents some examples of thematic maps produced by using the MapInfo GIS. These maps provide an overview about the possibilities of a detailed spatial analysis of traffic and emission data as they were produced in the Pilot Strategic Environmental Assessment of the TEN-T.

Taking the transport impacts first, in the 2010 ‘Reference Scenario’ there is an increase in overall passenger travel demand compared to the base for all modes except slow modes and freight rail, driven partly by the falling cost of travel relative to incomes.

Moving to the impact of the policies, the effect of the ‘CTP Only’ compared to the ‘Reference Scenario’ was:

· a significant overall reduction in passenger and freight travel, more so for freight

· rising rail demand and falling car, truck, air and water use

· a reduction in road network congestion

· the ‘CTP Only’ scenario therefore succeeds in reducing road and air travel and boosting rail.

Then, introducing all the TEN-T infrastructure and related policies led to:

· increased overall passenger and freight travel demand relative to the ‘CTP Only’ scenario (although it is still lower than in the ‘Reference Scenario’ for passengers)

· a significant effect on mode split as rail (particularly high speed rail) travel increases compared to the ‘CTP Only’ scenario and road travel falls further

· further reduction in road network congestion

· the TEN-T infrastructure and related policies scenario therefore strengthens the effects of the CTP.

By introducing only rail TEN-T infrastructure but with related TEN-T policies on inter-modality, interoperability and connections to ports, rail’s gains are increased, although at the cost of a significant increase in road congestion.

It is also significant that the most important factor in encouraging freight mode shift to rail is the expanded rail network. The effects of this are large, with or without the road TEN-T.

The key findings of the emission forecasts using the COMMUTE tool, by mode, are:

For road: Tighter road vehicle emission standards and improved technology outweigh the growth in road travel, such that all emissions except CO2 fall in all four tests compared to the base year. The differences between tests are relatively small illustrating the dominance of changes in non-traffic factors. The tests do not include the impact of the car manufacturers’ voluntary agreement on CO2, hence they may overestimate the increase in CO2 emissions;

For rail: Between 1994 and 2010 all non CO2 emissions fall, reflecting technical change and a shift from diesel to electric power. For the tests, the changes in emissions mirror the changes in train-kilometres;

For air: All emissions rise in all tests relative to the base year and there are some differences between tests reflecting the changes in the amount of passenger air travel. Hence emissions are closely correlated with the level of air travel (unlike the case for cars). Although there are technological improvements in aircraft technology the key effect appears to be a growth in shorter distance air travel between the base and forecast years; as relatively more fuel is used in the take-off, climb and climb-out phases of the flight compared with cruising, this has a disproportionate impact;

For water: All emissions rise for each test relative to the base year. The IMO limits on exhaust emissions for new engines are not expected to result in any large changes before 2010, because of the slow turnover of the fleet. Hence emissions are closely correlated with the level of waterborne freight

The main conclusions by emission type are:

For CO2: Tonnes of CO2 rise between 1994 and the 2010 ‘Reference Scenario’, but the ‘CTP Only’ and both TEN-T scenarios reduce CO2 compared to the reference;

For CO and HC: These emissions derive mainly from road vehicles. The 2010 ‘Reference Scenario’ emissions are lower than 1994, and the alternative tests show further reductions. The ‘Rail TEN-T CTP’ test shows the greatest reductions since the road TEN-T is not implemented;

For SO2: 2010 ‘Reference Scenario’ emissions are higher than 1994 and the alternative tests reduce these levels. Emissions of SO2 are considered only for the non-road modes;

For NOx and PM: The emission levels in 1994 were largely dominated by the road modes. There are substantial reductions in 2010 arising from the reductions in the road modes which more than compensate for increases in other modes. The percentage contribution from the road modes in 2010 is greatly reduced and there is a dramatic growth in emissions from waterborne travel.

4.5 Conclusions

The pilot SEA study broke new ground in the analysis of EU transport demand and emissions outputs. It formed a rigorous, highly demanding and large scale demonstration of the capabilities of the COMMUTE software tool and illustrated its interfacing with a complex transport model. The pilot SEA approach provided the first comprehensive, quantified forecasts of the impacts of TEN-T policies and infrastructure, on travel demand and emissions, at the EU level. Hence the first objective of the project was met. The results were sufficiently robust for the study team to conclude that the method would be suitable for a more detailed SEA of the TEN-T.

5) references

  • Harmonisation of multi-modal and multi-impact methodology for the environmental assessment of European Transport Policies – Results from EU DG VII COMMUTE Project – by E. Negrenti and M.P. Valentini ENEA ITALY – 19th ARRB Conference – Sydney – December 1998.

· The Assessment of environmental and safety impacts of the trasn European network (TEN-T) – by H.J.Heich, J. Jantunen, E. Negrenti - Highway and Urban Pollution – Baveno (I) May 1998.- published in the Science of the Total Environment 235 (1999) 391-393

  • Application of advanced transport impacts models on national and local scale: results from EC Commute, Esteem and Hesaid projects - Dr. Emanuele Negrenti – ENEA – Italy - Melbourne - 20th ARRB Conference - March 2001 – Conference Proceedings – ISBN 0 86910 799 2 – ISSN 0572 1431
  • COMMUTE (1997). A Review of User Requirements, Methods and Methodologies for Strategic Environmental Assessment. COMMUTE Deliverable 1.
  • COMMUTE (1998). Methodology Report. COMMUTE Deliverable 2.
  • COMMUTE (1999). Software Report. COMMUTE Deliverable 3.
  • COMMUTE (2000). Demonstration and Exploitation. COMMUTE Deliverable 5.

· DHV (1995). Transport Strategic Modelling. Final Report Prepared for the Commission of the European Communities Directorate General for Transport, APAS/Strategic/3.

  • EIA Centre – University of Manchester (1995). Strategic Environmental Assessment - Legislation and Procedures in the Community. Volume 1 and 2, Manchester.
  • EPA (1985). Compilation of air pollutant emission factors, Vol II Mobile Sources, USA.
  • MEET (1996). Methodologies for Estimating Air Pollutant Emissions from Transport, First Data Structure, Deliverable 2, DG VII, Edited by Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 1996.
  • MEET (1997a). Methodologies for Estimating Air Pollutant Emissions from Transport, Final Data Structure of Road Emission Factors, Deliverable 3, DG VII, Edited by University of Thessaloniki, INRETS, TNO, TSU, TRL, TU, MIRA and University of Limerick, January 1997.
  • MEET (1997b). Methodologies for Estimating Air Pollutant Emissions from Transport, Road Traffic Characteristics for Estimating Pollutant Emissions, Deliverable 4, DG VII, Edited by Transport Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, UK, January 1997.
  • MEET/Techne (1997c). Methodologies For Estimating Air Pollutant Emissions From Ships. June 1997.
  • MEET (1998). Methodologies for Estimating Air Pollutant Emissions from Transport, Emission Factors and Traffic Characteristics Data Set, Deliverable 21, Final Report, Edited by the Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, January 1998.


COMMUTE tool : interface with MapInfo GIS

Selection of a part of road network for calculation

Analysis of the results after calculation

The analysis will be displayed on the selected links

Example of thematic analysis of NOx emissions on selected links

Display of traffic data on MapInfo maps (STREAMS data, non urban links, 1995)

These maps are built with MapInfo tools, by crossing the road network map with the tables of vehicles*km stored in COMMUTE Access database. A map is done for each category of vehicles provided in STREAMS data. The analysed value is the number of vehicles, that is vkm/length.

Examples of thematic maps after calculation of emission, on all fifteen countries

These examples have been built with MapInfo tools by crossing a map of Europe countries with tables of CO2 emissions by country created in COMMUTE Access database.

Example of thematic map of CO2 emission, for air, rail and road modes

Last Updated


25th January 2005





Title of Example

  The Bristol Area Transport Study Model



The Bristol Area Transport Study (BATS) model was developed by consultants working on behalf of Bristol City Council, primarily for the assessment of Road User Charging and Light Rapid Transit. The model has a wide range of potential uses including option testing for strategic planning, transport planning, development control and the basis for detailed assessment of schemes.

BATS is a strategic integrated multi-modal model including sub-models for both highway and public transport modes and a demand model that can estimate changes in mode-split in response to changes in transport supply.

Models have currently been developed for a base year, and two forecast years. The public transport and demand elements use the EMME2 software, while the highway modelling is carried out with SATURN.

The models extend to the boundary of the former County of Avon, but with particular detail in the greater Bristol urban area, including the detailed modelling of junctions.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example





EMME2 - INRO (CANADA) package, set on the Venice municipal territory, is made up of many modules. The two most important of these are:

a) assignation model of vehicular traffic to road network.

b) assignation model of passengers to collective transport network.

The two models research the mode that minimizes time and cost of user transfer on their respective transport networks, by considering:

- a series of attributes about road links and junctions;

- feasible transit tolls;

- parking rates;

- a series of attributes about collective transport services;

- tariffs as distinguished by type of users.

The Transport and Mobility Office of the Venice City Administration has developed and applied a supplementary module, the so-called “modal allocation”. This module measures user shift between individual and collective means dependent on policies for strengthening/rating/regulating various systems of transportation. The Transport and Mobility Office has also used EMME2 to analyse commercial traffic trends at urban level.

Practical use of EMME2

The EMME2 model is set for short, medium and long term planning at urban scale for both the PGTU (Urban Traffic Plan) and for the PUM (Urban Transport Plan). Other possible applications requiring greater detail such as for designing road intersections, need more traffic surveys and the application of micro-simulation models for which the EMME2 model assures all relevant data classification and input.

At the moment only one micro-simulation model is available. This is the TOS, applicable to single intersections and used to optimize the functioning of a semaphore network. Another dynamic micro-simulation model is under acquisition (PARAMICS): it deals with sets of intersections, in order to offer the Administration complete assistance for all decisions that must be taken.

Input and output data

EMME2 needs the following input data:

- geo-referred description of road network topology ;

- description of every feature of each link (length, number of lanes, type of link, outflow rate curve, maximum speed);

- description of every junction subjected to an installation of traffic lights or to precedence rules;

- description of routes, stops, frequency, maximum speed for each line of public collective transport;

- territory representation in terms of origin and destination zones;

- mobility demand description distinguished by means of transportation (individual and collective), reasons (work, study, other reasons) and origin/destination journeys.

EMME2 model outputs are based on one hour periods and are available for rush hour in the morning and in the afternoon.

For every simulated scenario, EMME2 generates statistics on:

- general and average duration of journey distinguished by type of users;

- costs of journeys;

- vehicles per km (for all the computed means of transportation);

- average distances run as distinguished by type of users (workers, students, other travellers);

- atmospheric emissions from vehicular traffic.

Moreover many graphic elaborations can be made:

- map of origin/destination journeys for each zone;

- map of vehicular traffic flows on the network of roads;

- map of road congestion levels (on links and junctions);

- map of passenger flows on public collective transport networks and number of people ascending and descending;

- map of isochronous movements from one zone to all the other ones;

- map of comparison between different scenarios.

Correlation with traffic data

EMME2 model is not interfaced with the main traffic lights system because of the scarce reliability of the counting devices (located near the traffic lights); this is why they aren’t used regularly for modelling. For monitoring purposes, they are periodically downloaded and used to check the reliability/relevance of the simulation model that needs to be updated every three years.

Module for atmospheric emissions calculation

Atmospheric emissions calculation is made on a hourly basis and evaluates:

- vehicular traffic composition (heavy-duty and light-duty vehicles);

- flows for each link;

- speed for each link;

- loss of time at junctions.

Another module prepared by the Municipal Transport and Mobility Office helps to evaluate traffic noise propagation: it considers, besides the factors mentioned before, structure of buildings and open spaces and presence of mitigating elements (like barriers and pavements covered with acoustic sound-deadening material).

EMME2 advantages and disadvantages

EMME2 main advantages provide:

- a better aptitude to foresee critical urban development and the impact of new big attractors (office districts, commercial districts, etc.);

- enhanced support for drafting technical feasibility studies for new infrastructure;

- improved capacity in identifying park-and-ride locations;

- greater accuracy in attributing rules and functions to collective transport systems and to complex junctions of passenger exchange;

- greater capacity in evaluating performances of future infrastructure networks;

- greater awareness in planning priority elements of the infrastructure ;

- more efficient communication to the public of resulting transport scenarios.

The most important disadvantage is associated to the difficulty of training and maintaining a group of qualified technicians that utilize the EMME2 software and update its databases.


This text has been kindly made available by the Municipal Transport and Mobility Office (Comune di Venezia, Ufficio Mobilità).

Last Updated


25th January 2005





Title of Example

  Traffic simulation models used in Utrecht



Traffic simulation models used in Utrecht

1. Macroscopic models

The Traffic Model for the Utrecht Region (Verkeersmodel Regio Utrecht, VRU) is a simultaneous macroscopic regional model for three means of transport during a morning and an evening rush hour and a whole 24-hour period.

On the basis of the VRU model, the following sub-models were developed for the same years:

§ a simultaneous (unimodal) 24 hour-model (VRU) for a working day in three transport alternatives (car, public transport and bicycle) and five separate travel goals

§ a (unimodal) model (VRU) for automobiles for the morning and evening rush hours: Rush-hour Model for the Utrecht Region (Spitsmodel Regio Utrecht, SRU) and for a 24 hour period

§ a (unimodal) model for public transport for a 24-hour period.

The mentioned 24-hour model for automobiles is used for environment calculations. The VRU-model is based on 1998 as the reference year and contains forecasts for 2015, the plan year.

The VRU-model is actualised at present to 2002, the new reference year, and 2020 as the new plan year. The freight transport is also developed separately in this model. For environment aims the model is also built from three simultaneous models of different parts of the day consisting of the morning peak, the rest of the day and the evening rush-hour.

Brief description:

The VRU and SRU models have been built up from 2500 traffic areas and cover the whole of the Netherlands. The city of Utrecht is part of the study area and contains 400 zones.

The model includes three networks for automobiles, bicycles and public transport. Roads, districts and residential areas have not been included.

The origins and destinations of the zones have been established in matrices.

Five motives for commuter traffic have been included in the models:

§ Home-shops

§ Home-school

§ Home-work

§ Business

§ Other.

The journeys are calculated on the basis of generalized costs. They are stored in various matrices and allotted to the networks. Allocations are possible in the form of 'all or nothing’ or with 'capacity restraint'.

Description of the input and output data:


Geographical basis with area division (zoning) per 4-digit postal code.

Per zone:

§ Inhabitants and jobs

§ Student places

§ Locations for living and working.

Network for automobiles, bicycles and public transport.

Control data: OVG (study of mobility behaviour), counts, vehicle registration study, possession of driving licence, housing occupancy, people entering and leaving public transport.


Origin and destination matrices per motive and mode of transport.

Networks (automobile, bicycle and public transport) with model data and count control points.

Connections between zones and networks.

Allocations of the journeys from the matrices to the network (vehicles).

Intensity ratios (I/C).

Data of the filling of areas on the map.

Various analyses at matrix and network level.

Validation of the model:

The matrices are calibrated to reality by rearranging (on a limited scale) the matrix cells to local deviations. In a later stage, finer rearrangements are made at a stretch of road level. For large flows, the reliability of the models is ± 10-15%; for the smallest flows ± 10-20%.The testing material mainly consists of OVG (study of mobility behaviour) data and counts.

Availability of the model and model results:

The total model dataset can be supplied on a CD-ROM and can be processed with the TRIPS and Omnitrans software or another macroscopic model toolbox. The data can be supplied in CSV format and is file-oriented.

The VRU and SRU models are being developed on a regional level. The model’s manager is the Utrecht Region Board (BRU). Model use by non-regional partners is viewed per case by the BRU as manager. The model dataset can be requested at the Utrecht Region Board.

2. Microscopic models

In traffic studies (e.g. the development of infrastructure), dynamic micro simulations are made using the VISSIM software-package or adviser-bound simulation models, such as Aimsum, Integration and Paramics. The VISSIM simulation package is considered to be the standard for all traffic micro simulations.

It is expected that in the near future a mesoscopic model will be developed for the city region. This will require collaboration with regional administrative partners.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Example from Bristol - Industrial emissions modelling



To fulfil the EU Directives the UK Government has required all Local Authorities to undergo a staged review and assessment of air quality. As part of stage three, computer modelling of the main pollutants was undertaken. Bristol used the model ADMS –Urban produced by CERC for this process. This example is part of the process which modelled the point industrial sources.


Meteorological data were obtained from Trinity Consultants for 1998. These data were used for the 1998 validation model run and for the 2005 \ 2004 model run. This was the only meteorological data set used, due to time constraints and the lack of suitable PM10 background data for the purposes of PM10 source apportionment. Some sensitivity analysis was conducted at point receptors for validation purposes using 1997 meteorological data. Although Bristol City Council operates meteorological stations around the city, not all parameters required by ADMS – Urban are measured at these stations.

Atmospheric Chemistry for Nitrogen Dioxide

The calculation of nitrogen dioxide concentrations from emissions of NOx was done using the Generic Reaction Scheme feature in ADMS – Urban. This feature is fully explained in section 4.5.2 of the ADMS – Urban user manual (CERC, 1999), but in summary, comprises a set of eight chemical atmospheric reactions that use background monitored data to calculate NO 2 concentrations. The background data used in this exercise is ratified data from AEE Harwell for 1998.

GIS Data “cleaning” Functions used on Model Output

The “grid” files generated by ArcView Spatial Analyst during interpolation of the ADMS – Urban “glt” (Grid Long Term) files are raster data sets derived from the IDW (Inverse Distance Weighted) algorithm. These data sets contain anomalous cells that hinder the visual interpretation of maps classified by concentration bands of air pollution. Data “cleaning” routines were therefore used to remove these anomalous cells and to “smooth” the boundaries. This is common practice in raster data processing in GIS, and although the output is changed somewhat, the integrity of the data is maintained.

Specifically these routines involved:

¨ Initial re-classification of the grid as an integer grid (necessary for the application of data cleaning routines)

¨ Application of the MajorityFilter request to remove outlying spurious data points

¨ Application of the BoundaryClean request to smooth the boundary of the exceedence area

¨ Re-application of the MajorityFilter request to remove residual outlying spurious data points

These functions remove “noise” from the model output and improve visual interpretation of the images. The errors introduced are minimal. Further details on the operation of these functions is available in ArcView help files and documentation.

The grid data sets are then converted to vector data (ArcView shapefiles) such that they can be overlaid on a raster map.

Sources Modelled at Stage Three

Two maps showing the locations and types of sources modelled for the stage three assessment are shown below. Only NOx sources are shown here. The maps for PM10 sources are very similar.

The sources for the purposes of modelling are broken down into three categories, grid, road (line) and point sources. Descriptions of how the emissions from each category are derived and calculated are contained in the following sections.

ãCrown copyright. All rights reserved: Bristol City Council LA0905Land Use Measures: Residential Emissions reduction000

· Figure 1 All NOx sources modelled for 2005

Grid Sources

Grid sources are used in ADMS – Urban to represent aggregated sources that need not be modelled explicitly as point or line sources. This helps to speed up run time and to enable the “intelligent gridding” option. Grid sources can also be used to represent “background” emissions, i.e. domestic heating, small industry etc.

ADMS – Urban automatically subtracts explicitly modelled sources from the grid sources, so even the explicitly modelled sources must be included in the grid sources.

For the purposes of this study, the grid sources used in the validation model run and the predictive model run were a combination of background source data and road and point sources that were not modelled explicitly.

Background Contribution

The background data were taken from the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) data set available on the Internet. The area of each grid square was 1 square kilometre.

NAEI data is for 1996. There is an assumption that there will be negligible change in the nature and amount of these emissions. The data from the NAIE are broken down by sector, i.e. roads, small industry, domestic and other. All sectors apart from roads were summed and the emissions from these are used as the background sources.

The data files for NOx and PM10 were processed in a spreadsheet such that the emissions were converted to grams per second per square kilometre from tonnes per year. The area of interest was extracted using GIS functions.

Point Source Contribution to Grid Sources

Because ADMS-Urban also subtracts emissions from point sources from the relevant grid square, it is necessary to add the point source emissions to the grid square prior to the model run.

Point Sources

The point sources used in the model for 2005 and 2004 are mainly operating part A processes under the control of the Environment Agency’s Integrated Pollution Control (IPC) regime. The master database for point sources included in the model is contained in an ADMS – Urban emissions inventory. The database includes sources and emissions from the Bristol area point sources and sources from the outside Bristol.

The following processes are not yet operating, but we have included them in the model run as we have been informed by the Agency or by the prospective operator that they will be running in the year of interest.


Data Source

Start date

Avonmouth RDW Incinerator

Annex V

EC Directive

98/0289 1998 emissions limit values

Possibly April 2001

Britannia Zinc Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant

Environmental Statement provided by operator


Turbine Three of Seabank Power station

Operator via IPC inspector

End 2000

Bristol Energy CCGT at Filton

Operator via IPC inspector

Authorised but operating under commissioning protocol

· Figure 2 Plant not currently operating but included in 2004 \ 2005 model

Enron Ltd has proposed a new 1200 MW gas fired power plant for the Severnside area. This plant will be approximately 300 metres from the existing 1200MW at Seabank. The Enron plant has not been included in the model, as we were notified after modelling work had started. The new plant will add to the concentrations already experienced on Severnside and may increase the frequency of exceedence of the hourly mean NAQS standard for nitrogen dioxide.

For all plant that is currently operating, Bristol City Council have liased closely with the relevant IPC Inspector to obtain the best estimates of emissions for 2005 and 2004. The operator in considering abatement plant required to be fitted by the Environment Agency over the next few years derives these estimates. The estimates of emissions in the target year include data not necessarily included on the public register. Estimates of NOx emissions are expressed in terms of tonnage of NOx as NO2. Emissions of concentrations of NO2 from industrial processes are likely to be over – predicted by modelling.

Improvements in the emissions from existing sources at Sevalco due to new abatement plant have been included in the modelling. Emissions from the new CHP plant itself, however, were not included in the modelling as the final specification for the plant was not complete at the time of modelling. The Environment Agency have required emissions of NOx from the plant to be no greater than those currently authorised. Modelling work is currently underway by contractors to Sevalco and this data will be incorporated in future review and assessment exercises.

We have modelled only plant that operates continuously. This is defined as over 8000 hours per year. It is not possible, at this stage, to model plant that operates in a transient and ad-hoc manner for future years. The point source modelling may therefore under predict in this respect. The most significant NOx source that operates in a transient manner is the British Gas Transco compressing plant near Hallen.

Part B processes were not modelled. The Part B processes emitting pollutants of concern operate in a transient manner and cannot be modelled in conjunction with continuously operating processes.

Although many of the sources are in Bristol, we have also included the plant outside the city boundary that may have an effect on air quality in the city due to long range transport. These sources are not included in grid sources.

Fugitive Sources of PM10

In accordance with guidance in Chapter 8 of TG4 (00) we have examined information relating to fugitive sources of dust from industrial processes. The significant source in this respect is the zinc smelting plant, Britannia Zinc Ltd. in Avonmouth. A number of ore stockpiles, conveyor plants and vehicle movements around the site contribute to fugitive emissions from this plant. Control measures are in place to minimise fugitive dust. The difficulty in modelling fugitive dust is well known. Britannia Zinc operates a comprehensive monitoring program, and data from this have been used to assess the impact of fugitive dust on overall PM10 in the locale.

The complete report for stage 3 and stage 4 of the Review and Assessment of air quality in Bristol can be found at www.bristol-city.gov.uk/airquality

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Sardinia Industrial emissions



A relevant application of emission-dispersion modeling methodology is the air quality Sardinia Region (Italy) assessment performed by Environmental System Analysis S.r.l. aimed to update and enlarge the regional air quality monitoring network. The work was built around the simplified organizational and auditing framework Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) developed by OECD. The environmental pressures originated by socio-economic forces (drivers) cause substantial changes in the state of the environment and thus considerably impact on health, human activities, vegetation and ecosystems. Such an approach is particularly useful for policy-makers and offers a basis to analyze the interrelated factors that impact on the environment, in this case on air quality.

Emissions of principal pollutants were determined for every sources (industrial plants, main roads, ports and airports) and for diffuse sources on a 1 km x 1 km grid basis. Direct surveys were conducted to assess emissions from industrial plants and the CORINAIR methodology has been used.

Air pollutant emissions per CORINAIR Macrosector by Sardinia industrial plants.

Point sources distribution Municipal emissions of SO2 (ton/year) Emission of PST on grid 1x1 km2 (ton/year)

Meteorological (CALMET) and dispersion models (CALGRID) have been applied for the year 2001 to determine air quality all over the region.

[SO2] field – spring h.08 yearly mean [CO] summer mean [O3]

Model results and monitoring network data have been used to determine exceedances of thresholds fixed by European and national law. Results demonstrated a significant contribution to the local pollution due to the mesoscale transport of polluted air mass from the industrial areas. All the information have been elaborated by the Air Quality Manager, AQM® a complete Decision Support System developed by Environmental System Analysis S.r.l., suitable for reporting, modeling and decision making, the 3 levels characterizing a Decision Support System (DSS).

Grid (1km x 1km) Population Density Concentration eXposure values for SO2from industrial sources

Modeled CO concentration field (μg/m3) in Porto Torres area, NW Sardinia – winter season h. 08.00

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  SO2 emmisions in Porto Marghera industrial area Venice: A model approach in risk assessment




This work is part of the 1998 Environmental Budget worked out by the Veneto Region Environmental Protection Agency (ARPAV) for the industrial area of Porto Marghera, Venice (I). Using the PSR scheme (OECD, 1994), pressure (energy and raw materials consumption, air and water emissions, garbage production, etc.) and State indicators (air, water and soil monitoring, dispersion models, etc.) have been characterized:

- to better know how the amount of pollution and the consumption of resources are balanced in this industrial site;

- to enable decision-makers, public administrations and industries to set priorities in environmental policies;

- to present the state of the environment in a way that it is understandable for the public;

- to compare the current state of the local environment with quality targets.

Porto Marghera industrial site is located 5 km NW of the historical centre of Venice, between the urban inland (Mestre, Marghera and Malcontenta) and the coastal lagoon. It spans an area of 2000 hectares: 1400 ha for industries, 340 ha of water channels; 120 ha for the commercial harbour; 80 ha for roads and railway; and 40 ha are State land. The main activities are: coke-derived production, petrochemical production, refining, aluminium and semi-finished material production, shipyards work, chemistry, fertilizer production, waste and wastewater treatment, coastal oil storage, and energy production. The area counts 295 firms, with 13,740 employees.

In order to achieve a better sustainability in the Porto Marghera industrial site, in 1998 national and regional public authorities, in accordance with local industries, signed an Agreement Program to decrease pollutant emissions. At first, the Regional Environmental Agency (ARPAV) evaluated mass and energy balances by collecting production and environmental data which was supplied by local industrial plants. Using this data, air toxic emissions from point and area sources were characterized. To define new air emission targets for the various industrial activities a modelling approach has been followed.

Looking at the Energy production sector, six power plants for energy and vapour production are located in Porto Marghera. Two of them are natural gas-powered, two more are mainly carbon-powered, the one serving the refinery is gas-powered, while the last one which serves the most important petrochemical plant is powered with oil, methane and gas recovered from various plants located in this industrial settlement. This study wasn’t focussed only on Power plants impact to air quality, but they can be considered the major SO2 emitters in the area (see Table 4).

Meteorological characterization

The selection of meteorological critical events by listing acute SO2 concentration episodes in the residential area nearby was used for the Short term worst-case simulation as the Mestre and Marghera urban agglomerations are on the leeward side of the industrial area.

Predominant critical conditions for their exposition are:

- neutral conditions (“D” stability class);

- mixing height: 50/350 m (winter time); 50/250 (summer time);

- wind direction: from South to North;

- wind speed: 3-4,5 m/s (winter time);. 2-4 m/s (summer time).

For Long term simulation, a Joint Frequency Function was built, based on one year’s (1998) meteorological data . RASS (Radio Acoustic Sounding System) data allowed for the computation of the mixing height and stability classes, while ground meteorological measures allowed for the collection of the other model input parameters.

Tracers and their emissions

Each production cycle was identified through one or more emitted substances, the “tracers”. A “rough” preliminary health risk assessment, based on emission amount and toxic/carcinogenic effects, allowed for the selection of “tracers” from a list of about thirty pollutants investigated. The choice was made on the basis of an Impact Index, computed for each pollutant:

- as a product of its total annual emission and its Unit Risk (1);

- as a ratio between its total annual emission (chronic effects) or hourly emission (acute effects) and its Reference Exposure Level (μg/m3) (2).

The following Tables (1, 2, 3) show the hierarchy, in terms of carcinogenic and toxic (acute and chronic) potential health risk for all the substances emitted in the industrial area. Selected tracers are highlighted in yellow. The Unit Risk factor is defined as the estimated probability of a person contracting cancer as a result of constant exposure to an ambient concentration of 1 µg/m3 over a lifetime period equal to 70 years. The concentration level at or below which no adverse health effects are anticipated for a specified exposure duration is termed the Reference Exposure Level (REL).

Table 1 – Impact index due to potential carcinogenic effects.

Table 2 – Impact index due to acute toxic effects.

Table 3 – Impact index due to chronic toxic effects.

Sulphur Dioxide, Chlorine, Acrylonitrile and Vinyl Chloride are the “tracers” identified. They area emitted respectively by 43, 6, 28 and 6 stacks or point sources with the following total annual emission: Sulphur Dioxide: 19375 ton/y; Chlorine: 1,17 ton/y; Acrylonitrile: 4,26 ton/y; Vinyl Chloride: 6,60 ton/y.

In this example only the results on Sulphur Dioxide (more associated to Power Plants emissions) are explained.

SO2 emitting activities

Annual Emissions (ton/y)

Daily Emissions (ton/d)

Daily Percentage (%)

Waste treatment




Coastal oil storage




Fluoride compounds




Energy production




Petrochemical production








TOTAL amount




Table 4 - SO2 emissions from 43 point sources in Porto Marghera.

Model approach and computational results

The modelling approach objective was to assess short and long term impact on environment and health due to air emissions (Pressure), and to evaluate the sustainability of emission reduction policies in the industrial area of Porto Marghera.

Short and long term scenarios have been modeled to evaluate acute and chronic health impact. According to EPA Risk Assessment Guidelines (CAPCOA, 1993), the ISC3 (Industrial Source Complex) model was used to compute air pollutant concentrations.

Figure 1 - Computational domain.

This Gaussian model, developed by the EPA and AMS, is based on a stability classes approach. Since a single wind speed and direction is used in the whole domain, the referenced domain which is a rectangle 20x15 km2 wide (100x75 cells) and is centred on the industrial area of Porto Marghera (see Figure 1), partially satisfies this supposition..

In Figures 2a, 2b, 2c and in Table 5, SO2 short term results are reported, for winter and summer simulations, and a mixing height of 275 m in which all the emissions should be combined is used. In Table 6, 1998 SO2 long term simulation is reported.

Figure 2a – SO2 summer short term run
Figure 2b – SO2 winter short term run
Figure 2c – SO2 summer short term run (Hmix = 275 m)
Sulphur Dioxide
Winter (μg/m3)
Summer (μg/m3)
Winter (μg/m3)
(Hmix = 275 m)
Summer (μg/m3) (Hmix = 275 m)
98° perc
95° perc
90° perc

Table 5 - Short term simulation for Sulphur Dioxide (winter and summer time).

Figure 3 – SO2 Long term simulation.
Sulphur Dioxide (μg/m3)
98° perc
95° perc

Table 6 - Long term simulation for Sulphur Dioxide (1998).

SO2 long term simulation results have been compared to monitoring data collected by 14 stations of the local air-quality network (see Figure 4). Correlation is good, as shown by the following parameters:

- correlation coefficient: 0,78;

- bias: 8,9 µg/m3;

- root mean square error: 6,7 µg/m3.

Figure 4 - Comparison between SO2 measures (µg/m3, annual mean) and dispersion model estimates (µg/m3, annual mean).


The application of the ISC3 Gaussian model to Sulphur Dioxide has shown that there are no acute nor chronic health risks referable to this substance, in fact SO2 short term maximum value (466 µg/m3) and long term maximum value (72 µg/m3) are both lower then its acute and chronic REL (660 µg/m3).

More results are available for the other “tracers” (Chlorine, Acrylonitrile and Vinyl Chloride) and some improvements to the present assessment have been foreseen: the evaluation of carcinogenic risk referred to Acrylonitrile and Vinyl Chloride concentrations computed with the model; the implementation of emission databases (increasing the number of firms and pollutants to be considered); the analysis of incidental scenarios; and the performance of more advanced air quality dispersion models (e.g. the Eulerian CALPUFF and SPRAY).


- ARPAV, (2000), ‘Rapporto Ambientale d’Area della Zona Industriale di Porto Marghera’, prima edizione, Edizioni Hyper.

- California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA), (1993), ‘Air toxic “Hot Spots” Program’.

- OECD, (1994), ‘Environmental Indicators’, Paris.

- U.S. EPA, (1995), ‘User’s Guide for the Industrial Source Complex (ISC3) Dispersion Models’.


This text is part of a poster presented at the 7th conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes held on May 28-31, 2001 in Belgirate, Italy.

We thank the authors: A. Benassi1, F. Liguori1, G. Maffeis2 and the contributors: ARPAV - Servizio Rischi Industriali, ARPAV - Servizio ACCAVIA, Ente della Zona Industriale di Porto Marghera, dr. Paolo Bidoli.

1Veneto Region Environmental Protection Agency – Department of Venice, Mestre (VE), Italy

2Terraria srl, Milano, Italy

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Background and domestic sources in Bristol



Compared with the point and line sources in the city the background sources contribute a small proportion of the total emissions. It is easiest to consider them as grid sources.

Grid sources are used in ADMS – Urban to represent aggregated sources that need not be modelled explicitly as point or line sources. This helps to speed up run time and to enable the “intelligent gridding” option. Grid sources can also be used to represent “background” emissions, i.e. domestic heating, small industry etc.

ADMS – Urban automatically subtracts explicitly modelled sources from the grid sources, so even the explicitly modelled sources must be included in the grid sources. Models run for the review and assessment process in Bristol to calculate the situation now and in the future used a combination of background source data and road and point sources that were not modelled explicitly.

Background Contribution

The background data were taken from the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) data set available on the Internet www.naei.org.uk .The area of each grid square was 1 square kilometre.

NAEI data is for 1996. There is an assumption that there will be negligible change in the nature and amount of these emissions. The data from the NAIE are broken down by sector, i.e. roads, small industry, domestic and other. All sectors apart from roads were summed and the emissions from these are used as the background sources.

Bristol City Council received an emissions inventory from the London Research Centre (LRC) in 1997. The NAEI data were used in preference to the data from LRC for this study, as the approach adopted required a wider spatial coverage than that available from the LRC data set.

The data files for NOx and PM10 were processed in a spreadsheet such that the emissions were converted to grams per second per square kilometre from tonnes per year. The area of interest was extracted using GIS functions. Sources

Domestic sources of NOx and PM10 are included in the background sources from the NAEI. As Bristol is a smoke control area, we have not included additional sources of PM10. Although illegal domestic combustion of non-smokeless fuels and bonfires undoubtedly contributes to PM10 concentrations in parts of the city, we have no data with which to assess the impact of these sources.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Model estimation of atmospheric pollution produced by vehicular traffic on the circular road of Mestre-Venice




Objective of the study, carried out by the Provincial Department of the Veneto Regional Environmental Protection Agency (ARPAV) and commissioned by the City of Venice, is the characterization of the contribution to CO, C6H6 and PM10 levels in the urban area of Mestre, caused by the presence of its Circular Road.

The Circular Road of Mestre is a trunk road that links the Turin-Mestre section of the A4 Highway (Venezia-Villabona tollbooth) to the Mestre-Trieste section of the same Highway (at the junction with the Mestre-Belluno A27 Highway and the ring road to the Tessera Airport, see blue map). It is 10 km long, but is one of Italy’s busiest highway sections. It is crossed daily by about 175.000 vehicles, and about 64 millions vehicles per year. All these vehicles, a large share of which are heavy duty vehicles (belonging also to Eastern European countries), cross the Circular Road both to reach Mestre, or to go, for example, from Trieste to Turin, or from Rome to Northern Italy. The passage of all these vehicles puts serious pressure on the atmospheric environment of Mestre.

Evaluation tools

The dispersion model used for the evaluation of the atmospheric pollution caused by the Circular Road, is ADMS-Urban, recommended to study the dispersion of the pollutants emitted by linear-type sources (roads).

Through the application of this model it has been possible to characterize the spatial distribution of CO, C6H6 and PM10 levels. Each receptor has been represented by the average value in time and also by the worst case, that is the maximum time polluting concentration obtained during the considered period. The temporal and traffic scenario refers to 2002, therefore preceding the structural modifications to the Circular Road which now consists of three lanes in both directions and which was obtained by using the two emergency lanes.

Input data

The input data used for running the dispersion model is as follows:

Traffic flows and speed: this comes from the Padova-Venezia S.p.A. Highway Company (that manages part of the Circular Road) and is experimentally surveyed every 5 minutes within a 24 hour period and includes a distinction between light (length ≤ 5.5 m) and heavy duty vehicles (length > 5.5 m) and winter and summer. This data has been compared with that relating to the rush hour only (7.30 – 8.30) and shared between light and heavy vehicles which is what was given by the Municipality of Venice Mobility Office as output of the EMME2 traffic model.

Emission data: calculated following the European COPERT III methodology.

Meteorological data: surveyed from the Industrial Area Authority of Porto Marghera monitoring network (wind speed, prevalent wind direction, air temperature as measured by the station at 10 meters in height, global or incidental solar radiation as read by the station at 4 meters in height) and from the Synoptic station of the Marco Polo airport (cloudiness derived from the tri-hour Synop data, spatially and temporally interpolated with those of the neighbouring meteorological stations belonging to the ARPAV Network at the Meteorological Centre of Teolo).

Geometrical data: the Circular Road has been divided into 57 links, including the access ramps and the junctions.

Output data

For carbon monoxide (CO) it has been observed that:

· the highest concentration (5.9 mg/m3) is associated with Saturday rush hour (17-18), in winter time;

· the simulated concentration does not ever reach the limit value of 10 mg/m3 (taken as the quantitative reference term).

For benzene (C6H6) it has been observed that:

· the highest concentration (62 μg/m3) is associated with Saturday rush hour (17-18), in winter time;

· the percentage of receptors whose simulated concentration exceeds the annual limit value of 10 μg/m3 (taken as quantitative reference term) is very high. In this case it is important to remember that what is reported, for each position in space, is the maximum value reached in the examined period;

· the average concentrations of the winter and summer semester have a simulated maximum value of 9 and 5 μg/m3 respectively. Both values are below that assumed as reference (10 μg/m3).

For PM10 it has been observed that:

· the highest concentration (112 μg/m3) is associated with weekday’ rush hour (8-9), in winter time;

· the percentage of receptors whose simulated time concentration exceeds the daily limit value of 65 μg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 35 times per year (starting from 01.01.2002, taken as quantitative reference term) does not exceed 25% of cases. Also in this case it has to be remembered that what is reported, for each position in the space, is the maximum value reached in the examined period;

· the average concentrations of the winter and summer semester have a simulated maximum value of 17 and 10 μg/m3, respectively. Both values are below the annual limit value of 44.8 μg/m3, which came into force from the 01.01.2002.


With reference to the rush hour, the Circular Road contributes to 17% of the total CO emissions, to 17% of the C6H6 emissions and to 26% of PM10 in comparison to the emission produced by the entire urban area of Mestre. If we add other main urban roads neighbouring the urban area (5 links of considerable length) to the Circular Road, the percentage contribution to total emissions during the rush hour in the extra-urban sector reaches 31% for CO, 30% for C6H6 and 46% for PM10.

For CO and C6H6, the concentration estimated by the model represents the contribution of the Circular Road to the overall pollution in a determined position (so called receptor) that, actually, adds to the pollution produced by the neighbouring urban roads.

Also for PM10 only the primary contribution has been calculated because it is not possible to evaluate, through the available information, the secondary one (associated to complex chemical reactions that take place in the atmosphere and involve various pollutants, giving birth to further shares of PM10 pollution, not directly emitted from polluting sources) and the re-suspension of ground PM10 (the most recent scientific acquisitions say that such contribution is relevant, but a reference methodology to quantify them is not yet available).

Certainly, even if not exactly evaluated, the secondary and re-suspension contributions to the overall PM10 concentration, measurable at a given position in the space, is extremely relevant; the evidence is that the historical series and the annual averages for PM10 measured by different monitoring stations of air quality (background station, urban hot spot station, etc.), belonging to the ARPAV Network present in the urban area of Mestre, are perfectly matched.

The annual averages updated to December 2002 are respectively 45 μg/m3 for the urban hot spot station, 47 μg/m3 for the urban background one and 45 μg/m3 for the residential area. The monitoring data portray a particularly difficult situation for 2002: the annual reference value (44.8 μg/m3) has in fact been exceeded in all the stations and the daily reference value for 2002 of 65 μg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 35 times per year, has actually been exceeded circa 78 times in at least one of the three mentioned monitoring stations.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  The Use of Dispersion models for NO2 in Birmingham




Birmingham is a large metropolitan conurbation with many sources of pollutants to atmosphere distributed throughout the city including many industrial processes and a large road network carrying traffic.

Birmingham is fortunate in benefiting from an extensive monitoring network measuring a variety of pollutants and providing a wealth of up to date and historical data. High quality monitoring equipment is expensive to acquire and to run; therefore the number of places which data can be collected is inevitably restricted. Also even the most sophisticated pollution monitoring can only give a snap shot of the situation over a particular period of time at one specific location. Dispersion models offer an alternative way of describing air quality over a large geographical area, allowing the prediction of future conditions and source apportionment.

The computer based atmospheric dispersion model supplied by INDIC Airviro has been utilised by Birmingham City Council (BCC) throughout the Review and Assessment process of air quality. The output of the modelling work along with monitoring data has enabled Birmingham City Council to make more-informed decisions in relation to air quality. This example considers how Birmingham City Council has modelled nitrogen dioxide using a dispersion model.

Modelling of Nitrogen Dioxide in the City of Birmingham.

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) has been highlighted as the main pollutant of concern throughout Birmingham and a lot of modelling has been done for this pollutant. The specific sources of NO2 in Birmingham are:

· Emissions from motor vehicles (line sources)

· Emissions from industrial combustion plant (point/area sources)

· Emissions from commercial combustion plant (point sources)

· Emissions from space heating equipment in homes, hospitals and schools (point sources)

Initially two emission databases incorporating all the different sources were established, one for the base year and a second for the predicted emissions information for 2005 (the compliance year for the objective).

The levels of NO2 have been calculated and predicted using the Airviro model, for both present time and for 2005. The model has been used to calculate two sets of predictions. Firstly, a ‘time series’ of hourly values over a full calendar year, from which average and high percentile values could be derived for specific points, and secondly, annual ‘scenario’ calculations, which were used to illustrate the distribution of NO2 across the city.

Initial predictions suggested that there was no requirement to declare any Air Quality Management Areas, with respect to the annual average levels of NO2. However, given that the predicted values alongside some roads including the M6 motorway and either side of the A38 (M) were very close to the objective, it was recommended that further investigations should be carried out.

By combining local knowledge and experience with the results of air pollution measurements and computer predictions, a number of ‘near worst case’ conditions were identified, for further investigation.

Modelling of NO2 in Intensive Study Areas

Initial computer modelling was based on the full emissions information, but calculated at a medium spatial resolution of 250 x 250m. This allowed potential problem areas to be easily highlighted for further detailed assessments, or intensive study areas (ISAs).

Six areas were selected from the ‘near worst case’ situations identified. Each area comprised a half to one kilometre road links in which four or five nitrogen dioxide diffusion tubes are exposed.

All six areas were chosen to represent where people are likely to be exposed for the relevant period. The monitoring locations have been selected as being representative of near-worst case conditions, where the public are likely to be exposed.

In preparation for more detailed computer modelling of the predicted levels of nitrogen dioxide, for 2005, the information used to model air pollution was updated, wherever possible.

The road traffic data, for the six areas of interest, were cross-checked against Birmingham City Council’s Transportation Department’s and the Highways Agency’s current road traffic data.

The revised emission factors for road traffic published by the the UK National Government ( The Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) in 2002) were used in the computer modelling. The revised emission factors reflect that vehicles travelling slowly tend to emit more pollution than vehicles travelling at moderate speeds. Hence congested streets with slow moving traffic will be a cause for concern.

The road links were re- aligned to centrelines of the carriageways and the most important roads were digitised to follow their curves. This ensures that the model reflects the actual situation, and increases the emissions on some curved road links, as following the curve increases the total distance travelled.

25 x 25m grid maps were created in all of the ISAs and all other areas of interest where possible. The maps are then used to model these areas at a finer resolution of 25m. For NO2 the modelling of the area is carried out using only road source and for the year 2005 (target year for the NO2 objective). After completion of the model the multiplication factor derived from the verification process (of the model) is applied to the output and an appropriate background is added.

The background is obtained from a model run of the entire West Midlands at a 25m resolution with all sources included. Ten to fifteen grid squares which are approximately 0.5km (or at a distance at which the impact of the road is thought to be significant) from the road of interest are averaged. The model was also verified at background sites and the multiplication factor derived from the process is applied to the model output. Hence the model has been adjusted by comparison to background monitoring sites.

The model outputs obtained are exported as shape files from Airviro. These shape files can then be imported into any Geographical Information System (GIS) package for improved presentation. In the case of Birmingham the maps were imported into a package called Arc GIS.

Conclusions of the further modelling of NO2 in Intensive Study Areas

The computer modelling indicates a wider spread of pollution than the measurements indicate. This seems to be a general feature of Gaussian dispersion models, and further investigations are in progress to measure the rate of reduction in pollution, with distance from the motorway, in particular.

The main conclusion of the further investigation is that air quality in Birmingham, in 2005, appears likely to exceed the air quality objective for the annual average concentrations of NO2 at certain locations throughout the city. As a result Birmingham City Council, were required by Section 83 of the Environment Act 1995, to declare one or more Air Quality Management Areas, for those parts of the city, in which the air quality objective is likely to be exceeded.

Using the model to determine the NOx Reduction Required

Birmingham City Council declared the whole city an Air Quality Management Area as it was predicted that the 2005 objective for NO2 would not be achieved. The next stage is to establish how NO2 can be reduced. To do this we need to know what sources are causing the problem. Using the Airviro model the percentage contribution of the NOx from the different sources can be determined.

For example, modelling has shown that on the Stratford Road (one of the intensive study areas) the approximate contribution of various sources to NOx concentration are as follows:

Traffic 65%

Industry 5%

Background 30%

However, across the city the scenario becomes;

Traffic 50%

Industry 20%

Background 30%

Within the Airviro model it is possible to refine the source apportionment exercise further.

Using the Airviro Model to conduct Source Apportionment

Source apportionment is the process whereby the contributions from individual sources of pollution are determined.

Road traffic has been identified as the most important source of NO2 within Birmingham. The Airviro model has been used to determine the contribution of a number of sources within the traffic fleet to the total amounts of nitrogen oxides across the borough. Figure 1 and 2 for 2001 and 2005, respectively, illustrate the contribution of a number of sources to the total amounts of oxides across the borough.

\s Figure 1: Source Apportionment for oxides of Nitrogen across Birmingham in 2001


Figure 2: Source Apportionment for oxides of Nitrogen across Birmingham in 2005

Although, the transportation sector is clearly the major contributor to the emissions of nitrogen oxides across the city (refer to Figures 1 and 2), it is noteworthy that there is a slight decrease from a traffic contribution of 79% in 2001 to 74% in 2005. It is anticipated that with the improved technology in vehicles been manufactured, this downward trend will continue to 2010.

Although Figures 1 and 2 describe the relative emissions for Birmingham as a whole, the relative amounts of pollution vary across the city. Thus, in an industrial area, the percentage of pollution from industry may be higher than the city average, whilst that from road traffic may be less significant. Conversely, in areas close to major roads, pollution from road traffic may dominate the emissions. For example, concentrations of NO2 measured at the Selly Oak (Bristol Road) area of the city exceeded the objective; the primary source in this area is emissions from traffic. Figure 3 illustrates that petrol cars, HGV and buses made the greatest percentage contribution to the total nitrogen oxides emissions in 2001 and the same pattern is expected in 2005. Although HGVs and buses are a small part of the fleet composition, they give rise to greater amounts of pollution than cars (petrol and diesel) and therefore it might be pertinent to carefully consider them during action planning.

\s Figure 3: Source Apportionment for oxides of Nitrogen in Selly Oak 2001.

Source apportionment has indicated that central Birmingham is slightly different from other areas of the city, in that the contribution from commercial and domestic sources appears to be significant at an excess of 30% for both 2001 and 2005 (refer to Figure 4)

\s Figure 4: Source apportionment for oxides of nitrogen in Central Birmingham.

All the pie charts illustrate that petrol cars were a significant contributor to the nitrogen oxide emissions and it is anticipated that this trend will continue into 2005. Hence a more detailed analysis of this category of vehicles is warranted.

The emissions inventory is compiled such that investigations using the Airviro Model, of three types of petrol cars, namely Pre-Euro, Euro 1 and a composite of Euro 2, 3 and 4 can be carried out. For 2001, the Pre-Euro cars made up 23% of the total vehicle fleet composition (31% of the petrol car fleet) but contributed approximately 80% of the total emissions from petrol cars (refer to Table 1). Then, Table 2 illustrate that in 2005, the Pre-Euro cars are expected to make up 11% of the total vehicle fleet composition (15% of the petrol car fleet) but contributed approximately 67% of the total emissions from petrol cars. This suggests that it may be necessary to target this particular type of petrol car in a bid to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxide.

Table 1: Contributions from the 3 classes of euro cars to the total emissions from petrol cars in 2001


Total Petrol cars (tonnes/annum)

Pre-euro (tonnes/annum)

E1 (tonnes/annum)

E2/3/4 (tonnes/annum)

% Pre-euro

% Euro 1

% Euro 2/3/4

Whole City








M6 Jct 5 to Jct 7








City Centre








Selly Oak

















Total Petrol cars (tonnes/annum)

Pre-euro (tonnes/annum)

E1 (tonnes/annum)

E2/3/4 (tonnes/annum)

% Pre-euro

% Euro 1

% Euro 2/3/4

Whole City








M6 Jct 5 to Jct 7








City Centre








Selly Oak
















Table 2: Contributions from the three classes of euro cars to the total emissions from petrol cars in 2005.

The above provides an overview how NO2 can be modelled with a dispersion model and how the information produced from the model can be interpreted and used when making decisions in relation to air pollution.

For more detailed information on how Birmingham City Council continue to use modelling in the Review and Assessment of air quality throughout Birmingham you should visit the Birmingham City Council web site:


Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Meteorological data required for Airviro and ADMS models



Meteorological data are essential for running dispersion models. Different data types are often required depending on the model chosen. Bristol has experience of two modelling packages in which detailed met data were needed, ADMS urban and Indic Airviro.

Indic Airviro

To run the gauss or grid models in Airviro it is necesary to have at least two years of data. The most important parameters to have for modelling are wind, vertical mixing and temperature. The ideal situation is to have a 25m mast with three temperature sensors at 22m, 8m ad 2m measuring the temperature differences. As the temperature difference is about 0.07° per 10m then sensors have to be accurate. In Bristol two sensors which were calibrated in a pair were fixed to a mast at 2m and 22m. In retrospect it would have been better to locate them at 2m and 8 m as the temperature difference decreases with height.

At 25m an ultrasonic anemometer was located to measure the wind direction in three dimentions. Ultrasonic anemometers are becoming cheaper and have the advantage that there are no moving parts to wear out like a conventional cup anemometer. Airviro also recommends an ordinary horizontal anemometer located at 10 m and a global radiation sensor to measure sun light.

The ideal location for a met mast is in the centre of the region to me modelled and an open area. In Bristol’s experience this is very difficult to achieve. Masts on the tops of tall buildings is possible and for many years the UK Met Office had a regional office in Bristol which had a mast on the top of it’s building in the centre of the city. This is a problem, however, for measuring temperaure differences at 2m and 8m. A mast was eventually found on top of a hill to the south of the city, which was ideally located as a regional met mast but was probably above the boundary layer of the city at certain times.

In the absence of a met mast, obtaining meteorological data from another source is required. Originally, five years of met data were purchased from the UK met office and sent to SMHI (the company which owns the Airviro modelling software) for processing and installation into the Bristol system. Vertical wind speed is not a standard parameter which is measured in the UK so calculations were done by SMHI to determine this by using temperature and cloud cover. We were reliant on SMHI to configure met data for us although with the Unix based system it is possible to reconfigure a number of the resource files if there is expert meteorological knowledge available.

Measuring requirements for Airviro



Time resolution

Horizontal wind (speed and direction)

Threshold < 0.25 m/s

Accuracy better than 0.3%

15 minute mean value and standard deviation based on sensor output frequency 1Hz

Vertical wind

Threshold » 0

Accuracy better than 3%

15 minute standard deviation based on sensor output frequency 1 Hz


Accuracy better than ± 0.1%

Mean value over 15 minutes

Temperature difference

Accuracy better than ± 0.3%

Mean value over 15 minutes

Airviro suggested sensors


Sensor type and configuration

Horizontal wind

A propeller anemometer of “Air quality” approved type (according to the US EPA)

Horizontal and vertical wind at the top of the mast

A three axis ultrasonic anemometer


Platinum sensor PT-100 in a traditional radiation shield or fan aspirated radiation shield

Temperature difference

A bridge configuration of thermo couples for direct measurements of temperature difference, mounted in fan aspirated radiation shields.


A traditional tipping bucket sensor

Global radiation

Apyranometer based on a photodiode with a spectral response similar to visual light.


The UK met office can supply data in ADMS format as can other suppliers of met data such as Trinity Consultants. If met data of sufficient standard are not monitored in the locality then approaching the national meteorological organisations is the best option. It may be that data which are supplied in this way are modelled or interpolated for the locality and so will not be as accurate as real monitored data.

Example of part of a met file in ADMS format.













4911.0,1996.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.6, 0.5, 130.0, 0.0, 8.0,

4911.0,1996.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.7, 1.0, 130.0, 0.0, 8.0,

4911.0,1996.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.7, 1.0, 130.0, 0.0, 8.0,

4911.0,1996.0, 1.0, 3.0, 2.7, 1.5, 130.0, 0.4, 8.0,

4911.0,1996.0, 1.0, 4.0, 3.1, 1.0, 130.0, 0.4, 8.0,

4911.0,1996.0, 1.0, 5.0, 3.4, 1.0, 100.0, 0.0, 8.0,

4911.0,1996.0, 1.0, 6.0, 3.9, 1.0, 130.0, 0.0, 8.0,

4911.0,1996.0, 1.0, 7.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 8.0,

4911.0,1996.0, 1.0, 8.0, 3.9, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 8.0,

4911.0,1996.0, 1.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 60.0, 0.0, 8.0,

4911.0,1996.0, 1.0, 10.0, 4.3, 1.0, 30.0, 0.0, 8.0,

4911.0,1996.0, 1.0, 11.0, 4.9, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 8.0,

4911.0,1996.0, 1.0, 12.0, 4.8, 1.0, 60.0, 0.0, 8.0,

4911.0,1996.0, 1.0, 13.0, 5.9, 1.0, 50.0, 0.0, 8.0,

4911.0,1996.0, 1.0, 14.0, 4.7, 2.1, 50.0, 0.0, 8.0,


9 the number of columns

STATION DCNN the station ID number

YEAR the year

TDAY the Julian day

THOUR the hour

T0C degrees celcius

U wind speed

PHI wind direction

P precipitation

CL cloud cover

When inputing met data into ADMS it is necessary to enter the height at which the wind is recorded. This is usually 10m. The data are hourly sequential so the wind sector angle of 10° is selected. As the data are hourly sequential a check box is selected which will ensure that the software will calculate the boundary layer height for each hour. It is unlikely that a boundary layer height would be measured at a standard monitoring station.

If the location where the met data is monitored is different from the modelled area then the “Unrepresentative” checkbox can be selected. For example, a met station located some distance away from a city may be in the countryside. This then gives the option to specify a precipitation factor if the rain fall is different and a surface roughness factor if the modelled area is urban and the met station in in the countryside.

Some Cities are lucky enough to have an ideal site for a met mast. Although Bristol has a number of met masts they most are not suitable for modelling purposes as they do not measure all the necessary parameters at the appropriate height. The perfect mast and location has yet to be found.




Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  The use of meteorological data in dispersion models in Birmingham




The dispersion model used by Birmingham City Council in the Review and Assessment of air quality is the INDIC Airviro model, which is licensed by the Swedish Meteorological Office (SMHI).

Airviro is a complete Air Quality Management System. It includes the following functional blocks:

  • Emission surveying and modelling within the Emission Database (EDB)
  • Dispersion modelling with the Dispersion module
  • Monitoring data collection, analysis and presentation with the Indico package.

This example considers the effects that meteorology data can have on the output of the model. The example highlights the importance of considering carefully what meteorological data should be used when conducting dispersion modelling to predict pollution levels for future years, and the impact it can have on final conclusions and often important decisions, for example the declaration of Air Quality Management Areas.

Meteorology Data

The meteorology data input was supplied and validated by SMHI. In addition three – hourly synoptic data interpolated to hourly values was received from Birmingham Airport for the period June 1992 – December 1998. The model was run for 2 years (1996 and 1998) with contrasting meteorology so that the effect of annual variability could be considered. Meteorologically 1996 is considered as ‘stable’, that is to say it is typified by lower wind speeds. Whereas UK weather patterns are typically more blustery like those seen in 1998. Blustery conditions lead to ‘unstable’ conditions and aid pollution dispersion; therefore 1998 was used as ‘typical’ dispersion conditions and 1996 as ‘worst case’ dispersion conditions.

The work carried out allowed for consideration of meteorological influences on the output of the model. The Gauss ‘time series’ simulations for 1996 and 1998 use the same base EDB, therefore the only input variation to the model is meteorology. An investigation into each year’s meteorology finds differences, particularly in the wind speed. Figure 1 illustrates the different wind speeds during 1996 and 1998. During 1996 the hourly wind speed was less than 5m/s for 75% of measurements. The mean and maximum wind speeds recorded were 3.7m/s and 12.5m/s respectively. In contrast 1998 saw only 22% of the hourly wind speed values measure less than 5m/s. The mean and maximum wind speeds in 1998 were 8.3m/s and 30.0m/s respectively.

Figure 1

Atmospheric pollution dispersion is aided by wind, therefore with the higher wind speeds, as in 1998; improved air quality is seen if all other factors remain constant

Modelling results for primary pollutants, CO and NOx show that the model over-predicts the annual average concentrations for 1996 by the same degree it under- predicts in 1998, but the correlation was acceptable. For single hourly values the predictions are less reliable, particularly for high percentile values. As illustrated by Figures 2 to 5 the highest pollutant concentrations are predicted by Airviro at the lowest wind speeds with a uniform reduction as wind speed increases.

Figure 4 and 5 show monitored and modelled NOx concentrations against wind speed at a monitoring station in the Birmingham area. At wind speed 1-2m/s the model over-estimated measured values in both 1996 and 1998. The monitoring station has a sample inlet at 15m whereas the dispersion model calculates concentration at height of 2m. It could be argued that with the measurement made at 15m, the pollutant has time to disperse and dilute, and concentrations will be lower than those modelled closer to the ground, however the effect is seen at other locations where measurements are made at 3m.

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figures 4 and 5 for Birmingham East illustrate that this over estimate also occurs for CO. This over estimate at low wind speeds is typical but it is not seen at all sites.

As Figure 1 shows, 1996 was characterised by low wind speeds, which leads to stable weather conditions and suppresses dispersion. The model anticipates the stable conditions and predicts appropriately, however, as figures 2 to 5 show for several sites, these predictions are over estimates. Therefore running the Gauss model as a ‘time series’ may have possible limitations for any single hours data when the wind speed is low.

Predictions of Future Air Quality

Having completed validation work on the Gauss model and investigated its possible limitations as a predictive tool, it was then possible to make predictions of future air quality. Predictions were run using the Gauss ‘time series’ model, and applying the ‘future edb’ to both 1996 and 1998 meteorogical data.

For example, Tables 1 and 2 below show NO2 modelling predictions for base and future years with a comparison to any measured data available. Table 1 shows predictions made using the 1996 meteorological data with the 'base edb' to obtain a 1996 prediction and with the 'future edb' to generate a 2005 prediction and is shown against 1996 measured values. Table 2 shows predictions made using the 1998 meteorological data with the 'base edb' to obtain a 1998 prediction and with the 'future edb' to generate a 2005 prediction and is shown against 1998 measured values. Modelling was carried out using the Gauss model and running the time-series set-up, generating hourly NOX data for the year(s) of interest. Predicted hourly NO2 values were calculated from the simulated hourly NOX data using the Derwent-Middleton equation. A correction factor of 0.9 was applied to the calculated NO2 to compensate for the under-estimation, and then percentile values were obtained.

NO2 Concentrations ppb

Annual Mean

18th highest hourly value


Met year

1996 Measured

1996 prediction

2005 prediction

1996 Measured

1996 prediction

2005 prediction

Birmingham Centre








Birmingham East








Birmingham West








Birmingham Hodge Hill
















Dudley Merry Hill








Sandwell Centre








Walsall Alumwell








Walsall Willenhall








Wolverhampton Centre








Birmingham Airport








Table 1: Predictions of NO2 concentration for 1996 and 2005 modelled using 1996 meteorological data

NO2 Concentrations ppb

Annual Mean

18th highest hourly value


Met year

1998 Measured

1998 prediction

2005 prediction

1998 Measured

1998 prediction

2005 prediction

Birmingham Centre








Birmingham East








Birmingham West








Birmingham Hodge Hill
















Dudley Merry Hill








Sandwell Centre








Walsall Alumwell








Walsall Willenhall








Wolverhampton Centre








Birmingham Airport








Table 2: Predictions of NO2 concentration for 1998 and 2005 modelled using 1998 meteorological data

Automatic monitoring for the above sites in Tables 1 and 2 shows that the 1 hour mean objective of 200mg.m-3 (105 ppb), not to be exceeded more than 18 times a year, is met at all sites. The predictions for base year show exceedence at several locations in 1996 and at Birmingham Centre in 1998. However no exceedences are predicted for 2005.

The results of automatic monitoring in the West Midlands have shown a progressive reduction in the annual average level of NO2 between 1993 and 1999. Thus, whilst the annual average exceeded the objective, of 40mg.m-3 (21ppb), at four of the six operational stations in 1996, the objective was met at all eleven operational stations in 1998. The model also predicts exceedence during 1996 and achievement in 1998. For future predictions the model predicts exceedence of the annual average at several locations when using the 1996 meteorological data set but compliance when using the 1998 meteorological data set, as shown in Table 3. Those sites that are predicted to exceed or fall close to the objective, Birmingham Centre, Birmingham West, Walsall Alumwell are highlighted in Table 3 in red text.

NO2 Annual Mean Concentrations ppb

Annual Mean based on 1996 met. data

Annual Mean based on 1998 met. data


1996 Measured

1996 Prediction

2005 Prediction

% reduction in Prediction

1998 Measured

1998 Prediction

2005 Prediction

% reduction in Prediction

Birmingham Centre









Birmingham East









Birmingham West









Birmingham Hodge Hill


















Dudley Merry Hill









Sandwell Centre









Walsall Alumwell









Walsall Willenhall









Wolverhampton Centre









Birmingham Airport *









Table 3: Comparison of NO2 Annual Mean concentrations for 1996 and 1998

The modelled results obtained are greatly dependent on the meteorological data set used. Predictions for 1998 are closer to the 1998 measured values than the 1996 predictions are to the 1996 measured values. When using the 1996 meteorology with the base EDB the model over-predicts the measured values at all six stations, for which monitored data exists.

Shown in Table 3 is a column titled "% Reduction in Prediction". For the annual mean based on 1996 meteorological data, this value is the reduction in NO2 between 1996 and 2005 shown as a percentage of the 1996 prediction. A similar calculation was carried out for the annual mean based on the 1998 meteorological data. This predicted reduction in pollution levels is a result of differences in the base and future EDB's.

Treatment of Uncertainty

There are many sources of uncertainty when using computer modelling. The output of any modelling study is dependant on the input data. The greatest uncertainty is with modelling of future events where it is not possible to foresee all statutory, regulatory, economical and technological factors and their impact on air quality. Therefore, it is generally the case that when compiling emission databases for future years the ‘worst case’ options should be selected. As it is impossible to predict the weather conditions for any future year, to err on the side of caution a ‘worst case’ meteorological data set was used in the modelling as well as a ‘typical’ data set.

Discussion and Conclusions

· Birmingham City Council used the Airviro ‘Gauss’ model, to calculate and predict for both the present time and for 2005 levels of various pollutants. The model has been used to calculate two sets of predictions. Firstly, a ‘time series’ of hourly values over a full calendar year, from which average and high percentile values could be derived for specific points, and secondly, annual ‘scenario’ calculations.

· From the 1998 emissions database ‘time series’ modelling was used to find the 18th highest hourly and annual average concentrations for two sets of meteorological data;1996 and 1998. These years represent the ‘worst’ and ‘best’ case weather conditions, with respect to air pollution. The weather in 1996 was characterised by a number of periods of high pressure with low winds and stable conditions, which favour the accumulation of air pollutants, whilst the weather in 1998 was characterised by winder conditions, which favour the dispersion of air pollutants.

· For nitrogen dioxide the 2005 emissions database was then used to calculate the 18th highest hourly and annual average concentrations, using the 1996 meteorological data, representing the ‘worst case’ for pollution values. These predictions were used to assess whether the respective nitrogen dioxide objectives were likely to be met in 2005.

· The modelled predictions for the 18th highest hourly concentrations, from the time series calculations, are presented in Table 4, below, together with the comparable values from two roadside monitoring stations. The predictions for the 1998 EDB agree very well with the measured values at the Birmingham East AURN station, when using the 1998 meteorological data. They are approximately twice the values at the Birmingham Centre AURN station, when using either the 1996 or the 1998 meteorological data. But they over read the measured values threefold at the Birmingham East AURN station, when using the 1996 meteorological data.



Measured values (2)

Modelled prediction for 1998 EDB

Modelled prediction for 2005 EDB

Birm Centre

1996 met




Birm Centre

1998 met




Birm East

1996 met




Birm East

1998 met




Note 1: Air quality objective: 18th highest hourly value not to exceed 200g/m3 in 2005.

Note 2: the measured values refer to either 1996 or 1998 depending on the met year used

Table 4: Comparison of 18th Highest Hourly Nitrogen Dioxide Values

(all values quoted in µg/m3)

· The predictions for both Birmingham Centre and Birmingham East stations are considerably higher than the respective measured values due largely to difficulties the model has in simulating dispersion for single hours, at low wind speeds. The effect is particularly noticeable at the Birmingham East station, which may be because of the nature of the residential area.

· The modelled predictions for the annual average concentrations, from the time series calculations are presented in Table 5, below.

· The predictions for the 1998 EDB agree very well with the measured values at both Birmingham Centre and Birmingham East AURN Stations, when using the 1998 meteorological data. However, the predictions are approximately 40% higher than the measured values at the Birmingham Centre AURN station, and 30% higher than the measured values at the Birmingham East AURN station when using the 1996 meteorological data.



Measured values (2)

Modelled prediction for 1998 EDB

Modelled prediction for 2005 EDB

Birm Centre

1996 met




Birm Centre

1998 met




Birm East

1996 met




Birm East

1998 met




Note: Air quality objective: annual average value not to exceed 40mg/m3 in 2005.

Note 2: the measured values refer to either 1996 or 1998 depending on the met year used.

Table 5: Comparison of Annual Average Nitrogen Dioxide Values

(all values quoted in µg/m3)

The work carried out by Birmingham City Council to investigate how different metrological data influences the output of the model is demonstrated above and shows how it can have an impact when making final and often important decisions. For example, if the model had only been run using 1996 meteorological data then in some instances the model indicates that objectives would be exceeded whereas when using the 1998 meteorological data, objectives were predicted to be achieved. It is therefore important to know whether the meteorological data used in the model is ‘best case’ or ‘worse case’ and whether it is representative of a typical year.

It is good practice to run any model for the ‘worst case’ scenario, which in this case was 1996 meteorological data, (even though it was not classed a ‘typical’ year), if objectives are predicted to be achieved by the model in the worse case then it is highly likely that they will be achieved in the ‘best case’ scenario.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  The AirViro Dispersion Model in Birmingham



Overview of selection and use of Indic Airviro

Air pollution modelling is co-ordinated across the West Midlands region of the UK byThe West Midlands Joint Pollution Working Group. This group became involved in modelling for review and assessment during a First Phase task which was supported by the UK National Government (a Department of the Environment sponsored pilot study during 1996/97 to examine various aspects of the process of review and assessment), studying ADMS Urban and INDIC Airviro. The advanced model, INDIC Airviro, which is licensed by the Swedish Meteorological Office (SMHI), was seen to meet the needs of the conurbation better for the subsequent air quality work. Within the West Midlands there are now several users of the Airviro suite. This use of compatible systems allows the inter-exchange of information and has created a local support network and local technical knowledge. The complex modelling work is completed on one system based at Birmingham City Council offices. However, each authority also has a service contract and support from SMHI in Sweden.

The Airviro system differs from the other PC – based models in that it requires a UNIX workstation and requires complex physiographic and meteorological configuration by the software supplier. Unlike most Gaussian models, which rely upon meteorological information collected from a single site, the Airviro model describes a pattern of small-scale winds based upon the surface characteristics. The model interfaces with a sophisticated emissions database capable of accepting point sources, area sources and line sources and detailed diurnal/seasonal/production variations of emissions (both traffic and industrial). The Airviro system can be applied using a number of Gaussian model options, and a street canyon model option.

In summary it is a complete Air Quality Management System, which includes the following functional blocks:

  • Emission surveying and modelling within the Emission Database (EDB)
  • Dispersion modelling with the Dispersion module
  • Monitoring data collection, analysis and presentation with the Indico package.

Emission Database

Emission data is stored within the Emission Database (EDB). Databases within the model allow it to store emission characteristics from an unlimited number of sources of four different types:

  • Point sources – the emission is assumed to be concentrates in a small area such as that from a single point like a stack. Information describing the stack conditions must be given for use in the dispersion model.
  • Area sources – emission is assumed to be distributed over a rectangular area and released uniformly
  • Line sources – the emission is assumed to be evenly distributed along a line and normally used as an approximation for describing roads
  • Grid layers – smaller or less significant emission sources are combined into a grid and represent background emission levels.

The EDB stores both static and dynamic information allowing the emission to be defined through, time and temperature variation, different road types describing traffic patterns, vehicle characteristics and speed dependent emission factors as well as other features that help to convert obtainable data into emission figures.

The Dispersion Model

The dispersion model uses information about weather, emissions, phsyiography and climatology as input data. The module produces air quality calculations in the form of seasonal or yearly means or percentiles or hourly data for specified time periods. The user has a choice of different types of models; the Gauss model, the Grid model and the Canyon model. For review and assessment of air quality in Birmingham, all modelling and validation work was carried out using the Gauss model. The Gauss model is based on a Langrangean Gaussian formulation and is recommended for calculations on smaller scales, and for where the topography is reasonably flat.

Prior to any dispersion calculation the wind field is calculated. The wind field calculation utilises meteorological data to calculate stability (based on Monin-Obukhov length) and turbulence within the boundary layer. The data is then used to determine other parameters of the boundary layer (e.g. boundary layer height, adiabatic heating, potential temperature distribution at ground level and the free wind field).

Dispersion calculations are then applied to simulate the distribution of ground level pollutants over urban or industrial areas. The model simulates one-hour mean, steady state pollution concentrations and operates at best over a distance of 100 m to 2 km. The Gauss model does not resolve individual buildings. Instead, surface structures enter the model through local roughness values, and through wind field. Buildings give a rougher surface, which creates more friction and hence a lower wind speed that influences dispersion.

The model, its internal computations and assumptions including its advantages and disadvantages over Gaussian plume models are outlined in more detail in the user documentation, The Airviro Users Guide SMHI (1997).

The Future

Over the last decade the Airviro system has seen continuous development and rigorous testing of its applications. The Airviro system now used by Birmingham has recently been upgraded to the iAirviro (Internet) platform. As the iAirviro system is fully internet based access to the secure domain can be achieved from any computer with an internet connection which has a number of benefits, including data management and resolution of problems away from the office or allow home working, for example. Further information relating to the iAirviro applications can be seen on the iAirviro website www.airviro.smhi.se.

For more detailed information on how Birmingham City Council have and continue to use modelling in the Review and Assessment of air quality throughout Birmingham, you should visit the Birmingham City Council web site, www.birmingham.gov.uk.

Last Updated


25th January 2005





Title of Example

  Artificial neural network technology for ozone forecasting



1. Fundamentals

Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technology is an approach to describe physical system behaviour from process data, using mathematical algorithms and statistical techniques. ANNs simulate biological neural systems, in that they are made up of an interconnected system of nodes (neurons) and in terms of learning and pattern recognition. These nodes operate in parallel and are inspired by biological nervous systems. A neural network can be trained to identify patterns and extract trends in imprecise and complicated non-linear data. A particular function can be performed by adjusting the values of the connections (weights) between elements following a determined training algorithm.

Neural networks have been under development for many years in a variety of disciplines to derive meaning from complicated data and to make predictions. In recent years, neural networks have been investigated for use in pollution forecasting. Because ozone formation is a complex non-linear process, neural networks, which allow for the incorporation of non-linear relationships, are well suited for ozone forecasting.

2. Strengths of artificial neural networks

Many methods exist for predicting ozone concentration. Table 1 summarises the most commonly used forecasting methods. Strength aspects of ANNs include the following:

- ANNs allow for non-linear relationships between variables. The method can weight relationships that are difficult to subjectively quantify.

- Neural networks have the potential to predict extreme values more effectively than regression.

- Once the neural network is developed, forecasters do not need specific expertise to operate the ANN.

- Neural networks can be used to complement other forecasting methods, or used as the primary forecasting method.

On the other hand, neural networks are complex and not commonly understood and hence the technology can be inappropriately applied.

Table 1: Comparison of forecasting methods.

3. Neural Network architecture

The basic structure of an ANN involves a system of layered, interconnected neurons. The neurons are arranged to form an input layer, one or more “hidden” layers and an output layer, with nodes in each layer connected to all nodes in neighbouring layers (Figure 1).

Figure 1: The architecture of a multi-layered feed forward neural network.

The layer of input neurons receives the data either from input files or directly from electronic sensors in real-time applications. The output layer sends information directly to the outside, to a secondary computer process, or to other devices such as a mechanical control system. The internal or hidden layers contain many of the neurons in various interconnected structures. The inputs and outputs of each of these hidden neurons go to other neurons.

In most networks each neuron in a hidden layer receives the signals from all of the neurons in a layer above it. After a neuron performs its function it passes its output to all of the neurons in the layer below it, providing a feed forward path to the output.

Artificial neurons comprise seven major components, which are valid whether the neuron is used for input, output or in hidden layers:

1) Weighting factors, which are adaptive coefficients within the network determine the intensity of the input signal. These input connection strengths can be modified in response to various training sets and according to a network specific topology or through its learning rules.

2) Summation function, which transforms the weighted inputs in to a single number. The summation function can be complex as the input and weighting coefficients can be combined in many different ways before passing on to the transfer function. The summation function can select the minimum, maximum, majority, product or several normalizing algorithms depending on the specific algorithm for combining neural inputs selected.

3) Transfer function, which transforms the result of the summation function to a working output. In the transfer function the summation total can be compared with some threshold to determine the neural output. If the sum is greater than the threshold value, the processing element generates a signal. If the sum of the input and weight products is less than the threshold, no signal (or some inhibitory signal) is generated.

4) Scaling and limiting. This scaling multiplies a scale factor times the transfer value, and then adds an offset. Limiting mechanism insures that the scaled result does not exceed an upper or lower bound.

5) Output Function (competition). Neurons are allowed to compete with each other, inhibiting processing elements. Competitive inputs help determine which processing element will participate in the learning or adaptation process.

6) Error function and back-propagated value. The difference between the current output and the expected output is calculated and transformed by the error function to match particular network architecture. This artificial neuron error is generally propagated backwards to a previous layer in order to modify the incoming connection weights before the next learning cycle.

7) Learning function, which modifies the variable connection weights on the inputs of each processing element according to some neural based algorithm. The software first adjusts the weights between the output layer and the hidden layer and then adjusts the weights between the hidden layer and the input layer. In each iteration, the software adjusts the weights to produce the lowest amount of error in the output data. This process “trains” the network.

4. Neural networks training

Training and production are essential for the neural network application (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Essential phases of the neural network application: training and production

The development of ANNs comprises the performance of a series of consecutive steps. In addition, a thorough knowledge of the process to be modelled is also required.

The general steps to develop neural networks for ozone forecasting are the following:

- Complete historical data analysis and/or literature reviews to establish the air quality and meteorological phenomena that influence ozone concentrations in the area under study.

- Select parameters that accurately represent these phenomena. This is a critical aspect in developing the neural network since an appropriate selection improves significantly the results obtained by the ANN.

- Confirm the importance of each meteorological and air quality parameter using statistical analysis techniques (Cluster analysis, correlation analysis, step-wise regression, human selection).

- Create three data sets: a data set to train the network, a data set to validate the network general performance and a data set to evaluate the trained network.

- Train the data using neural network software. It is important not to over train the neural network on the developmental data set because an over trained network would predict ozone concentrations based on random noise associated with the developmental data set. When presented with a new data set the network will likely give incorrect output since the new data random noise will be different than the random noise of the developmental data set: the network memorized the training examples but it did not learn to generalize to new situations.

One of the most commonly used method for improving generalization is called “early stopping”. In this technique, when the validation error increases for a specified number of iterations, the training is stopped, and the weights and biases at the minimum of the validation error are fixed.

- Test the generally trained network on a test data set to evaluate the performance. If the results are satisfactory, the network is ready to use for forecasting.

5. Neural networks operation

The operation of an ANN is simple and requires little expertise.

Although use of the network does not require an understanding of meteorology and air quality processes, it is advisable that someone with meteorological experience be involved in the development of the method and evaluate the ozone prediction for reasonableness.

As part of a forecasting program forecasters should regularly evaluate the forecast quality. The verification process can be complex since there are many ways to evaluate a forecast including accuracy, bias and skill. Many verification statistics are needed to compute in order to evaluate completely the quality of the forecast program.


- Guideline for developing an ozone forecasting program. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. July 1999.

- Artificial Neural Networks Technology. Data & Analysis Center for Software. August 1992.

- Ad-Hoc working group on ozone directive and reduction strategy development. Ozone position paper. July 1999.

- A.C. Comrie. Comparing Neural Networks and Regression Models for Ozone Forecasting. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. June 1997.

- G. Reyes; V.J. Cortés. Ozone forecasting in the urban area of Seville using artificial neural network technology. Urban Transport VII. WITPRESS. 2001.

- S. Amoroso; M. Migliore. Neural networks to estimate pollutant levels in canyon roads. Urban Transport VII. WITPRESS. 2001.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Model simulation of the Venice-Mestre ring road air pollution: experimental check and model intercomparison




Mestre is the mainland part of the City of Venice, one of the most densely populated urban centres in the Veneto Region. Its ring road is a 6-lane motorway, 8 kilometre long, passing through the urban centre (see. Figure 2). It is a toll-free elevated road, located in the intersection between the most important motorways in North-East Italy: the A4 motorway, connecting NW to NE Italy, and the A27 motorway that is part of the link between Southern and Northern Italy. The ring road is used not only for long-range travels, but also to drive through the urban area of Mestre, avoiding the urban network of roads. During winter time, average daily traffic (ADT) counts up to 40,000 vehicles. 60% is represented by Light Duty Vehicles (LDV), while the remaining 40% by Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV). The highest ADT counts up to 65,000 vehicles, where 90% is represented by LDV while 10% by HDV. This ADT has been recorded in the summer season, when commuter and commercial travels add to vacation travels, whose destination are the beaches in the Veneto region coastline. This is the reason why drivers frequently experience long queues (some kilometre long) at the motorway toll booths. The discussion over the “Mestre bottleneck” removal started several years ago. Recently (in summer 2003), the Venice-Padua Motorway Company, that supervises the Mestre ring road, decided to use the hard shoulders as running-lanes, resulting in the present 6-running-lane configuration.

Model simulation

Primary contribution of CO, benzene and PM10 to urban air pollution from Mestre ring road has been assessed. For this purpose, ADMS-Urban (Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System) model has been used, a model suitable to simulate atmospheric dispersion of pollutants released by industrial and domestic sources and by traffic in urban areas (ADMS-Urban, Urban Air Quality Management System, Version 2.0 and

The emission source was divided in 57 lines (straight, entrance, exit and link roads). Traffic emissions have been estimated by European COPERT3 methodology, adding the emission factors proposed by IIASA and TNO for PM10 non-exhaust emissions (tire, brake wear and road abrasion, as well as re-suspension are included). Pollutant concentrations have been evaluated, at every hour of the day, considering the ADT variations between working days, Saturdays and Sundays, both for winter and summer. The output grid amounts to almost 10,000 receptors, placed up to 800 m far from the ring road, 2 m (man target height) and 7 m (average motorway height) high from the ground.

In the following we represent the interpolation of maximum hour concentration values of CO produced by daily emissions on 2 m high receptors. Summer and winter periods are distinguished. All the information refer to 2002, when the ring road was still in 4-lane configuration.

Figure 1. Maximum hour concentration values of CO produced by daily emissions on 2m high receptors

Field measurements to evaluate models performance

In order to validate modelling results with experimental data, an air quality monitoring campaign has been performed, placing a mobile laboratory by the ring road from 06/11/2003 to 07/01/2004. The measurement site is beside a green area 30 m from the ring road (see Figure 2). The station is equipped with continuous analysers for sampling and measuring CO, SO2, NOx, O3, CH4, NMHC and BTX. At the same time PM10 has been sampled. PM10 has been successively analysed with gravimetric method, while PAH (benzo(a)pyrene) have been analysed with HPLC. Passive samplers (RadielloÒ) have also been used to determine benzene-toluene-xylene (BTX) with gas chromatography. Some meteorological parameters have been achieved: temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed/direction, direction standard deviation and solar radiation. During the monitoring period PM10 concentration exceeded the daily human health protection limit for 26 days. No other exceedances of short term legal limits have been observed for the other pollutants. In the same period 6 passive samplers (RadielloÒ) have been placed along a line orthogonal to the road at a distance of 10, 30, 100 m on both sides of the ring road. With this device a week sample of benzene has been collected.

Model inter-comparison

Comparison between model results and air quality data has been carried out to assess the suitability of ADMS Urban for this study. The selected period for the comparison is 28/11/03 – 03/12/03, corresponding to a week passive sampling of benzene in the 6 sites across the ring road. Furthermore, in this period a negligible number (1%) of calm wind conditions (wind speed < 0.5 m/s) happened. The modelled scenario accounts for the new 6-lane configuration of the ring road.


Text Box: R


Text Box: M

a b

Figure 2. a) Mestre ring road; b) the monitoring sites (mobile laboratory - M and passive samplers - R).

To evaluate the performance of the models currently in use at the Veneto Region Environmental Protection Agency, the simulation has also been performed with:

§ CALINE4 (zeta version dated October 1991) which is the successive version of the US-EPA reference model to evaluate extra-urban roads impact (CALINE3);

§ AERMOD (original version 99351) which, like ADMS Urban, is based on the similarity theory approach for boundary layer parameterisation;

§ CALPUFF (version 5.7 dated 030402) which is the only non stationary model used for urban air quality modelling.

A first application of the new AERMOD beta version (dated 04079), comprehending gas and particulate deposition algorithms, has also been carried out. Before processing the meteorological input, wind speed for calm wind conditions has been set to 0.5 m/s.

Simulations have been carried out using the hourly meteorological data collected by the mobile laboratory. Cloud cover data were provided by synoptic station 16105 located at Venice Marco Polo Airport (10 km from the area investigated).

ADMS Urban modelling system has a built-in pre-processor for the calculation of micrometeorological parameters needed for the dispersion model. AERMET processor (version 04079) has been used to obtain the meteorological input files for AERMOD and CALPUFF.

Moreover, for CALINE4, Pasquill stability classes have been obtained from solar radiation and clouds cover data.

Simulation options are summarized in the table 2.

Table 2. Model options

Source characteristics








Adjacent volumes

Adjacent volumes


20 link

20 link



Traffic-induced dispersion treatment

included in model algorithms

included in model algorithms

resulting from:

s_yinit = 17/2.15

s_zinit = 2.5/2.15 or 4.3

resulting from:

s_yinit = 17/2.15

s_zinit = 2.5/2.15 or 4.3

Dispersion coefficients

Internally calculated from micrometeorological data (L, u*, Hmix, z0…)

Based on Pasquill stability classes

Internally calculated from micrometeorological data (L, u*, Hmix, z0…)

Internally calculated from micrometeorological data (L, u*, Hmix, z0…)

Every simulation has been performed by using hourly variable emission factors, in accordance with traffic flows, for a total of 6 daily runs for each model. Seven receptors have been identified in the mobile laboratory and passive samplers locations.

For optimisation purpose (CPU time) during CALPUFF simulation, carried out only for CO, we chose the following configuration:

§ maximum number of puffs released from one source during one time step = 10;

§ maximum number of sampling steps for one time step = 6.

Model compilation has been set for a maximum number of 50.000 puffs. First day simulation has been performed without initial conditions, whereas for the other days the restart files produced by previous run have been used.

There is a relevant different source treatment among these air quality models. ADMS and CALINE4 support linear sources for road modelling and consider traffic-induced turbulence (cfr. Technical manual), while AERMOD and CALPUFF don’t.

For the latter models, the ISC3-approach for line sources has been used. Initial vertical dimension for adjacent volume sources was fixed at 2.5 m.

In table 3, model results are presented. Background concentrations haven’t been taken into account. Benzene observed values refer to passive sampler measurement placed 30 m south of the ring road.

Comparison with monitoring data outlines a general underestimation of CO and PM10 levels, whereas for benzene, predictions of the models show a tendency to overestimation. This is particularly evident for ADMS and AERMOD v. 04079. PM10 results can be explained by the absence of the secondary contribution.

AERMOD beta version results have shown an hourly trend close to other models, especially with ADMS, although some anomalous behaviours are remarked: in particular we obtain different to zero concentrations at receptor, also when this is upwind of the ring road.

Performance models for CO are evaluated on the basis of hourly concentration recorded by mobile laboratory. The results are summarized in table 4.

Table 3. Statistics

The normalised mean square NMSE error and the root mean square error RMSE have been calculated, both with and without the addition of the local background levels of CO. For simplicity, the minimum value recorded by automatic analyser has been selected for this background level, which instead depends on the variability of the atmospheric dispersion conditions.

In general the models have a quite close mean error, probably due to insufficient emission and meteorological characterisation. Nevertheless, CALINE4 e AERMOD v. 99351 don’t adequately simulate the higher concentration, as shown by NMSE values.

Table 4. Model’s performance for CO

Figure 3: Benzene prediction vs observation

The comparison between predicted and observed benzene mean levels monitored with passive samplers is displayed in the Figure 3. In the ordinate axis the sites normal to the ring road are represented, from the farthest northern position (A3: 100 m far from route) to the farthest southern position (B3). AERMOD 04079, ADMS and CALPUFF show the overestimation of concentrations. The models a typical bell trend for mean concentration along the sampling sites, while passive samples show a flat trend.


In this work we assessed the suitability of models currently implemented in ARPAV to the estimation of direct contribution of urban sources to local levels of primary pollutants. Since stationary models are more and more often used in different emission scenarios and in political supporting decisions, it is important to study the outputs of modelling systems with regard to the emission and meteorological inputs available.

Since in many areas of the Veneto region calm wind conditions are frequent, the use of stationary models could be inconsistent. For this reason the comparison among different models presented here includes a non stationary model such us CALPUFF, even if it wasn’t expressly meant for road sources. CALPUFF performances in our configuration have not showed significant improvements compared to stationary models.

Moreover, vertical dimension of volume sources to simulate the effect of traffic induced dispersion are critical for CALPUFF and AERMOD. Therefore configurations tested in these study need further investigation.

An inconsistency between model results and observed data for benzene has been outlined. We are then currently studying the improvement of the estimation of emissions of this pollutant.

None of the models tested in this study showed a major suitability, therefore further investigations are needed.


Ntziachristos L., Samaras Z., 2000. COPERT III, Computer programme to calculate emission from road transport. Methodology and emission factors (Version 2.1), EEA, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Lükewille A., Bertok I., Amann M., Cofala J., Gyarfas F., Heyes C., Karvosenoj, N., Klimont Z. and Schöpp W., 2001 A framework to estimate the potential and costs for the control of fine particulate emissions in Europe. International Institute forApplied Systems Analysis (IIASA), IR-01-023, Laxenburg, Austria.

Scire J.S., Strimaitis D.G., Yamartino R.J., 1999. A user’s Guide for the CALPUFF Dispersion Model (Version 5.0), Earth Tech, Concord, MA.

CERC, 2003. ADMS-Urban. An Urban Air Quality Management System. User Guide (Version 2.0), Cambridge Environmental Reserch Consultant Ltd, Cambridge, UK.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1989. CALINE4 – A Dispersion Model For Predicting Air Pollutant Concentrations Near Roadways, CA.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1998. Revised Draft. User’s Guide for the AMS/EPA Regulatory Model – AERMOD, NC.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; 1998. Revised Draft. User’s Guide for the AERMOD Meteorological Preprocessor (AERMET), NC.


This text has been presented as poster presentation at the 9th conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes held June 1-4, 2004 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.

We thank the authors: Biancotto R.1, Coraluppi L.1, Liguori F.2, Lorenzet K.2, Maffeis G. 3, Pillon S.2, Pistollato S.1, Rosa M.1, Tarabotti E.1

1Veneto Region Environmental Protection Agency – Department of Venice, Mestre (VE), Italy

2Veneto Region Environmental Protection Agency –Regional Air Observatory, Mestre (VE), Italy

3Terraria srl, Milano, Italy

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Example of the assessment of past and present air quality and exposure in Venice




The area around Venice is a particularly complicated ecosystem within which 1,5 million people live. In this relatively small area you can find a city of art, a somewhat environmentally fragile lagoon area, high population density urban areas and an important industrial area, Porto Marghera.

Porto Marghera is famous for its petrochemical industry based on mainly chlorine chemistry which has caused quite a bit of controversy because of its impact on the environment.

Other production cycles are those related to the production of caprolactam, acetonecyanohydrin, hydrocloroflourinecarbides, hydroflorinecarbides and acrylic fibres. Apart from the petrochemical plants, other industries present in the area are:

- a petrol refinery;

- industrial plants for the production and transformation of non-ferrous metals (aluminium, copper and zinc);

- seven thermoelectric power plants;

- five waste incinerators.

Two years ago, the local authority (Province of Venice, Environmental Policy Dept.) launched a full–scale inquiry into the effects and health hazards caused by industrial emissions.

Within this inquiry, our task was to estimate and evaluate those potentially dangerous industrial emissions released and dispersed over the last 40 years and to examine if these had affected, in any way, the local population.

Targeting exposure and inhalation pathways, the case study began with the process and technological analysis applied in Porto Marghera over the past 40 years. Then, more than 1000 emission points of TSP, SO2, NOX, Pb, Cd, Hg, Benzene, Dioxins and other chlorine products were estimated using emission factors and data retrieved from local archives. Finally, pollutant emission dispersion and soil concentration values were modelled using the U.S, EPA, ISC Model. 40 maps were made up to indicate the levels of soil pollution over the past 4 decades and to provide information on the level of population exposure to help the epidemiological survey.

The second step was to compare present emissions and modelled dispersion with the results of air quality control. Using the year 2001 as a reference point, TSP, SO2, and NOX emissions were estimated and pollutant emission dispersions along with soil concentration values were modelled using the U.S. EPA, ISC Model. Hence, it was possible to carry out a comparison between modelled and monitored data so as to validate the model and the method of analysis.

Evaluation of Polluting Emissions

This stage of the project focused on rating the quality and quantity of the principal carcinogenic pollutants from 1962 until 2001. In particular, Dioxin and other chlorinated by-products such as: mercury, benzene, cadmium and lead were put under major scrutiny. The study also covered pollutants such as TSP, SO2, NOX, generally considered responsible for a number of chronic pathologies.

The analysis started off by using a series of indicators, taken from different sources, to define the point of emission peculiarity (high mass flow rate emissions and others) and emission factors in reference to the type of process and pollution reduction technologies applied.

Ei = A x EFi (1)


- Ei = mass flow of i – pollutant emitted (kg/year);

- A = activity key parameter, ex: raw material consumes, fuel fired, final product obtained (ton/year);

- EFi = Emission factor for i - pollutant (kg pollutant/ton fuel).

The historical rating of pollutants released over the past 40 years has required both a bibliographical and historical study of industrial process analysis based on documentation registered by the Public Authority on Prevention and Control concerning the main characteristics of industrial plants.

This kind of analysis provided awareness of process layout, modifications spanning the last 40 years, the opening of new production lines and the closing down of old ones and also led to an inquiry into the characteristics of pollutant treatment systems.

Following the same study guidelines carried out in the year 2001, the year taken as reference point to model the monitored air quality data , we were able to compare estimated emission values using emission factors with monitoring data and legally enforced control data along with what was openly declared by the companies which make the Area Evaluation Pact Foreseen for Porto Marghera in accordance with the Chemical Agreement. With these values at hand, the competent authorities can then verify and control all the monitored data with those declared and supplied by the companies while, at the same time, taking into consideration the origins and margins for improvement by applying BATs (Best Available Technologies).

Table 1 - Grid view estimating polluting emissions

Figure. 1 - Estimated air emission values

Exposure to Polluting Emissions

The study, in particular, targeted on exposure and inhalation pathways. To achieve this we began by measuring the concentration of each pollutant in the atmosphere along with the exposure times for each one.

The release of pollutants into the atmosphere and their fall out on soil was simulated through models of different industrial plant technologies from the 60s until today so as to identify those environmental elements and those people exposed to the airborne pollutants.

Evaluation of the atmospheric dispersion of pollutants from 1960 until now has been based on the use of climatic models. For historical analysis in particular, data containing yearly averages were used based on values recorded over a period of 40 years regarding typical weather factors such as wind velocity, frequency and direction, temperature and other factors. For the 2001 study , the data was based on an hourly average measured by automatic pollution control stations managed by Ente Zona and by ENEL Spa. The study of pollutant concentration and fall out was carried out with the ISC (Industrial Source Complex) calculation code and in particular, the release 4.6 ISCAERView mode software developed by Lakes Environmental.

In the end, this was carried out through GIS (Geographic Information System), a digital information representation of the Province of Venice, which highlighted the most critical areas and how the populations living there were affected. The purpose of this step was to simplify the epidemiological study, which will be carried out at the same time as this task.


The results of the study, recorded in a fairly large file, describe the processes and plants of the Porto Marghera industrial areas from 1962 until today. The report also contains mass flow rate values for the examined 10 pollutants released over the last 40 years, how and why this came about and the evolution starting from the introduction of new technologies and techniques along with all the new environmental legislation. The first report also contains the exposure scenarios and the intake cycle of such pollutants.

The case study results have been laid out, coded and mapped onto digital support so as to obtain a practical tool which makes simple and fast reading and will certainly be helpful in the future when and if new projects will have to be devised and drawn up.

Therefore what we have available is:

- an alphanumeric database with more than 1000 entries;

- the trend of polluting emissions subdivided sector by sector along with the major contributors to each single scenario;

- 40 maps indicating pollution fall out onto the soil at different times over the past 40 years;

- pollution concentrations in the soil and, once again, the major contributors to each single scenario;

- the digital representation by GIS of the most exposed areas in the Province of Venice.

Figure 2 - Dioxin fallout map (decade 80 – 90) data in fentogramme mass/m3

A further result consists in simulating the deposition values to the surface for emissions of PTS, NOX and SOX in those locations where air and soil monitoring stations had been installed. Comparing data on the typical daily trend obtained through simulation, with data obtained through the monitoring system, the concurrence between the two different values and the effectiveness of the method, as for SO2 (figure 3) is concerns, proves more than satisfactory. As for NOX and TSP, the influence of traffic emissions and household heating emissions did not, on the other hand, allow any effective comparison.

Figure 3 - Monitoring station for Malcontenta: comparison between monitored concentrations of SO2 vs. modelled on daily average in reference to weather data monitored by two meteorological stations known as: 22 and 5

Table 2 - Extract from figure 3: major plants sharing to the pollution concentration in the atmosphere


This text has been kindly made available from the Province of Venice Authority.

See the full text document(in Italian language):

Past and Present Environmental Analysis of the Porto Marghera Industrial Area

See the Maps at the website:


Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  ISHTAR Project : building an advanced models suite for urban sustainable planning



The problems addressed

European cities face common challenges concerning their quality of life: degradation of the urban environment, significant risks for citizens health, traffic congestion causing stress and economic inefficiency, progressive damage of the artistic and monumental heritage. Additional difficulties derive from the lack of integrated tools that allow cities to make balanced decisions on a wide range of issues. The aim of ISHTAR Project is to build an advanced software suite for the analysis of the effects of short term actions and long term policies to improve the quality of the environment, citizens health, conservation of monuments. The suite will include both existing and newly developed models, covering the areas of citizens behaviour, transport, vehicles emissions noise and safety, pollutants dispersion, buildings related atmospheric emissions, health, and monuments degradation. These tools will find an integration in the use of a GIS and a user-friendly interface software. The models suite will be an innovative tool for advanced urban management and will allow the integrated analysis of the various environmental effects of technical and non technical measures. This will represent an attractive alternative to the usual separated analysis of the effects of such measures on the various elements of the urban environment.

Objectives and approach

The integration of a large number of software tools and the creation of specific modules for the advanced simulation of key processes such as transport behaviour and its direct impacts on the urban environment will allow the build-up of an innovative and powerful decision support tool for urban policies optimisation.

The achievement of a high spatial and temporal flexibility in the use of the tool will maximise the possibility of use from local short term actions to widespread long-term policies, thus being of interest for different categories of users. A high level of technical innovation, in terms of both development of new tools needed and balanced integration of these with existing and marketable tools, will create a new method and an innovative software tool for assessing urban policies. Specific modelling efforts will be performed in the representation of policies effects on citizens behaviour, in the integrated 24hr simulation of traffic emissions, noise and safety, in the microscopic analysis of air pollution effects on health and monuments. The maximisation of the European Added Value, deriving from a wide and geographically representative consortium, the development of Stakeholders oriented activities, based on a thorough organisation of dissemination, and the contribution to a widespread socio-economic issue, represented by the decreasing urban quality of life, will originate a potentially huge market for results dissemination and exploitation. The exploitation of the models suite will begin within the Project with the application of the tool to the analysis of measures tested in the seven involved cities: Athens, Bologna, Brussels, Graz, Grenoble, London and Rome. The designed strict coherence with EU Policies for Environment, Transport, and Urban Life Quality, together with the proper liaison with relevant Projects in the whole 5th FP, will guarantee the expected resonance of the project within EC research effort.

Expected Impacts

The key result of ISHTAR Project will be the realisation of a multi-impacts models suite for the assessment of a wide menu of measures for urban life quality. The application of the tool to the measures tested in the involved cities will provide indication of tool usefulness, accuracy, applicability and estimation of impacts on health, environment, monuments. The users involvement will provide evidence of the impact of the performed research. The availability of the ISHTAR suite will allow in future public administrations and consultant companies to run integrated and advanced environmental assessment of short-term actions and long-term policies for the improvement of the urban quality of life. This twofold opportunity can bring environmental and health benefits on one side, and employment opportunity and improved efficiency of the urban system on the other. The main immediate beneficiaries of the new decision support tool will be the local authorities, having the chance of optimising integrated and not conflicting urban policies, and citizens living in cities where the recovery of public health, transport efficiency and artistic heritage will be carefully designed and measured.

Technical elements

The Suite includes both commercial tools and tools purposely developed for the ISHTAR Project. The modelling chain starts from the simulation of the citizens behavioural changes, in terms of movements, attributable to the measure under exam. The behavioural data (the so called ‘Origin-Destination’ matrix’) are then used by the transport model for the traffic simulation. The vehicular flows parameters so produced are then used as input for the direct impact module, which simulates emissions of pollutants and noise and the accidents occurrence. The pollutants emissions, calculated link by link, are transformed on aerial concentrations by means of a dispersion model, while the noise emission levels are input to the noise propagation model that computes the noise level on the road and on the buildings façade. These levels of pollution, noise and accidents risk constitute the basis for the exposure evaluation and then for the health risk assessment. The pollution levels are also used for the assessment of the effects on monuments. A further tool is in charge for the gathering of all the relevant data produced by the previous tools and making the overall evaluation (through a Multicriteria Analysis and a Cost-Benefit Analysis). The models are integrated by an ISHTAR Suite Manager, a user friendly interface and a commercial Geographic Information System.

The integrated modules

The Cellular Methodology

The Suite standard starting model is represented by the Cellular Transport Methodology (CTM) , a Software tool developed by ISIS (Italy) that simulates the effects of policies and measures on citizens behaviour (in terms of movements). This model is the first ring of the model chain and on its ability of reproducing the different effects of different actions depends the capability in assessing the effectiveness of the measures to be implemented.

The result of the CTM consists in new O-D matrices representing the modified behaviour of the population following the implementation of the postulated measures. This methodology produces people density patterns for the city “cells” (city portions) by estimating the in-out flows taking into account the total mobility demand and the distribution of attracting and generating points within the city. The O-D matrices produced by this tool are the primary input for traffic models. A further output of this model is the ‘present population’ estimate (split into groups for age, sex, activity) within the ‘cells’ during the day. This is an essential data for the exposure assessment.

The transport model

The second ring of the chain is the transport model, which, on the basis of the O-D matrices provided by the CTM or by any other tool available to the user, simulates the movements distribution within the city network. After a review of existing models, and taking into account the Suite needs, the traffic model ‘Metropolis’ has been chosen. This ‘tactical’ model, thanks to dynamic simulation of congestion allows a better representation of vehicular flows and speeds. In particular Metropolis is able, using the same data as a ‘strategic’ model (a ‘static’ model used for wide temporal and spatial scale), to quickly reproduce dynamic simulations.

A limit of Metropolis Software is represented by the absence of the multimodality (only the private vehicular flows are simulated, the other movement ‘modes’ are not considered). However this limit has recently been overtaken with the integration between Metropolis and VISUM by PTV (D), a strategic model, that allows to simulate multimodal movements. The resulting software, denominated VISUPOLIS, is the software tool that is being integrated within the Suite, as it can provide all the data needed by downstream models. In particular the congestion description allows to simulate the different path and departure time choice, the accumulated delay and the path chosen. This tool will be tested through the Paris case study.

In any case, the city administrations not interested in implementing this tool, will be able to use their own traffic model providing the traffic data (at least the speed and flows for each link) in a compatible format.

Direct impacts module

The direct impacts (pollutants emissions, noise emission, accident occurrence) module used within the suite is TEE2004 (Transport Energy and Environment), developed and provided by ENEA and ASTRAN srl (Italy).

This code has been developed and adapted for the ISHTAR Suite, refining the vehicle kinematics algorithms, and including new models for the estimation of cold emission distribution, parking process, emissions of new categories of pollutants, and finally for noise emissions and accident occurrence.

As it regards the kinematics, TEE code can calculate link emissions starting from standard correlations based on average speed or from instantaneous emissions data, allowing emissions detailed calculation, according to the traffic input data available, either from measurements or from traffic models. Moreover the model includes an innovative solution for taking into account the effects of vehicle kinematics, based on the reconstruction of the speed cycle along the link on the basis of key link varaiables such as traffic density, average speed, link length and the fraction of green time at intersection.

As it concerns the estimation of the effects of cold emissions spatial and temporal distribution, TEE offers alternative solutions for the user, according to the more or less disaggregated information, allowing in any case to distinguish different situations.

The parking process algorithm provides an approximated but meaningful treatment of traffic flows from and to parking areas and allows to locate cold vehicles emissions in space and time and a greater accuracy in the estimation of evaporative emissions distribution.

TEE2004 contains also two totally new new sub-models: the noise emission model, (sensible to vehicular flow and speed, heavy duty vehicles presence and slope) and the accident occurrence model, that calculates the total number of accidents involving only vehicles or vehicles and pedestrians.

Pollutant dispersion module

The pollutants dispersion can be calculated with one of the two tools provided by ARIA Technologies (F) depending on the spatial and time scale. For urban scale and long term analysis the suite will rely on ARIA Impacts, while for mesoscale and short term events ARIA Regional will be the reference model. ARIA Impacts is a gaussian model generally used for assessing long term and urban scale measures: it treats gaseous pollutants and particulate matter but does not consider chemical reactions in the atmosphere. A ‘canyon’ model is being purposely developed for the Suite; it allows to take into account the air recirculation and the pollutants accumulation within the street canyons. ARIA Regional is a complex, non idrostatic, eulerian model that can simulate reactions in the atmosphere. The reference scale vary between 30 and 300 Km. This model is also capable to analyse pollution episodes and to forecast repetitions. The considered pollutants are: CO, NOx, SO2, VOC, PM. Both models are completely integrated within the suite and provide data needed for calculating impacts on monuments and health.

Noise propagation module

The model that is in charge of the noise propagation simulation (noise emission is calculated by TEE2004) is a commercial software tool: Soundplan, by Braunstein & Berndt GmbH, Germany. Soundplan has been chosen because it doesn’t build just noise grids, but it calculates the noise levels on the receivers, as indicate by EC directives. Soundplan can simulate also the effects of the introduction of noise barriers and other methodologies for noise reduction. However this is possible only with a detailed three dimensional reconstruction of the area under analysis.

Health impact module

This module is provided by WHO and consists in two parts: the first part has been purposely developed for ISHTAR and is a GIS application that calculates the citizens exposure to air pollutants and noise taking into account the data provided by the upstream models. In particular it analyses the noise and pollution maps, and, overlaying them with the population activity and movements during the day, it estimates the disaggregated exposure of population groups by gender, age, and activity during the day. This module represents a real innovation in the field of exposure assessment: so far the exposure has been mainly calculated for a whole city during one year, while this tool can assess exposure of more or less small groups for short periods, even hour by hour.

The other part of this module consists in a software tool for the health risk assessment that calculates the health impacts taking into account the exposure to noise and pollutants and the accident occurrence calculated by TEE2004 and applies the dose-response curves available in literature.

Impacts on monuments

The pollution maps produced by the dispersion model are not only applied for assessing health impacts but also impacts on monuments. The tool that calculates the monuments impacts is developed by ENEA and PHAOS (GR) and, on the basis of pollution levels and the material constituting the monuments, calculates the crust formation or the lost of material, plus the cost of maintenance and/or restoration.

Overall Analysis

The overall evaluation of the analysed measures is made by a software developed by LMU-TraC (UK). This tool is based on two methodologies: a Cost-Benefit Analysis and a MultiCriteria Analysis. The module gathers the data from the upstream tools and specific data regarding the measures to be implemented and by assessing them in terms of money (CBA) or parameters (MCA) makes the measures comparable among them.

The integration

The integration software (including the specific Ishtar Suite Manager that controls the run execution) has been developed by INRETS() and manages the use of the Ishtar Suite Interface (for input and output operations at ‘suite level’) and the launching of the tools in the right order and with the proper objectives (e.g. the number of runs of each tool and parameters affecting the tools tasks).

The tools launching is made by ‘software connectors’, i.e. software tools that manage the data exchange among the tools and the Ishtar Suite Database (the adopted format of exchange is ‘xml’). A commercial Geographic Information System (Arc View ()) is used for inputting and outputting the geographic data or the geo-referenced data (link data, area data). The GIS is used as well for data elaboration, mainly in the exposure calculation. The Suite will ahve a user friendly Interface that allows the Suite utilization also by common users, like city planners. The basic architecture of the suite is shown in Figure 1.

Fig.1 : Architecture of the ISHTAR suite modules and data

Application and validation

So far the Suite has been used, in a disaggregated way, and will be used, once integrated, for demonstrating its applicability and validity to the following case studies:


The case study ‘Attiki Odos’ addresses the new roadway construction, Attica Periphery Road, which is assessed in terms of traffic, toll strategy and pricing, and environmental conditions (as air pollution primarily and in certain areas in terms of noise).


The Bologna Provincial Authority case study concerns the evaluation of infrastructure scenarios for the city of Imola with reference of alternative road paths.


The aim of the Belgian case study is to prepare the implementation of traffic banning measures in the Brussels area, according to the Plan Ozone of the Federal Government.


The Austrian case study – coordinated by Graz University of Technology () - is based on the traffic and noise impact evaluation of a 600 m long new road tunnel causing a relevant local traffic rerouting.


Grenoble case study is intended to monitor the effects of the installation of reserved lanes for public transportation and new traffics lights on boulevards with heavy traffic. The site covers the Boulevards over a length of one kilometre, the time scale is 1999 – 2000.


Every September 22nd the city of Paris takes part in a ‘car free day’. This typical short term event will be modelled with the ISHTAR suite of modules.


This large scale case study involves the internal ring (including the Rome Limited Traffic zone), which will be transformed in a road traffic collector towards intermodal nodes with radial railway lines.


The ISHTAR Suite represents a breakthrough in the field of decision making support tools. So far the models used in this sector (generally just traffic, emission and dispersion models) were used separately and, with many difficulties, the data exchange between models was done manually, handling considerable amounts of data. A really integrated Suite, like ISHTAR is, allows the comparison of scenarios taking into account the effects on health, air pollution, noise, people mobility and traffic congestion, transport related economic competitiveness, safety, maintenance of infrastructures, built environment and cultural heritage. These characteristics will make the ISHTAR suite one of the reference tools to be used for the design and the assessment of urban environmental policies based on sustainable transport systems.

Key References

  • ISHTAR : an Integrated Models Suite for Sustainable Regional and Town Planning – by P. Hoglund (KTH Stockholm) and E. Negrenti (ENEA) – Cities of Tomorrow Conference – Goteborg (S) – 23-24 August 2001

· ‘ISHTAR’ : ‘integrated software for health, transport efficiency and artistic heritage recovery’ – E. Negrenti - ENEA - Accepted for the ‘Transport induced Air Pollution conference – Boulder (CO), September 2001’

· ISHTAR Project : Building a Model Suite for Urban Sustainability – by E. Negrenti – ENEA - 21st ARRB/11th REAAA Conference ‘TRANSPORT - our highway to a sustainable future’ – Cairns – 18-23 May 2003 – Conference Proceedings

· ‘ISHTAR Project: building a models suite for urban sustainability’ - Emanuele NEGRENTI and Alessandro AGOSTINI (ENEA) , Pierre-Olivier FLAVIGNY (INRETS) - Environment and Transport conference – Avignon - June 2003 - Le Collections de l’INRETS – Actes INRETS n. 93 – Vol 1 – p. 123 –ISSN 0769 0266 – ISBN 2 85782 589 7

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  HEARTS Project - Modelling Health Effects and Risks of Transport Systems



Road traffic is a major cause of adverse health effects – ranking with smoking and diet as one of the most important health determinants in Europe. Traffic-related air pollution, noise and vibration, traffic accidents and the social impacts of road traffic (e.g. community severance and isolation) combine to generate a wide range of adverse health consequences, including respiratory and cardio-vascular illness, cancer, physical injury and stress-related illnesses.

These health effects are a source of major public concern, as evidenced by numerous recent Eurobarometer and other attitudinal surveys in Europe. As a result, increasing effort is being devoted across the EU to develop new transport plans and policies, which can reduce the health risks of road traffic. These include new air quality standards (e.g. under the EU Air Quality Framework and its daughter directives), new emission and safety standards for road vehicles, and – in almost every country and every city of the EU – new traffic management strategies and schemes. Recently the scope of EU environmental policies has been further enlarged to include urban planning and spatial development policies, aimed at integrating short and long term land use and transport measures in order to support more sustainable patterns of transport and urban development, which should ultimately have a positive impact on the health of urban populations. Nevertheless, these policies remain relatively poorly informed. Neither the scale of the health risks of road traffic, nor their distribution across the population, are well characterised. Consequently, little is known about who is at risk, about how the various risk factors interact to affect human health, or about how best to manage these multiple risks in an effective and integrated manner. Moreover, it remains difficult to compare different road land use or transport policies and strategies in terms of the multiple exposures and health effects which need to be considered.

The over-riding need is clearly for more integrated methods for health risk assessment which consider the full range of exposures and health effects, and can be applied early in the policy or planning process. Many of the models (e.g. on road traffic flows, air pollutant dispersion) needed for this purpose are already available. In order to provide a rigorous and more integrated measure of health risk, however, new modelling capability needs to be developed. While pollution dispersion models are able to provide increasingly reliable measures of the spatial pattern of air pollution, for example, they still tend to provide a relatively poor measure of exposure, for they do not take account of human mobility and behaviour. Equally, while significant improvements in noise modelling have been made in recent years, exposure assessment is still relatively weak. Current models of road traffic accidents also tend to be relatively simplistic, and unsuitable for prospective assessments of health risks. There is also a need to quantify more accurately the health risks of these various exposures, for different sub-groups of the population, and to bring the different models together within a consistent framework.

This research is aimed at addressing these needs. Its aim is to develop and apply an integrated methodology for health risk assessment in order to explore the multiple health impacts of road traffic, as a basis for informing policy and improving public health protection. Within this context, the specific aims are:

  1. to identify, test, customise and link models to assess the health risks from traffic-related air pollution, traffic noise and vibration and traffic accidents;
  2. to use these methods to characterise the geographical and social distribution of these risks within urban areas;
  3. to investigate the different time-space patterns shown by these various risk factors in urban areas and their relationship with human activity patterns and exposures;
  4. on the basis of these results, to identify and characterise population subgroups who are most susceptible to the multiple health risks of transport;
  5. to investigate the potential of different transport-related policies to control and mitigate these multiple risks.

The project will thus build on and extend a number of recent studies of traffic-related air pollution and health in the EU, notably the EXPOLIS-I and EAS-EXPOLIS studies (1), APHEA (2) and SAVIAH (3, 4, 5, 6). As part of this project, we will review these studies and conduct a semi-quantitative meta-analysis of relevant findings in order to construct dose-response functions for the various exposures and health endpoints of interest. We will also incorporate results from ongoing reviews, such as that by the Department of Public Health Sciences, St George’s Hospital, London.

An important part of this study will be to ascertain and incorporate measures of uncertainty in these dose-response and effect estimates. This will be done using a Bayesian: the partners participating in this project have extensive expertise in Bayesian statistical analysis, on which this work will draw.

The project will also provide important results of relevance to many current studies on transport technologies and management – for example the AutoOil studies and AIR-EIA.

Expected achievements from the study include:

  1. new models for the assessment of accident risks and exposures to air and noise pollution;
  2. an integrated suite of models for assessing and comparing the multiple health risks of urban transport;
  3. a generic tool, operating within a GIS environment, for health risk assessment of urban transport systems and associated land use policies, that can be readily customised to and applied in cities across the EU;
  4. a set of case studies, illustrating and testing the use of these methods in different urban environments;
  5. improved understanding of the geographic and social distribution of the different health risks of transport within urban areas;
  6. clearer specification and characterisation of the population subgroups most at risk from these multiple health effects;
  7. identification and ranking of transport-related policies and management systems in terms of their ability to target, mitigate and reduce these risks within these susceptible groups.

This research has a wide range of important benefits. Inter alia it will contribute to:

· improved specification and costing of the health effects of urban transport;

· improved evaluation and appraisal of transport-related policies and management interventions in terms of their health effects;

· improved ability to develop and implement more integrated policies aimed at resolving the multiple effects of transport on health (as opposed to current, often piecemeal approaches);

· better targeting of public health and policy interventions at at-risk groups, with consequent improvements in effectiveness and efficiency;

· improved capability to adapt EU and national policies on transport and health to local conditions and the needs of specific population groups.

HEARTS project involves the development and application of an integrated methodology for environmental health impact assessment in relation to urban transport systems. The methodology to be developed will comprise seven main types of models:

· a transport model, which provides estimates of traffic flow, traffic composition and other traffic characteristics (including speed) for each area or road link of interest;

· a suite of air pollution models, which simulate the emission and dispersion of air pollution from the transport sector within the urban environment and in different micro-environments, for key groups of air pollutants (including NOx, particulates, VOCs and ozone);

· a noise propagation model, which simulates the generation and distribution of traffic noise within the urban area, and in different micro-environments;

· a traffic accident model, which simulates the probability distribution of road traffic accidents, by different travel mode (including cycling and walking) and micro-environment;

· a set of time-activity models, which simulate the spatial and temporal distribution of the population (by population sub-group) in the different micro-environments of interest (including buildings, vehicles and outdoor environments);

· a set of exposure models (for the various air pollutants, noise and accidents) that combines the outcomes of the air pollution, noise and accident modelling and the time-activity modelling to estimate population exposure distributions (e.g. using Monte Carlo or other probabilistic methods);

· a suite of health effects models, which provide estimates of the health risk, for different health endpoints, of exposure to each of these hazards.

These models will be drawn and developed from existing methods and models, then linked to create an integrated modelling system (IMS) by loose-coupling within a geographical information system (GIS). By providing the capability to incorporate data of differing resolution, and models of more or less sophistication, the system will be suitable for operation at a range of different scales, and in a range of different data conditions – from the whole city level, to the sub-city level (e.g. for communes or wards) to the individual street level. By changing the assumptions within the transport model, the integrated modelling system will also be capable of analysing the potential health effects of changes in transport policy or technology. Within the limits of these transport models, the impacts of longer term land use strategies and policies on health perspectives can also be analysed.

HEARTS Project is coordinated by the WHO ECEH office in Rome.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Integrated Land Use and Transport Planning tools



The Propolis Project

More than three-quarters of the population of Western Europe live in cities. Their quality of life, health as well as safety are to a considerable extent affected by the environmental quality, provision of and access to services, and safety of their home cities. Part of the economic efficiency of urban regions is lost due to urban congestion and pollution. Methodologies are needed for predicting and mitigating negative changes and for bringing about positive ones. PROPOLIS project addresses these issues by enabling the prediction of the impacts of urban transport and land use policies.

The problems of growing traffic and the sprawl of urban areas together with the associated adverse environmental, social and economic impacts are experienced everywhere in Europe. Therefore, accumulating know-how, developing methodologies and searching for sustainable urban policies is no doubt of strategic importance and a field meriting a European-wide approach and concentration of know-how and resources.

PROPOLIS contributes to the implementation of many of the EU""policies, especially environment, energy and transport. It also addresses questions of European wide interest and of strategic importance.

Scientific objectives and approach

The objective of PROPOLIS is to research, develop and test integrated land use and transport policies, tools and comprehensive assessment methodologies in order to define sustainable long-term urban strategies and to demonstrate their effects in European cities.

The work is executed through developing a set of indicators measuring the environmental, social and economic components of sustainability. Values for these indicators are calculated using enhanced urban land use and transport models and new GIS and Internet based modules. A decision support tool is used to evaluate the sets of indicator values in order to arrive at aggregate environmental, social and economic indices for the alternative policy options. To include the long run land use effects a time horizon of 20 years or more is used.

The innovations of the PROPOLIS project are related to the integrated and comprehensive approach, to the common framework for analysis with different land use and transport models, to the combination of strategic interactive land use and transport models and GIS techniques. The feedback from the attributes of environmental quality to the locating process of households and firms is part of the innovation. The approach is also likely to produce innovative policy recommendations, as the system is able to reveal the interactions and multiplier effects by following the impact chains in the system.

Expected impacts

PROPOLIS approach is used to systematically analyse policy options in 7 European cities to reach general recommendations for optimum combinations of different policy types. The strategies improve urban sustainability in general and radically reduce urban pollution and congestion without compromising economic efficiency and social sustainability.

The benefits at the European level are mostly related to the general conclusions and recommendations for European urban regions. Efficiency increase will lead to improved competitiveness and employment, to better economy and welfare. The project also produces a set of well-defined indicators for use for benchmarking purposes throughout Europe.

The Client-Partners benefit from the project by having updated and enhanced urban models and evaluation system available for their use. This system can be used when planning new policies, plans or large-scale projects. The system is especially well suited for environmental impact assessments, which are forced by law for any large-scale project.

The achievement of the goal - to specify and demonstrate the effects of long term strategies that could be generally adapted in different European urban regions - would lead the way to better environment, land use patterns, transport systems, economy and social conditions for European citizens - towards sustainable development.

For further details :

LT Consultants
Melkonkatu 9, 00210
Helsinki - Finland


Kari Lautso - http://www.ltcon.fi/propolis

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Traffic parameters monitored in Utrecht



Monitoring of the traffic parameters in the city area

Up to 2001, there was no periodic traffic monitoring in Utrecht. In 2001, the Traffic research group of the Town Development Division (Dienst Stadsontwikkeling/ DSO) put forward a plan aimed at facilitating periodic traffic monitoring. This plan was accepted in March 2002 and now a monitor report is published yearly: the Traffic Policy Monitor.

The purpose of the Traffic Policy Monitor is to collect traffic data that is needed for establishing, assessing and re-adjusting the traffic policy of the Municipality of Utrecht. The section responsible for this is the DSO - Traffic Research Group. This is the section that is responsible for developing and assessing Utrecht’s traffic policy, since this section has substantive traffic knowledge. From 2002, the same data is collected annually in the city of Utrecht so that ultimately developments and trends become visible. Apart from the PRIS (Parking Route Information System), which keeps track of the number of occupied parking places in car parks and supplies this information, Utrecht has not (yet) got a system that keeps track of the actual traffic situation.

When the Traffic Policy Monitor was drafted, the ‘Measuring = Knowing’ system was assumed. This system distinguishes between the various stages of the policy process: how many means are used (input), what has been done to reach this (measures/output), and what has been reached (effects). For the time being, the Traffic Policy Monitor will focus on the measures (for example, number of parking places and volume of bicycle facilities) and the effects of the traffic policy (for example, the number of parking places and the degree to which they are utilised).

As far as possible, this data is obtained from existing sources, but new measurements are also taken. In both cases, the reliability of the data is considered in advance, so that sufficient measurements can be taken to ensure reliability.

From the following existing sources the following data is collected:

§ From the annual Mobility Behaviour Research (nationwide inquiries). We receive data for the entire city and per district, with respect to at least the selection of means of transport (modal split); travel times, the motives for the movements, automobile possession, car availability, the possession of bicycles and the possession of mopeds.

§ From the biennial NUP inquiry among the inhabitants of Utrecht. This inquiry, made by the Administrative Information Section, collects information on how satisfied the inhabitants are with various aspects including traffic.

§ From the road control system of the Urban Management Department. Each district is remapped each year, which provides the following data:

- Quantity of surface per sub-district and for the entire city: 1) bicycle paths and bicycle lanes, 2) automobile infrastructure, 3) parking infrastructure, 4) bus lanes, and 5) footpaths.

- Per sub-district and for the entire city: length of bicycle paths and bicycle lanes, length of automobile infrastructure, length of the street parking places, length of bus lanes and length of foot paths.

§ From the various timetables of urban and regional bus carriers (GVU and Connexion): figures about frequencies, schedules, exploitation period, and number of seat kilometres.

§ Accident rates, with up-to-date figures each year.

§ Per district and for the entire city: the number of complaints about traffic and transport, subdivided into different subjects.

§ Parking figures (such as number of parking places, capacity utilization of the car parks, number of storage places for bicycles, accessibility hours, loading and unloading locations).

In addition to the above, the following new measurements are performed:

§ Automobile intensity measurements: data indicating how much traffic enters and leaves the city of Utrecht, how much traffic enters and leaves the individual areas of 'centre’, ‘Jaarbeurs’ and ‘Station’, and how much traffic uses the urban ring road, divided into heavy and light cargo trade, passenger cars, motorcycles (annual counts (observations) from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm).

§ Intensity measurements of cyclists at a number of locations along the main bicycling routes (annual counts from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm).

§ Distance rates/travelling times for automobiles: on 25 routes the travelling times of automobiles will be measured; inwards from the edge of the existing city (from the ‘ring’ around Utrecht to the ‘ring’ around the centre), outwards towards Leidsche Rijn (from the edge of a number of traffic sources up to the motorway approach roads) (annual counts (observations) from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm).

§ Measurement of waiting times for cyclists (for trajectory rates/travelling times): on a number of routes, the waiting times for cyclists will be measured towards the city at the delay points. Measurements will also be performed as to the duration of travel times between the delay points and the number of red light negations per point (each year new counts (observations) from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm).

§ Travel times for buses: measurements will be performed as to how long buses are on their way from particular points on the outskirts of Utrecht, or from the points of departure of cross-town bus routes, to the Central Station. The deviations from the timetable at these locations and the occupancy rates of the buses will also be considered (each year new counts (observations) from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm).

Between the autumn of 2002 and the spring of 2003, all this data was collected for the first time. In the spring of 2003 and 2004, the data was published in a simple public booklet. The data was also presented to the local council and the press. The measurements will be repeated in the following years so that in a few years the general developments will become visible.

Travelling habit surveys

The Policy Monitor does not formally include travel behaviour studies, but it does refer to the results of two external survey results:

§ The Study of Mobility Behaviour (Onderzoek VerplaatsingsGedrag, OVG).
The OVG, an annual nationwide study, is large enough (about 140,000 respondents per year, i.e. about 1 in every 100 people completing a questionnaire) to be considered indicative of the mobility in Utrecht on a district level. The study provides information about the movements per district: travel times, preferred modes of transport, distances travelled and travel motives. It also provides information about automobile possession, automobile availability, possession of bicycles, and the possession of mopeds.

§ The New Utrecht Level (NUP) inquiry.
This inquiry among people living in Utrecht is held every two years and is large enough to be considered indicative on a district or subdistrict level (about 5,000 respondents). The inquiry produces the opinions of inhabitants with respect to various traffic aspects: satisfaction with public transport, parking facilities, traffic safety, automobile accessibility, the frequency of bike and car theft, the frequency of cars being damaged, the frequency of noise nuisance by traffic, the frequency of aggressive traffic behaviour, and the frequency of odour nuisance by traffic.

The results of these two surveys are incorporated in the annual publication of the Traffic Policy Monitor.

Studies of real world driving cycles

In 2002 Utrecht performed a pilot with floating car data. To this end, a number of cars were driven around with a GPS system. The purpose was to track the travelling times at different trajectories, but also to pinpoint the bottlenecks in the various trajectories, and the locations where automobiles have to wait.

Last Updated


13th January 2005





Title of Example

  Which traffic parameters do we measure and use as input in our models?



The standard equipment for measuring traffic parameters in Sweden and Malmo is the “2 tube classifier” which is used for temporary surveys. For permanent surveys the most common method is magnetic loops in the road surface often used in a combined system for control of traffic lights in crossings. Data from these permanent surveys are transmitted via the optical fibre net that connects all the traffic lights in Malmö.

The equipment classifies the vehicles in 13 different types from light passenger cars to heavy vehicles of different types with or without trailers. Both the direction and speed of the vehicles are also registered. The speed is divided into intervals, normally of 5 km/h.

The model Malmö now uses for modelling and dispersion calculations is the ENVIMAN. Normally only the number of vehicles in 3-4 vehicle categories are used: passenger cars, heavy trucks, diesel buses and CNG buses. Sometimes also heavy trucks with trailers are used in the calculation when it comes to peripheral roads.

The roads are divided into 13 different types ranging from motorway to local residential streets to specify the emission factors. If the actual speed deviates from the one in the chosen road type this can be taken into account. The timely distribution of the traffic is taken into account in two ways, by specifying the drive pattern throughout the day and the drive pattern over the year. The model also has an input for critical traffic conditions/congestion.

Last Updated


13th January 2005
