CASSON (1925-2003)

A film
of Michael Casson talking to Walter Keeler at Cassons
house in Herefordshire. The potter Michael Casson is a
central figure in twentieth century studio pottery, both
as an educator and maker. Walter Keeler is Professor of
Ceramics at the University of the West of England in Bristol,
and a former student and colleague of Cassons.
The recording
was made in three parts: the first in the barn discussing
French country pots, the second in Cassons workshop
discussing contemporary pots chosen by Casson himself,
and the third in his house discussing pots chosen by Walter
Keeler and Michael Hughes.
Farm, Upton Bishop, Herefordshire
Date: 05.09.1995
Interviewer: Professor Walter Keeler
Director: Michael Croucher
Camera: Robert Prince, Keith Jaques
Sound: Robert Prince, Keith Jaques
Producer: Michael Hughes
This group of recording sessions was funded by the University of
the West of England.
The recording
lasts for 1 hour and 54 minutes, and consists of 4 CD ROMs.
CD 683 (1 of 4)
Duration: 00:32:22
ISBN: 186043 197 6
Establishing shots (up to 0:11:00), of the exterior of Michael
Cassons pottery at Upton Bishop, Herefordshire. Professor
Walter Keeler and Michael Casson walking from the house to the
pottery. In the threshing barn, discussing wood-fired country pots,
mainly French, salt-glazed and otherwise and one or two contemporary
mentioned: Bernard Leach, Shoji Hamada, Andrew MacGarva.
Michael Casson
CD 684 (2 of 4)
Duration: 00:28:06 (Recording stops at 0:27:18)
ISBN: 186043 198 4
Professor Walter Keeler and Michael Casson discussing wood-fired
peasant pots, mainly French, salt-glazed and otherwise and one
or two contemporary pieces.
People mentioned: Andrew MacGarva, Bernard Leach.
large part of this CD includes alternative takes of material
covered on CD 683.
CD 685 (3 of 4)
Duration: 00:34:10
ISBN: 186043 199 2
Professor Walter Keeler and Michael Casson in Michaels workshop,
discussing a selection of jugs, including some by Casson. Particular
emphasis is placed on handles, (Chinese whispers etc.), and lips.
Pinched lips are discussed as arising from Harrow Art School after
1965. The middle part of the tape is largely establishing shots.
Keeler and Casson sitting in Cassons house dicussing a Sunderland
lustre jug, a slip-cast bird jug by Anthony Theakston, a tea-pot
by Mo Jupp and a French peasant pitcher. Casson describes the Theakston
and Jupp as being the product of post war art school education.
People mentioned: Toff Milway, Lucie Rie, Bernard Leach, Andrew
MacGarva, Sheila Casson, Colin Pearson, Brian Newman, Anthony Theakston,
Mo Jupp.
CD 686 (4 of 4)
Duration: 00:19:40
ISBN: 186043 200 X
Walter Keeler and Michael Casson in Micks house looking
at a selection of pots: a Sunderland lustre jug, a slip-cast
bird jug by Anthony Theakston, a tea-pot by Mo Jupp and
a French peasant pitcher.
People mentioned: Anthony Theakston, Mo Jupp.
large part of this CD includes alternative takes of material
covered on CD 685.
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DE TREY (1913-)

de Trey has run the Shinners Bridge pottery at Dartington,
since the 1940s. This recording includes an interview
where she talks about her life and work, a session in her
workshop withher decorating bowls, and a session in discussion
with Michael Hughes and David Leach.
Location: Shinners Bridge Pottery, Dartington, Devon
Date: 10/11.12.1992
Interviewers: Professor Walter Keeler & Michael Hughes
Camera: Robert Prince
Sound: Robert Prince
Producer: Michael Hughes
This group of recording sessions was funded by the University of
the West of England and the Crafts Council.
The recording
lasts for 3 hours and 20 minutes, and consists of 10 CD ROMs.
Marianne de Trey
CD 717 (1 of 10)
Duration: 00:33:20
ISBN: 186043 201 8
Professor Walter Keeler
sitting in her study talking about pots with Walter Keeler.
Firstly, a bowl by Shoji Hamada and then a small bowl by
Marianne. Pots by Colin Kellam, Gwyn Hanssen and Peter Dick.
The setting up of Shinner's Bridge Pottery in the late 1940's
and the death of her husband, Sam Haile. The production side
of the pottery and production pottery in general.
A teapot
made by Sam Haile, whilst still a student at the Royal College
of Art. Discussing her time with her husband Sam Haile at
Alfred University in the USA. Her time at Bulmers Brickyard
in Suffolk with Sam, (a brickyard with a pottery attached).
mentioned: Shoji Hamada, Colin Kellam, Michael Cardew, Gwyn
Hanssen, Peter Dick, Peter Starkey, Jennie Hale, Lucie Rie,
Sam Haile, William Staite-Murray, Laurie Minter, Peter Minter.
Marianne de Trey
CD 718 (2
of 10)
ISBN: 186043 202 6
Professor Walter Keeler
sitting in her study talking to Walter Keeler. Discussing
her time with her husband Sam Haile at Alfred University
in the USA. Developing glazes for the Shinner's Bridge standard
The Dart
Pottery, especially under Janice Tchalenko.
The exterior
of Marianne's wooden house with Marianne talking to Walter
Keeler. The house was built by a carpenter on Bernard Leach's
instructions. The pottery is down the hill, below the house.
Describes where Bernard's pottery was and how the pottery
was laid out when Marianne first arrived. A brief look around
Marianne's current workshop with its gas kiln, kick and electric
wheels, and porcelain recipe.
mentioned: Daniel Rose (?), Sam Haile, Bernard Leach, Janice
Tchalenko, Peter Starkey, Adrian Holden (?), David Leach.
Marianne de Trey
CD 719 (3
of 10)
ISBN: 186043 203 4
Professor Walter Keeler
current workshop with Walter Keeler, discussing pots and
techniques, (particularly lustre). Inspiration from patterns
in nature. The luxury of being able to make what she likes
rather than having still to produce a range of standard ware.
Marianne's house, looking at family photographs taken in
Switzerland at the turn of the century. Marianne's childhood
and interest in sewing, knitting etc., (which she continues
to do). Her family were in the dental engineering business.
mentioned: Paul Klee, Bernard Leach, Sam Haile.
de Trey
CD 720 (4
of 10)
ISBN: 186043 204 2
Professor Walter Keeler
Marianne's house, looking at family photographs. Some shots
of Marianne as a young lady and of Marianne and Sam Haile.
Talking about the period before and after Sam died in a car
accident. Early pots made at Shinner's Bridge. Marianne's
two sisters helped at the pottery for the year after Sam
minutes of close ups of the photographs Marianne discussed
earlier, with snippets of talking over the top. Photographs
in a book of Japanese stoneware pots, made to look like leather
mentioned: Sam Haile, Bernard Leach, Paul Rice, Ian Gregory,
John Leach.
de Trey
CD 721 (5
of 10)
ISBN: 186043 205 0
Michael Hughes
Opens with
a view of the Cider Press Centre and Shinner's Bridge Pottery
at Dartington, from across the road. Exterior views of Marianne's
house, then Marianne in her kitchen talking about Shinner's
Bridge standard ware. Earthenware in the early years with
a concentration on hard-wearing clay and glazes. The move
to stoneware at a later date for durability and because of
a more readily available supply of stoneware clay. The early
pottery stamp was connected to her family in Switzerland,
(on their coat of arms).
The team
was made up of two throwers and two responsible for glazes
and the kiln. The glazers were allowed to make moulded dishes
because it didn't require too much skill. Main outlets for
her pottery.
mentioned: Dougie Hart, Henry Rothschild.
de Trey
CD 722 (6
of 10)
ISBN: 186043 206 9
Michael Hughes
in her kitchen talking about Shinner's Bridge pottery. Discussing
paintings by Sam whilst in Switzerland.
- 0:24:36: Establishing shots of the interior of Marianne's
house with particular emphasis on pots on display and books
on shelves.
handling pots by Sam Haile. Sam's interest in China and his
knowledge of reading and writing Chinese. A large slipware
plate made by Sam at Bulmers Brickyard in Suffolk. From 0:30:00
onwards David Leach is shown talking with Marianne at Marianne's
house. Discussing a large plate by Harry Davis. Mass-produced
Chinese pottery.
mentioned: Sam Haile, Peter Reddick, Harry Davis, David Leach,
Bernard Leach.
de Trey
CD 723 (7
of 10)
ISBN: 186043 207 7
Michael Hughes
David Leach
is shown talking with Marianne at Marianne's house. Mike
Hughes is showing them various pots, which they are discussing
in relation to each other. Discussing intellectual qualities
of some pottery, and industrially designed ceramics. White
teapot by David Tilbury, Slipcast pot by Paul Warman and
teapot by Martin Telfer. Lack of warmth, emotion and humanity
in some pots and clinical nature of others.
mentioned: Peter Smith, Harry Davis, David Tilbury, Paul
Warman, Martin Telfer, William Staite-Murray, Robin Welch,
Bobby Baker.
de Trey
CD 724 (8
of 10)
ISBN: 186043 208 5
Michael Hughes
David Leach
is shown talking with Marianne at Marianne's house. Mike
Hughes is showing them various pots, which they are discussing
in relation to each other. Discussing art school ceramic
education and industry. A large Robin Welch vase is shown
as a contrast to the earlier more mass-produced mug.
The move
away from functional pottery towards sculptural objects in
art schools. Apprenticeships, training and the loss of skills.
The increasing use of colour in contemporary pottery. The
poor state of contemporary ceramics. Discuss Katharine Pleydell-Bouverie
as being someone who was more important as a person than
as a potter. The friendliness of potters, particularly the
mentioned: David Grant, Michael Cardew, Bernard Leach, Robin
Welch, Harry Davis, Peter Starkey, Janice Tchalenko, Alison
Britton, Katharine Pleydell-Bouverie, Michael Casson, Norah
Braden, Alan Caiger-Smith, Peter Smith, Roger Turrell.
de Trey
CD 725 (9
of 10)
ISBN: 186043 209 3
Michael Hughes
in her workshop turning and decorating pots. Decorating using
de Trey
CD 726 (10
of 10)
ISBN: 186043 210 7
Michael Hughes
in her workshop. Drawings of ducks by Marianne. Talking about
a range of her pots, including a range inspired by Japanese
pots based on leather bottles. One of the bottles is one
of very few salt-glaze pots she ever made.
mentioned: Frank Middlebrook, Peter Starkey, Hans Coper.
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HOY (1914-2000)

Anita Hoy
interviewed at her home in Acton, London in March 1993. Anita
was born in Denmark and came to this country on holiday,
and stayed as a result of the second world war. She worked
as a ceramic designer at Bullers in Stoke, and later at Doultons,
Acton, London
Date: 05.03.1994
Interviewers: Anna Hale & Professor David Hamilton
Camera: Robert Prince
Sound: Gary Stadden
Producer: Michael Hughes
This group
of recording sessions was funded by the University of the
West of England and the Crafts Council.
The recording
lasts for approximately 4 hours, and consists of 7 CD ROMs,
5 of which are published here.
CD 687 (1 of 7)
Duration: 00:36:27
ISBN: 186043 211 5
Anna Hale
Anita Hoy
being interviewed in the living room of her home in Acton.
Talking about her affluent childhood in Southall, London,
and her Danish parents and her brother. Her father was a
scientist and her mother was a concert pianist, (who gave
it up when they married). Her father died aged 41, following
a dental infection. The family return to Denmark after her
fathers death, (before the final return to England).
Early introduction
to ceramics at enamel painting classes, attended c.1930.
Childhood Christmases.
mentioned: Charlie Hanson (founder of Danish Bacon Co.
CD 688 (2 of 7)
Duration: 00:34:52
ISBN: 186043 212 3
Anna Hale
childhood, Christmases and food eaten in Denmark. Attending
Copenhagen College of Arts and Crafts studying various disciplines,
including ceramics. She entered the pottery department, despite
there being few, if any, female potters. She learnt throwing,
mould-making, glazing, firing, (often via makers brought
in from Royal Copenhagen Pottery). Discusses some of the
pots she made whilst at the college, and her life-long desire
to insist that all her work is functional. Discusses the
influences on her work, college exhibitions and assessments.
Completion of her diploma, aged 21. Worked at the country
pottery of two friends, and then at the pottery of Gerhard
Nielsen at Holbaek.
mentioned: Walter Keeler, Gerhard Nielsen, Nathalie Krebs.
CD 691 (5 of 7)
Duration: 00:36:26
ISBN: 186043 213 1
Professor David Hamilton
some pieces made at Bullers, including bowls, a biscuit pot
and some animals. Discusses techniques, glazes, reduction,
oxidising etc. Herbert Reads visit to Bullers in the
early years. Norah Braden, Bernard Leach and Katharine Pleydell-Bouverie
all visited Bullers at various times. Married in 1943, for
the second time, whilst working at Bullers. He was a Czechoslovak
Jew from the glass industry. He worked at Wedgwoods as a
bookkeeper and was interested in politics.
mentioned: Gordon Forsythe, Henry Hammond, Bernard Leach,
Herbert Read, Guy Harris, Michael Leach, David Leach, Harry
Boor (?), Josiah Wedgwood, Norah Braden, Katharine Pleydell-Bouverie.
CD 692 (6 of 7)
Duration: 00:35:37
ISBN: 186043 214 X
Professor David Hamilton
her husband and male attitudes towards her as a woman. Establishing
shots in Hoys house.
She left
Bullers in 1952, by which time she and her husband had moved
to London. Her husband became editor of the West London Chronicle.
She signed on the dole before finding her a job at Bromley
Soap modelling a soap holder, which was then mass-produced
for displays in chemist shops. She wrote to Doultons, Lambeth,
for work, and was taken on in 1952. Discusses the making
and firing of the salt-glazed wares. Her poor relationship
with the Art Director, Mr Eggleton. Status of women designers
in industry.
mentioned: Mr Eggleton, Arnold Machin (?)
CD 693 (7 of 7)
Duration: 00:19:01
ISBN: 186043 215 8
Professor David Hamilton
her time at Doultons of Lambeth. Discusses the barriers in
Britain between different branches of the arts, which doesnt
exist on the continent. From 0:10:30 onwards it is all establishing
shots, and then photos from Hoys album. Blank from
0:15:56 onwards.
mentioned briefly: Guy Harris, Lisa Endquist.
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The potter,
David Leach OBE, was interviewed at his home in Devon. Part
of the recording is an interview by Tanya Harrod, part is
Michael Hughes talking with David about specific pots and
the remainder is a discussion between David and his son,
the potter John Leach.
Lowerdown Pottery, Bovey Tracy, Devon
Date: 11/12.12.1993
Interviewers: Tanya Harrod & Michael Hughes
Camera: Robert Prince
Sound: Robert Prince
Producer: Michael Hughes
This group
of recording sessions was funded by the University of the
West of England and the Crafts Council.
The recording
lasts for 7 hours and 30 minutes, and consists of 14 CD ROMs,
13 of which are published here.
CD 694 (1 of 14)
Duration: 00:32:26
ISBN: 186043 216 6
Tanya Harrod
David Leach
sitting in his lounge talking to Tanya Harrod discussing
the following:
his fathers pottery at St Ives in 1930. Harry Davis
at St Ives (1932-1937), his great technical skills and his
disagreements with Bernard.
Bill Marshall,
joined St Ives Pottery in 1935 as a local schoolboy with
no artistic pretensions and therefore he was first proper
The end
of slipware in 1935, and the beginning of stoneware and the
subsequent need for a division of labour.
Leach going
to Dartington in 1933.
mentioned: Bernard Leach, Dicon Nance, Michael Cardew, Norah
Braden, Sylvia Fox-Strangways, May Davis, Dorothy and Leonard
Elmhirst and Henry Bergen.
CD 695 (2 of 14)
Duration: 00:30:00
ISBN: 186043 217 4
Tanya Harrod
David Leach
sitting in his lounge talking to Tanya Harrod discussing
the following:
His experiences
at Dartington and the reasons for him going to Stoke in,
and Bernards reaction to it. Spiritual and other beliefs
behind Dartington. Leachs return to St Ives in 1937
and the financial support from the Elmhirsts.
Bill Marshalls
apprenticeship and training. Bernard decorating pots made
by others from the team, and standard ware production.
Leach demobilised
in September 1945. War damage on the pottery.
of a partnership with his father between 1945-55, rather
than his father simply in charge.
mentioned: Bernard Leach, Janet Leach, Marianne de Trey,
Sam Haile, Mick Casson, Dr Slater, David Canter, Dorothy
and Leonard Elmhirst, Margaret Leach, Patrick Heron, Dick
Kendall, Bunty Smith.
CD 696 (3 of 14)
Duration: 00:30:38
ISBN: 186043 218 2
Tanya Harrod
David Leach
sitting in his lounge talking to Tanya Harrod discussing
the following:
demands on the pottery. Bernards return to St Ives
with Janet Leach from Japan. Janets changing of the
apprenticeship scheme.
departure in order to develop his own work at Lowerdown.
Electric fired earthenware production for first 5 years.
Stoneware and porcelain production began in 1961. Discusses
his porcelain teasets as his best work, and criticisms of
his work as being like his fathers.
John Maltbys
apprenticeship at Lowerdown. Leachs teaching at various
institutions and his contribution to the growth of interest
in ceramics in 1960s.
mentioned: Bernard Leach, Harry Davis, Janet Leach, Bill
Marshall, Kenneth Quick, Richard and Diana Batterham, John
Maltby, Victor Margrie, Mick Casson, Colin Pearson, Danny
CD 697 (4 of 14)
Duration: 00:34:54
ISBN: 186043 219 0
Tanya Harrod
David Leach
sitting in his lounge talking to Tanya Harrod discussing
the following:
ceramics course as vocational, as opposed to some other courses.
Colin Pearson and Leach at Aylesford pottery. Potters
camps and their influence, with mention of David Canter and
the Craftsmen Potters Association (CPA).
1952 Dartington Conference and the one planned for 1995.
Dartington Training Workshop, 1975-1983, and its troubled
existence. Division of labour at St Ives and Dartington,
and Bernard Leachs involvement in decorating, rather
than making pots at St Ives.
mentioned: Danny Killick, Victor Margrie, Mick Casson, Colin
and Leslie Pearson, David Canter, Geoffrey Whiting, Peter
Starkey, Janice Tchalenko.
CD 698 (5 of 14)
Duration: 00:34:31
ISBN: 186043 220 4
Tanya Harrod
David Leach
sitting in his lounge talking to Tanya Harrod discussing
the following:
and curators who he has admired. His teasets as his best
work. Leach feels much of contemporary pottery is too reliant
upon a gallery explanation. The 1950s opposition to
the anglo-oriental school and his inability to engage with
some late 20th century work. Leachs religious
beliefs and the Oxford Groups influence on him, (they
were a radical Christian group), and his brother, Michael.
Bernards Bahai faith. His work in relation to
Bernards and critical acceptance of his work in its
own right. Admiration for American Indian pottery, early
English and Hispano-Moresque.
mentioned: Bernard Leach, Bill Ismay, Henry Rothschild, John
Mallett, Carol Shamier (?), Ruth Duckworth, Jacqui Poncelet,
Michael Leach.
CD 699 (6 of 14)
Duration: 00:35:50
ISBN: 186043 221 2
Tanya Harrod
shots of the exterior of David Leachs house and of
Lowerdown Pottery buildings for 05:48 (min:sec).
Leach sitting
in his lounge talking to Tanya Harrod discussing the following:
the pottery in 1930 after deciding not to go to Edinburgh.
The vocational
pottery course at Harrow. Dartington Training Workshop.
From 11:20
(min:sec): Leach at the wheel in his studio, making a porcelain
teacup. Also makes a porcelain bowl. Turns the foot of a
teacup, using homemade steel tools. Does the fluting on the
teacup, using a wooden tool.
mentioned: Bernard Leach, Victor Margrie, Michael Casson,
Helen Pincombe, Geoffrey Whiting.
CD 700 (7 of 14)
Duration: 00:33:57
ISBN: 186043 222 0
Michael Hughes
David Leach
in his studio applying a handle to a porcelain teacup, sitting
at his wheel. Shots of the interior of the pottery.
The showroom
at the pottery with Leach walking around and talking to Michael
Hughes. Discusses work by John Maltby, Bill Marshall, Christie
Gebhardt and some of his own pots, (a bowl and a large vase).
A tall vase by Bernard Leach is discussed which was thrown
by Bill Marshall, finished by Bernard. It was glazed by Bernard
and bears the St Ives and BL seals.
A Michael
Cardew slipware harvest jug, c.1929 at Winchcombe. A stoneware
lidded pot made at Wenford Bridge by Cardew.
mentioned: John Maltby, Paul Klee, Bill Marshall, Christie
and Johannes Gebhardt, Colin Pearson, Bernard Leach, Michael
Cardew, Seth Cardew (wrongly referred to as Sven).
CD 701 (8 of 14)
Duration: 00:30:28
ISBN: 186043 223 9
Michael Hughes
David Leach
in his showroom talking about various pots with Mike Hughes.
Discusses smoked-fired raku work by Tim Andrews.
Leach sitting
in his study with a family photo album, talking about his
family. Discusses his grandfather, childhood memories of
speaking Japanese, his father, and school-friends.
of early days at St Ives, 1920-22, (and later at Carbis Bay).
Return from Japan in 1920 with Hamada. Yanagis relation
to Bernard Leach and David, and the pottery Yanagi built
in Japan.
interest in sports.
mentioned: Tim Andrews, Bernard Leach, Shoji Hamada, Michael
Leach, Soetsu Yanagi, Andrew Leach.
CD 702 (9 of 14)
Duration: 00:34:52
ISBN: 186043 224 7
Michael Hughes
David Leach
being interviewed in his study by Mike Hughes. Andrew Leach
(Davids grandfather), and Catholicism. Bernard sent
to London Shanghai Bank to work. A year later his father
died and he went to the Slade, under Henry Tonks.
a photo-album with photos of the St Ives Pottery and an album/catalogue
used by a commercial traveller, to sell Leach standard ware.
Harry Davis is discussed at St Ives and later. Letters read
aloud from Harry to Bernard, illustrating their ongoing disagreements.
Description of a visit by members of the St Ives pottery
to Harrys pottery at Crowan. Leach reads out Bernards
December 1934 letter from Japan, to Leonard and Dorothy Elmhirst,
objecting to Leach going to Stoke.
mentioned: Bernard Leach, Henry Tonks, Frank Reibert, Mary
Gibson-Horrocks, Eileen Newton, Joe Benny, Horatio Dunn,
George Dunn, Bill Marshall, Valerie Prescott, James John,
Harry Davis, Laurie Cooks, Leonard & Dorothy Elmhirst,
Mark Toby, Bill Slater.
CD 703 (10 of 14)
Duration: 00:23:22
ISBN: 186043 225 5
Michael Hughes
David Leach
being interviewed in his study by Mike Hughes. Reading aloud
letters, continues reading Bernards December 1934 letter
from Japan, to Leonard and Dorothy Elmhirst, objecting to
Leach going to Stoke.
shots of pots on a large shelving unit in Leachs living
room. Silent shots of images of pots in a book and establishing
shots of some rooms in Leachs house.
mentioned: Bernard Leach, William Staite-Murray, Shoji Hamada,
Bill Curry, John Maltby.
CD 704 (11 of 14)
Duration: 00:31:39, (00:25:27 - 00:31:39: black screen and silence)
ISBN: 186043 226 3
Michael Hughes
David Leach
and his son John Leach, talking in the pottery at Lowerdown.
John talks of his earliest experiences in the pottery, continuing
his apprenticeship at Aylesford Pottery with Colin Pearson,
then Ray Finch at Winchcombe, and then with Bernard at St
Ives. He then went to California in 1963 and returned again
for a short period at Lowerdown. John discusses his time
at St Ives in detail.
David talks
of his early experiences at St Ives, mentions Lakes Pottery
at Truro and Verwood Pottery. The influence of Harry Davis
on Davids skills.
mentioned: John Leach, Jeremy Leach, Helen Pincombe, Harry
Davis, Ray Finch, Colin Pearson, Bernard Leach, Ben leach,
John Maltby, Warwick Parker, Janet Leach, Kenneth Quick,
John Reeve, Scott Marshall, Byron Temple, Muriel Bell, Bill
CD 705 (12 of 14)
Duration: 00:35:14
ISBN: 186043 227 1
Michael Hughes
David Leach
and his son John Leach, talking in the pottery at Lowerdown.
Discussing some of Johns pots and the influences on
him. David and his rather narrow oriental influences and
why he continues to make pots in the same old style.
John at
Lowerdown on his own for short periods while his father was
away. Bernard was referred to as BL or Bernard at St Ives.
mentioned: Mick Casson, John Maltby, Warwick Parker, Elizabeth
Leach (Davids wife), Colin Pearson, Bernard Leach,
Nick Reece.
CD 706 (13 of 14)
Duration: 00:21:09 (0:15:38 0:21:09: blank screen and silence)
ISBN: 186043 228 X
Michael Hughes
David Leach
and his son John Leach, talking in the pottery at Lowerdown.
Discussing Bernard Leach and Soetsu Yanagi having tea at
Hamadas house. Story of a pot brought to Hamada for
his opinion, by a young man. Bernard attending one of Johns
early exhibitions, buying a pot and then showing John how
it didnt pour properly.
shots of David handling some of the pots he discussed in
CD 700. Silent shots of Davids kiln and workshop area.
mentioned: Shoji Hamada, Soetsu Yanagi, Bernard Leach, Lizzie
Leach (Johns wife).
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MICHELL (1947-)

A recording
of Roger Michell in the Media Centre at the Faculty of Art,
Media & Design at the University of the West of England
in Bristol. Roger talks about numerous artefacts he brought
with him, to a group of second year ceramics under-graduates.
University of the West of England, Bristol
Date: 29.10.1998
Interviewer: Michael Hughes
Camera: John Marsh, Hanne Rysgaard
Sound: John Marsh, Hanne Rysgaard
Producer: Michael Hughes
This recording
session was funded by the University of the West of England.
The recording
lasts for 1 hour and 22 minutes, and consists of 2 CD ROMs.
CD 759 (1 of 2)
Duration: 00:41:28
ISBN: 186043 229 8
with John Marsh talking to camera to check sound etc. Michell
discusses the Japanese ceramics handling session at the V&A
(see CD 739 CD 742). Handles two woodcarvings by early
19th century British sailors. An English peasant
pot, earthenware with a lead glaze on the interior. Compares
with an earthenware slipware jug made by Michael Cardew in
the 1930s. A pottery ash-tray in the shape of a reclining
woman with her leg sticking up. Part of the English seaside
tradition, and the naïve pottery tradition. A gravy-boat
designed by Michell for Carlton Ware of Stoke. Based on a
19th century news story in India where Captain
Monroe was attacked by a tiger. Also discusses an Indian
childrens painted toy tiger. Talks about his father,
a modernist architect and his own post-modernist approach.
Ware and his own design company, Lustre Pottery, in partnership
with Danka Napiorkowska.
mentioned: Roger Michell, Nick Homoky, Michael Hughes, Claude
Lorrain, Michael Cardew, Bernard Leach, Clarice Cliff, Captain
Monroe, Philip Larkin, Kingsley Amis, Martin Amis, Danka
Napiorkowska, David Hockney
CD 760 (2 of 2)
Duration: 00:40:33
ISBN: 186043 230 1
Ware and his own design company, Lustre Pottery, in partnership
with Danka Napiorkowska. Designed pieces for Carlton ware
with Michell designing the shapes and Napiorkowska doing
the decorating.
A 17th century
Chinese export porcelain dish with enamel colours. A late
1950s modernist coffee pot and sugar bowl with printed
blue striped decoration. The history of the design of coffee
pots and milk jugs. Handles some of his own pots, inspired
by 18th century Whieldon wares. The Central School
of Art and the people there. The enthusiasm of the ceramics
world in London in the 1960s - 1970s.
mentioned: Elton John, Lady Cynthia Ormsley-Gore, Danka Napiorkowska,
Shoji Hamada, Michael Cardew, James Bond, Hans Coper, Robert
Venturi, Lord Cadogan, Sidney Tustin, Elijah Comfort, Susan
Sonntag, William Newland, Patrick Howlett, Gilbert Harding-Green,
Bonny van der Wettering (?), Dan Arbeid, Richard Slee, Alison
Britton, Ian Auld, Robin Welch, Gillian Lowndes, John Colbeck,
Gordon Baldwin, Lucie Rie, Ken Stradling, Ken Clark.
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NEWLAND (1919-1998)

(Bill) Newland, studied ceramics at the Central School of
Art, having come to this country from New Zealand. He is
interviewed at this home in Buckinghamshire, talking about
his life and work.
Prestwood, Buckinghamshire
Date: 29.09.1994
Interviewers: Michael Hughes & Peter Dormer
Camera: Robert Prince
Sound: Robert Prince
Producer: Michael Hughes
This group
of recording sessions was funded by the University of the
West of England and the Crafts Council.
The recording
lasts for 2 hours and 18 minutes, and consists of 4 CD ROMs,
3 of which are published here.
CD 708 (1 of 4)
Duration: 0:30:26
ISBN: 186043 231 X
Michael Hughes
in his workshop talking to the camera. Went to Chelsea School
of Art just after the war to study painting, with a bursary
from the New Zealand Government. He then went on to the Institute
of Education, as a result he took up pottery. He began to
teach at the Central School and he and his students were
influenced a great deal by Picasso. Tin-glazed pottery, majolica
and Hispano-Moresque pottery. Discusses Bernard Leach's use
of slipware in the 1920's. Exhibiting in London in the 1950's
and the interior designs for the new coffee bars. Briefly
discusses prices.
mentioned: Beth Wright, Dora Billington, Pablo Picasso, Paul
Gauguin, Iain Auld, James Tower, Arthur Lane, George Wingfield-Digby,
Eduardo Paolizzi, Nicholas Vergette, Professor Bobby Baker,
Mr Bateson, Alan Caiger-Smith, Kimon Nikolaides (?), Robert
Medley, Raymond Coxen (?),Bernard Leach, Thomas Toft, Lucie
Rie, Hans Coper, Shoji Hamada, Michael Cardew, Minton, Richard
Slee, Margaret Newland, Henry Rothschild, Charles Vyse, André Malraux,
Paul Klee, John Steinbeck
CD 709 (2 of 4)
Duration: 0:35:10
ISBN: 186043 232 8
Michael Hughes
Dora Billington
encouraged Newland to make thrown animal figures. His first
bulls sold more than fifty at ten guineas each. Discusses
press moulding, a popular method at the Central School. Shows
several examples of his large pieces in the processes of
being made.
Shows photos
of the Studio Club in the 1950's. Discusses numerous pots
around the workshop.
shots of pots around the workshop.
At the
end Newland is sitting at his dining room table. Discusses
the 1952, 'British Artists Craftsmen' exhibition which toured
mentioned: Dora Billington, Marino Marini, Arnold Machin,
Le Corbusier, Nicholas Vergette, Margaret Newland, Peter
Dormer, Kimon Nikolaides (?), Terence Mulalley, Margaret
Hine, Bernard Leach, Pablo Picasso, Ladi Kwali, Paul Wondera
(?), Alison Britton, Marion Richardson, Michael Cardew, Hugh
Walpole, Ruth Duckworth, Dan Arbeid, Mrs Liberty, Victor
Margrie, Michael Casson,
CD 710 (3 of 4)
Duration: 00:35:48
ISBN: 186043 233 6
Michael Hughes and Peter Dormer.
sitting at his dining room table talking to the camera. Discussing
decoration, using a Margaret Hine pigeon, Janice Tchalenko
teapot, Marks and Spencer mug and an Elizabeth Fritsch vase,
to illustrate the point. Talks about one-off pots and their
origin with Dora Billington at the Central School.
is then shown sitting talking to Peter Dormer, firstly discussing
an Alison Britton jug form, a teacup by a Norwegian potter
called Elizabeth Dalin (?), a salt-glazed teapot by Walter
Keeler, an ancient pottery lamp from Central America (?).
mentioned: Margaret Hine, Janice Tchalenko, Elizabeth Fritsch,
Marianne de Trey, Michael Casson, Dora Billington, Ruth Duckworth,
Dan Arbeid, Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth, Hans Coper, Lucie
Rie, Peter Smith, Alison Britton, Elizabeth Dalin (?), Walter
Keeler, Emmanuel Cooper, Bruce Maclean, James Tower, Katharine
Pleydell-Bouverie, Norah Braden.
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PEARSON (1923-)

Colin Pearson
taught ceramics at various courses around the country, including
Harrow and Camberwell, as well as running a pottery at Aylesford
in Kent, and later a studio in Islington, London.
Colin Pearson
was filmed in the Victoria and Albert Museum, talking to
Walter Keeler about a selection of pots, some from the V&A
collection and others brought in by Walter Keeler, Michael
Hughes and Matthew Partington. Colin was suffering from a
form of Parkinsons Disease when he was interviewed.
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Date: 19.08.1998
Interviewer: Professor Walter Keeler
Camera: Robert Prince
Sound: Gary Stadden
Producer: Michael Hughes
This recording
session was funded by the University of the West of England.
The recording
lasts for 3 hours and 7 minutes, and consists of 5 CD ROMs.
CD 712 (1 of 5)
ISBN: 186043 234 4
in the V&A talking to Walter Keeler about a selection
of pots. An old German salt-glaze mineral water bottle, a
smoke-fired cylindrical vase by Geoff Minchin, a small jug
by Peter Smith, and the initial reaction to Smiths
pots when they first appeared at the Craftsmen Potters Association,
(CPA). A large vase called Madonna, by William
Staite-Murray from the V&As collection, (c.1930,
C.60-1976), a large cider bottle made by Michael Cardew at
Winchcombe Pottery from the V&As collection, (1938,
Circ.319-1938), and a broken Ray Finch earthenware jug, belonging
to Pearson.
mentioned: Geoff Minchin, Peter Smith, David Leach, William
Staite-Murray, Henry Hammond, Sam Haile, Michael Cardew,
Elijah Comfort, Ray Finch.
CD 713 (2 of 5)
ISBN: 186043 235 2
in the V&A talking to Walter Keeler about a selection
of pots. A broken Ray Finch jug, a large stoneware jug by
Ray Finch, made in 1996. Pearson discusses the methods at
Winchcombe. A tea-bowl by John Reeve. Discusses John Reeve
and the influence Bernard Leach had upon him.
A Sam Haile
jug from the V&As collection, (c.1947, Circ.287-1951),
a Bernard Leach earthenware slip decorated cup and saucer
from the V&As collection, (c.1920-24, C.84 & a-1972),
a Lucie Rie teapot and jug from the V&As collection,
(made in Vienna, c.1936, C.34-1982).
mentioned: Ray Finch, Sidney Tustin, Michael Casson, David
Leach, John Reeve, Bernard Leach, Lucie Rie, Hans Coper,
Malachy Lynch (?), Harry Davis, Lucie Rie, Hans Coper, Sam
CD 714 (3 of 5)
ISBN: 186043 236 0
in the V&A talking to Walter Keeler about a selection
of pots. A large fluted stoneware vase by Jim Malone. Discusses
his time teaching at Harrow and Camberwell.
A Hans
Coper pot from the V&As collection, (1975, C.398-1976).
A Chinese Chun glaze pot from the V&As collection,
(a narrow footed ginger jar shape).
mentioned: Hans Coper, Jim Malone, Ewen Henderson, Bernard
Leach, Marco Torro (?), Richard Batterham, Dan Arbeid, Jerome
Abo (?), Victor Margrie, Hans Coper, Lucie Rie, David Whiting,
Fritsch, Neal French.
Colin Pearson
CD 715 (4 of 5)
ISBN: 186043 237 9
in the V&A talking to Walter Keeler about a selection
of pots. A Dora Billington coffee pot, stoneware with tenmoku
glaze, from the V&As collection, (c.1950, Circ.434 & a-1950).
Discusses throwing at Winchcombe and teaching at Harrow.
A large
salt-glaze oval dish by Jane Hamlyn from the V&As
collection, (1988, C.16-1989).
A Mary
Wondrausch slipware plate with fish decoration. A large stoneware
plate by Ray Finch with fish decoration, (c.1995). A small
handled dish by Takeshi Yasuda, belonging to Walter Keeler.
mentioned: Dora Billington, Jane Hamlyn, Mary Wondrausch,
Ray Finch, Takeshi Yasuda.
CD 716 (5 of 5)
ISBN: 186043 238 7
in the V&A talking to Walter Keeler about a selection
of pots. A small dish by Takeshi Yasuda, a mug with faceted
side, by Gary Standige, a brightly coloured stoneware mug
by Will Levi Marshall, a lidded pot by the American potter
Byron Temple. A mug by Walter Keeler made for the Loseley
Hill Potters Camp in 1975, organised by the Craftsman Potters
Association. A stoneware lidded jug by Michael Casson. A
small blue salt-glaze wide spouted jug by Walter Keeler.
mentioned: Takeshi Yasuda, Greg Standige, Will Levi Marshall,
John Pollock, Byron Temple, Garth Clark, Michael Casson,
Lucie Rie.
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Mary Wondrausch
is perhaps best known as a slipware potter and expert on
the English slipware tradition. This recording includes film
of Mary slip decorating pots but also records her house,
garden and way of life as of equal importance.
Compton Pottery, nr Guildford, Surrey
Date: 29.09.1996
Interviewer: Michael Hughes
Camera: Robert Prince
Sound: Gary Stadden
Producer: Michael Hughes
This group
of recording sessions was funded by the University of the
West of England.
The recording
lasts for 3 hours and 20 minutes, and consists of 6 CD ROMs,
5 of which are published here.
CD 727 (1 of 6)
ISBN: 186043 239 5
shots at the end of the lane to the pottery, and then in
the pottery workshop and the garden. Wondrausch stirring
glaze and glazing pots. Slip decorating a salt cellar. Sitting
at the wheel decorating a large cheese platter with letters
by cutting through the slip. Painting the glaze on to the
central fruit decoration.
a dish with a painted slip tulip pattern on a blue background.
mentioned: Tara (Marys assistant), Pablo Picasso, Michael
Cardew, Ray Finch.
CD 728 (2 of 6)
ISBN: 186043 240 9
Mary Wondrausch
sitting at the wheel decorating a large cheese platter with
slip over the previous decoration.
decoration of a swan on to a bowl. Slip-trailing lettering
on the rim of a bowl, followed by slip-trailed decoration
of Noahs Ark.
in the pottery shop talking about her pots and their functions.
Salad bowls olive dishes and commissioned work.
mentioned briefly: Thomas Toft, Ronald Cooper.
CD 729 (3 of 6)
ISBN: 186043 241 7
Mary Wondrausch
in the pottery shop talking about her pots. Discusses the
relationship of her pots to their uses, such as a dish made
specifically for plums. Interest in kitchen implements and
items made for very specific culinary uses. Bringing up children
and having to be business minded and therefore only make
pots that sell. Only moved to the present pottery in the
mid-1980s. Most trade by word of mouth. Published her
book on slipware in 1986. Establishing shots of the pottery
shop and the pots on display.
and the crew having lunch in the garden.
mentioned briefly: David Leach, Dorothy Hartley, George Sturt.
CD 730 (4 of 6)
ISBN: 186043 242 5
shots in the garden of Mary Wondrauschs house with
exterior shots of the house. Wondrausch walking in the garden
with Michael Hughes, talking about the sculptures, fruit
trees, fountains and herb garden.
mentioned briefly: Mick Pinner, Michael Cardew.
CD 731 (5 of 6)
ISBN: 186043 243 3
Mary Wondrausch
walking in the garden with Mike Hughes looking at old wooden
of the house, beginning with the kitchen. Discussion of he
kitchen implements with Wondrausch using the mechanical apple-corer.
Wondrauschs collection of pottery, particularly slipware
from around Europe, (including a Winchcombe jug by Sid Tustin).
sitting in her drawing room talking about several pots from
France, Italy and Switzerland.
mentioned: Sidney Tustin, Gerhard Werlinger (?)
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WOOLLEY (1938-)

June Woolley
worked at Rye Pottery in East Sussex as a paintress. She
joined straight from school and stayed for the rest of her
working life. This recording was made several months before
June was due to retire from work at the pottery. The recording
includes film of her decorating as well as talking about
her life and times at the pottery.
Rye Pottery, Rye
Date: 25.02.1998
Interviewer: Michael Hughes
Camera: Ana Kronschnabl
Sound: Ana Kronschnabl
Producer: Michael Hughes
This group
of recording sessions was funded by the University of the
West of England.
The recording
lasts for 1 hour and 50 minutes, and consists of 3 CD ROMs.
CD 744 (1 of 3)
Duration: 00:40:57
ISBN: 186043 244 1
with June Woolley painting on the cottage striped decoration
on a half-pint jug. Describes the main colours she uses in
decoration. The various processes she gets involved in: glazing,
decorating and unpacking the biscuit kiln. Health problems
as a result of work.
shots with Woolley and Michael Hughes talking over the top.
a mug with stripes and letters, and discussing the brushes
and colours. Difficulty with drawing.
mentioned: Biddy Cole, Tarquin Cole.
June Woolley
CD 745 (2 of 3)
Duration: 00:36:20
ISBN: 186043 245 X
June Woolley
mixing glaze. Glazing half pint jugs, rubbing down glaze
blemishes and stamping the base. Then using a machine to
clean the pots in a safer, healthy way. Demonstrating painting
techniques and passing on techniques to young paintresses.
Decorating a tile to demonstrate different brush strokes.
Wally Cole inspired to do a bird design by patterns made
in condensation on a window.
a cylinder shaped pot with a flat area of colour, then cutting
through the colour with a needle to create a pattern.
a plate using a needle placed in a cork to scratch through
the colour to create a sgraffito pattern.
mentioned: Tarquin Cole, David Leach, Walter Keeler, Hawksmoor
Hughes, Wally Cole.
CD 746 (3 of 3)
Duration: 00:34:42
ISBN: 186043 246 8
June Woolley
sitting before her wheel having decorated a plate with a
sgraffito pattern. Comparing the plate to Wally Coles
original version of it.
a mug with a geometric pattern of stars.
shots of the workshop.
June talking
to Mike Hughes about joining the pottery straight from school.
Initially all work hand thrown but later casting was used.
Interest in art at school. Preference for the work in the
early days before it became very commercial. The change from
Wally and John Cole to Biddy and Tarquin Cole as managers.
other people who have worked at the pottery and the standards
she has reached over the years.
at Woolleys drawings and lettering.
shots of the workshop and the pottery shop/showroom.
At the
end of the film, Tarquin is talking, over the establishing
mentioned: Wally Cole, Madge Bottomley, Pam Goddard, Biddy
Cole, Tarquin Cole, John Cole, Dennis Townsend, Jimmy Elliot,
David Sharp, David Smead, Raymond Everett.
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