Writing feedback

Get feedback on your writing before you submit your work.

Checking your writing

UWE Bristol recommends the following tools to get feedback on grammar, punctuation, structure and use of language in your writing:

MS Editor – as part of the Office 365 suite of products that UWE Bristol provides students, you can access MS Editor. When using Office 365, MS Editor will help you to improve your writing, providing corrections and refinements to your writing.

Grammarly – is a cloud based writing partner that works across a wide range of apps helping you to correct your writing, as you write. You can sign up for a free version and it’s one of the better writing assistant apps that are available.

There are also plenty of ways you can improve your writing yourself, by better understanding what makes good academic writing. Have a look at our information on writing and referencing and see our workbook on how to improve your work before submitting. If English is your second language you can get additional support.

Also, always pay attention to the feedback you receive from academic staff on your submitted assignments - you can use this to improve your subsequent work.


Studiosity will no longer be provided by UWE Bristol from Sunday 30 June 2024. Please continue to submit any work for writing feedback (up to your limit) until then.

UWE Bristol have partnered with Studiosity to offer a writing feedback service enabling you to get same-day feedback on a piece of writing you submit to their specialists, helping you to improve your writing skills.

Studiosity allows you to:

  • Upload a draft essay or written assignment (up to 4,000 words) and get it back the same day with tips and notes on how to make it better.
  • Submit your work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and receive feedback the same day.
  • Use the service up to 4 times each academic year.

You will receive feedback on the following areas of your writing:

  • spelling
  • grammar
  • structure
  • language
  • use of sources.

The feedback is not subject-specific and will not give you direction on a particular subject.

Access Studiosity

Checking for plagiarism

Checking the originality of your work and avoiding plagiarism is an important part of submitting good assignments and avoiding any academic offences.

The University uses SafeAssign to help identify plagiarism. You can submit your work to SafeAssign before your final submission. This may give you an indication as to the level of originality of your work.


UWE Bristol does not provide a proofreading service. We do however offer support and advice to help you to improve your own work as above.

You can find paid for proofreading services outside of UWE Bristol but we suggest caution here. You need to be aware of the risks of committing an assessment offence where proofreading may overstep the boundary in how it improves your work. Some services offering to write your work for you are illegal. We encourage you to look at the support available to you through UWE Bristol which will help you avoid committing an assessment offence and will help you build your own skills for this and your future assignments.

One-to-one support

If you’ve tried the help above and you still have questions, you can make an appointment to speak to a member of library staff for one-to-one support. During an appointment, library staff will be able to look at small sections of your work and coach you to apply study skills techniques.

Book an appointment

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