vLex Justis

vLex Justis (formerly JustisOne) is an online legal research tool that allows you to find the key current legal authorities (case law, legislation) for a topic.

The key passages feature shows you the most quoted passages of a judgment and every case is marked up to show the strongest positive and negative treatments of that case. In this way you can use vLex Justis to see how authorities cite each other, helping you to establish the status of the law.

vLex Justis links to some full text and provides links out to other UWE Bristol subscription legal databases where you will find full text.

Access the database

  • Database is not included in the main library search
  • Databases provided by UWE Bristol are for educational use only and should not be used for commercial corporate purposes or by unlicensed users

Access the vLex Justis database

Database user guides


The vLex Justis proficiency test allows users to gain a nationally recognised online certificate.  This is currently being updated and further information will be available shortly.  

Accessibility statement

vLex accessibility statement


vLex Justis Ltd