Coronavirus experts

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Public health and wellbeing

Community engagement and grass roots support initiatives Amy Beardmore, Dr Mat Jones
Public involvement and engagement Dr Andy Gibson
Criminal justice/prisons system Dr Nick de Viggian

Transport and society

Substitution of digital connectivity for physical mobility Dr Juliet Jain, Professor Glenn Lyons, Dr Billy Clayton
Changes in travel behaviour including commuting Dr Kiron Chatterjee, Dr Ben Clark
Societal change and travel Dr Kiron Chatterjee
Role of active travel as a way of safely exercising Cycling - Dr Caroline Bartle, Dr Steve Melia; Walking - Dr Juliet Jain
Impacts on transport networks Professor John Parkin, Dr Billy Clayton
Implications for public transport Professor Graham Parkhurst, Professor Glenn Lyons, Dr Billy Clayton
Implications for shared mobility Professor Graham Parkhurst, Dr Caroline Bartle, Dr Steve Melia
Mobility of older citizens Ian Shergold
Rise in demand for home deliveries Dr Daniela Paddeu
Long-term implications for supply chains Dr Daniela Paddeu
Lessons to learn for other crises, e.g. climate change Dr Steve Melia
Implications for mobility in developing countries Jonathan Flower
Planning for the future in a context of uncertainty Professor Glenn Lyons
Impacts on wellbeing of travel limitations Dr Kiron ChatterjeeDr Ben Clark
Emergency infrastructure (pop up cycle lanes and footway widening) Jonathan Flower, Professor John Parkin
E-scooter trials Jonathan Flower, Professor John Parkin, Professor Graham Parkhurst

Business and economics

Interpretation of government data, labour economics and pay policies Professor Felix Ritchie
Innovation, distributed manufacture, purchasing SCM Professor Wendy Phillips
Supply chains Dr Vikas Kumar
Macro-economics Professor Daniela Gabor
Work space and place/ office spaces/ open-plan spaces Dr Harriet Shortt
Systems leadership, leading across boundaries, leadership and inclusion Professor Richard Bolden
Recruitment, reward and retention of key workers; state responses to work Professor Hazel Conley
Transnational organised crime Dr Mary Young


Impact of Covid-19 on criminal justice system Dr Thomas Smith

Air quality

Air quality management, policy and practice Dr Jo Barnes


Home schooling Ben Wiggins

Technology and robotics

Assistive robotics, intelligent health technologies and assisted living Dr Virginia Ruiz Garate

Politics and international relations

Asian current affairs and security issues (disease) Dr Liam McCarthy


Disinfectant and decontamination Professor Darren Reynolds

Older people

Gerontology and ageing well Dr Gary Christopher