Disability support guide

Everything you need to know about accessing our Disability Service as a new or current student.

How to use this guide

This guide will help you to understand what support our Disability Service can offer you during your studies and how to access it.

We know that not everyone who accesses our services thinks of themselves as disabled, but we use the term because it is used in the Equality Act. In the Equality Act, a disability means a physical or a mental condition which has a substantial and long-term impact on your ability to do normal day-to-day activities.

You are covered by the Equality Act if you have a progressive condition such as HIV, cancer or multiple sclerosis, even if you are currently able to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Who we support

We support students with a range of conditions, including:

  • specific learning differences (SpLDs) such as dyslexia and dyspraxia
  • autism
  • neurodiversity
  • D/deaf, hard of hearing
  • visual impairment
  • mental health conditions
  • mobility impairment
  • long-term health conditions such as epilepsy or chronic fatigue syndrome.
"The Disability Service have helped me since my very first day at University. They were easy to get in touch with and it was safe space without any judgement and prejudice – without their help in organising things such as extensions, I would not have achieved First Class Honours in my degree."
Camilo, First Class Honours in Software Engineering
"What I enjoy most about UWE Bristol is the positive and supportive atmosphere created by everyone, from the disability advisers to the academic staff. This makes me feel included and welcome."
Elina, BSc(Hons) Psychology

Disclose as disabled

We encourage all applicants and students to disclose any disability and support needs they might have. Without this information, we are unable to offer you appropriate information, guidance and support during your studies.

Student sat at a desk writing notes


When you apply to UWE Bristol, you will have the opportunity to disclose a disability or support need in your UCAS application. You are strongly encouraged to disclose in your application so that we can make sure you have support in place before you start your course.

Disclose in your application
Student on a laptop

Current students

If you are a current student, you can disclose a disability or support need at any time using our enquiry form. We will ask you to submit evidence to us so that we can identify what reasonable adjustments are needed to support you.

Disclose using our enquiry form

How we can support you

Reasonable adjustments

We can make reasonable adjustments to help reduce the impact of a disability or medical condition that puts you at a substantial disadvantage in your learning, teaching or assessment situation.

For example, we can make adjustments to assessments such as extra time, use of a computer or alternative assessment.

We are happy to talk with you about your reasonable adjustments, which can change as you go through your course.

Please contact us using our enquiry form (Infohub login required) in the first instance.

Study support

The support and equipment you will receive is normally decided through your Study Needs Assessment when you apply for Disabled Students' Allowances (DSA). Depending on your support needs, you may be offered:

If you need support and you are not eligible for DSAs please get in touch with us using our enquiry form (Infohub login required).

Disability support checklist

There are some things you can do to make sure you get the support you need.

Close up of a student writing on paper

Apply for DSA funding

We strongly recommend that you apply for funding if you are eligible. DSA funding may cover things like one-to-one study skills tuition, one-to-one mentoring and assistive technology.

Two students studying

Send evidence to us

When you apply for support with us, please provide us with evidence of your disability or medical condition so we can offer you the right support. If you don't have evidence, we may still be able to help.

student working on a desktop computer

Check reasonable adjustments on MYUWE

You can login to MYUWE to see your reasonable adjustments at any time in your ‘personal details’ section.

Person writing on post-it notes on a screen.

Create an impact statement

An impact statement is a short paragraph about your support needs that is shared with your teaching team, so that they can better understand how to support you.

Studying with us

Choosing a course

You can get advice on choosing a course from the careers and employability service. They can offer guidance about which courses might suit you and what career paths they will lead on to.

If your impairment means that you are likely to have frequent problems attending, part-time study may suit you better than full time.

It may be possible to switch between full-time and part-time study for different years of your award. You can discuss this possibility by booking an appointment with a Student Support Adviser. It is often better to take a longer period of time to complete your award by studying part time than it is to remain on a full-time course.


Some courses at the University involve compulsory placements. If yours does, this may mean you need specific arrangements or support whilst on a placement. If you have a health and education placement then you should talk initially to your tutor about whether an access plan for placements meeting is required.

You should first contact Disability Service or the Placements Team to discuss your needs.

Life on campus

Accessible accommodation at Frenchay Campus

The University has residential accommodation on Frenchay Campus which has been adapted for disabled students. All rooms within the Student Village are wheelchair accessible. Rooms with a visual fire alarm and socket for vibrating pad alarm are also available if you are D/deaf or hard of hearing.

If you are insulin dependent you can be provided with a separate fridge in your university accommodation to keep your medication.

Additional adaptations may be made on an individual basis, subject to resources. Disabled students who make UWE Bristol their first choice when applying for courses are given priority when allocating rooms.

If you need adaptations or other adjustments to your UWE Bristol accommodation, please let Accommodation Services know as soon as possible.

Accessible accommodation

Useful resources

You may also find the following websites helpful:

There is also information about what else you might want to consider on the AdvanceHE website.

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